Denton S. Ebel
American Museum of Natural History
Science | 2006
Michael E. Zolensky; Thomas J. Zega; Hajime Yano; Sue Wirick; Andrew J. Westphal; M. K. Weisberg; I. Weber; Jack L. Warren; Michael A. Velbel; Akira Tsuchiyama; Peter Tsou; A. Toppani; Naotaka Tomioka; Kazushige Tomeoka; Nick E. Teslich; Mitra L. Taheri; Jean Susini; Rhonda M. Stroud; Thomas G. Stephan; Frank J. Stadermann; Christopher J. Snead; Steven B. Simon; A. Simionovici; Thomas H. See; François Robert; Frans J. M. Rietmeijer; William Rao; Murielle C. Perronnet; D. A. Papanastassiou; Kyoko Okudaira
The bulk of the comet 81P/Wild 2 (hereafter Wild 2) samples returned to Earth by the Stardust spacecraft appear to be weakly constructed mixtures of nanometer-scale grains, with occasional much larger (over 1 micrometer) ferromagnesian silicates, Fe-Ni sulfides, Fe-Ni metal, and accessory phases. The very wide range of olivine and low-Ca pyroxene compositions in comet Wild 2 requires a wide range of formation conditions, probably reflecting very different formation locations in the protoplanetary disk. The restricted compositional ranges of Fe-Ni sulfides, the wide range for silicates, and the absence of hydrous phases indicate that comet Wild 2 experienced little or no aqueous alteration. Less abundant Wild 2 materials include a refractory particle, whose presence appears to require radial transport in the early protoplanetary disk.
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta | 2000
Denton S. Ebel; L. Grossman
Abstract Full equilibrium calculations of the sequence of condensation of the elements from cosmic gases made by total vaporization of dust-enriched systems were performed in order to investigate the oxidation state of the resulting condensates. The computations included 23 elements and 374 gas species, and were done over a range of Ptot from 10−3 to 10−6 bar and for enrichments up to 1000× in dust of Cl composition relative to a system of solar composition. Because liquids are stable condensates in dust-enriched systems, the MELTS nonideal solution model for silicate liquids (Ghiorso and Sack, 1995) was incorporated into the computer code. Condensation at 10−3 bar and dust enrichments of 100×, 500×, and 1000× occur at oxygen fugacities of IW-3.1, IW-1.7, and IW-1.2, respectively, and, at the temperature of cessation of direct condensation of olivine from the vapor, yields XFa of 0.019, 0.088, and 0.164, respectively. Silicate liquid is a stable condensate at dust enrichments >∼12.5× at 10−3 bar and >∼425× at 10−6 bar. At 500×, the liquid field is >1000 K wide and accounts for a maximum of 48% of the silicon at 10−3 bar, and is 240 K wide and accounts for 25% of the silicon at 10−6 bar. At the temperature of disappearance of liquid, XFa of coexisting olivine is 0.025, 0.14, and 0.31 at 100×, 500×, and 1000×, respectively, almost independent of Ptot. At 1000×, the Na2O and K2O contents of the last liquid reach 10.1 and 1.3 wt.%, respectively, at 10−3 bar but are both negligible at 10−6 bar. At 10−3 bar, iron sulfide liquids are stable condensates at dust enrichments at least as low as 500× and coexist with silicate liquid at 1000×. No sulfide liquid is found at 10−6 bar. At 10−3 bar, the predicted distribution of Fe between metal, silicate and sulfide at 1310 K and a dust enrichment of 560× matches that found in H-group chondrites, and at 1330 K and 675× matches that of L-group chondrites prior to metal loss. Only at combinations of high Ptot and high dust enrichment do the bulk chemical composition trends of condensates reach the FeO contents typical of type IIA chondrules at temperatures where dust and gas could be expected to equilibrate, ≥1200 K. Even under these conditions, however, the composition trajectories of predicted condensates pass through compositions with much more CaO + Al2O3 relative to MgO + SiO2 than those of most type IA chondrules. Furthermore, on a plot of wt.% Na2O vs. wt.% FeO, most chondrule compositions are too Na2O-rich to lie along trends predicted for the bulk chemical compositions of the condensates at Ptot ≤ 10−3 bar and dust enrichments ≤1000×. Together, these chemical differences indicate that individual chondrules formed neither by quenching samples of the liquid + solid condensates that existed at various temperatures nor by quenching secondary liquids that formed from such samples. With the exception of very FeO-poor, Na2O-rich glasses in type I chondrules and glasses with very high FeO and Na2O in type II chondrules, however, many chondrule glass compositions fall along bulk composition trajectories for liquids in equilibrium with cosmic gases at 10−3 bar and dust enrichments between 600× and 1000×. If these chondrules formed by secondary melting of mixtures of condensates that formed at different temperatures, nebular regions with characteristics such as these would have been necessary to prevent loss of Na2O by evaporation and FeO by reduction from the liquid precursors of their glasses, assuming that the liquids were hot for a long enough time to have equilibrated with the gas.
