Debra T. Clopton
University of Nebraska–Lincoln
Featured researches published by Debra T. Clopton.
Biology of Reproduction | 2006
Rebecca C. Bott; Ryann M. McFee; Debra T. Clopton; Candice F. Toombs; Andrea S. Cupp
Abstract Morphological male sex determination is dependent on migration of endothelial and preperitubular cells from the adjacent mesonephros into the developing testis. Our hypothesis is that VEGFA and its receptor KDR are necessary for both testicular cord formation and neovascularization. The Vegfa gene has 8 exons with many splice variants. Vegfa120, Vegfa164, and Vegfa188 mRNA isoforms were detected on Embryonic Day (E) 13.5 (plug date = E0) in the rat. Vegfa120, Vegfa144, Vegfa164, Vegfa188, and Vegfa205 mRNA were detected at E18 and Postnatal Day 3 (P3). Kdr mRNA was present on E13.5, whereas Fms-like tyrosine kinase 1 receptor (Flt1) mRNA was not detected until E18. VEGFA protein was localized to Sertoli cells at cord formation and KDR to germ and interstitial cells. The VEGFA signaling inhibitors SU1498 (40 μM) and VEGFR-TKI (8 μM) inhibited cord formation in E13 testis cultures with 90% reduced vascular density (P < 0.01) in VEGFR-TKI-treated organs. Furthermore, Je-11 (10 μM), an antagonist to VEGFA, also perturbed cord formation and inhibited vascular density by more than 50% (P < 0.01). To determine signal transduction pathways involved in VEGFAs regulation of testis morphogenesis, E13 testis were treated with LY 294002 (15 μM), a phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) pathway inhibitor, resulting in inhibition of both vascular density (46%) and cord formation. Thus, we support our hypothesis and conclude that VEGFA, secreted by the Sertoli cell, is involved in both neovascularization and cord formation and potentially acts through the PI3K pathway during testis morphogenesis to elicit its effects.
Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews | 2001
Michael John Rathbone; James E. Kinder; K.E. Fike; F.N. Kojima; Debra T. Clopton; Colin Roger Ogle; Craig R. Bunt
When methods of drug intervention are being developed to control estrous cycles, a thorough understanding of the endocrine and functional changes together with the reproductive behavior of the animals are essential. This review presents our current knowledge on reproductive endocrinology, physiology and behavior, and the methods of drug intervention to control estrous cycles. It also describes current efforts to develop advanced drug delivery systems that meet the animal scientists demands to control the estrous cycle in cattle.
Biology of Reproduction | 2009
Renee M. McFee; Robin A. Artac; Ryann M. McFee; Debra T. Clopton; Robyn A. Longfellow Smith; Timothy G. Rozell; Andrea S. Cupp
We hypothesized that vascular endothelial growth factor A (VEGFA) angiogenic isoforms and their receptors, FLT1 and KDR, regulate follicular progression in the perinatal rat ovary. Each VEGFA angiogenic isoform has unique functions (based on its exons) that affect diffusibility, cell migration, branching, and development of large vessels. The Vegfa angiogenic isoforms (Vegfa_120, Vegfa_164, and Vegfa_188) were detected in developing rat ovaries, and quantitative RT-PCR determined that Vegfa_120 and Vegfa_164 mRNA was more abundant after birth, while Vegfa_188 mRNA was highest at Embryonic Day 16. VEGFA and its receptors were localized to pregranulosa and granulosa cells of all follicle stages and to theca cells of advanced-stage follicles. To determine the role of VEGFA in developing ovaries, Postnatal Day 3/4 rat ovaries were cultured with 8 μM VEGFR-TKI, a tyrosine kinase inhibitor that blocks FLT1 and KDR. Ovaries treated with VEGFR-TKI had vascular development reduced by 94% (P < 0.0001), with more primordial follicles (stage 0), fewer early primary, transitional, and secondary follicles (stages 1, 3, and 4, respectively), and greater total follicle numbers compared with control ovaries (P < 0.005). V1, an inhibitor specific for KDR, was utilized to determine the effects of only KDR inhibition. Treatment with 30 μM V1 had no effect on vascular density; however, treated ovaries had fewer early primary, transitional, and secondary follicles and more primary follicles (stage 2) compared with control ovaries (P < 0.05). We conclude that VEGFA may be involved in primordial follicle activation and in follicle maturation and survival, which are regulated through vascular-dependent and vascular-independent mechanisms.
