Denis A. Angers
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
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Featured researches published by Denis A. Angers.
Biogeochemistry | 1998
Denis A. Angers; Jean Caron
Soil structure influences the growth and activity of organisms living in soil. In return, microbes, fauna, and plants affect structure. The objective of this paper is to review the role of plants in modifying soil structure. Vegetation affects structural form and stability at different scales and through various direct and indirect mechanisms. By penetrating the soil, roots form macropores which favour fluid transport. They also create zones of failure which contribute to fragment the soil and form aggregates. This phenomenon is enhanced by the wetting and drying cycles associated with plant growth. Drying also causes shrinkage and strengthening of the soil. Anchorage of roots and the exudation of cementing material stabilizes soil structure. Finally, as a source of C, roots and plant residues provide a food source to the microflora and fauna which contribute to structure formation and stabilization. In return, plant-induced changes in structure will affect plant growth mostly by modifying the root physical environment, and the water and nutrient cycles.
Soil & Tillage Research | 1997
Denis A. Angers; M.A Bolinder; M.R. Carter; E.G. Gregorich; C. F. Drury; B.C. Liang; R.P. Voroney; R.R. Simard; R.G. Donald; R.P. Beyaert; J. Martel
Abstract Soil organic matter storage capacity in agroecosystems varies with soil type, climate and agricultural management practices. The effects of different tillage systems on organic C and N storage were determined for a range of soils of eastern Canada mainly under continuous corn and small grain cereal production. Soil profiles from eight sites on which comparative tillage experiments had been performed for up to 11 years were sampled to a 60 cm depth in four increments (0–10, 10–20, 20–40 and 40–60cm). Organic C and N contents and dry bulk density were determined for each sampling depth. Bulk density measurements showed that the total soil mass in the soil profiles was not influenced by the tillage systems. No significant differences were found between tillage treatments in the total organic C and N storage down to 60 cm depth; the soil profiles under no-till (NT) and chisel plowing (CP) generally did not contain more C and N than those under conventional moldboard plowing (MP). However, the depth distribution of soil C and N varied with tillage. In the surface 0–10cm, C and N contents were higher under NT than under MP, whereas at deeper levels (20–40cm) the reverse trend was observed. It is concluded than under eastern Canadian conditions, where crop production and residue inputs are not affected by tillage, reduced tillage systems would not result in the storage of more soil organic matter in the entire soil profile at least in a 5–10 year period. Placement of the residues would be a major factor influencing the C and N distribution at specific depths.
Canadian Journal of Soil Science | 2003
A.J. VandenBygaart; E.G. Gregorich; Denis A. Angers
To fulfill commitments under the Kyoto Protocol, Canada is required to provide verifiable estimates and uncertainties for soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks, and for changes in those stocks over time. Estimates and uncertainties for agricultural soils can be derived from long-term studies that have measured differences in SOC between different management practices. We compiled published data from long-term studies in Canada to assess the effect of agricultural management on SOC. A total of 62 studies were compiled, in which the difference in SOC was determined for conversion from native land to cropland, and for different tillage, crop rotation and fertilizer management practices. There was a loss of 24 ± 6% of the SOC after native land was converted to agricultural land. No-till (NT) increased the storage of SOC in western Canada by 2.9 ± 1.3 Mg ha-1; however, in eastern Canada conversion to NT did not increase SOC. In general, the potential to store SOC when NT was adopted decreased with increasing backgr...
