
Featured researches published by Deepu George.

Physical Review Letters | 2012

Terahertz Response and Colossal Kerr Rotation from the Surface States of the Topological Insulator Bi2Se3

R. Valdés Aguilar; A. V. Stier; Wei Liu; L. S. Bilbro; Deepu George; Namrata Bansal; Liang Wu; J. Cerne; Andrea Markelz; S. Oh; N. P. Armitage

We report the THz response of thin films of the topological insulator Bi2Se3. At low frequencies, transport is essentially thickness independent showing the dominant contribution of the surface electrons. Despite their extended exposure to ambient conditions, these surfaces exhibit robust properties including narrow, almost thickness-independent Drude peaks, and an unprecedentedly large polarization rotation of linearly polarized light reflected in an applied magnetic field. This Kerr rotation can be as large as 65° and can be explained by a cyclotron resonance effect of the surface states.

Journal of Chemical Physics | 2015

High-precision gigahertz-to-terahertz spectroscopy of aqueous salt solutions as a probe of the femtosecond-to-picosecond dynamics of liquid water

N. Q. Vinh; Mark S. Sherwin; S. James Allen; Deepu George; A. J. Rahmani; Kevin W. Plaxco

Because it is sensitive to fluctuations occurring over femtoseconds to picoseconds, gigahertz-to-terahertz dielectric relaxation spectroscopy can provide a valuable window into waters most rapid intermolecular motions. In response, we have built a vector network analyzer dielectric spectrometer capable of measuring absorbance and index of refraction in this frequency regime with unprecedented precision. Using this to determine the complex dielectric response of water and aqueous salt solutions from 5.9 GHz to 1.12 THz (which we provide in the supplementary material), we have obtained strong new constraints on theories of waters collective dynamics. For example, while the salt-dependencies we observe for waters two slower relaxations (8 and 1 ps) are easily reconciled with suggestions that they arise due to rotations of fully and partially hydrogen bonded molecules, respectively, the salt-dependence of the fastest relaxation (180 fs) appears difficult to reconcile with its prior assignment to liberations of single hydrogen bonds.

IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology | 2013

Photoactive Yellow Protein Terahertz Response: Hydration, Heating and Intermediate States

Deepu George; Joseph R. Knab; Yunfen He; Masato Kumauchi; Robert R. Birge; Wouter D. Hoff; Andrea Markelz

Photoactive yellow protein (PYP) is a model system for studies on functional protein dynamics and the role of protein flexibility during function. Functional conformational change is initiated by anharmonic collective vibrational modes that absorb in the far infrared (FIR) or terahertz (THz) region. We have used THz time-domain spectroscopy (THz-TDS) to investigate changes in the flexibility of PYP with functional state change (initial pG state to pB photo intermediate) induced by dehydration and photo excitation for both thin films and solutions. We find that the THz absorbance follows the dehydration induced capture of the pB state, indicating that the loss of photo cycling with the pB dehydration transition may be associated with the loss of picosecond flexibility. For hydrated films we find that previous reports of THz sensitivity to the pG to pB transition are likely in error and either arise from system drift or heating effects. We find no change in the dielectric response with photo induced occupation of the pB state. We compare these results with computational results and find that the THz dielectric response is dominated by relaxational motions of the solvent and surface side chains.

Journal of Physical Chemistry A | 2012

Improved mode assignment for molecular crystals through anisotropic terahertz spectroscopy.

Rohit Singh; Deepu George; Jason B. Benedict; Timothy M. Korter; Andrea Markelz

We report the anisotropic terahertz response of oxalic acid and sucrose crystals in the 0.2-3.0 THz range using terahertz time domain spectroscopy on large, single crystals. We compare the observed anisotropic response with the response calculated using solid-state density functional theory and find good agreement in the orientation dependence and relative intensities of the crystal phonons. It was found that oxalic dihydrate can be reversibly converted to anhydrous by controlled relative humidity. In addition, oxalic acid was found to have a large birefringence with Δn = 0.3, suggesting the material may be useful for terahertz polarization manipulation. Sucrose has a smaller birefringence of Δn = 0.05, similar to that of x-cut quartz. The anisotropic measurements provide both mode separation and symmetry determination to more readily achieve mode assignment for the more complex sucrose spectrum.

Journal of The Optical Society of America B-optical Physics | 2012

Terahertz magneto-optical polarization modulation spectroscopy

Deepu George; Andreas Stier; Chase T. Ellis; Bruce D. McCombe; J. Cerne; Andrea Markelz

We report the development of new terahertz (THz) techniques for rapidly measuring the complex Faraday angle in systems with broken time-reversal symmetry. Using the cyclotron resonance of a GaAs two-dimensional electron gas in a magnetic field, we have tested the performance of the techniques. We have made polarization modulation, high sensitivity (<1  mrad) narrowband rotation measurements with a cw optically pumped molecular gas laser, and, by combining the distinct advantages of THz time domain spectroscopy and polarization modulation techniques, we have demonstrated rapid broadband rotation measurements to <5  mrad precision.

Applied Physics Letters | 2015

Excitation mechanisms of Er optical centers in GaN epilayers

Deepu George; M. D. Hawkins; M. McLaren; H. X. Jiang; J. Y. Lin; J. M. Zavada; N. Q. Vinh

We report direct evidence of two mechanisms responsible for the excitation of optically active Er3+ ions in GaN epilayers grown by metal-organic chemical vapor deposition. These mechanisms, resonant excitation via the higher-lying inner 4f shell transitions and band-to-band excitation of the semiconductor host, lead to narrow emission lines from isolated and the defect-related Er optical centers. However, these centers have different photoluminescence spectra, local defect environments, decay dynamics, and excitation cross sections. The photoluminescence at 1.54 μm from the isolated Er optical center which can be excited by either mechanism has the same decay dynamics, but possesses a much higher excitation cross-section under band-to-band excitation. In contrast, the photoluminescence at 1.54 μm from the defect-related Er optical center can only be observed through band-to-band excitation but has the largest excitation cross-section. These results explain the difficulty in achieving gain in Er doped GaN ...