Science | 2011
Larry R. Nittler; Richard D. Starr; Shoshana Z. Weider; Timothy J. McCoy; William V. Boynton; Denton S. Ebel; Carolyn M. Ernst; Larry G. Evans; John O. Goldsten; David K. Hamara; D. J. Lawrence; Ralph L. McNutt; Charles E. Schlemm; Sean C. Solomon; Ann L. Sprague
Geochemical data show that the major rock-forming components of Mercury are characterized by high sulfur content. X-ray fluorescence spectra obtained by the MESSENGER spacecraft orbiting Mercury indicate that the planet’s surface differs in composition from those of other terrestrial planets. Relatively high Mg/Si and low Al/Si and Ca/Si ratios rule out a lunarlike feldspar-rich crust. The sulfur abundance is at least 10 times higher than that of the silicate portion of Earth or the Moon, and this observation, together with a low surface Fe abundance, supports the view that Mercury formed from highly reduced precursor materials, perhaps akin to enstatite chondrite meteorites or anhydrous cometary dust particles. Low Fe and Ti abundances do not support the proposal that opaque oxides of these elements contribute substantially to Mercury’s low and variable surface reflectance.
Science | 2008
C. M. O'd. Alexander; Jeffrey N. Grossman; Denton S. Ebel; Fred J. Ciesla
Chondrules, which are roughly millimeter-sized silicate-rich spherules, dominate the most primitive meteorites, the chondrites. They formed as molten droplets and, judging from their abundances in chondrites, are the products of one of the most energetic processes that operated in the early inner solar system. The conditions and mechanism of chondrule formation remain poorly understood. Here we show that the abundance of the volatile element sodium remained relatively constant during chondrule formation. Prevention of the evaporation of sodium requires that chondrules formed in regions with much higher solid densities than predicted by known nebular concentration mechanisms. These regions would probably have been self-gravitating. Our model explains many other chemical characteristics of chondrules and also implies that chondrule and planetesimal formation were linked.
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta | 2002
Frank M. Richter; Andrew M. Davis; Denton S. Ebel; A. Hashimoto
Abstract Experiments exposing Type B calcium-, aluminum-rich inclusion (CAI)-like melts at high temperatures to high vacuum or reducing hydrogen-rich gas mixtures were used to determine the rates and consequences of elemental and isotopic fractionation by evaporation. Silicon and magnesium were found to evaporate much faster than calcium and aluminum, and the resulting residual liquid trajectories in composition space are reproduced via a thermodynamic model for the saturation vapor pressure of the evaporating species. Isotopic fractionations associated with evaporation were measured for magnesium. The resulting relationship between fraction of magnesium lost and enrichment of the residue in the heavy isotopes of magnesium follows a Rayleigh fractionation curve with a fractionation factor that is close to, but not exactly, the theoretically expected value. The rate of evaporation is found to be a strong function of temperature, oxygen fugacity, and melt composition, which can be understood and modeled in terms of the dependence of the saturation vapor pressures on these variables. The relationship between evaporation rate, which we measure, and calculated saturation vapor involves empirical evaporation coefficients that we find to be significantly less than one (∼0.1). Analytical and numerical models are used to characterize how diffusion in both the melt and in the surrounding gas affects evaporation rates and the degree of chemical and isotopic fractionation. The experimental data and theoretical considerations are combined to give a parameterization of the rates and consequences of evaporation of Type B CAI-like liquids, which is then used to translate the measured isotopic fractionation of Type B CAIs into constraints on their thermal history. Cooling rates of the order of 10°C per hour are indicated.
