
Journal of Applied Physics | 2006

Annealing effect on nano-ZnO powder studied from positron lifetime and optical absorption spectroscopy

Sreetama Dutta; S. Chattopadhyay; Debnarayan Jana; A. Banerjee; S. Manik; S.K. Pradhan; Manas Sutradhar; A. Sarkar

Mechanical milling and subsequent annealing in air at temperatures between 210 and 1200°C have been carried out on high purity ZnO powder to study the defect generation and recovery in the material. Lowering of average grain size (from 76±1to22±0.5nm) as a result of milling has been estimated from the broadening of x-ray lines. Substantial grain growth in the milled sample occurs above 425°C annealing temperature. Positron annihilation lifetime (PAL) analysis of the samples shows a distinct decrease of the average lifetime of positrons very near the same temperature zone. As indicated from both x-ray diffraction (XRD) and PAL results, high temperature (>700°C) annealed samples have a better crystallinity (or lower defect concentration) than even the nonmilled ZnO. In contrast, the measured optical band gap of the samples (from absorption spectroscopy) does not confirm lowering of defects with high temperature annealing. Thermally generated defects at oxygen sites cause significant modification of the opti...

Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter | 2007

Defects and the optical absorption in nanocrystalline ZnO

Sreetama Dutta; S. Chattopadhyay; Manas Sutradhar; A. Sarkar; Mahuya Chakrabarti; D. Sanyal; Debnarayan Jana

The correlation between the structural and optical properties of mechanically milled high purity ZnO powder is reported in the present work. Reduction of average grain size and enhancement of strain as a result of milling have been estimated from the broadening of x-ray powder diffraction patterns. After milling, the optical bandgap, revealed from absorption spectroscopy, has been red-shifted and the width of the localized states, calculated from the analysis of the Urbach tail below the absorption edge, has been extended more and more into the bandgap. Moreover, the band tailing parameter is seen to vary exponentially with the inverse of the grain size. Finally, the positron annihilation technique has been employed to identify the nature of defects present (or generated due to milling) in the system and thereby to correlate the defect mediated modification of optical absorption in ZnO.

Journal of Applied Physics | 2005

Defect dynamics in annealed ZnO by positron annihilation spectroscopy

Sreetama Dutta; Mahuya Chakrabarti; S. Chattopadhyay; Debnarayan Jana; D. Sanyal; A. Sarkar

As-supplied polycrystalline ZnO samples (purity 99.9% from Sigma-Aldrich, Germany) have been annealed at different temperatures and subsequently characterized by positron annihilation spectroscopy, x-ray-diffraction (XRD) analysis, thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), and resistivity measurements. Positron annihilation lifetime analysis and coincidence Doppler-broadened electron-positron annihilation γ-radiation (CDBEPAR) line-shape measurements have been employed at a time to identify the nature of defects in differently annealed ZnO materials. Annealing up to 300°C, an increase of defect lifetime (τ2) as well as shape parameter (S parameter) has been observed. Further annealing causes a large decrease of τ2 and S parameter. TGA study shows considerable mass loss from ZnO as the annealing temperature is increased above 300°C. This is possibly due to oxygen evaporation from the sample. The c-axis lattice parameter, extracted from the XRD spectra, shows an increase due to annealing above 600°C, which is a sig...

Reports on Progress in Physics | 2016

A theoretical review on electronic, magnetic and optical properties of silicene

Suman Chowdhury; Debnarayan Jana

Inspired by the success of graphene, various two dimensional (2D) structures in free standing (FS) (hypothetical) form and on different substrates have been proposed recently. Silicene, a silicon counterpart of graphene, is predicted to possess massless Dirac fermions and to exhibit an experimentally accessible quantum spin Hall effect. Since the effective spin-orbit interaction is quite significant compared to graphene, buckling in silicene opens a gap of 1.55 meV at the Dirac point. This band gap can be further tailored by applying in plane stress, an external electric field, chemical functionalization and defects. In this topical theoretical review, we would like to explore the electronic, magnetic and optical properties, including Raman spectroscopy of various important derivatives of monolayer and bilayer silicene (BLS) with different adatoms (doping). The magnetic properties can be tailored by chemical functionalization, such as hydrogenation and introducing vacancy into the pristine planar silicene. Apart from some universal features of optical absorption present in all these 2D materials, the study on reflectivity modulation with doping (Al and P) concentration in silicene has indicated the emergence of some strong peaks having the robust characteristic of a doped reflective surface for both polarizations of the electromagnetic (EM) field. Besides this, attempts will be made to understand the electronic properties of silicene from some simple tight-binding Hamiltonian. We also point out the importance of shape dependence and optical anisotropy properties in silicene nanodisks and establish that a zigzag trigonal possesses the maximum magnetic moment. We also suggest future directions to be explored to make the synthesis of silicene and its various derivatives viable for verification of theoretical predictions. Although this is a fairly new route, the results obtained so far from experimental and theoretical studies in understanding silicene have shown enough significant promising features to open a new direction in the silicon industry, silicon based nano-structures in spintronics and in opto-electronic devices.

