Dennis O. Otieno
University of Bayreuth
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Featured researches published by Dennis O. Otieno.
Ecological Applications | 2011
Jan Muhr; Juliane Höhle; Dennis O. Otieno; Werner Borken
We simulated the effect of prolonged dry summer periods by lowering the water table on three manipulation plots (D(1-3)) in a minerotrophic fen in southeastern Germany in three years (2006-2008). The water table at this site was lowered by drainage and by excluding precipitation; three nonmanipulated control plots (C(1-3)) served as a reference. We found no significant differences in soil respiration (R(Soil)), gross primary production (GPP), or aboveground respiration (R(AG)) between the C(1-3) and D(1-3) plots in any of the measurement years. The water table on the control plots was naturally low, with a median water table (2006-2008) of 8 cm below the surface, and even lower during summer when respiratory activity was highest, with median values (C(1-3)) between 11 and 19 cm below the surface. If it is assumed that oxygen availability in the uppermost 10 cm was not limited by the location of the water table, manipulative lowering of the water table most likely increased oxygen availability only in deeper peat layers where we expect R(Soil) to be limited by poor substrate quality rather than anoxia. This could explain the lack of a manipulation effect. In a second approach, we estimated the influence of the water table on R(Soil) irrespective of treatment. The results showed a significant correlation between R(Soil) and water table, but with R(Soil) decreasing at lower water tables rather than increasing. We thus conclude that decomposition in the litter layer is not limited by waterlogging in summer, and deeper peat layers bear no significant decomposition potential due to poor substrate quality. Consequently, we do not expect enhanced C losses from this site due to increasing frequency of dry summers. Assimilation and respiration of aboveground vegetation were not affected by water table fluctuations between 10 and >60 cm depth, indicating the lack of stress resulting from either anoxia (high water table) or drought (low water table).
Pedosphere | 2008
Yue-Lin Li; Dennis O. Otieno; K. Owen; Yun Zhang; John Tenhunen; Xingquan Rao; Yongbiao Lin
Abstract Temporal variability in soil CO2 emission from an orchard was measured using a dynamic open-chamber system for measuring soil CO2 efflux in Heshan Guangdong Province, in the lower subtropical area of China. Intensive measurements were conducted for a period of 12 months. Soil CO2 emissions were also modeled by multiple regression analysis from daily air temperature, dry-bulb saturated vapor pressure, relative humidity, atmospheric pressure, soil moisture, and soil temperature. Data was analyzed based on soil moisture levels and air temperature with annual data being grouped into either hot-humid season or relatively cool season based on the precipitation patterns. This was essential in order to acquire simplifled exponential models for parameter estimation. Minimum and maximum daily mean soil CO2 efflux rates were observed in November and July, with respective rates of 1.98 ± 0.66 and 11.04 ± 0.96 μmol m−2 s−1 being recorded. Annual average soil CO2 emission (F CO2) was 5.92 μmol m−2 s−1. Including all the weather variables into the model helped to explain 73.9% of temporal variability in soil CO2 emission during the measurement period. Soil CO2 efflux increased with increasing soil temperature and soil moisture. Preliminary results showed that Q10, which is deflned as the difierence in respiration rates over a 10 °C interval, was partly explained by flne root biomass. Soil temperature and soil moisture were the dominant factors controlling soil CO2 efflux and were regarded as the driving variables for CO2 production in the soil. Including these two variables in regression models could provide a useful tool for predicting the variation of CO2 emission in the commercial forest soils of South China.
