
Revista Latino-americana De Enfermagem | 2014

Processo saúde/doença e estratégia de saúde da família: o olhar do usuário

Débora de Souza Santos; Elainey de Albuquerque Tenório; Mércia Zeviane Brêda; Silvana Martins Mishima

OBJECTIVE: to analyze the meanings Primary Health Care users attribute to their health-disease process and the services used. METHODS: this qualitative research uses the focus group technique to interview two groups of users the service monitors. The first is a group of elderly people and the second of pregnant women. To analyze the meanings, the discourse analysis technique and the reference framework of health promotion are used. RESULTS: the group of elderly, being mostly female arterial hypertension and diabetes mellitus patients, visualizes the health-disease process as the evolution of human existence controlled by divine power, signifying the health service as a blessing in the control of the disease. The Group of young pregnant women signified health as the ability for self-care and disease as the disability for that purposes, considering the Primary Health Care service as responsible for the recovery of individual and family health. FINAL CONSIDERATIONS: the users demonstrated dissatisfaction with bureaucratic and vertical relations present at the health services. In each group, it was observed that the meanings for health and disease and meanings of the health service the users elaborated can be related.OBJECTIVE: to analyze the meanings Primary Health Care users attribute to their health-disease process and the services used. METHODS: this qualitative research uses the focus group technique to interview two groups of users the service monitors. The first is a group of elderly people and the second of pregnant women. To analyze the meanings, the discourse analysis technique and the reference framework of health promotion are used. RESULTS: the group of elderly, being mostly female arterial hypertension and diabetes mellitus patients, visualizes the health-disease process as the evolution of human existence controlled by divine power, signifying the health service as a blessing in the control of the disease. The Group of young pregnant women signified health as the ability for self-care and disease as the disability for that purposes, considering the Primary Health Care service as responsible for the recovery of individual and family health. FINAL CONSIDERATIONS: the users demonstrated dissatisfaction with bureaucratic and vertical relations present at the health services. In each group, it was observed that the meanings for health and disease and meanings of the health service the users elaborated can be related.

Revista Brasileira de Educação Médica | 2012

Sala de espera para gestantes: uma estratégia de educação em saúde

Débora de Souza Santos; Adriana Lyzian Alves de Andrade; Beatriz Santana de Souza Lima; Yasmyny Natash da Silva

The aim of the current study was to describe the experiences of nursing students working as monitors in the Educational Program for Health Work at the UFAL School of Nursing in 2009-2010, conducting health education activities with pregnant women in the prenatal care waiting room. The activities were held regularly at the Health Unit while the women were waiting for medical and nursing prenatal care. Various relevant themes were addressed with creative and participatory health education methods. Through these activities, the students learned about the harsh reality of these women and the role of nursing in public health, implementing more effective care through participatory education, in which users, families, and health professionals work together to protect and promote health.

Revista Da Escola De Enfermagem Da Usp | 2013

Working Education Program in Health: transforming experience of nursing teaching and practice

Débora de Souza Santos; Lenira Maria Wanderley Santos de Almeida; Renata Karina Reis

This is an experience report of tutors from nursing Working Education Program in Health ( PET- Saúde ) from the Federal University of Alagoas, from May 2009 to April 2010. The objective of the nursing PET-Saúde was to develop health education actions aimed at the needs of the communities attended by the Family Health Units in Maceio, Alagoas. We conducted a health planning guided by the problem-based methodology. The activities resulted in changes in student learning and in the practice of nurses PET-Saúde , indicating the importance of this program for teaching and practice of nursing.

