Dennis D. Eberl
United States Geological Survey
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Featured researches published by Dennis D. Eberl.
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta | 1998
Art F. White; Alex E. Blum; Marjorie S. Schulz; Davison V. Vivit; David A. Stonestrom; Matthew C. Larsen; Sheila F. Murphy; Dennis D. Eberl
Abstract The pristine Rio Icacos watershed in the Luquillo Mountains in eastern Puerto Rico has the fastest documented weathering rate of silicate rocks on the Earth’s surface. A regolith propagation rate of 58 m Ma−1, calculated from iso-volumetric saprolite formation from quartz diorite, is comparable to the estimated denudation rate (25–50 Ma−1) but is an order of magnitude faster than the global average weathering rate (6 Ma−1). Weathering occurs in two distinct environments; plagioclase and hornblende react at the saprock interface and biotite and quartz weather in the overlying thick saprolitic regolith. These environments produce distinctly different water chemistries, with K, Mg, and Si increasing linearly with depth in saprolite porewaters and with stream waters dominated by Ca, Na, and Si. Such differences are atypical of less intense weathering in temperate watersheds. Porewater chemistry in the shallow regolith is controlled by closed-system recycling of inorganic nutrients such as K. Long-term elemental fluxes through the regolith (e.g., Si = 1.7 × 10−8 moles m−2 s−1) are calculated from mass losses based on changes in porosity and chemistry between the regolith and bedrock and from the age of the regolith surface (200 Ma). Mass losses attributed to solute fluxes are determined using a step-wise infiltration model which calculates mineral inputs to the shallow and deep saprolite porewaters and to stream water. Pressure heads decrease with depth in the shallow regolith (−2.03 m H2O m−1), indicating that both increasing capillary tension and graviometric potential control porewater infiltration. Interpolation of experimental hydraulic conductivities produces an infiltration rate of 1 m yr−1 at average field moisture saturation which is comparable with LiBr tracer tests and with base discharge from the watershed. Short term weathering fluxes calculated from solute chemistries and infiltration rates (e.g., Si = 1.4 × 10−8 moles m−2 s−1) are compared to watershed flux rates (e.g., Si = 2.7 × 10−8 moles m−2 s−1). Consistency between three independently determined sets of weathering fluxes imply that possible changes in precipitation, temperature, and vegetation over the last several hundred thousand years have not significantly impacted weathering rates in the Luquillo Mountains of Puerto Rico. This has important ramifications for tropical environments and global climate change.
Clays and Clay Minerals | 2001
Jan Środoń; Victor A. Drits; Douglas K. McCarty; Jean C.C. Hsieh; Dennis D. Eberl
An internal standard X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis technique permits reproducible and accurate calculation of the mineral contents of rocks, including the major clay mineral families: Fe-rich chlorites + berthierine, Mg-rich chlorites, Fe-rich dioctahedral 2:1 clays and micas, Al-rich dioctahedral 2:1 clays and micas, and kaolinites. A single XRD pattern from an air-dried random specimen is used. Clays are quantified from their 060 reflections which are well resolved and insensitive to structural defects. Zincite is used as the internal standard instead of corundum, because its reflections are more conveniently located and stronger, allowing for a smaller amount of spike (10%). The grinding technique used produces powders free of grains coarser than 20 µm and suitable for obtaining random and rigid specimens.Errors in accuracy are low, <2 wt. % deviation from actual values for individual minerals, as tested on artificial shale mixtures. No normalization is applied and thus, for natural rocks, the analysis is tested by the departure of the sum of the measured components from 100%. Our approach compares favorably with other quantitative analysis techniques, including a Rietveld-based technique.
