Deise Rosana Silva Simões
Federal University of Paraná
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Featured researches published by Deise Rosana Silva Simões.
Food Science and Technology International | 2015
Ariadne Roberto Karnopp; Amanda Miléo Figueroa; Paulo Ricardo Los; Jéssica Cristine Teles; Deise Rosana Silva Simões; Ana Cláudia Barana; Fernanda Taborda Kubiaki; João Guilherme Baggio de Oliveira; Daniel Granato
Grape pomace, which is derived from the skin and seeds, is the residue from the production of grape juice and wine. It corresponds to up to 20% of the total volume and it contains a high level of dietary fibers and bioactive compounds. In the Brazilian market, there is no product containing grape pomace as a replacement for conventional wheat flour. Thus, this study aimed to assess the effects of whole-wheat flour and organic Bordeaux grape pomace (Vitis labrusca L.) on the sensory, physicochemical and functional properties of cookies using response surface methodology (RSM). The regression models indicated that the addition of whole-wheat and organic grape pomace decreased (p 65% of explained data variability), except for brittleness. The sensory evaluation results revealed that no significant differences (p > 0.05) were observed for the cookie samples, implying that the addition of grape pomace and whole-wheat flour did not negatively affect the preference of cookies.
Food Science and Technology International | 2004
Francisco Eneias Konkel; Sílvia Maria Rodrigues de Oliveira; Deise Rosana Silva Simões; Ivo Mottin Demiate
The doce de leite is an important regional food produced and consumed in large scale in Brazil and Argentina. There are many problems related to the quality standardization, mainly the excess of starch addition. In the present paper the sensory evaluation of samples produced in the laboratory containing known amounts of starch and two commercial samples with 1.0 and 7.6% of starch was performed. The ranking test was employed for preference evaluation of the laboratory samples. An acceptance test using an hedonic scale was carried out with 50 panelists that evaluated the samples by considering their color, consistency, taste and sweetness. The commercial samples were evaluated through an action scale. For the samples produced in the laboratory there was no significant difference for preference (p>0.05) in the ranking test and for the preference by attributes it was possible to conclude that the less sweet samples and with intermediary values of color and consistency were preferred. The commercial sample containing 1.0% of starch had an average acceptance of 6.7 whereas the other sample that contained 7.6% of starch had 4.9.
Food Science and Technology International | 2004
Deise Rosana Silva Simões; Maria Isabel Queiroz; Giandra Volpato; Leila Queiroz Zepka
Se evaluo el efecto del acido fosforico en la desodorizacion de la base proteica de pescado (BPP). La carne de pescado (Macrodon ancylodon) fue homogeneizada en un multiprocesador domestico y sometida a la extraccion de compuestos nitrogenados. Fueron experimentadas las relaciones de solucion:disolvente en la proporcion 1:3 y 1:2 por tres ciclos de extracciones, por dos minutos. El disolvente experimentado fue H3PO4 0,05% comparativamente a agua destilada. Los parametros utilizados en la observacion fueron nitrogeno total (Kjeldhal), nitrogeno no proteico y nitrogeno proteico, proteinas solubles evaluadas segun la reaccion del biureto y la evaluacion sensorial referida en un test de ordenacion. En las condiciones experimentales los resultados permiten concluir que las relaciones solucion:disolvente utilizadas presentan diferencia en cuanto a la eficiencia de extraccion; el acido fosforico en la concentracion evaluada demostro mayor eficiencia de extraccion en relacion al agua destilada y la evaluacion sensorial indica que no es necesario mas que dos ciclos de lavado para eliminar el olor a pescado.