Revista Latino-americana De Enfermagem | 2014

The health-disease process and the family health strategy: the user's perspective

Débora de Souza Santos; Elainey de Albuquerque Tenório; Mércia Zeviane Brêda; Silvana Martins Mishima

OBJECTIVE: to analyze the meanings Primary Health Care users attribute to their health-disease process and the services used. METHODS: this qualitative research uses the focus group technique to interview two groups of users the service monitors. The first is a group of elderly people and the second of pregnant women. To analyze the meanings, the discourse analysis technique and the reference framework of health promotion are used. RESULTS: the group of elderly, being mostly female arterial hypertension and diabetes mellitus patients, visualizes the health-disease process as the evolution of human existence controlled by divine power, signifying the health service as a blessing in the control of the disease. The Group of young pregnant women signified health as the ability for self-care and disease as the disability for that purposes, considering the Primary Health Care service as responsible for the recovery of individual and family health. FINAL CONSIDERATIONS: the users demonstrated dissatisfaction with bureaucratic and vertical relations present at the health services. In each group, it was observed that the meanings for health and disease and meanings of the health service the users elaborated can be related.OBJECTIVE: to analyze the meanings Primary Health Care users attribute to their health-disease process and the services used. METHODS: this qualitative research uses the focus group technique to interview two groups of users the service monitors. The first is a group of elderly people and the second of pregnant women. To analyze the meanings, the discourse analysis technique and the reference framework of health promotion are used. RESULTS: the group of elderly, being mostly female arterial hypertension and diabetes mellitus patients, visualizes the health-disease process as the evolution of human existence controlled by divine power, signifying the health service as a blessing in the control of the disease. The Group of young pregnant women signified health as the ability for self-care and disease as the disability for that purposes, considering the Primary Health Care service as responsible for the recovery of individual and family health. FINAL CONSIDERATIONS: the users demonstrated dissatisfaction with bureaucratic and vertical relations present at the health services. In each group, it was observed that the meanings for health and disease and meanings of the health service the users elaborated can be related.

Escola Anna Nery | 2016

Conductas relacionadas con la salud sexual de personas con Virus de Inmunodeficiencia Humana

Géssyca Cavalcante de Melo; Maria Cristina Soares Figueiredo Trezza; Renata Karina Reis; Débora de Souza Santos; Jorge Luís de Souza Riscado; Joséte Luzia Leite

Objective: To analyze the behaviors related to sexual health of people living with the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) according to the health promotion model. Specific aims: to identify the individual characteristics and behaviors of the subjects previous to the time of the survey; describe the feelings, self-efficacy, barriers, benefits and personal influences in relation to important behaviors to be modified; build an agreed plan of action together with the individual in relation to their behavior. Methods: This is a qualitative study held in 2014 with 14 participants through semi-structured interview in a specialized health service in Maceio-Alagoas. Penders model was used as theoretical and methodological framework. Results: Four categories pointed to changes in the sexual-affective-relational life of the subjects: the use or non-use of condoms in sexual relations and the responsibility related to themselves and to each other; suspension/restriction of sex life and lack of romantic relationships; the gender, the power relationships and the sexual health of women with HIV; the strengthening of sex life and relationship affection. Conclusion: Seropositivity proved to be a situation in which behaviors are rethought; however the behavioral change desires arise pervaded by the stigma and the lack of support for decision-making. This study showed the model applied as another useful tool for nurses and other professionals.Objetivo: Analizar las conductas relacionadas con la salud sexual de personas con VIH de acuerdo con el Modelo de Promocion de la Salud. Objetivos especificos: Identificar caracteristicas y comportamientos anterior de los sujetos; describir sentimientos, autoeficacia, barreras, beneficios y influencias relacionadas con comportamientos importantes para ser modificados; construir un plan de accion acordado con el individuo en estas conductas. Metodos: Estudio cualitativo realizado em 2014 con 14 participantes atraves de entrevista semi-estructurada en una clinica especializada en Maceio/AL. El Modelo de Pender se utilizo como marco teorico-metodologico. Resultados: Cuatro categorias se senalaron los cambios en la vida sexual-afectiva-relacional de los sujetos: El uso (no) de preservativos durante las relaciones sexuales y la responsabilidad por si mismos y a otros; La suspension/restriccion de la vida sexual y la falta de relaciones sentimentales; Generos, relaciones de poder y la salud sexual de las mujeres con VIH; El fortalecimiento de la vida sexual y afecto relacional. Conclusion: La seropositividad parecia mostrar como situacion en que se reconsideran comportamientos, sin embargo, los deseos de cambio de comportamiento aparecen permeado por estigma y falta de apoyo para toma de decisiones. Este estudio indica el modelo aplicado como una herramienta util para enfermeras y otros profesionales.Objetivo: Analisar os comportamentos relacionados a saude sexual de pessoas com Virus da Imunodeficiencia Humana (HIV) segundo o modelo de promocao da saude. Objetivos especificos: Identificar as caracteristicas individuais e comportamentos da saude sexual dos participantes, previos a pesquisa; descrever sentimentos, autoeficacia, barreiras, beneficios e influencias em relacao aos comportamentos importantes de ser modificados; construir um plano de acao acordado com o individuo em relacao aos comportamentos. Metodos: Estudo qualitativo realizado em 2014 com 14 pessoas por meio de entrevista semiestruturada em um servico especializado de Maceio/AL. O Modelo de Pender foi utilizado como referencial teorico-metodologico. Resultados: Quatro categorias apontaram aspectos comportamentais sexuais-afetivos-relacionais - o (nao) uso do preservativo nas relacoes sexuais e a responsabilidade voltada para si e para o outro; a suspensao/restricao da vida sexual e a ausencia de relacionamentos afetivos; o genero, as relacoes de poder e a saude sexual de mulheres com HIV; o fortalecimento da vida sexual e do afeto relacional. Conclusao: A soropositividade se mostrou como uma situacao em que comportamentos sao repensados; contudo os desejos de mudanca comportamental aparecem permeados pelo estigma e pela falta de apoio para a tomada de decisoes. Este estudo sinaliza o modelo aplicado como mais uma ferramenta util para enfermeiros e demais profissionais.