Clays and Clay Minerals | 1997
Victor A. Drits; Jan Srodon; Dennis D. Eberl
The standard form of the Scherrer equation, which has been used to calculate the mean thickness of the coherent scattering domain (CSD) of illite crystals from X-ray diffraction (XRD) full width data at half maximum (FWHM) intensity, employs a constant, Ksh, of 0.89. Use of this constant is unjustified, even if swelling has no effect on peak broadening, because this constant is valid only if all CSDs have a single thickness. For different thickness distributions, the Scherrer “constant” has very different values.Analysis of fundamental particle thickness data (transmission electron microscopy, TEM) for samples of authigenic illite and illite/smectite from diagenetically altered pyroclastics and filamentous illites from sandstones reveals a unique family of lognormal thickness distributions for these clays. Experimental relations between the distributions’ lognormal parameters and mean thicknesses are established. These relations then are used to calculate the mean thickness of CSDs for illitic samples from XRD FWHM, or from integral XRD peak widths (integrated intensity/maximum intensity).For mixed-layer illite/smectite, the measured thickness of the CSD corresponds to the mean thickness of the mixed-layer crystal. Using this measurement, the mean thickness of the fundamental particles that compose the mixed-layer crystals can be calculated after XRD determination of percent smectitic interlayers. The effect of mixed layering (swelling) on XRD peak width for these samples is eliminated by using the 003 reflection for glycolated samples, and the 001, 002 or 003 reflection for dehydrated, K-sa-turated samples. If this technique is applied to the 001 reflection of air-dried samples (Kubler index measurement), mean CSD thicknesses are underestimated due to the mixed-layering effect.The technique was calibrated using NEWMOD©-simulated XRD profiles of illite, and then tested on well-characterized illite and illite/smectite samples. The XRD measurements are in good agreement with estimates of the mean thickness of fundamental particles obtained both from TEM measurements and from fixed cations content, up to a mean value of 20 layers. Correction for instrumental broadening under the conditions employed here is unnecessary for this range of thicknesses.
Science | 1990
Dennis D. Eberl; Jan Środoń; Martin Kralik; Bruce E. Taylor; Zell E. Peterman
Analyses of particle size distributions indicate that clay minerals and other diagenetic and metamorphic minerals commonly undergo recrystallization by Ostwald ripening. The shapes of their particle size distributions can yield the rate law for this process. One consequence of Ostwald ripening is that a record of the recrystallization process is preserved in the various particle sizes. Therefore, one can determine the detailed geologic history of clays and other recrystallized minerals by separating, from a single sample, the various particle sizes for independent chemical, structural, and isotopic analyses.
Clays and Clay Minerals | 1986
Jan Srodon; D. J. Morgan; Eric Eslinger; Dennis D. Eberl; M. R. Karlinger
Chemical data from three different series of diagenetic illite/smectites (I/S), analyzed statistically by two regresion techniques, indicate that the content of fixed-K per illite layer is not constant, but ranges from ~0.55 per O10(OH)2 for illite layers in randomly interstratified I/S (R=0; >50% smectite layers) to ~ 1.0 per O10(OH)2 for illite layers formed in ordered I/S (R>0; <50% smectite layers). By extrapolation of the experimental data, the following chemical characteristics were obtained for end-member illite derived from the alteration of smectite in bentonite: average fixed-K per illite layer = 0.75 per O10(OH)2; total charge = about -0.8; cation-exchange capacity = 15 meq/100 g; surface area (EGME) = 150 m2/g.
Clays and Clay Minerals | 1998
Victor A. Drits; Dennis D. Eberl; Jan Srodon
A modified version of the Bertaut-Warren-Averbach (BWA) technique (Bertaut 1949, 1950; Warren and Averbach 1950) has been developed to measure coherent scattering domain (CSD) sizes and strains in minerals by analysis of X-ray diffraction (XRD) data. This method is used to measure CSD thickness distributions for calculated and experimental XRD patterns of illites and illite-smectites (I-S). The method almost exactly recovers CSD thickness distributions for calculated illite XRD patterns. Natural I-S samples contain swelling layers that lead to nonperiodic structures in the c* direction and to XRD peaks that are broadened and made asymmetric by mixed layering. Therefore, these peaks cannot be analyzed by the BWA method. These difficulties are overcome by K-saturation and heating prior to X-ray analysis in order to form 10-Å periodic structures. BWA analysis yields the thickness distribution of mixed-layer crystals (coherently diffracting stacks of fundamental illite particles). For most I-S samples, CSD thickness distributions can be approximated by lognormal functions. Mixed-layer crystal mean thickness and expandability then can be used to calculate fundamental illite particle mean thickness. Analyses of the dehydrated, K-saturated samples indicate that basal XRD reflections are broadened by symmetrical strain that may be related to local variations in smectite interlayers caused by dehydration, and that the standard deviation of the strain increases regularly with expandability. The 001 and 002 reflections are affected only slightly by this strain and therefore are suited for CSD thickness analysis. Mean mixed-layer crystal thicknesses for dehydrated I-S measured by the BWA method are very close to those measured by an integral peak width method.