Food Science and Technology International | 2006
Heloísa Cristina Ramos Fertonani; Deise Rosana Silva Simões; Alessandro Nogueira; Gilvan Wosiacki
The classification process of apples to domestic market, around 30% can be considered as a sub-product, but still with some economical value: they are the so-called industrial fruits. They have a very high technological potential and can be used in the processing of many food products, as apple juices and alcoholic beverage. Around 90% of the apple production are related to Fuji and Gala varieties, that by themselves show very low industrial appeal. However, there are some other apple cultivars with better industrial profile and that can be used to obtain products with high quality. The objective was to evaluate the technological potential of fruits from Joaquina cultivar concerning clarified juice and wine production and quality, comparing them with the products obtained from apples of Fuji and Gala varieties. Fuji and Gala apple cv. were acquired in local market and Joaquina cv. were received from Experimental Station of Sao Joaquim (Epagri). The clarified juice and the wine were processed in a laboratory scale, with an appropriate protocol. The varietal juice of the Joaquina did not differ significantly from the juices from Fuji and Gala, considering physico-chemical parameter; however, in sensorial analysis the judges gave lower scores to Fuji (3.78), with a high rejection index (64%). The varietal dry wine of the Joaquina, also identical to the reference wines of Fuji and Gala in physico-chemical terms, was considered of similar acceptance to the wine of Gala (4.52), but the wine from Fuji (3.80) was absolutely rejected (67%). The apple from Joaquina variety can be use with parsimony in the processing of juice but with confidence in the production of wine.
Food Science and Technology International | 1998
Deise Rosana Silva Simões; Pedroso; W. Augusto Ruiz; T.L. Almeida
The utilization of fish protein, from species of low commercial value or subproducts of industrialization, became a promising alternative for the food products development with high nutritive quality and economically feasible. The goal of this work was to obtain a Fish Protein Base (FPB) wich allowed preparation of different flavors of hamburgers. Whting Cynoscion striatu was used, due to the availability and low cost of raw material. The eatable part, essentially muscle, was submitted to successive washes to remove dissolvable matter and peculiar smell, maintaining under control the following variables: solvente, solute/solvent, time, temperature, agitating pattern and number of washing cycles. The raw material and FPB were characterized by their physical-chemical and microbiological properties. The statistic treatment, through factorial analysis, verified the conclusion that is possible to obtain an FPB, without the flavor or the peculiar smelling of fish, handling one part of solute for every two parts of solvent, independent on time and washing cycles. The FPB was utilized to elaborate six different types of hamburgers. By sensory evaluation, using hedonic scales for flavor, the acceptance of all these products was observed, without specific preference for one or another. The experimental results lead to the conclusion that whiting FPB, can be used to elaborate hamburgers with good sensorial and nutrition atributes.
Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology | 2007
Alessandro Nogueira; Caroline Mongruel; Deise Rosana Silva Simões; Nina Waszczynskyj; Gilvan Wosiacki
The aim of this work was to determine the influence of biomass reduction in the cider processing and the quality of the fermented product made on laboratory scale, but in the same conditions usually found in factory units. The must, made with apples of the Gala variety, depectinized and transferred to 500 mL-fermenters, was inoculated with 2.0x106 cfu/mL of natural or commercial yeast, and at each 12 hours biomass was removed by centrifugation in one flask of the experimental set, and the must was left to ferment. All seven flasks of the fermented beverage were analyzed for 20-26 days after the inoculation, and the results showed that the best moment for biomass removal was 1.5-2.0 days of fermentation, leading to a product with significant residual sugars content, a low alcoholic degree, and with a fruity flavor. In addition, it was possible to practically eliminate all nitrogen, which was important to control the natural gasification. It was quite clear that biomass removal could be a very efficient treatment in order to obtain a sweeter and more pleasant alcoholic beverage, a better cider.
Food Science and Technology International | 2016
Francine Gomes Basso Los; Rosa Cristina Prestes; Daniel Granato; Deise Rosana Silva Simões; Silvane Souza Roman; Ivo Mottin Demiate
This study aimed to evaluate the effects of slow (–18 °C) and fast freezing (liquid nitrogen) of pork meat, and the use of exudate released upon thawing, on the physicochemical, color, rheological, microbiological, histological, and sensory characteristics of cooked ham. The meat samples were frozen at –18 °C and thawed after 22 weeks for the production of cooked ham. No significant difference was observed regarding physicochemical, color and microbiological parameters or in sensory acceptance. The hardness and chewiness parameters showed significant differences when compared to the control sample (ham made from chilled meat). Light microscopy of cooked ham samples showed that changes in the tissues were caused by freezing and thawing the meat. The effect of exudate was significant on the sodium content and compression force parameters, but this difference was not perceived in the sensory analysis, confirming that frozen pork meat can be used to produce cooked ham without loss of quality.