Journal of Tropical Ecology | 2010
Dennis O. Otieno; George Ohuma K'Otuto; John Nyongesa Maina; Yakov Kuzyakov; John Collins Onyango
Measurements were conducted within a fence-exclosure between February 2008 and July 2009 to investigatetheinfluenceofsoilmoistureonecosystemCO2 fluxesinaThemedatriandra-dominatedgrasslandofahumid Kenyan savanna. Rainout shelters were constructed to reduce ambient rainfall by 0%, 10% and 20% respectively to attainvariablesoilwatercontent(SWC)duringplantgrowth.SWCwithinthetop30cmlayer,above-groundbiomass, soil and plant nitrogen (N) concentrations were assessed monthly alongside CO2 fluxes. Net ecosystem CO2 exchange (NEE) and ecosystem respiration (Reco) were measured with closed chambers while carbon (C) partitioning during the wet and dry seasons were assessed through pulse 13 C labelling. There were significant seasonal and between plot differences in SWC, above-ground biomass, canopy light utilization efficiency (α), CO2 fluxes and C allocation pattern resultingfromdifferencesinSWC.TheecosystemwasanetCsinkduringthewetandCneutralduringthedryseasons. The study showed strong seasonal fluctuations in ecosystem CO2 fluxes and underscores the significant role of the savanna grasslands in regional C balance due to its expansive nature. The savanna grassland is however vulnerable to low soil moisture, with significant reduction in CO2 uptake during drought.
PLOS ONE | 2013
Yuelin Li; Fangfang Yang; Yangxu Ou; Deqiang Zhang; Juxiu Liu; Guowei Chu; Yaru Zhang; Dennis O. Otieno; Guoyi Zhou
Background Natural forest succession often affects soil physical and chemical properties. Selected physical and chemical soil properties were studied in an old-growth forest across a forest successional series in Dinghushan Nature Reserve, Southern China. Methodology/Principal Findings The aim was to assess the effects of forest succession change on soil properties. Soil samples (0–20 cm depth) were collected from three forest types at different succession stages, namely pine (Pinus massoniana) forest (PMF), mixed pine and broadleaf forest (PBMF) and monsoon evergreen broadleaf forest (MEBF), representing early, middle and advanced successional stages respectively. The soil samples were analyzed for soil water storage (SWS), soil organic matter (SOM), soil microbial biomass carbon (SMBC), pH, NH4 +-N, available potassium (K), available phosphorus (P) and microelements (available copper (Cu), available zinc (Zn), available iron (Fe) and available boron (B)) between 1999 and 2009. The results showed that SWS, SOM, SMBC, Cu, Zn, Fe and B concentrations were higher in the advanced successional stage (MEBF stage). Conversely, P and pH were lower in the MEBF but higher in the PMF (early successional stage). pH, NH4 +-N, P and K declined while SOM, Zn, Cu, Fe and B increased with increasing forest age. Soil pH was lower than 4.5 in the three forest types, indicating that the surface soil was acidic, a stable trend in Dinghushan. Conclusion/Significance These findings demonstrated significant impacts of natural succession in an old-growth forest on the surface soil nutrient properties and organic matter. Changes in soil properties along the forest succession gradient may be a useful index for evaluating the successional stages of the subtropical forests. We caution that our inferences are drawn from a pseudo-replicated chronosequence, as true replicates were difficult to find. Further studies are needed to draw rigorous conclusions regarding on nutrient dynamics in different successional stages of forest.
Pedosphere | 2012
Wenjuan Huang; Deqiang Zhang; Yue-Lin Li; Xian-Kai Lu; Wei Zhang; Juan Huang; Dennis O. Otieno; Zhihong Xu; Juxiu Liu; Shizhong Liu; Guowei Chu
Abstract Soil acid phosphomonoesterase activity (APA) plays a vital role in controlling phosphorus (P) cycling and reflecting the current degree of P limitation. Responses of soil APA to elevating nitrogen (N) deposition are important because of their potential applications in addressing the relationship between N and P in forest ecosystems. A study of responses of soil APA to simulated N deposition was conducted in three succession forests of subtropical China. The three forests include a Masson pine ( Pinus massoniana ) forest (MPF)pioneer community, a coniferous and broad-leaved mixed forest (MF)transition community and a monsoon evergreen broad-leaved forest (MEBF)climax community. Four N treatments were designed for MEBF: control (without N added), low-N (50 kg N ha −1 year −1 ), and medium-N (100 kg N ha −1 year −1 ) and high-N (150 kg N ha −1 year −1 ), and only three N treatments ( i.e. , control, low-N, medium-N) were established for MPF and MF. Results showed that soil APA was highest in MEBF, followed by MPF and MF. Soil APAs in both MPF and MF were not influenced by low-N treatments but depressed in medium-N treatments. However, soil APA in MEBF exhibited negative responses to high N additions, indicating that the environment of enhanced N depositions would reduce P supply for the mature forest ecosystem. Soil APA and its responses to N additions in subtropical forests were closely related to the succession stages in the forests.