Escola Anna Nery | 2016

Behaviors related to sexual health of people living with the Human Immunodeficiency Virus

Géssyca Cavalcante de Melo; Maria Cristina Soares Figueiredo Trezza; Renata Karina Reis; Débora de Souza Santos; Jorge Luís de Souza Riscado; Joséte Luzia Leite

Objective: To analyze the behaviors related to sexual health of people living with the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) according to the health promotion model. Specific aims: to identify the individual characteristics and behaviors of the subjects previous to the time of the survey; describe the feelings, self-efficacy, barriers, benefits and personal influences in relation to important behaviors to be modified; build an agreed plan of action together with the individual in relation to their behavior. Methods: This is a qualitative study held in 2014 with 14 participants through semi-structured interview in a specialized health service in Maceio-Alagoas. Penders model was used as theoretical and methodological framework. Results: Four categories pointed to changes in the sexual-affective-relational life of the subjects: the use or non-use of condoms in sexual relations and the responsibility related to themselves and to each other; suspension/restriction of sex life and lack of romantic relationships; the gender, the power relationships and the sexual health of women with HIV; the strengthening of sex life and relationship affection. Conclusion: Seropositivity proved to be a situation in which behaviors are rethought; however the behavioral change desires arise pervaded by the stigma and the lack of support for decision-making. This study showed the model applied as another useful tool for nurses and other professionals.Objetivo: Analizar las conductas relacionadas con la salud sexual de personas con VIH de acuerdo con el Modelo de Promocion de la Salud. Objetivos especificos: Identificar caracteristicas y comportamientos anterior de los sujetos; describir sentimientos, autoeficacia, barreras, beneficios y influencias relacionadas con comportamientos importantes para ser modificados; construir un plan de accion acordado con el individuo en estas conductas. Metodos: Estudio cualitativo realizado em 2014 con 14 participantes atraves de entrevista semi-estructurada en una clinica especializada en Maceio/AL. El Modelo de Pender se utilizo como marco teorico-metodologico. Resultados: Cuatro categorias se senalaron los cambios en la vida sexual-afectiva-relacional de los sujetos: El uso (no) de preservativos durante las relaciones sexuales y la responsabilidad por si mismos y a otros; La suspension/restriccion de la vida sexual y la falta de relaciones sentimentales; Generos, relaciones de poder y la salud sexual de las mujeres con VIH; El fortalecimiento de la vida sexual y afecto relacional. Conclusion: La seropositividad parecia mostrar como situacion en que se reconsideran comportamientos, sin embargo, los deseos de cambio de comportamiento aparecen permeado por estigma y falta de apoyo para toma de decisiones. Este estudio indica el modelo aplicado como una herramienta util para enfermeras y otros profesionales.Objetivo: Analisar os comportamentos relacionados a saude sexual de pessoas com Virus da Imunodeficiencia Humana (HIV) segundo o modelo de promocao da saude. Objetivos especificos: Identificar as caracteristicas individuais e comportamentos da saude sexual dos participantes, previos a pesquisa; descrever sentimentos, autoeficacia, barreiras, beneficios e influencias em relacao aos comportamentos importantes de ser modificados; construir um plano de acao acordado com o individuo em relacao aos comportamentos. Metodos: Estudo qualitativo realizado em 2014 com 14 pessoas por meio de entrevista semiestruturada em um servico especializado de Maceio/AL. O Modelo de Pender foi utilizado como referencial teorico-metodologico. Resultados: Quatro categorias apontaram aspectos comportamentais sexuais-afetivos-relacionais - o (nao) uso do preservativo nas relacoes sexuais e a responsabilidade voltada para si e para o outro; a suspensao/restricao da vida sexual e a ausencia de relacionamentos afetivos; o genero, as relacoes de poder e a saude sexual de mulheres com HIV; o fortalecimento da vida sexual e do afeto relacional. Conclusao: A soropositividade se mostrou como uma situacao em que comportamentos sao repensados; contudo os desejos de mudanca comportamental aparecem permeados pelo estigma e pela falta de apoio para a tomada de decisoes. Este estudo sinaliza o modelo aplicado como mais uma ferramenta util para enfermeiros e demais profissionais.

