Dennis Paul McNabb
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
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Featured researches published by Dennis Paul McNabb.
Journal of Applied Physics | 2006
Jason Pruet; Dennis Paul McNabb; C. Hagmann; Frederic V. Hartemann; C. P. J. Barty
We study the performance of a class of interrogation systems that exploit nuclear resonance fluorescence (NRF) to detect specific isotopes. In these systems the presence of a particular nuclide is inferred by observing the preferential attenuation of photons that strongly excite an electromagnetic transition in that nuclide. Estimates for the false positive/negative error rates, radiological dose, and detection sensitivity associated with discovering clandestine material embedded in cargo are presented. The relation between performance of the detection system and properties of the beam of interrogating photons is also considered. Bright gamma-ray sources with fine energy and angular resolution, such as those based on Thomson upscattering of laser light, are found to be associated with uniquely low radiological dose, scan times, and error rates. For this reason a consideration of NRF-based interrogation systems may provide impetus for efforts in light source development for applications related to national security and industry.
Optics Letters | 2010
Felicie Albert; S. G. Anderson; Gerald Anderson; S. M. Betts; D. J. Gibson; C. Hagmann; J. Hall; Micah Johnson; Mike Messerly; V. A. Semenov; Miroslav Y. Shverdin; A. Tremaine; Frederic V. Hartemann; C. W. Siders; Dennis Paul McNabb; C. P. J. Barty
What we believe to be the first demonstration of isotope-specific detection of a low-Z and low density object shielded by a high-Z and high-density material using monoenergetic gamma rays is reported. The isotope-specific detection of LiH shielded by Pb and Al is accomplished using the nuclear resonance fluorescence line of L7i at 478 keV. Resonant photons are produced via laser-based Compton scattering. The detection techniques are general, and the confidence level obtained is shown to be superior to that yielded by conventional x-ray and gamma-ray techniques in these situations.
COMPOUND‐NUCLEAR REACTIONS AND RELATED TOPICS: Proceedings of the 2007#N#International Workshop on Compound‐Nuclear Reactions and Related Topics ‐ CNR*#N#2007 | 2008
R. B. Firestone; M. Krtička; Dennis Paul McNabb; B. Sleaford; U. Agvaanluvsan; T. Belgya; Zs. Révay
Precise gamma‐ray thermal neutron capture cross sections have been measured at the Budapest Reactor for all elements with Z = 1–83,92 except for He and Pm. These measurements and additional data from the literature been compiled to generate the Evaluated Gamma‐ray Activation File (EGAF), which is disseminated by LBNL and the IAEA. These data are nearly complete for most isotopes with Z<20 so the total radiative thermal neutron capture cross sections can be determined directly from the decay scheme. For light isotopes agreement with the recommended values is generally satisfactory although large discrepancies exist for 11B, 12,13C, 15N, 28,30Si, 34S, 37Cl, and 40,41K. Neutron capture decay data for heavier isotopes are typically incomplete due to the contribution of unresolved continuum transitions so only partial radiative thermal neutron capture cross sections can be determined. The contribution of the continuum to the neutron capture decay scheme arises from a large number of unresolved levels and trans...
Physical Review C | 2000
P. E. Garrett; L. A. Bernstein; J. A. Becker; K. Hauschild; C. A. McGrath; Dennis Paul McNabb; W. Younes; M. B. Chadwick; G. D. Johns; R. O. Nelson
Excitation functions from the interaction of fast neutrons (up to an energy of 250 MeV) on a target of {sup 92}Mo have been measured. Yields have been determined for reaction {gamma} rays from {sup 88-92}Mo, {sup 88-92}Nb, {sup 86-91}Zr, {sup 84-86,88}Y, and {sup 80,82-86}Sr. These results are compared with model calculations using the GNASH code which takes into account compound nucleus, preequilibrium emission, multiple preequilibrium emission, and direct reaction contributions. The model calculations are in good agreement overall, but significant discrepancies emerge for some high-multiplicity, charged-particle-exit channels.
Physical Review C | 1997
N. Fotiades; J. A. Cizewski; Dennis Paul McNabb; K. Y. Ding; C. N. Davids; R. V. F. Janssens; D. Seweryniak; M. P. Carpenter; H. Amro; P. Decrock; P. Reiter; D. Nisius; L. T. Brown; Susan M. Fischer; T. Lauritsen; J. Wauters; C. R. Bingham; M. Huyse; A. N. Andreyev; L.F. Conticchio
Excited states built on the 13/2{sup +} isomers of the odd-mass {sup 193,195,197}Po isotopes have been observed via in-beam {gamma}-ray spectroscopy. The {alpha} radioactivity of these isotopes has been used to tag {gamma}-ray transitions following the {sup A}Er+164 MeV {sup 32}S reactions, where A=164, 166, 167, 168, and 170. Prompt {gamma} radiation was measured by ten Compton-suppressed Ge detectors at the target position and the Fragment Mass Analyzer was used to select evaporation residues. The results are compared with the first excited states of the heavier odd-mass polonium isotopes and of the even-mass cores. {copyright} {ital 1997} {ital The American Physical Society}
Physics of Plasmas | 2017
M. Gatu Johnson; A. Zylstra; A. Bacher; C. R. Brune; D. T. Casey; C.J. Forrest; H. W. Herrmann; M. Hohenberger; D. B. Sayre; R. Bionta; J.-L. Bourgade; J. A. Caggiano; Charles Cerjan; R. S. Craxton; D. Dearborn; M. Farrell; J. A. Frenje; E. M. Garcia; V. Yu. Glebov; Gerald M. Hale; Edward P. Hartouni; R. Hatarik; M. Hohensee; D. M. Holunga; M. L. Hoppe; R. Janezic; S. F. Khan; J. D. Kilkenny; Y. Kim; J. P. Knauer
This paper describes the development of a platform to study astrophysically relevant nuclear reactions using inertial-confinement fusion implosions on the OMEGA and National Ignition Facility laser facilities, with a particular focus on optimizing the implosions to study charged-particle-producing reactions. Primary requirements on the platform are high yield, for high statistics in the fusion product measurements, combined with low areal density, to allow the charged fusion products to escape. This is optimally achieved with direct-drive exploding pusher implosions using thin-glass-shell capsules. Mitigation strategies to eliminate a possible target sheath potential which would accelerate the emitted ions are discussed. The potential impact of kinetic effects on the implosions is also considered. The platform is initially employed to study the complementary T(t,2n)α, T(3He,np)α and 3He(3He,2p)α reactions. Proof-of-principle results from the first experiments demonstrating the ability to accurately measur...
