Deborah Dewar
University of Glasgow
Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism | 2003
Deborah Dewar; Suzanne M. Underhill; Mark P. Goldberg
Oligodendrocytes, myelin-forming glial cells of the central nervous system, are vulnerable to damage in a variety of neurologic diseases. Much is known of primary myelin injury, which occurs in settings of genetic dysmyelination or demyelinating disease. There is growing awareness that oligodendrocytes are also targets of injury in acute ischemia. Recognition of oligodendrocyte damage in animal models of ischemia requires attention to their distinct histologic features or use of specific immunocytochemical markers. Like neurons, oligodendrocytes are highly sensitive to injury by oxidative stress, excitatory amino acids, trophic factor deprivation, and activation of apoptotic pathways. Understanding mechanisms of oligodendrocyte death may suggest new therapeutic strategies to preserve or restore white matter function and structure after ischemic insults.
Journal of Neuropathology and Experimental Neurology | 1999
Mark O. McCarron; James A. R. Nicoll; Janice Stewart; James Ironside; David Mann; Seth Love; David I. Graham; Deborah Dewar
Abstract Cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA) is associated with apolipoprotein E (APOE gene, apoE protein) polymorphism: current evidence suggests that the epsilon4 allele is a risk factor for the development of CAA and the epsilon2 allele predisposes to hemorrhage. We sought to determine the relationship between the APOE epsilon2 allele and both the immunoreactivity profiles and vascular complications of CAA. We performed immunohistochemistry for amyloid beta-protein (A beta), apoE, cystatin C, and activated microglia, and examined the morphology of cortical and leptomeningeal vessels in 37 CAA-related hemorrhage (CAAH), 26 Alzheimer disease (AD) patients, and 20 controls. The extent of immunostaining of vessels for A beta, apoE, cystatin C, and perivascular activated microglia increased from controls through AD to a maximum in CAAH patients. Among cases with CAA (37 CAAH, 19 AD, and 6 controls, n = 62) vascular apoE (p < 5 x 10(-4)), cystatin C (p < 10(-4)), activated microglia (p < 10(-4)), vessels with a high ratio of wall thickness to lumen diameter (p < 0.003) as well as dilated/microaneurysmal vessels (p < 0.01) were present more frequently in patients with hemorrhage than without; however, these features were not associated with the APOE epsilon2 allele. Fibrinoid necrosis alone was associated with the APOE epsilon2 allele (p < 0.04) and we suggest that over-representation of APOE epsilon2 in CAAH may result from its association with fibrinoid necrosis.
European Journal of Pharmacology | 1999
Deborah Dewar; P.S. Yam; James McCulloch
Multiple pharmacological mechanisms have been identified over the last decade which can protect grey matter from ischaemic damage in experimental models. A large number of drugs targeted at neurotransmitter receptors and related mechanisms involved in ischaemic damage have advanced to clinical trials in stroke and head injury based on their proven ability to reduce grey matter damage in animal models. The outcome to date of the clinical trials of neuroprotective drugs has been disappointing. Although the failure to translate preclinical pharmacological insight into therapy is multifactorial, we propose that the failure to ameliorate ischaemic damage to white matter has been a major factor. The recent development of quantitative techniques to assess ischaemic damage to cellular elements in white matter, both axons and oligodendrocytes, allows rigorous evaluation of pharmacologic mechanisms which may protect white matter in ischaemia. Such pharmacological approaches provide therapeutic opportunities which are both additional or alternatives to those currently being evaluated in man.
Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism | 2000
Eileen McCracken; Valerio Valeriani; C. Simpson; T. Jover; James McCulloch; Deborah Dewar
Lipid peroxidation and the cytotoxic by-product 4-hydroxynonenal (4-HNE) have been implicated in neuronal perikaryal damage. This study sought to determine whether 4-HNE was involved in white matter damage in vivo and in vitro. Immunohistochemical studies detected an increase in cellular and axonal 4-HNE within the ischemic region in the rat after a 24-hour period of permanent middle cerebral artery occlusion. Exogenous 4-HNE (3.2 nmol) was stereotaxically injected into the subcortical white matter of rats that were killed 24 hours later. Damaged axons detected by accumulation of β-amyloid precursor protein (β-APP) were observed transversing medially and laterally away from the injection site after intracerebral injection of 4-HNE. In contrast, in the vehicle-treated animals, axonal damage was restricted to an area immediately surrounding the injection site. Exogenous 4-HNE produced oligodendrocyte cell death in culture in a time-dependent and a concentration-dependent manner. After 4 hours, the highest concentration of 4-HNE (50 μmol/L) produced 100% oligodendrocyte cell death. Data indicate that lipid peroxidation and production of 4-HNE occurs in white matter after cerebral ischemia and the lipid peroxidation by-product 4-HNE is toxic to axons and oligodendrocytes.