Journal of Applied Physics | 2010

Interplay of defects in 1.2 MeV Ar irradiated ZnO

S. Chattopadhyay; Sreetama Dutta; Debnarayan Jana; A. Sarkar; P. Kumar; D. Kanjilal; D. K. Mishra; S. K. Ray

Defect characterization in 1.2 MeV Ar8+ irradiated polycrystalline ZnO has been carried out by x-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) along with electrical resistivity, and photoluminescence (PL) measurements at room temperature (RT). Interestingly, irradiation with the initial fluence (1×1015 ions/cm2) changes the color of the sample from white to orange while the highest irradiation fluence (5×1016 ions/cm2) makes it dark reddish brown that appears as black. XRD study reveals no significant change in the average grain size of the samples with irradiation fluence. Increase in surface roughness due to sputtering is clearly visible in SEM with highest fluence of irradiation. RT PL spectrum of the unirradiated sample shows intense ultraviolet (UV) emission (∼3.27 eV) and less prominent defect level emissions (2–3 eV). The overall emission is largely quenched due to initial irradiation fluence. Increasing the fluence of Ar beam further, UV emission is enhanced along with prominent defect...We report interesting observations in 1.2 MeV Ar8+ ion irradiated ZnO which, to the best of our knowledge, have not been published earlier and will be useful for the scientific community engaged in research on ZnO. Irradiation with the initial fluence 1 X 10^15 ions/cm^2 changes the colour of the sample from white to orange while the highest irradiation fluence makes it dark reddish brown that appears as black. Such changes in colour can be correlated with the oxygen vacancy type defects. No significant change in the grain size of the irradiated samples, as revealed from the x-ray diffraction (XRD) line width broadening, has been observed. Increase of surface roughness due to sputtering is clearly visible in scanning electron micrographs (SEM) with highest fluence of irradiation. Room temperature Photoluminescence (PL) spectrum of the unirradiated sample shows intense ultra-violet (UV) emission (~ 3.27 eV) and less prominent defect level emissions (2-3 eV). The overall emission is largely quenched due to initial irradiation fluence. But with increasing fluence UV emission is enhanced along with prominent defect level emissions. Remarkably, the resistivity of the irradiated sample with highest fluence is reduced by four orders of magnitude compared to that of the unirradiated sample. This indicates increase of donor concentration as well as their mobility due to irradiation. Oxygen vacancies are deep donors in ZnO, but surely they influence the stability of the shallow donors (presumably zinc interstitial related) and vice versa. This is in conformity with recent theoretical calculations.

RSC Advances | 2014

Defect induced magnetism in planar silicene: a first principles study

Arnab Majumdar; Suman Chowdhury; Palash Nath; Debnarayan Jana

We study here the magnetic properties of two dimensional silicene using spin polarized density functional theory. The magnetic properties were studied by introducing monovacancy and di-vacancy, as well as by doping phosphorous and aluminium into the pristine silicene. It is observed that there is no magnetism in the monovacancy system, while there is large significant magnetic moment present for the di-vacancy system. Besides, the numerical computation reveals that the magnitude of the magnetic moment is more when the system is doped with aluminium than phosphorous. All these theoretical predictions in this two dimensional system may shed light to open a new route to design silicon based nano-structures in spintronics.