Escola Anna Nery | 2016

Comportamentos relacionados à saúde sexual de pessoas vivendo com o Vírus da Imunodeficiência Humana

Géssyca Cavalcante de Melo; Maria Cristina Soares Figueiredo Trezza; Renata Karina Reis; Débora de Souza Santos; Jorge Luís de Souza Riscado; Joséte Luzia Leite

Objective: To analyze the behaviors related to sexual health of people living with the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) according to the health promotion model. Specific aims: to identify the individual characteristics and behaviors of the subjects previous to the time of the survey; describe the feelings, self-efficacy, barriers, benefits and personal influences in relation to important behaviors to be modified; build an agreed plan of action together with the individual in relation to their behavior. Methods: This is a qualitative study held in 2014 with 14 participants through semi-structured interview in a specialized health service in Maceio-Alagoas. Penders model was used as theoretical and methodological framework. Results: Four categories pointed to changes in the sexual-affective-relational life of the subjects: the use or non-use of condoms in sexual relations and the responsibility related to themselves and to each other; suspension/restriction of sex life and lack of romantic relationships; the gender, the power relationships and the sexual health of women with HIV; the strengthening of sex life and relationship affection. Conclusion: Seropositivity proved to be a situation in which behaviors are rethought; however the behavioral change desires arise pervaded by the stigma and the lack of support for decision-making. This study showed the model applied as another useful tool for nurses and other professionals.Objetivo: Analizar las conductas relacionadas con la salud sexual de personas con VIH de acuerdo con el Modelo de Promocion de la Salud. Objetivos especificos: Identificar caracteristicas y comportamientos anterior de los sujetos; describir sentimientos, autoeficacia, barreras, beneficios y influencias relacionadas con comportamientos importantes para ser modificados; construir un plan de accion acordado con el individuo en estas conductas. Metodos: Estudio cualitativo realizado em 2014 con 14 participantes atraves de entrevista semi-estructurada en una clinica especializada en Maceio/AL. El Modelo de Pender se utilizo como marco teorico-metodologico. Resultados: Cuatro categorias se senalaron los cambios en la vida sexual-afectiva-relacional de los sujetos: El uso (no) de preservativos durante las relaciones sexuales y la responsabilidad por si mismos y a otros; La suspension/restriccion de la vida sexual y la falta de relaciones sentimentales; Generos, relaciones de poder y la salud sexual de las mujeres con VIH; El fortalecimiento de la vida sexual y afecto relacional. Conclusion: La seropositividad parecia mostrar como situacion en que se reconsideran comportamientos, sin embargo, los deseos de cambio de comportamiento aparecen permeado por estigma y falta de apoyo para toma de decisiones. Este estudio indica el modelo aplicado como una herramienta util para enfermeras y otros profesionales.Objetivo: Analisar os comportamentos relacionados a saude sexual de pessoas com Virus da Imunodeficiencia Humana (HIV) segundo o modelo de promocao da saude. Objetivos especificos: Identificar as caracteristicas individuais e comportamentos da saude sexual dos participantes, previos a pesquisa; descrever sentimentos, autoeficacia, barreiras, beneficios e influencias em relacao aos comportamentos importantes de ser modificados; construir um plano de acao acordado com o individuo em relacao aos comportamentos. Metodos: Estudo qualitativo realizado em 2014 com 14 pessoas por meio de entrevista semiestruturada em um servico especializado de Maceio/AL. O Modelo de Pender foi utilizado como referencial teorico-metodologico. Resultados: Quatro categorias apontaram aspectos comportamentais sexuais-afetivos-relacionais - o (nao) uso do preservativo nas relacoes sexuais e a responsabilidade voltada para si e para o outro; a suspensao/restricao da vida sexual e a ausencia de relacionamentos afetivos; o genero, as relacoes de poder e a saude sexual de mulheres com HIV; o fortalecimento da vida sexual e do afeto relacional. Conclusao: A soropositividade se mostrou como uma situacao em que comportamentos sao repensados; contudo os desejos de mudanca comportamental aparecem permeados pelo estigma e pela falta de apoio para a tomada de decisoes. Este estudo sinaliza o modelo aplicado como mais uma ferramenta util para enfermeiros e demais profissionais.