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta | 2000
L. Grossman; Denton S. Ebel; Steven B. Simon; Andrew M. Davis; Frank M. Richter; Nigel M. Parsad
Literature data for major element oxide compositions of most coarse-grained Types A and B inclusions in CV3 chondrites may be in error due to non-representative sampling of spinel relative to other phases because of small sample sizes. When reported compositions are corrected to the solar CaO/Al2O3 ratio by addition or subtraction of spinel, distinct trends result on oxide–oxide plots. These trends lie close to trajectories of bulk compositions of equilibrium condensates calculated for solar or dust-enriched gases under various conditions, except on a plot of MgO vs. SiO2 contents, where there is considerable scatter of the data points to the MgO-poor side of the condensation trajectory. The irreversible process of evaporative mass loss from a liquid droplet into an unsaturated H2 gas is modeled as a series of small equilibrium steps. This model is used to show that evolutionary paths of CMAS liquid compositions are identical for evaporation at all PH2 from 1 × 10−15 to 1 bar, with the ratio of the fraction of the SiO2 evaporated to that for MgO increasing both with increasing temperature from 1700 to 2000 K and with increasing SiO2 content of the starting composition. Such calculations show that compositions of most Type B inclusions can be explained by non-equilibrium evaporation of 10 to 30% of the MgO and 0 to 15% of the SiO2 into an H2 gas at 1700 K from liquid droplets whose compositions originated on any one of many possible equilibrium condensation trajectories. Some Type As may have suffered similar evaporative losses of MgO and SiO2 but at higher temperature. This degree of evaporation is consistent with the amount of Mg and Si isotopic mass fractionation observed in Types A and B inclusions. Evaporation probably happened after most Mg and Si were removed from the nebular gas into lower-temperature condensates.
Science | 2012
Peter Jenniskens; Marc Fries; Q.-Z. Yin; Michael E. Zolensky; Alexander N. Krot; Scott A. Sandford; Derek W. G. Sears; Robert Beauford; Denton S. Ebel; Jon M. Friedrich; Kazuhide Nagashima; Josh Wimpenny; Akane Yamakawa; Kunihiko Nishiizumi; Yasunori Hamajima; Marc W. Caffee; Kees C. Welten; M. Laubenstein; Andrew M. Davis; Steven B. Simon; Philipp R. Heck; Edward D. Young; Issaku E. Kohl; Mark H. Thiemens; Morgan H. Nunn; Takashi Mikouchi; Kenji Hagiya; Kazumasa Ohsumi; Thomas A. Cahill; Jonathan A. Lawton
The Meteor That Fell to Earth In April 2012, a meteor was witnessed over the Sierra Nevada Mountains in California. Jenniskens et al. (p. 1583) used a combination of photographic and video images of the fireball coupled with Doppler weather radar images to facilitate the rapid recovery of meteorite fragments. A comprehensive analysis of some of these fragments shows that the Sutters Mill meteorite represents a new type of carbonaceous chondrite, a rare and primitive class of meteorites that contain clues to the origin and evolution of primitive materials in the solar system. The unexpected and complex nature of the fragments suggests that the surfaces of C-class asteroids, the presumed parent bodies of carbonaceous chondrites, are more complex than previously assumed. Analysis of this rare meteorite implies that the surfaces of C-class asteroids can be more complex than previously assumed. Doppler weather radar imaging enabled the rapid recovery of the Sutter’s Mill meteorite after a rare 4-kiloton of TNT–equivalent asteroid impact over the foothills of the Sierra Nevada in northern California. The recovered meteorites survived a record high-speed entry of 28.6 kilometers per second from an orbit close to that of Jupiter-family comets (Tisserand’s parameter = 2.8 ± 0.3). Sutter’s Mill is a regolith breccia composed of CM (Mighei)–type carbonaceous chondrite and highly reduced xenolithic materials. It exhibits considerable diversity of mineralogy, petrography, and isotope and organic chemistry, resulting from a complex formation history of the parent body surface. That diversity is quickly masked by alteration once in the terrestrial environment but will need to be considered when samples returned by missions to C-class asteroids are interpreted.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | 2011