Journal of Applied Physics | 2013

Surface defects induced ferromagnetism in mechanically milled nanocrystalline ZnO

Srabantika Ghose; A. Sarkar; S. Chattopadhyay; Mahuya Chakrabarti; D. Das; Tamita Rakshit; S. K. Ray; Debnarayan Jana

Bulk ZnO is a diamagnetic material but ferromagnetism (FM) has been observed by several groups in its nanostructures. In order to elucidate the room temperature (RT) FM of ZnO nanostructures, magnetic property of mechanically milled and subsequently annealed nano-ZnO powder has been investigated. Sample that has been milled and then annealed at 200 °C in ambient condition shows highest value of saturation magnetization (Ms), whereas lowest value of Ms has been noticed for the sample pre-annealed at 500 °C before milling. The variation of Ms with annealing temperatures closely resembles with the variation of average positron lifetime (τav) and S-parameter reported earlier for these nano-systems. It has also been found that Ms decreases systematically for increasing average grain size of the ZnO nanoparticles. Room temperature photoluminescence of the as-milled sample shows broad defect related emission centered ∼2.23 eV. Enhancement of such emission has been observed due to 200 °C annealing. Results altoge...

RSC Advances | 2015

Optical properties of P and Al doped silicene: a first principles study

Ritwika Das; Suman Chowdhury; Arnab Majumdar; Debnarayan Jana

Here we study the optical properties of two dimensional pure, as well as doped, buckled silicene nanosheets using density functional theory in the long wavelength limit. Optical properties were studied by varying the concentration of substituted aluminium (Al), phosphorus (P) and aluminium–phosphorus (Al–P) atoms in silicene nanosheets. It has been observed that unlike graphene, no new electron energy loss spectra (EELS) peak occurs irrespective of doping type for parallel polarization. However, for perpendicular polarization two new, small yet significant, EELS peaks emerge for P doping. The origin of these new EELS peaks may be explained through the buckling effect of stable silicene. In addition, the calculations have revealed that the maximum values of the absorption coefficient of the doped system are higher than the pristine one. The study on reflectivity modulation with doping concentration has indicated the emergence of some strong peaks having the robust characteristic of a doped reflective surface for both polarizations of the electromagnetic field. Moreover, for all doped systems, the reflectivity modulation is restricted to low energy ( 8 eV) for parallel and perpendicular polarization respectively. Although no significant changes are noticed in the maximum values of optical conductivity with doping concentration in perpendicular polarization, a sudden jump appears for the Al–P codoped system at an 18.75% doping concentration. All these theoretical observations are expected to shed light on fabricating opto-electronic devices using silicene as the block material.

RSC Advances | 2015

Role of Zn-interstitial defect states on d0 ferromagnetism of mechanically milled ZnO nanoparticles

Srabantika Ghose; Tamita Rakshit; R. Ranganathan; Debnarayan Jana

Ferromagnetism in the nanostructures of undoped oxide semiconductors has become an exciting problem nowadays for its potential future applications in spintronics. In order to elucidate the room temperature d0 ferromagnetism of oxide semiconductors, we have investigated the changes in magnetic property of ZnO nanoparticles with the reduction of size by mechanical milling. We have observed that ferromagnetic ordering appears in the sample when the particle size decreases from 39 ± 1 nm to 30 ± 1 nm. This observation strongly supports the idea of the effect of specific grain boundaries in nanoparticles. The results of Raman scattering also support this observation. From photoluminescence spectra shifted green emissions have been found for ferromagnetic samples. This indicates clearly two different origins for green emissions that are strongly related to the changes in magnetic property. Observations from electron spin resonance spectra suggest that zinc related interstitial defects are significant to give rise to this ferromagnetic coupling. An impurity level formed by the interstitial defects at the surfaces could satisfy the Stoner criteria for the occurrence of band ferromagnetism for these samples.

Physica E-low-dimensional Systems & Nanostructures | 2014

A real-space study of random extended defects in solids : Application to disordered Stone–Wales defects in graphene

Suman Chowdhury; Santu Baidya; Dhani Nafday; Soumyajyoti Halder; Mukul Kabir; Biplab Sanyal; Tanusri Saha-Dasgupta; Debnarayan Jana; Abhijit Mookerjee

Abstract We propose here a first-principles, parameter free, real space method for the study of disordered extended defects in solids. We shall illustrate the power of the technique with an application to graphene sheets with randomly placed Stone–Wales defects and shall examine the signature of such random defects on the density of states as a function of their concentration. The technique is general enough to be applied to a whole class of systems with lattice translational symmetry broken not only locally but by extended defects and defect clusters. The real space approach will allow us to distinguish signatures of specific defects and defect clusters.

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