Revista Latino-americana De Enfermagem | 2014

El proceso salud-enfermedad y la estrategia salud de la familia: la perspectiva del usuario

Débora de Souza Santos; Elainey de Albuquerque Tenório; Mércia Zeviane Brêda; Silvana Martins Mishima

OBJECTIVE: to analyze the meanings Primary Health Care users attribute to their health-disease process and the services used. METHODS: this qualitative research uses the focus group technique to interview two groups of users the service monitors. The first is a group of elderly people and the second of pregnant women. To analyze the meanings, the discourse analysis technique and the reference framework of health promotion are used. RESULTS: the group of elderly, being mostly female arterial hypertension and diabetes mellitus patients, visualizes the health-disease process as the evolution of human existence controlled by divine power, signifying the health service as a blessing in the control of the disease. The Group of young pregnant women signified health as the ability for self-care and disease as the disability for that purposes, considering the Primary Health Care service as responsible for the recovery of individual and family health. FINAL CONSIDERATIONS: the users demonstrated dissatisfaction with bureaucratic and vertical relations present at the health services. In each group, it was observed that the meanings for health and disease and meanings of the health service the users elaborated can be related.OBJECTIVE: to analyze the meanings Primary Health Care users attribute to their health-disease process and the services used. METHODS: this qualitative research uses the focus group technique to interview two groups of users the service monitors. The first is a group of elderly people and the second of pregnant women. To analyze the meanings, the discourse analysis technique and the reference framework of health promotion are used. RESULTS: the group of elderly, being mostly female arterial hypertension and diabetes mellitus patients, visualizes the health-disease process as the evolution of human existence controlled by divine power, signifying the health service as a blessing in the control of the disease. The Group of young pregnant women signified health as the ability for self-care and disease as the disability for that purposes, considering the Primary Health Care service as responsible for the recovery of individual and family health. FINAL CONSIDERATIONS: the users demonstrated dissatisfaction with bureaucratic and vertical relations present at the health services. In each group, it was observed that the meanings for health and disease and meanings of the health service the users elaborated can be related.

Revista Da Escola De Enfermagem Da Usp | 2013

Programa de Educacao pelo Trabalho para Saude: experiencia de transformacao do ensino e pratica de enfermagem

Débora de Souza Santos; Lenira Maria Wanderley Santos de Almeida; Renata Karina Reis

Revista Eletrônica de Enfermagem | 2012

Segredos de liquidificador: conhecimento e práticas de sexo seguro por Pessoas Vivendo com HIV/AIDS

Manuela Balbino Lôbo; Silvio Romero Fernando Ferreira da Silva; Débora de Souza Santos

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