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta | 2000
D.E Kile; Dennis D. Eberl; A.R. Hoch; M.M Reddy
Abstract Calcite crystal growth experiments were undertaken to test a recently proposed model that relates crystal growth mechanisms to the shapes of crystal size distributions (CSDs). According to this approach, CSDs for minerals have three basic shapes: (1) asymptotic, which is related to a crystal growth mechanism having constant-rate nucleation accompanied by surface-controlled growth; (2) lognormal, which results from decaying-rate nucleation accompanied by surface-controlled growth; and (3) a theoretical, universal, steady-state curve attributed to Ostwald ripening. In addition, there is a fourth crystal growth mechanism that does not have a specific CSD shape, but which preserves the relative shapes of previously formed CSDs. This mechanism is attributed to supply-controlled growth. All three shapes were produced experimentally in the calcite growth experiments by modifying nucleation conditions and solution concentrations. The asymptotic CSD formed when additional reactants were added stepwise to the surface of solutions that were supersaturated with respect to calcite (initial Ω = 20, where Ω = 1 represents saturation), thereby leading to the continuous nucleation and growth of calcite crystals. Lognormal CSDs resulted when reactants were added continuously below the solution surface, via a submerged tube, to similarly supersaturated solutions (initial Ω = 22 to 41), thereby leading to a single nucleation event followed by surface-controlled growth. The Ostwald CSD resulted when concentrated reactants were rapidly mixed, leading initially to high levels of supersaturation (Ω >100), and to the formation and subsequent dissolution of very small nuclei, thereby yielding CSDs having small crystal size variances. The three CSD shapes likely were produced early in the crystallization process, in the nanometer crystal size range, and preserved during subsequent growth. Preservation of the relative shapes of the CSDs indicates that a supply-controlled growth mechanism was established and maintained during the constant-composition experiments. CSDs having shapes intermediate between lognormal and Ostwald also were generated by varying the initial levels of supersaturation (initial Ω = 28.2 to 69.2) in rapidly mixed solutions. Lognormal CSDs were observed for natural calcite crystals that are found in septarian concretions occurring in southeastern Colorado. Based on the model described above, these CSDs indicate initial growth by surface control, followed by supply-controlled growth. Thus, CSDs may be used to deduce crystal growth mechanisms from which geologic conditions early in the growth history of a mineral can be inferred. Conversely, CSD shape can be predicted during industrial crystallization by applying the appropriate conditions for a particular growth mechanism.
Clays and Clay Minerals | 2002
Stephen Guggenheim; Derek C. Bain; F. Bergaya; Maria Franca Brigatti; Victor A. Drits; Dennis D. Eberl; Milton Luiz Laquintinie Formoso; E. Galán; R. J. Merriman; Donald R. Peacor; Helge Stanjek; Takashi Watanabe
The purpose of this report is to describe the appropriate use of indices relating to crystallinity, such as the ‘crystallinity index’, the ‘Hinckley index’, the ‘Kubler index’, and the ‘Arkai index’. A ‘crystalline’ solid is defined as a solid consisting of atoms, ions or molecules packed together in a periodic arrangement. A ‘crystallinity index’ is purported to be a measure of crystallinity, although there is uncertainty about what this means (see below). This report discusses briefly the nature of order, disorder and crystallinity in phyllo-silicates and discusses why the use of a ‘crystallinity index’ should be avoided. If possible, it is suggested that indices be referred to using the name of the author who originally described the parameter, e.g. ‘Hinckley index’ or ‘Kubler index’, or in honor of a researcher who investigated the importance of the parameter extensively, e.g. ‘Arkai index’. In contrast to a crystalline solid, an ‘amorphous’ solid is one in which the constituent components are arranged randomly. However, many variations occur between the two extremes of crystalline vs. amorphous. For example, one type of amorphous material might consist simply of atoms showing no order and no periodicity. Alternatively, another amorphous material may consist of atoms arranged, for example, as groups of tetrahedra ( i.e. limited order) with each group displaced or rotated ( e.g. without periodicity) relative to another. Thus, this latter material is nearly entirely amorphous, but differs from the first. Likewise, disturbance of order and periodicity may occur in crystalline materials. The terms ‘order’ and ‘disorder’ refer to the collective nature or degree of such disturbances. Although seemingly simple notions, ‘crystalline’ and ‘amorphous’ are complex concepts. Crystalline substances may show a periodic internal structure based on direction. For example, two-dimensional periodicity is common in phyllosilicates where two adjacent sheets or layers must mesh. For example, in serpentine, …