Journal of Neuroscience Research | 1999
Henning Beckstrøm; Lars Julsrud; Øyvind Haugeto; Deborah Dewar; David I. Graham; Knut P. Lehre; Jon Storm-Mathisen; Niels C. Danbolt
Alzheimers disease is a common progressive neurodegenerative disease of unknown etiology. Several different pathological processes have been identified in the brains of Alzheimer patients. To determine if reduced glutamate uptake is a contributing factor, we have measured the levels of the glutamate transporter proteins GLAST (EAAT1) and GLT (EAAT2) in human autopsy samples. The postmortem proteolysis of these proteins turned out to be fairly rapid. Brains from 10 Alzheimer and 10 control patients were therefore obtained with a relatively short postmortem delay (5 hr on average). GLT (N‐terminal and central parts), GLAST (C‐terminal), glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) and inositol (1,4,5)‐triphosphate (IP3)‐receptor immunoreactivities were determined in the cingulate and inferior temporal gyri by immunoblotting. The Na+‐dependent “binding” of D‐[3H]aspartate and the glutamate uptake after solubilization and reconstitution in liposomes were determined for comparison. An individual variation in GLAST and GLT levels was found, but no significant correlation with Alzheimers disease, except for a 14% lower ratio of N‐terminal to central GLT immunoreactivity (P < 0.04). The levels of GLAST and GLT showed negative correlation in agreement with the idea that these proteins are differentially regulated. In conclusion, Alzheimers disease brains can have both normal and reduced levels of GLAST and GLT. J. Neurosci. Res. 55:218–229, 1999.
Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism | 1997
Elaine A Irving; Kazutaka Yatsushiro; James McCulloch; Deborah Dewar
Glial inclusions containing the microtubule-associated protein tau are present in a variety of chronic neurodegenerative conditions. We now report a rapid and time-dependent increase of tau immunoreactivity within oligodendrocytes after focal cerebral ischemia in the rat. The number of tau positive oligodendrocytes in the ipsilateral subcortical white matter increased six- to eightfold by 40 minutes after permanent middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO). Tau was detected using antibodies that label both the N- and C-terminal of the protein, suggesting accumulation of full-length protein within these cells. Pretreatment with the spin trap agent α-phenyl-tert-butyl-nitrone (PBN)(100mg/kg) reduced the number of tau-positive oligodendrocytes by 55% in the subcortical white matter of the ischemic hemisphere compared with untreated animals at 40 minutes after MCAO. In contrast, pretreatment with glutamate receptor antagonists MK-801 (0.5 mg/kg) or 2,3-dihydroxy-6-nitro-7-sulpfamoylbenzo(f)quinoxaline (NBQX) (2 × 30 mg/kg), failed to reduce the number of tau-positive oligodendrocytes after 40 minutes of ischemia. The results indicate that oligodendrocytes respond rapidly to an ischemic challenge and that free radical-mediated mechanisms are involved in the cascade leading to increased tau immunoreactivity.
Brain Research | 1997
P.S. Yam; T Takasago; Deborah Dewar; David I. Graham; James McCulloch
Amyloid precursor protein (APP) is transported by fast anterograde axonal transport. Since disruption of this transport results in APP accumulation, APP has been proposed as a sensitive marker of axonal injury. In the present study, axonal injury in subcortical white matter and myelinated fibre tracts permeating the striatum, 24 h after permanent middle cerebral artery occlusion in the rat, has been examined by assessing the location and extent of APP immunoreactivity. Increased APP immunoreactivity was present in both areas. This was localised to a circumscribed zone immediately adjacent to the boundary of the ischaemic lesion in grey matter. The amount of APP immunoreactivity was associated with the volume of the ischaemic lesion in individual animals. Increased APP immunoreactivity in subcortical white matter and myelinated fibre tracts at the margin of the ischaemic zone may prove to be a valuable marker for assessing strategies to protect axons after an ischaemic insult.