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture | 2016
Priscila Judacewski; Paulo Ricardo Los; Laís Benvenutti; Aline Alberti; Deise Rosana Silva Simões; Alessandro Nogueira
BACKGROUND White mold-ripened cheeses were investigated with the objective of proposing a colorimetric method to monitor the surface growth of Penicillium candidum and to evaluate the influence of the mesophilic (homofermentative (QMO) and heterofermentative (QMLD)) and thermophilic (QT) starter cultures on the physicochemical composition and sensory description. RESULTS The whiteness index was effective in proving the appearance of superficial mycelium and the stability of white mold growth. The lactic cultures showed significant influence on most of the physicochemical analyses. The cheese made with thermophilic lactic culture had a 1 day gain in the growth of mycelium on the surface; nevertheless, the appearance of this product was potentially not acceptable for consumers. The heterofermentative mesophilic cheese had a better appearance and texture profile. However, the homofermentative mesophilic cheese showed aspects of fresh cheese and was acceptable for a wide range of consumers. CONCLUSION The whiteness index was efficient to monitor the surface growth of P. candidum. The highest proteolytic effect was found in the QMLD and QT cultures. However, the cheese elaborated with the QMLD culture showed the best sensory acceptance.
Brazilian Journal of Food Technology | 2011
Nelci Catarina Chiquetto; Deise Rosana Silva Simões; Gilvan Wosiacki
Bebidas fermentadas sem álcool, ou com teor de etanol diminuído, são opções para os consumidores que buscam produtos alternativos tanto motivados pela redução de calorias quanto pela moderação dos efeitos prejudiciais do álcool. O produto obtido por fermentação alcoólica de mosto de maçãs com leveduras selecionadas recebe a denominação de sidra. O consumo dessa bebida no Brasil é tradicionalmente restrito às festas de fim de ano, não existindo hábito de consumo sistemático, rotineiro, ou esporádico. Novos produtos fermentados de suco de maçã podem eventualmente modificar esse hábito e a indústria sidrícola, acompanhando a indústria cervejeira e vinícola, pode oferecer produtos similares sem álcool ou com teor alcoólico diminuído a serem consumidos durante o ano inteiro. O objetivo do trabalho foi estabelecer os perfis sensoriais de uma sidra varietal da cultivar Belgolden obtida em laboratório e da mesma bebida com teor alcoólico diminuído por destilação descontínua a vácuo, seguindo-se a metodologia de análise descritiva quantitativa. A análise sensorial foi realizada através do recrutamento, seleção e treinamento de julgadores. Após seleção, os julgadores fizeram o levantamento da terminologia descritiva utilizando o método de rede. A habilidade de cada julgador em discriminar as amostras, bem como a repetibilidade, foi avaliada através da análise de variância (ANOVA) com dois fatores (amostras e repetição). A análise de componentes principais foi aplicada com o auxílio do programa SAS. Os descritores levantados pelos julgadores foram: cor amarela, aroma alcoólico, nota frutal, aroma fermentado, aroma cozido, gosto doce, ácido e amargo sendo que para textura não foi evidenciado descritor. Os dois primeiros componentes principais (CP) explicaram 76% da variabilidade entre as amostras, sendo que o primeiro CPI (47%) foi devido aos atributos aroma alcoólico, cozido, gosto ácido, amargo e cor amarela, enquanto que o segundo CPII (26%) foi associado ao gosto doce. O produto após destilação diferiu do de origem na composição e no teor dos voláteis, acidez, cor e gosto amargo, de acordo com as análises cromatográficas, físico-químicas e sensoriais. A ADQ permitiu descrever o perfil sensorial da sidra com álcool e da sidra obtida pelo processo de desalcoolização.
Archive | 2003
Alessandro Nogueira; Rosilene Aparecida Prestes; Deise Rosana Silva Simões; Jean-Françoise Drilleau; Gilvan Wosiacki
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National Council for Scientific and Technological Development
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