Journal of Ecology and Environment | 2012
Nahida Laiju; Dennis O. Otieno; Eun-Young Jung; Bora Lee; John Tenhunen; Jong-Hwan Lim; Joo-Han Sung; Sinkyu Kang
Sap flux density (SFD) measurements were used, in combination with morphological characteristics of trees and forest structure, to calculate whole-tree transpiration, stand transpiration (St) and mean canopy stomatal conductance (Gs). Analysis based on the relationships between the morphological characteristics of trees and whole tree water use, and on the responses of SFD and Gs to short wave radiation (RR), vapor pressure deficit (VPD) and soil water content (SWC) dur- ing drought and non-drought periods were conducted. The results showed a strong positive correlation between whole tree transpiration and both tree diameter at breast height (DBH) (r 2 = 0.95, P < 0.05) and sapwood area (SA) (r 2 = 0.98, P < 0.05). Relationships between SFD and DBH (r 2 = 0.25), as well as SA (r 2 = 0.17) were weak. Daily SFD of Quercus ser- rata Thunb was closely related to VPD and RR. Although operating at different time scales, RR and VPD were important interacting environmental controls of tree water use. SFD increased with increasing VPD (<1 kPa) and RR. SWC had a considerable effect on stand transpiration during the drought period. The relationships between SFD, VPD and RR were distorted when SWC dropped below 35%.
Plant Ecology & Diversity | 2015
Andreas H. Schweiger; Dennis O. Otieno; Salum R. Kulunge; Björn Reineking; John Tenhunen
Background: Positive plant–plant interactions similar to specialised plant growth forms are potential strategies to overcome the environmental harshness of Afro-alpine ecosystems. However, knowledge about plant–plant interactions is limited for African alpine regions. Aims: We investigated the ameliorative effect of the densely leaved dwarf shrub Helichrysum citrispinum on two frequently co-occurring herbaceous plant species in the alpine zone of Mt. Kilimanjaro. Methods: We recorded microclimatic conditions, plant water potentials and gross primary production (GPP) for plants of the low-growing perennial Alchemilla johnstonii and the tussock grass Festuca abyssinica and compared these parameters between open sites and under H. citrispinum shrubs between July and August 2012. Results: Shrubs significantly buffered daily variation and extreme values of irradiation, air-, plant surface- and soil-temperatures as well as vapour pressure deficit. We found enhanced plant water potentials and gross primary production for shaded plants of both species investigated; ameliorative effects were higher for A. johnstonii than for F. abyssinica. Conclusions: Habitat amelioration of H. citrispinum significantly improves the productivity of plant species that grow under the shrub, although the net outcome may be affected by interspecific growth form differences. Future studies on positive plant–plant interactions should more strongly focus on the ecophysiological consequences of habitat amelioration.
Journal of Plant Physiology | 2016
Wei Xue; Bhone Nay-Htoon; Steve Lindner; Maren Dubbert; Dennis O. Otieno; Jonghan Ko; Christiane Werner; John Tenhunen
Leaf intrinsic water use efficiency (WUEi) coupling maximum assimilation rate (Amax) and transpirable water lost via stomatal conductance (gsc) has been gaining increasing concern in sustainable crop production. Factors that influence leaf Amax and WUEi in rice (Oryza sativa L. cv Unkang) at flooding and rainfed conditions were evaluated. Positive correlations for leaf nitrogen content (Nm) and maximum carboxylation rate (Vcmax), for nitrogen allocation in Rubisco enzymes and mesophyll conductance (gm) were evident independent of cropping cultures. Rainfed rice exhibited enriched canopy leaf average Nm resulting in higher Amax, partially supporting improved leaf WUEi. Maximum WUEi (up to 0.14 μmol mmol(-1)) recorded in rainfed rice under drought conditions resulted from increasing gm/gsc ratio while at cost of significant decline in Amax due to hydraulically constrained gsc. Amax sensitivity related to gsc which was regulated by plant hydraulic conductance. WUEi was tightly correlated to Vcmax/gsc and gm/gsc ratios across the paddy and rainfed not to light environment, morphological and physiological traits, highlighting enhance capacity of Nm accumulation in rainfed rice with gsc at moderately high level similar to paddy rice facilitate optimization in Amax and WUEi while, is challenged by drought-vulnerable plant hydraulic conductance.