Biology of Reproduction | 2009
Robin A. Artac; Renee M. McFee; Robyn A. Longfellow Smith; Michelle M. Baltes-Breitwisch; Debra T. Clopton; Andrea S. Cupp
Inhibition of vascular endothelial growth factor A (VEGFA) signal transduction arrests vascular and follicle development. Because antiangiogenic VEGFA isoforms are proposed to block proangiogenic VEGFA isoforms from binding to their receptors, we hypothesized that proangiogenic isoforms promote and antiangiogenic isoforms inhibit these processes. The antiangiogenic isoforms Vegfa_165b and Vegfa_189b were amplified and sequenced from rat ovaries. The Vegfa_165b sequence was 90% homologous to human VEGFA_165B. Quantitative RT-PCR determined that Vegfa_165b mRNA was more abundant around Embryonic Day 18, but Vegfa_189b lacked a distinct pattern of abundance. Antiangiogenic VEGFA isoforms were localized to pregranulosa and granulosa cells of all follicle stages and to theca cells of advanced-stage follicles. To determine the effects of VEGFA isoforms in developing ovaries, Postnatal Day 3/4 rat ovaries were cultured with VEGFA_164 or an antibody to antiangiogenic isoforms (anti-VEGFAxxxB). Treatment with 50 ng/ml of VEGFA_164 resulted in a 93% increase in vascular density (P < 0.01), and treated ovaries were composed of fewer primordial follicles (stage 0) and more developing follicles (stages 1–4) than controls (P < 0.04). Ovaries treated with 5 ng/ml of VEGFAxxxB antibody had a 93% increase in vascular density (P < 0.02), with fewer primordial and early primary follicles (stage 1) and more primary, transitional, and secondary follicles (stages 2, 3, and 4, respectively) compared with controls (P < 0.005). We conclude that neutralization of antiangiogenic VEGFA isoforms may be a more effective mechanism of enhancing vascular and follicular development in perinatal rat ovaries than treatment with the proangiogenic isoform VEGFA_164.
Animal Reproduction Science | 2003
F.N. Kojima; E. G. M. Bergfeld; M. E. Wehrman; Andrea S. Cupp; K.E. Fike; D.V. Mariscal-Aguayo; T. Sanchez-Torres; M. Garcia-Winder; Debra T. Clopton; A.J. Roberts; J. E. Kinder
The objectives of the present study were to determine how varying frequency of LH pulses as controlled by varying treatments with progesterone (P4) in cattle would affect: (1) concentration of steroid hormones and activity of insulin-like growth factor binding proteins (IGFBPs) in the ovarian follicular fluid and blood plasma, and (2) duration of persistence of largest ovarian follicles. There were four treatment groups (n=7 per group) and a control group (n=5) of mature, non-lactating beef cows. Treatments were: (1) two progesterone releasing intravaginal devices (PRIDs) for 16 days (2PRID); (2) a half PRID for 16 days (0.5PRID); (3) two PRIDs for 8 days, then a half PRID for 8 days (2-0.5PRID); or (4) a half PRID for 8 days, then two PRIDs for 8 days (0.5-2PRID). Treatment was initiated on the fifth day of the estrous cycle, which was designated as Day 0, and continued for 16 days. All P4-treated females were administered prostaglandin F2alpha on Day 0 and 1 to regress their corpora lutea. Frequency of LH pulses was greater during treatment with the smaller dose of P4 compared with treatment with the larger dose of P4 and the control group. Ovarian follicles were classified into five categories based on ultrasonographic observations: growing (G); atretic (A); growing dominant (GD); growing persistent (GP); or atretic persistent (AP). At ovariectomy on Day 16, the largest and second largest follicles collected were re-classified into five categories based on follicular concentration of steroids. Classification of the largest follicle collected on Day 16 was influenced by treatment (P<0.005), with the 2PRID group having A follicles, the 2-0.5PRID group GP follicles, the 0.5-2PRID group AP follicles, and the 0.5PRID group GD and GP follicles. Concentrations of 17beta-estradiol (E2) were greatest in GD and GP follicles (P<0.05). There was less (P<0.05) activity of IGFBP-2 in GD follicles and less (P<0.05) activity of IGFBP-3 in GD and GP follicles than other follicles. Activity of IGFBP-4 and -5 was greater (P<0.05) in A and AP follicles than G, GD, and GP follicles. Maintenance of a frequent release of LH pulses over a 16-day period did not result in maintenance of persistent follicles throughout this period indicating that duration of dominance of these follicles is finite even when there is frequent release of LH pulses. Follicular atresia is associated with greater activity of IGFBP-2, -4, -5, and greater concentrations of P4 in follicles, whereas growing dominant and persistent follicles contained greater concentrations of E2, androstenedione (A4), and less IGFBP-2 activity than follicles of other classes. Follicle classifications based on ultrasonography or follicular concentration of steroids did differ (P<0.05) for the largest follicles from the 2PRID group. Two follicles in this group appeared as GD follicles by ultrasonography, but these were atretic based on follicular steroid contents. Objective 1 of the present study yielded the conclusion that concentrations of steroid hormones in follicular fluid and blood plasma could be predictably controlled by regulating the frequency of LH pulses with varying doses of P4. Objective 2 yielded the conclusion that maintain frequent release of LH pulses over a 16-day period could not maintain persistent follicles throughout this period, indicating that duration of dominance of these follicles is finite even when there is frequent release of LH pulses. Follicular atresia in the present study was associated with increased follicular fluid activity of IGFBP-2, -4, -5, and P4, whereas growing dominant and persistent follicles contained greater concentrations of E2, A4, and less IGFBP-2 activity than follicles of other classes.