Plant and Soil | 1997
Denis A. Angers; Sylvie Recous
Effects of contact between the soil and crop residues on the processes of residue decomposition are still poorly understood. The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of residue particle size on the decomposition of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) straw (C/N=270) and green rye (Secale cereale) residues (C/N=9). Residue particle size was used as a means to vary the contact between crop residues and the soil. Carbon mineralization was measured during 102 d for straw and 65 d for rye, on residues ranging in sizes from laboratory model (0.03 cm) to field-scale (10 cm). The soil was a silt (Typic Hapludalf) and the incubation was performed at 15 °C. The effects of particle size on C mineralization varied for the two residues. In the first two days of incubation, decomposition rate of rye increased with decreasing particle size but thereafter, the trend was reversed. In 65 days, 8% more C was decomposed in the 7-cm residues than in the 0.03-cm ones. For wheat straw, early decomposition (3–17 days) was faster for the small-sized particles (0.06 and 0.1 cm). Thereafter, the largest size classes (5 and 10 cm) decomposed faster. After 102 days, the very fine particles (≤ 0.1 cm) showed the greatest and the intermediate size classes (0.5 and 1 cm), the lowest amount of C mineralized. We hypothesized that greater availability and accessibility of N was responsible for the higher rates of decomposition observed for finely-ground wheat straw while a physical protection of finely ground residues was probably involved in the observed reverse effect for rye.
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment | 1997
M.A. Bolinder; Denis A. Angers; J.P. Dubuc
Abstract Annual plant C input to soil is one of the major factors determining the quantity of soil organic matter in agroecosystems, and is consequently an important driving variable in soil organic matter simulation models. The aim of this study was to determine the shoot:root (S:R) ratios for different cereal species and cultivars at maturity in order to estimate the annual C inputs. Root biomass measurements were made for selected cereal species and cultivars at two sites in eastern Canada (Ottawa, Ontario and Quebec, Quebec). Soil cores were taken at two depths (0–15 and 15–30 cm) and at three positions: within the row (WR), between rows (BR) and in an intermediate position (IP). Approximately 70% of the total root biomass measured was recovered in the 0–15-cm layer. Large differences existed in S:R ratios between the cereal species, the average S:R ratio for winter wheat (4.9) at the Ottawa site being significantly higher than those for oats and barley (2.5 and 2.0, respectively). There were no statistically significant differences in the root biomass produced or in S:R ratios among cultivars for a given cereal species. Assuming that 50% of the total amount of C allocated below-ground is released as extra-root C, the estimated annual C inputs to the soil for cereal crops in Quebec varied from 182–279 g m−2 without straw removal, and from 114–205 g m−2 with straw removal. Although these estimates are within the range of values reported in the literature, further studies are still needed to improve their accuracy for C modeling purposes.
Canadian Journal of Soil Science | 1999
M. A. Bolinder; Denis A. Angers; E. G. Gregorich; M. R. Carter
The response of soil quality attributes to management practices across a diverse range of farming systems is key to identifying a robust minimum data set (MDS). The objectives of this study were to compare the response and consistency of different soil organic matter (SOM) attributes to changes in soil management practices in eastern Canadian agroecosystems. Soil samples (0–10 cm) were obtained at sites of several replicated experiments throughout eastern Canada, and 16 paired comparisons were selected to determine the effect of conservation (no-tillage, rotations, organic amendments) versus conventional (fall moldboard plowing, continuous cropping, no organic amendments) management practices. A sensitivity index was calculated for each of the attributes by dividing the values for conservation treatments with their conventionally managed counterparts (i.e., Conservation/Conventional). The index showed that light fraction (LF) N (1.58) and macro-organic matter-N (MOM-N) (1.54) were the most sensitive SOM a...
Canadian Journal of Soil Science | 2003
M. R. Carter; Denis A. Angers; E. G. Gregorich; M. A. Bolinder
Interest in the storage of organic matter in terrestrial ecosystems has identified a need to better understand the accumulation and retention of organic C and N in soil. The proportions of C and N associated with clay and silt particles (i.e., “capacity level”), water-stable macro-aggregates (WSA) (>250 µm), particulate (POM) (>53 µm), and light fraction (LF) organic matter, for the 0- to 10-cm soil depth, were assessed at 14 agricultural experimental sites established on Gleysolic, Podzolic, Luvisolic , and Brunisolic soils in the cool, humid region of eastern Canada. Organic C and N in the clay plus silt particles was at or near the capacity level for soils with clay plus silt content 60% clay plus silt, the degree of saturation was 65–70% indicating a potential for further organic C and N retention. The mean proportion of C and N found in the POM was 22 and 27%, whil e the LF organic matter contained 7 and 5% C and N, respectively. Mean soil WSA content, determined by wet-sieving...