Review of Scientific Instruments | 2015

New terahertz dielectric spectroscopy for the study of aqueous solutions

Deepu George; Ali Charkhesht; N. Q. Vinh

We present the development of a high precision, tunable far-infrared (terahertz) frequency-domain dielectric spectrometer for studying the dynamics of biomolecules in aqueous solutions in the gigahertz-to-terahertz frequency. As an important benchmark system, we report on the measurements of the absorption and refractive index for liquid water in the frequency range from 5 GHz to 1.12 THz (0.17-37.36 cm(-1) or 0.268-60 mm). The system provides a coherent radiation source with power up to 20 mW in the gigahertz-to-terahertz region. The dynamic range of our instrument reaches 10(12) and the system achieves a spectral resolution of less than 100 Hz. The temperature of samples can be controlled precisely with error bars of ±0.02 °C from 0 °C to 90 °C. Given these attributes, our spectrometer provides unique capabilities for the accurate measurement of even very strongly absorbing materials such as aqueous solutions.

Journal of Physical Chemistry B | 2016

New insights into the dynamics of zwitterionic micelles and their hydration waters by gigahertz-to-terahertz dielectric spectroscopy

Deepu George; Ali Charkhesht; Olivia A. Hull; Archana Mishra; Daniel G. S. Capelluto; Katie R. Mitchell-Koch; N. Q. Vinh

Gigahertz-to-terahertz spectroscopy of macromolecules in aqueous environments provides an important approach for identifying their global and transient molecular structures, as well as directly assessing hydrogen-bonding. We report dielectric properties of zwitterionic dodecylphosphocholine (DPC) micelles in aqueous solutions over a wide frequency range, from 50 MHz to 1.12 THz. The dielectric relaxation spectra reveal different polarization mechanisms at the molecular level, reflecting the complexity of DPC micelle-water interactions. We have made a deconvolution of the spectra into different components and combined them with the effective-medium approximation to separate delicate processes of micelles in water. Our measurements demonstrate reorientational motion of the DPC surfactant head groups within the micelles, and two levels of hydration water shells, including tightly and loosely bound hydration water layers. From the dielectric strength of bulk water in DPC solutions, we found that the number of waters in hydration shells is approximately constant at 950 ± 45 water molecules per micelle in DPC concentrations up to 400 mM, and it decreases after that. At terahertz frequencies, employing the effective-medium approximation, we estimate that each DPC micelle is surrounded by a tightly bound layer of 310 ± 45 water molecules that behave as if they are an integral part of the micelle. Combined with molecular dynamics simulations, we determine that tightly bound waters are directly hydrogen-bonded to oxygens of DPC, while loosely bound waters reside within 4 Å of micellar atoms. The dielectric response of DPC micelles at terahertz frequencies yields, for the first time, experimental information regarding the largest scale, lowest frequency collective motions in micelles. DPC micelles are a relatively simple biologically relevant system, and this work paves the way for more insight into future studies of hydration and dynamics of biomolecular systems with gigahertz-to-terahertz spectroscopy.

Physical Review B | 2017

Soft phonon mode dynamics in Aurivillius-type structures

Deepam Maurya; Ali Charkhesht; Sanjeev K. Nayak; Fu-Chang Sun; Deepu George; Abhijit Pramanick; Min Gyu Kang; Hyun-Cheol Song; Marshall M. Alexander; Djamila Lou; G. A. Khodaparast; S. P. Alpay; N. Q. Vinh; Shashank Priya

We report the dynamics of soft phonon modes and their role towards the various structural transformations in Aurivillius materials by employing terahertz frequency-domain spectroscopy, atomic pair distribution function analysis, and first-principles calculations. We have chosen Bi4Ti3O12 as a model system and identified soft phonon modes associated with the paraelectric tetragonal to the ferroelectric monoclinic transition. Three soft phonon modes have been discovered which exhibit a strong temperature dependence. We have determined that the anharmonicity in Bi-O bonds plays a significant role in phonon softening and that Bi cations play an important role in the emergence of ferroelectricity.

Proceedings of SPIE | 2016

Optical excitation of Er centers in GaN epilayers grown by MOCVD

Deepu George; M. D. Hawkins; H. X. Jiang; J. Y. Lin; J. M. Zavada; N. Q. Vinh

In this paper we present results of photoluminescence (PL), photoluminescence excitation (PLE), and time resolved PL spectroscopy of the 4I13/2 → 4I15/2 transition in Er optical centers in GaN epilayers grown by metal-organic chemical vapor deposition. Under resonance excitation via the higher-lying inner 4f shell transitions and band-to-band excitation of the semiconductor host, the PL and PLE spectra reveal an existence of two types of Er optical centers from isolated and the defect-related Er centers in GaN epilayers. These centers have different PL spectra, local defect environments, decay dynamics, and excitation cross-sections. The isolated Er optical center, which can be excited by either excitation mechanism, has the same decay dynamics, but possesses a much higher cross-section under band-to-band excitation. In contrast, the defect-related Er center can only be observed through band-to-band excitation but has the largest crosssection. Our results indicate pathways for efficient optical excitation of Er-doped GaN semiconductors.

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