
Cellular Microbiology | 2008

Bacterial exotoxins downregulate cathelicidin (hCAP‐18/LL‐37) and human β‐defensin 1 (HBD‐1) expression in the intestinal epithelial cells

Krishnendu Chakraborty; Shubhamoy Ghosh; Hemanta Koley; Asish K. Mukhopadhyay; Thandavarayan Ramamurthy; Dhira Rani Saha; Debashis Mukhopadhyay; Swasti Roychowdhury; Takashi Hamabata; Yoshifumi Takeda; Santasabuj Das

Cathelicidin (hCAP‐18/LL‐37) and β‐defensin 1 (HBD‐1) are human antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) with high basal expression levels, which form the first line of host defence against infections over the epithelial surfaces. The antimicrobial functions owe to their direct microbicidal effects as well as the immunomodulatory role. Pathogenic microorganisms have developed multiple modalities including transcriptional repression to combat this arm of the host immune response. The precise mechanisms and the pathogen‐derived molecules responsible for transcriptional downregulation remain unknown. Here, we have shown that enteric pathogens suppress LL‐37 and HBD‐1 expression in the intestinal epithelial cells (IECs) with Vibrio cholerae and enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) exerting the most dramatic effects. Cholera toxin (CT) and labile toxin (LT), the major virulence proteins of V. cholerae and ETEC, respectively, are predominantly responsible for these effects, both in vitro and in vivo. CT transcriptionally downregulates the AMPs by activating several intracellular signalling pathways involving protein kinase A (PKA), ERK MAPKinase and Cox‐2 downstream of cAMP accumulation and inducible cAMP early repressor (ICER) may mediate this role of CT, at least in part. This is the first report to show transcriptional repression of the AMPs through the activation of cellular signal transduction pathways by well‐known virulence proteins of pathogenic microorganisms.

Proteomics Clinical Applications | 2007

Hemoglobin depletion from red blood cell cytosol reveals new proteins in 2-D gel-based proteomics study

Dipankar Bhattacharya; Debashis Mukhopadhyay; Abhijit Chakrabarti

Proteomics studies to identify proteins in the erythrocyte cytosol have been largely affected by the huge abundance of hemoglobin (Hb), which masks the detection of other proteins in the 2‐D gel‐based separation. We have depleted Hb effectively from erythrocyte cytosol using cation exchange chromatography and have detected more than 600 protein spots in the Hb depleted hemolysate using 2‐DE. We have so far identified 59 proteins in the Hb‐depleted cytosol of normal erythrocytes, including 10 proteins not identified before.

PLOS ONE | 2009

The role of intrinsically unstructured proteins in neurodegenerative diseases.

Swasti Raychaudhuri; Sucharita Dey; Nitai P. Bhattacharyya; Debashis Mukhopadhyay

The number and importance of intrinsically disordered proteins (IUP), known to be involved in various human disorders, are growing rapidly. To test for the generalized implications of intrinsic disorders in proteins involved in Neurodegenerative diseases, disorder prediction tools have been applied to three datasets comprising of proteins involved in Huntington Disease (HD), Parkinsons disease (PD), Alzheimers disease (AD). Results show, in general, proteins in disease datasets possess significantly enhanced intrinsic unstructuredness. Most of these disordered proteins in the disease datasets are found to be involved in neuronal activities, signal transduction, apoptosis, intracellular traffic, cell differentiation etc. Also these proteins are found to have more number of interactors and hence as the proportion of disorderedness (i.e., the length of the unfolded stretch) increased, the size of the interaction network simultaneously increased. All these observations reflect that, “Moonlighting” i.e. the contextual acquisition of different structural conformations (transient), eventually may allow these disordered proteins to act as network “hubs” and thus they may have crucial influences in the pathogenecity of neurodegenerative diseases.