Plant and Soil | 1999
M.A. Bolinder; Denis A. Angers; M. Giroux; M.R. Laverdière
In agroecosystems, the annual C inputs to soil are a major factor controlling soil organic matter (SOM) dynamics. However, the ability to predict soil C balance for agroecosystems is limited because of difficulties in estimating C inputs and in particular from the below-ground part. The objective of this paper was to estimate the proportion of corn residue retained as SOM. For that purpose, the results of a 13C long-term (15 yr) field study conducted on continuous silage corn and two silage corn rotations along with data from the existing literature were analyzed. The total amount of corn-derived C (0–30 cm) was about 2.5 to 3.0 times higher for the continuous corn treatment (445 g m-2), compared to the two rotational treatments (175 and 133 g m-2 for the corn-barley-barley-wheat and corn-underseeded barley hay-hay rotations, respectively). Assuming that the C inputs to the soil from silage-corn was mainly roots and would have been similar across treatments on an annual basis, the total amount of corn-derived C for the two rotational treatments was approximately proportional to the number of years the silage-corn was present in the rotation (4 yr). The results from the current study indicate that about 17% of root-derived C is retained as SOM. This value is higher than those reported in the literature for long-term studies on shoot-derived C (range of 7.7 to 20%, average of 12.2%), which is in agreement with previous studies showing that more C is retained as SOM from roots than from shoots.
Canadian Journal of Plant Science | 2002
M. A. Bolinder; Denis A. Angers; Gilles Bélanger; R. Michaud; M. R. Laverdière
Shoot to root ratios (S:R) at peak standing crop are commonly used to estimate the annual crop residue C inputs to the soil from the root biomass left in the soil at harvest. However, root biomass has often been neglected in field studies and estimates of S:R for many commonly grown forage species are not available. Our objective was to determine root biomass and S:R of seven perennial grass species and two perennial legume species under eastern Canadian soil and climatic conditions. Root biomass in three soil layers (0–15, 15–30 and 30–45 cm) was measured shortly after the second harvest in the first (1995) and second (1996) year of production. Two harvests of aboveground DM were taken each year. The total root biomass (0–45 cm) in the second year of production (average of 1437 g m-2) was twice that measured in the first year of production (average of 683 g m-2). This temporal variation was mainly explained by the increase of root biomass in the 0- to 15-cm layer. The proportion of total root biomass (0–...
Soil & Tillage Research | 1998
M.R. Carter; E.G. Gregorich; Denis A. Angers; R.G. Donald; M.A Bolinder
As a major attribute of soil quality, organic matter is responsive to agricultural land use practices including tillage. A study was initiated in eastern Canada to characterize changes in the masses of organic C and total N, and organic matter fractions in forested and adjacent cultivated or forage sites. Generally, the cultivated and forage sites had denser soil profiles than the forest sites. Based on an equivalent soil mass, to accommodate differences in soil bulk density, the paired forest and cultivated sites showed that cultivation decreased the mass of organic C (35%) and total N (10%) in the soil profile of the Podzolic soils, but increased organic C (25%) and total N (37%) in the Brunisolic (Cambisol) and Gleysolic soils. For the Podzolic soils, use of forages increased soil stored organic C and N by 55% and 35%, respectively. Organic C fractions were mainly of significance in the A horizon. Soil microbial biomass C was greater in the forested, compared to the cultivated soil, but the proportion of soil organic C as microbial biomass C (1.3% to 1.6%) was similar. The proportion, however, was greater (2.1%) for the forage soil, compared to the corresponding cultivated (1.3%) soil, suggesting that organic C was continuing to increase under the former. The relatively large proportion (19%) of organic C found in the light fraction of forest soils in the A horizon was decreased (up to 70%) by cultivation. In contrast, the proportion of macro-organic C present in the soil sand fraction was not greatly influenced by cultivation. Overall, soils in eastern Canada have a relatively large potential to store organic matter. The study illustrates the importance of soil type and cultivation interactions for maintenance of soil organic matter storage, and the positive influence of forages in this regard in agroecosystems.