Endocrinology | 2013
Ningxia Lu; Kevin M. Sargent; Debra T. Clopton; William E. Pohlmeier; Vanessa M. Brauer; Renee M. McFee; John Weber; Napoleone Ferrara; David W. Silversides; Andrea S. Cupp
Vascular endothelial growth factor A (VEGFA) isoform treatment has been demonstrated to alter spermatogonial stem cell homeostasis. Therefore, we generated pDmrt1-Cre;Vegfa(-/-) (knockout, KO) mice by crossing pDmrt1-Cre mice to floxed Vegfa mice to test whether loss of all VEGFA isoforms in Sertoli and germ cells would impair spermatogenesis. When first mated, KO males took 14 days longer to get control females pregnant (P < .02) and tended to take longer for all subsequent parturition intervals (9 days; P < .07). Heterozygous males sired fewer pups per litter (P < .03) and after the first litter took 10 days longer (P < .05) to impregnate females, suggesting a more progressive loss of fertility. Reproductive organs were collected from 6-month-old male mice. There were fewer sperm per tubule in the corpus epididymides (P < .001) and fewer ZBTB16-stained undifferentiated spermatogonia (P < .003) in the testes of KO males. Testicular mRNA abundance for Bcl2 (P < .02), Bcl2:Bax (P < .02), Neurog3 (P < .007), and Ret was greater (P = .0005), tended to be greater for Sin3a and tended to be reduced for total Foxo1 (P < .07) in KO males. Immunofluorescence for CD31 and VE-Cadherin showed no differences in testis vasculature; however, CD31-positive staining was evident in undifferentiated spermatogonia only in KO testes. Therefore, loss of VEGFA isoforms in Sertoli and germ cells alters genes necessary for long-term maintenance of undifferentiated spermatogonia, ultimately reducing sperm numbers and resulting in subfertility.
Reproduction | 2010
Michelle M. Baltes-Breitwisch; Robin A. Artac; Rebecca C. Bott; Renee M. McFee; Jill G. Kerl; Debra T. Clopton; Andrea S. Cupp
Vascular endothelial growth factor A (VEGFA) plays a role in both angiogenesis and seminiferous cord formation, and alternative splicing of the Vegfa gene produces both proangiogenic isoforms and antiangiogenic isoforms (B-isoforms). The objectives of this study were to evaluate the expression of pro- and antiangiogenic isoforms during testis development and to determine the role of VEGFA isoforms in testis morphogenesis. Quantitative RT-PCR determined that Vegfa_165b mRNA was most abundant between embryonic days 13.5 and 16 (E13.5 and 16; P<0.05). Compared with ovarian mRNA levels, Vegfa_120 was more abundant at E13-14 (P<0.05), Vegfa_164 was less abundant at E13 (P<0.05), and Vegfa_165b tended to be less abundant at E13 (P<0.09) in testes. Immunohistochemical staining localized antiangiogenic isoforms to subsets of germ cells at E14-16, and western blot analysis revealed similar protein levels for VEGFA_165B, VEGFA_189B, and VEGFA_206B at this time point. Treatment of E13 organ culture testes with VEGFA_120, VEGFA_164, and an antibody to antiangiogenic isoforms (anti-VEGFAxxxB) resulted in less organized and defined seminiferous cords compared with paired controls. In addition, 50 ng/ml VEGFA_120 and VEGFA_164 treatments increased vascular density in cultured testes by 60 and 48% respectively, and treatment with VEGFAxxxB antibody increased vascular density by 76% in testes (0.5 ng/ml) and 81% in ovaries (5 ng/ml) compared with controls (P<0.05). In conclusion, both pro- and antiangiogenic VEGFA isoforms are involved in the development of vasculature and seminiferous cords in rat testes, and differential expression of these isoforms may be important for normal gonadal development.