Physical Review Letters | 2016
Alex Zylstra; H. W. Herrmann; M. Gatu Johnson; Y. Kim; J. A. Frenje; Gerry Hale; C. K. Li; M. S. Rubery; Mark W. Paris; Andrew Bacher; C. R. Brune; C.J. Forrest; V. Yu. Glebov; R. Janezic; Dennis Paul McNabb; A. Nikroo; J. Pino; T. C. Sangster; F. H. Séguin; W. Seka; H. Sio; C. Stoeckl; R. D. Petrasso
Light nuclei were created during big-bang nucleosynthesis (BBN). Standard BBN theory, using rates inferred from accelerator-beam data, cannot explain high levels of ^{6}Li in low-metallicity stars. Using high-energy-density plasmas we measure the T(^{3}He,γ)^{6}Li reaction rate, a candidate for anomalously high ^{6}Li production; we find that the rate is too low to explain the observations, and different than values used in common BBN models. This is the first data directly relevant to BBN, and also the first use of laboratory plasmas, at comparable conditions to astrophysical systems, to address a problem in nuclear astrophysics.
NUCLEAR PHYSICS IN THE 21st CENTURY:International Nuclear Physics Conference INPC 2001 | 2002
W. Younes; J. A. Becker; L. A. Bernstein; P. E. Garrett; C. A. McGrath; Dennis Paul McNabb; R. O. Nelson; G. D. Johns; W. S. Wilburn; Darrell M. Drake
Prompt γ rays from the neutron-induced fission of 235U have been studied using the GEANIE spectrometer situated at the LANSCE/WNR “white” neutron facility. Gamma-ray production cross sections for 29 ground-state-band transitions in 18 even-even fission fragments were obtained as a function of incident neutron energy, using the time-of-flight technique. Independent yields were deduced from these cross sections and fitted with standard formulations of the fragment charge and mass distributions to study the transition from asymmetric to symmetric fission. The results are interpreted in the context of the disappearance of shell structure at high excitation energies.
Physics of Plasmas | 2018
M. Gatu Johnson; D. T. Casey; M. Hohenberger; A. Zylstra; Andrew Bacher; C. R. Brune; R. Bionta; R. S. Craxton; C. L. Ellison; M. Farrell; J. A. Frenje; Warren Garbett; E. M. Garcia; G. P. Grim; Edward P. Hartouni; R. Hatarik; H. W. Herrmann; M. Hohensee; D. M. Holunga; M. L. Hoppe; M. C. Jackson; N. Kabadi; S. F. Khan; J. D. Kilkenny; T. R. Kohut; B. Lahmann; Hai P. Le; C. K. Li; L. Masse; P.W. McKenty
Polar-direct-drive exploding pushers are used as a high-yield, low-areal-density fusion product source at the National Ignition Facility with applications including diagnostic calibration, nuclear security, backlighting, electron-ion equilibration, and nucleosynthesis-relevant experiments. In this paper, two different paths to improving the performance of this platform are explored: (i) optimizing the laser drive, and (ii) optimizing the target. While the present study is specifically geared towards nucleosynthesis experiments, the results are generally applicable. Example data from T2/3He-gas-filled implosions with trace deuterium are used to show that yield and ion temperature (Tion) from 1.6 mm-outer-diameter thin-glass-shell capsule implosions are improved at a set laser energy by switching from a ramped to a square laser pulse shape, and that increased laser energy further improves yield and Tion, although by factors lower than predicted by 1 D simulations. Using data from D2/3He-gas-filled implosion...
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology | 2002
N. Fotiades; G. D. Johns; R. O. Nelson; Mark B. Chadwick; M. Devlin; Wesley S. Wilburn; P. G. Young; Daniel Edward Archer; John A Becker; Lee Allen Bernstein; C. A. McGrath; P. E. Garrett; Dennis Paul McNabb; W. Younes
Measurements of discrete γ-ray spectra have been carried out as a function of incident-neutron energy for nuclei populated in 238U(n, xnγ (x ≤ 4) reactions. The GEANIE spectrometer, comprised of 26 Ge detectors (11 planar and 15 coaxial), was used to detect γ-rays. Neutrons were provided by the “white” neutron source of the Los Alamos Neutron Science Center’s WNR facility. The energy of the incident neutrons was determined using the time-of-flight technique. Absolute cross sections were determined for emission of several γ-rays from low-lying states of 235-238U isotopes (spin up to 10ħ and excitation energy up to ~1 MeV) as a function of incident-neutron energy (1 MeV < En 100 MeV). Uncertainties associated with the spectroscopic analysis of the data are discussed. Predictions of partial γ-ray cross sections from GNASH calculations up to neutron energy En = 30 MeV are compared to the experimental results and are generally in good agreement. Combining the experimental results with the predictions of the nuclear reaction modeling provides a measurement of the 238U(n, n′) reaction cross section and validate this technique for determining reaction cross sections using γ-ray spectroscopy.