JAMA Neurology | 2014
Young T. Hong; Tonny Veenith; Deborah Dewar; Joanne Outtrim; Vaithianadan Mani; Claire Williams; Sally Pimlott; Peter J. Hutchinson; Adriana Tavares; Roberto Canales; Chester A. Mathis; William E. Klunk; Franklin I. Aigbirhio; Jonathan P. Coles; Jean-Claude Baron; John D. Pickard; Tim D. Fryer; William Stewart; David K. Menon
OBJECTIVES To image amyloid deposition in patients with traumatic brain injury (TBI) using carbon 11-labeled Pittsburgh Compound B ([11C]PiB) positron emission tomography (PET) and to validate these findings using tritium-labeled PiB ([3H]PiB) autoradiography and immunocytochemistry in autopsy-acquired tissue. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS In vivo PET at tertiary neuroscience referral center and ex vivo immunocytochemistry of autopsy-acquired brain tissue from a neuropathology archive. [11C]PiB PET was used to image amyloid deposition in 11 controls (median [range] age, 35 [24-60] years) and in 15 patients (median [range] age, 33 [21-50] years) between 1 and 361 days after a TBI. [3H]PiB autoradiography and immunocytochemistry for β-amyloid (Aβ) and β-amyloid precursor protein in brain tissue were obtained from separate cohorts of 16 patients (median [range] age, 46 [21-70] years) who died between 3 hours and 56 days after a TBI and 7 controls (median [range] age, 61 [29-71] years) who died of other causes. MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES We quantified the [11C]PiB distribution volume ratio and standardized uptake value ratio in PET images. The distribution volume ratio and the standardized uptake value ratio were measured in cortical gray matter, white matter, and multiple cortical and white matter regions of interest, as well as in striatal and thalamic regions of interest. We examined [3H]PiB binding and Aβ and β-amyloid precursor protein immunocytochemistry in autopsy-acquired brain tissue. RESULTS Compared with the controls, the patients with TBI showed significantly increased [11C]PiB distribution volume ratios in cortical gray matter and the striatum (corrected P < .05 for both), but not in the thalamus or white matter. Increases in [11C]PiB distribution volume ratios in patients with TBI were seen across most cortical subregions, were replicated using comparisons of standardized uptake value ratios, and could not be accounted for by methodological confounders. Autoradiography revealed [3H]PiB binding in neocortical gray matter, in regions where amyloid deposition was demonstrated by immunocytochemistry; white matter showed Aβ and β-amyloid precursor protein by immunocytochemistry, but no [3H]PiB binding. No plaque-associated amyloid immunoreactivity or [3H]PiB binding was seen in cerebellar gray matter in autopsy-acquired tissue from either controls or patients with TBI, although 1 sample of cerebellar tissue from a patient with TBI showed amyloid angiopathy in meningeal vessels. CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE [11C]PiB shows increased binding following TBI. The specificity of this binding is supported by neocortical [3H]PiB binding in regions of amyloid deposition in the postmortem tissue of patients with TBI. [11C]PiB PET could be valuable in imaging amyloid deposition following TBI.
Brain Research | 1995
Deborah Dewar; Deborah Dawson
Breakdown of the cytoskeleton may be involved in the evolution of ischaemic brain damage and alterations in microtubule-associated proteins may play an important role in this process. In the present study, tau, a microtubule-associated protein predominantly located in axons, was examined after 2 or 6 h of focal cerebral ischaemia in the rat. Immunohistochemistry revealed increased Tau1 staining in the neuropil, some perikarya and in glial cells throughout the dorsolateral caudate nucleus and ventrolateral neocortex in the ipsilateral hemisphere at both 2 and 6 h after occlusion of the middle cerebral artery. Contrastingly, immunostaining of another tau antibody, TP70, was unchanged in the neuropil, but was increased specifically in glial cells in these regions. Immunoblotting revealed the presence of additional tau bands in tissue extracts of the caudate nucleus and ventrolateral neocortex ipsilateral to the occluded middle cerebral artery as detected by both tau antibodies after either 2 or 6 h. The results suggest that tau is dephosphorylated and/or degraded in axons and some neuronal perikarya in response to focal cerebral ischaemia. In contrast to the response in neurons, increased immunoreactivity of both tau antibodies in glial cells indicates a differential response of neuronal and glial tau to focal cerebral ischaemia.
Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism | 2000
P.S. Yam; Laurence Dunn; David I. Graham; Deborah Dewar; James McCulloch
The ability of the NMDA receptor antagonist, MK-801, to protect myelinated axons after focal cerebral ischemia has been examined. Amyloid precursor protein (APP) immunocytochemistry was used to assess the anatomic extent of axonal injury, and conventional histopathology was used to assess the volume of ischemic damage to neuronal perikarya. The middle cerebral artery was permanently occluded in 16 cats. The cats were treated with either vehicle or MK-801 as a 0.5-mg/kg bolus at 15 minutes before middle cerebral artery occlusion, followed by an infusion of 0.14 mg/kg per hour. After 6 hours, the animals were killed and the brains processed for histology and immunocytochemistry. The volume of neuronal necrosis was determined from 16 preselected coronal levels of the brain. The circumscribed zones of APP accumulation in axons were mapped onto images at the same 16 coronal levels, and quantitative analysis was performed using a transparent counting grid, randomly placed over each image. The histologic appearance and anatomic location of axons with increased APP immunoreactivity was similar in animals treated with vehicle and MK-801. MK-801 failed to reduce the hemispheric APP score significantly. In vehicle-treated animals, there was a significant association between the volume of neuronal necrosis and the amount of APP immunoreactivity. MK-801 significantly reduced the slope of the association between the volume of neuronal necrosis and the amount of APP immunoreactivity compared with that observed in vehicle-treated animals. As a result, the ratio of hemispheric APP score and volume of neuronal necrosis was significantly increased with MK-801 treatment. The inability of NMDA receptor antagonists to protect axons may limit their functional efficacy in improving functional outcome after stroke.