Cell and Tissue Research | 2016
Kevin M. Sargent; Debra T. Clopton; Ningxia Lu; William E. Pohlmeier; Andrea S. Cupp
Despite being well-known for regulating angiogenesis in both normal and tumorigenic environments, vascular endothelial growth factor A (VEGFA) has been recently implicated in male fertility, namely in the maintenance of spermatogonial stem cells (SSC). The VEGFA gene can be spliced into multiple distinct isoforms that are either angiogenic or antiangiogenic in nature. Although studies have demonstrated the alternative splicing of VEGFA, including the divergent roles of the two isoform family types, many investigations do not differentiate between them. Data concerning VEGFA in the mammalian testis are limited, but the various angiogenic isoforms appear to promote seminiferous cord formation and to form a gradient across which cells may migrate. Treatment with either antiangiogenic isoforms of VEGFA or with inhibitors to angiogenic signaling impair these processes. Serendipitously, expression of KDR, the primary receptor for both types of VEGFA isoforms, was observed on male germ cells. These findings led to further investigation of the way that VEGFA elicits avascular functions within testes. Following treatment of donor perinatal male mice with either antiangiogenic VEGFA165b or angiogenic VEGFA164 isoforms, seminiferous tubules were less colonized following transplantation with cells from VEGFA165b-treated donors. Thus, VEGFA165b and possibly other antiangiogenic isoforms of VEGFA reduce SSC number either by promoting premature differentiation, inducing cell death, or by preventing SSC formation. Thus, angiogenic isoforms of VEGFA are hypothesized to promote SSC self-renewal, and the divergent isoforms are thought to balance one another to maintain SSC homeostasis in vivo.
PLOS ONE | 2015
Kevin M. Sargent; Ningxia Lu; Debra T. Clopton; William E. Pohlmeier; Vanessa M. Brauer; Napoleone Ferrara; David W. Silversides; Andrea S. Cupp
Because VEGFA has been implicated in follicle development, the objective of this study was to determine the effects of granulosa- and germ cell-specific VEGFA loss on ovarian morphogenesis, function, and female fertility. pDmrt1-Cre mice were mated to floxed VEGFA mice to develop granulosa-/germ cell-specific knockouts (pDmrt1-Cre;Vegfa -/-). The time from mating to first parturition was increased when pDmrt1-Cre;Vegfa -/- females were mated to control males (P = 0.0008) and tended to be longer for heterozygous females (P < 0.07). Litter size was reduced for pDmrt1-Cre;Vegfa -/- females (P < 0.007). The time between the first and second parturitions was also increased for heterozygous females (P < 0.04) and tended to be increased for pDmrt1-Cre;Vegfa -/- females (P < 0.07). pDmrt1-Cre;Vegfa -/- females had smaller ovaries (P < 0.04), reduced plasma estradiol (P < 0.007), fewer developing follicles (P < 0.008) and tended to have fewer corpora lutea (P < 0.08). Expression of Igf1r was reduced (P < 0.05); expression of Foxo3a tended to be increased (P < 0.06); and both Fshr (P < 0.1) and Sirt6 tended to be reduced (P < 0.06) in pDmrt1-Cre;Vegfa -/- ovaries. To compare VEGFA knockouts, we generated Amhr2-Cre;Vegfa -/- mice that required more time from mating to first parturition (P < 0.003) with variable ovarian size. Both lines had more apoptotic granulosa cells, and vascular staining did not appear different. Taken together these data indicate that the loss of all VEGFA isoforms in granulosa/germ cells (proangiogenic and antiangiogenic) causes subfertility by arresting follicular development, resulting in reduced ovulation rate and fewer pups per litter.
Biology of Reproduction | 1999
J.A. Quintal-Franco; F.N. Kojima; E.J. Melvin; B.R. Lindsey; E. Zanella; K.E. Fike; M. E. Wehrman; Debra T. Clopton; J. E. Kinder