Pedosphere | 2015
Mir Zaman Hussain; Gnaana Saraswathi; Chhakchhuak Lalrammawia; Dennis O. Otieno; Kailash Paliwal; John Tenhunen
ABSTRACT Sporadic rain events that occur during summer play an important role in the initiation of biological activity of semi-arid grasslands. To understand how ecosystem processes of a buffel grass ( Cenchrus ciliaris L.)-dominated grassland respond to summer rain events, an LI 6 400 gas exchange system was used to measure the leaf gas exchange and plant canopy chambers were used to measure net ecosystem CO 2 exchange (NEE) and ecosystem respiration ( R eco ), which were made sequentially during periods before rain (dry) and after rain (wet). Gross ecosystem photosynthesis (GEP) was estimated from NEE and R eco fluxes, and light use efficiency parameters were estimated using a rectangular hyperbola model. Prior to the monsoon rain, grassland biomass was non-green and dry exhibiting positive NEE (carbon source) and low GEP values during which the soil water became increasingly scarce. An initial rain pulse (60 mm) increased the NEE from pre-monsoon levels to negative NEE (carbon gain) with markedly higher GEP and increased green biomass. The leaf photosynthesis and leaf stomatal conductance were also improved substantially. The maximum net CO 2 uptake (i.e., negative NEE) was sustained in the subsequent period due to multiple rain events. As a result, the grassland acted as a net carbon sink for 20 d after first rain. With cessation of rain (drying cycle), net CO 2 uptake was reduced to lower values. High sensitivity of this grassland to rain suggests that any decrease in precipitation in summer may likely affect the carbon sequestration of the semiarid ecosystem.
Asia-pacific Journal of Atmospheric Sciences | 2012
Yuelin Li; Guoyi Zhou; Deqiang Zhang; Katherine O. Wenigmann; Dennis O. Otieno; John Tenhunen; Qianmei Zhang; Junhua Yan
CO2 fluxes were measured continuously for three years (2003–2005) using the eddy covariance technique for the canopy layer with a height of 27 m above the ground in a dominant subtropical evergreen forest in Dinghushan, South China. By applying gapfilling methods, we quantified the different components of the carbon fluxes (net ecosystem exchange (NEE)), gross primary production (GPP) and ecosystem respiration (Reco) in order to assess the effects of meteorological variables on these fluxes and the atmospherecanopy interactions on the forest carbon cycle. Our results showed that monthly average daily maximum net CO2 exchange of the whole ecosystem varied from −3.79 to −14.24 μmol m−2 s−1 and was linearly related to photosynthetic active radiation. The Dinghushan forest acted as a net carbon sink of −488 g C m−2 y−1, with a GPP of 1448 g Cm−2 y−1, and a Reco of 961 g C m−2 y−1. Using a carboxylase-based model, we compared the predicted fluxes of CO2 with measurements. GPP was modelled as 1443 g C m−2 y−1, and the model inversion results helped to explain ca. 90% of temporal variability of the measured ecosystem fluxes. Contribution of CO2 fluxes in the subtropical forest in the dry season (October-March) was 62.2% of the annual total from the whole forest ecosystem. On average, 43.3% of the net annual carbon sink occurred between October and December, indicating that this time period is an important stage for uptake of CO2 by the forest ecosystem from the atmosphere. Carbon uptake in the evergreen forest ecosystem is an indicator of the interaction of between the atmosphere and the canopy, especially in terms of driving climate factors such as temperature and rainfall events. We found that the Dinghushan evergreen forest is acting as a carbon sink almost year-round. The study can improve the evaluation of the net carbon uptake of tropical monsoon evergreen forest ecosystem in south China region under climate change conditions.