Journal of Molecular Evolution | 2000

The Molecular Evolutionary History of a Winged Bean α-Chymotrypsin Inhibitor and Modeling of Its Mutations Through Structural Analyses

Debashis Mukhopadhyay

Abstract. A serine protease inhibitor of the Kunitz-STI (soybean trypsin inhibitor) family, isolated from the legume seeds of winged bean, was found to inhibit chymotrypsin at a 1:2 stoichiometric ratio. When the structure was determined in our laboratory, it was found to form a characteristic β-trefoil fold, which is also seen in other proteins from distant families and sources. The folding organization divides the protein into three approximately equal subdomains related by a pseudo-threefold axis of symmetry passing parallel to the barrel axis of the trefoil. Following the now established idea that the present-day genes originated from ancestral minigenes through evolution, the origin of the proteins having this β-trefoil organization is scrutinized using its subdomain motif as the search probe. The results, based mainly on structural analyses, indicate the independent existence of such a motif, mimicking the unknown ancestral protein(s) that might have been distributed in nature, not only by gene duplication, but also by insertion and permutation in other folds. The understanding led to a hypothesis for the possible origin of the Kunitz-STI family. On the basis of this model of evolution, structurally hypervariable regions were located on the protein where mutations could be designed and a broad range of engineering of the proteins activity could be conceived.

Proteins | 1999


Jiban K. Dattagupta; Aloka Podder; Chandana Chakrabarti; Udayaditya Sen; Debashis Mukhopadhyay; Samir Kumar Dutta; Manoranjan Singh

The crystal structure of a double‐headed α‐chymotrypsin inhibitor, WCI, from winged bean seeds has now been refined at 2.3 Å resolution to an R‐factor of 18.7% for 9,897 reflections. The crystals belong to the hexagonal space group P6122 with cell parameters a = b = 61.8 Å and c = 212.8 Å. The final model has a good stereochemistry and a root mean square deviation of 0.011 Å and 1.14° from ideality for bond length and bond angles, respectively. A total of 109 ordered solvent molecules were localized in the structure. This improved structure at 2.3 Å led to an understanding of the mechanism of inhibition of the protein against α‐chymotrypsin. An analysis of this higher resolution structure also helped us to predict the location of the second reactive site of the protein, about which no previous biochemical information was available. The inhibitor structure is spherical and has twelve anti‐parallel β‐strands with connecting loops arranged in a characteristic β‐trefoil fold common to other homologous serine protease inhibitors in the Kunitz (STI) family as well as to some non homologous functionally unrelated proteins. A wide variation in the surface loop regions is seen in the latter ones. Proteins 1999;35:321–331.

Proteins | 2007

Huntingtin interacting protein HYPK is intrinsically unstructured

Swasti Raychaudhuri; Pritha Majumder; Somosree Sarkar; Kalyan Giri; Debashis Mukhopadhyay; Nitai P. Bhattacharyya

To characterize HYPK, originally identified as a novel huntingtin (Htt) interacting partner by yeast two hybrid assay, we used various biophysical and biochemical techniques. The molecular weight of the protein, determined by gel electrophoresis, was found to be about 1.3‐folds (∼22 kDa) higher than that obtained from mass spectrometric analysis (16.9 kDa). In size exclusion chromatography experiment, HYPK was eluted in three fractions, the hydrodynamic radii for which were calculated to be ∼1.5‐folds (23.06 Å) higher than that expected for globular proteins of equivalent mass (17.3 Å). The protein exhibited predominantly (63%) random coil characteristics in circular dichroism spectroscopy and was highly sensitive to limited proteolysis by trypsin and papain, indicating absence of any specific domain. Experimental evidences with theoretical analyses of amino acids composition of HYPK and comparison with available published data predicts that HYPK is an intrinsically unstructured protein (IUP) with premolten globule like conformation. In presence of increasing concentration of Ca2+, HYPK showed conformational alterations as well as concomitant reduction of hydrodynamic radius. Even though any link between the natively unfolded nature of HYPK, its conformational sensitivity towards Ca2+ and interaction with Htt is yet to be established, its possible involvement in Huntingtons disease pathogenesis is discussed. Proteins 2008.

International Journal of Alzheimer's Disease | 2011

AICD Overexpression in Neuro 2A Cells Regulates Expression of PTCH1 and TRPC5

Mithu Raychaudhuri; Debashis Mukhopadhyay

Amyloid precursor protein (APP), implicated in Alzheimers disease, is a transmembrane protein of undetermined function. APP is cleaved by gamma-secretase that releases the APP intracellular domain (AICD) in the cytoplasm. In vitro and in vivo studies have implicated the role of AICD in cell signaling and transcriptional regulation of Gsk3β, KAI1, BACE1, EGFR, and other proteins. In this study, by overexpressing AICD in mouse neuroblastoma cell lines, we have demonstrated the alteration in the expressions of two proteins, patched homolog 1 (PTCH1), a receptor for sonic hedgehog signaling, and transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily C member 5 (TRPC5), a component of receptor-activated nonselective calcium permeant cation channel. Our results indicate the possibility of regulation by AICD in developmental processes as well as in the maintenance of calcium homeostasis at the transcription level.

Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications | 2015

Regulation of mitochondrial morphology and cell cycle by microRNA-214 targeting Mitofusin2

Sudha Bucha; Debashis Mukhopadhyay; Nitai P. Bhattacharyya

Huntingtons disease (HD) is an autosomal dominant neurodegenerative disease caused by the increase in CAG repeats beyond 36 at the exon1 of the gene Huntingtin (HTT). Among the various dysfunctions of biological processes in HD, transcription deregulation due to abnormalities in actions of transcription factors has been considered to be one of the important pathological conditions. In addition, deregulation of microRNA (miRNA) expression has been described in HD. Earlier, expression of microRNA-214 (miR-214) has been shown to increase in HD cell models and target HTT gene; the expression of the later being inversely correlated to that of miR-214. In the present communication, we observed that the expressions of several HTT co-expressed genes are modulated by exogenous expression of miR-214 or by its mutant. Among several HTT co-expressed genes, MFN2 was shown to be the direct target of miR-214. Exogenous expression of miR-214, repressed the expression of MFN2, increased the distribution of fragmented mitochondria and altered the distribution of cells in different phases of cell cycle. In summary, we have shown that increased expression of miR-214 observed in HD cell model could target MFN2, altered mitochondrial morphology and deregulated cell cycle. Inhibition of miR-214 could be a possible target of intervention in HD pathogenesis.

PLOS ONE | 2014

CSF proteomics of secondary phase spinal cord injury in human subjects: perturbed molecular pathways post injury.

Mohor Biplab Sengupta; Mahashweta Basu; Sourav Iswarari; Kiran Kumar Mukhopadhyay; Krishna Pada Sardar; Biplab Acharyya; P. K. Mohanty; Debashis Mukhopadhyay

Recovery of sensory and motor functions following traumatic spinal cord injury (SCI) is dependent on injury severity. Here we identified 49 proteins from cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of SCI patients, eight of which were differentially abundant among two severity groups of SCI. It was observed that the abundance profiles of these proteins change over a time period of days to months post SCI. Statistical analysis revealed that these proteins take part in several molecular pathways including DNA repair, protein phosphorylation, tRNA transcription, iron transport, mRNA metabolism, immune response and lipid and ATP catabolism. These pathways reflect a set of mechanisms that the system may adopt to cope up with the assault depending on the injury severity, thus leading to observed physiological responses. Apart from putting forward a picture of the molecular scenario at the injury site in a human study, this finding further delineates consequent pathways and molecules that may be altered by external intervention to restrict neural degeneration.

Nucleic Acids Research | 2010

Transcription regulation of caspase-1 by R393 of HIPPI and its molecular partner HIP-1

Manisha Banerjee; Moumita Datta; Pritha Majumder; Debashis Mukhopadhyay; Nitai P. Bhattacharyya

Earlier we have shown that exogenous expression of HIPPI, a molecular partner of Huntingtin interacting protein HIP-1, induces apoptosis and increases expression of caspases-1, -8 and -10 in HeLa and Neuro2A cells. The C-terminal pseudo death effector domain of HIPPI (pDED-HIPPI) specifically interacts with the putative promoter sequences of these genes. In the present manuscript, we predict from structural modeling of pDED-HIPPI that R393 of HIPPI is important for such interaction. R393E mutation in pDED-HIPPI decreases the interaction with the putative promoter of caspase-1 in cells. Expression of caspase-1 is decreased in cells expressing mutant pDED-HIPPI in comparison to that observed in cells expressing wild type pDED-HIPPI. Using HIP-1 knocked down cells as well as over expressing HIP-1 with mutation at its nuclear localization signal and other deletion mutations, we demonstrate that translocation of HIPPI to the nucleus is mediated by HIP-1 for the increased expression of caspase-1. HIPPI-HIP-1 heterodimer is detected in cytoplasm as well as in the nucleus and is associated with transcription complex in cells. Taking together, we are able to show the importance of R393 of HIPPI and the role of HIPPI-HIP-1 heterodimer in the transcription regulation of caspase-1.

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