Clays and Clay Minerals | 1997
David W. Rutherford; Cary T. Chiou; Dennis D. Eberl
The micropore volumes of 2 montmorillonites (SAz-1 and SWy-1), each exchanged with Ca, Na, K, Cs and tetramethylammonium (TMA) ions, were calculated from the measured vapor adsorption data of N2 and neo-hexane by use of t- and αs-plots. The corresponding surface areas of the exchanged clays were determined from Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) plots of N2 adsorption data. Micropore volumes and surface areas of the samples increased with the size of exchanged cation: TMA > Cs > K > Ca > Na. The SAz-1 exchanged clays showed generally greater micropore volumes and surface areas than the corresponding SWy-1 clays. The vapor adsorption data and d(001) measurements for dry clay samples were used together to evaluate the likely locations and accessibility of clay micropores, especially the relative accessibility of their interlayer spacing. For both source clays exchanged with Na, Ca and K ions, the interlayer spacing appeared to be too small to admit nonpolar gases and the accessible micropores appeared to have dimensions greater than 5.0 Å, the limiting molecular dimension of neo-hexane. In these systems, there was a good consistency of micropore volumes detected by N2 and neo-hexane. When the clays were intercalated with relatively large cations (TMA and possibly Cs), the large layer expansion created additional microporosity, which was more readily accessible to small N2 than to relatively large neo-hexane. Hence, the micropore volume as detected by N2 was greater than that detected by neo-hexane. The micropore volumes with pore dimensions greater than 5 Å determined for clays exchanged with Na, Ca and K likely resulted from the pores on particle edges and void created by overlap regions of layers. The increase in micropore volumes with pore dimensions less than 5 Å determined for clays exchanged with TMA and possibly Cs could be caused by opening of the interlayer region by the intercalation of these large cations.
Clays and Clay Minerals | 1977
Dennis D. Eberl; John Hower
The transformation of sodium and potassium smectite into mixed-layer clay was followed in hydrothermal kinetic experiments. Glasses of beidellite composition and the Wyoming bentonite were used as starting materials. Temperatures ranged between 260 and 490°C at 2 kbar pressure, and run times ranged between 6 hr and 266 days.The course of the reactions was found to be strongly affected by interlayer chemistry. When potassium was the interlayer cation, increasing reaction produced the series: randomly interstratified illite/smectite-ordered interstratifled illite/smectite-illite. This sequence is equivalent to that formed in shales during burial diagenesis. With interlayer sodium and temperatures above 300°C, an aluminous beidellite (Black Jack analog)-rectorite-paragonite series was realized. The difference between these two diagenetic families is discussed. Below 300°C, sodium beidellite formed randomly interstratifled mixed-layer clay much like potassium beidellite, except that a higher layer charge was required to produce sodium mica-like layers. The higher charge resulted from sodium’s higher hydration energy. The difference in hydration energy between potassium and sodium may account for the fixation of potassium rather than sodium in illite during burial diagenesis.The appearance of ordered interlayering in mixed-layer phases is also related to interlayer chemistry. Ordering formed in sodium clays at high expandabilities, whereas it never appeared in the potassium clays above approximately 35% expandable. The appearance of ordering may be partly related to the polarizing power of the mica-like layers.Phase diagrams, constructed from the kinetic experiments and from the composition and occurrence of natural clays, are presented for the systems paragonite and muscovite-2 quartz-kaolinite-excess water. This study also reports the first synthesis of a Kalkberg-type mixed-layer clay.