Laurent Carporzen; Benjamin P. Weiss; Linda T. Elkins-Tanton; David L. Shuster; Denton S. Ebel; Jérôme Gattacceca
The textures of chondritic meteorites demonstrate that they are not the products of planetary melting processes. This has long been interpreted as evidence that chondrite parent bodies never experienced large-scale melting. As a result, the paleomagnetism of the CV carbonaceous chondrite Allende, most of which was acquired after accretion of the parent body, has been a long-standing mystery. The possibility of a core dynamo like that known for achondrite parent bodies has been discounted because chondrite parent bodies are assumed to be undifferentiated. Resolution of this conundrum requires a determination of the age and timescale over which Allende acquired its magnetization. Here, we report that Allende’s magnetization was acquired over several million years (Ma) during metasomatism on the parent planetesimal in a > ∼ 20 μT field up to approximately 9—10 Ma after solar system formation. This field was present too recently and directionally stable for too long to have been generated by the protoplanetary disk or young Sun. The field intensity is in the range expected for planetesimal core dynamos, suggesting that CV chondrites are derived from the outer, unmelted layer of a partially differentiated body with a convecting metallic core.
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta | 2002
L. Grossman; Denton S. Ebel; Steven B. Simon
Berman’s (1983) activity-composition model for CaO-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2 liquids is used to calculate the change in bulk chemical and isotopic composition during simultaneous cooling, evaporation, and crystallization of droplets having the compositions of reasonable condensate precursors of Types A and B refractory inclusions in CV3 chondrites. The degree of evaporation of MgO and SiO2, calculated to be faithfully recorded in chemical and isotopic zoning of individual melilite crystals, is directly proportional to evaporation rate, which is a sensitive function of PH2, and inversely proportional to the droplet radius and cooling rate. When the precursors are partially melted in pure hydrogen at peak temperatures in the vicinity of the initial crystallization temperature of melilite, their bulk chemical compositions evolve into the composition fields of refractory inclusions, mass-fractionated isotopic compositions of Mg, Si, and O are produced that are in the range of the isotopic compositions of natural inclusions, and melilite zoning profiles result that are similar to those observed in real inclusions. For droplets of radius 0.25 cm evaporating at PH2 = 10−6 bar, precursors containing 8 to 13 wt.% MgO and 20 to 23% SiO2 evolve into objects similar to compact Type A inclusions at cooling rates of 2 to 12 K/h, depending on the precise starting composition. Precursors containing 13 to 14 wt.% MgO and 23 to 26% SiO2 evolve into objects with the characteristics of Type B1 inclusions at cooling rates of 1.5 to 3 K/h. The relatively SiO2-poor members of the Type B2 group can be produced from precursors containing 14 to 16 wt.% MgO and 27 to 33% SiO2 at cooling rates of 15% than are found on any condensation curve. The characteristics of fluffy Type A inclusions, including their reversely zoned melilite, can only be understood in the context of this model if they contain relict melilite.
Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union | 2004
Stefan Rahmstorf; David Archer; Denton S. Ebel; Otto Eugster; Jean Jouzel; Douglas Maraun; Urs Neu; Gavin A. Schmidt; Jeffrey P. Severinghaus; Andrew J. Weaver; James C. Zachos
Several recent papers have applied correlation analysis to climate-related time series in the hope of finding evidence for causal relationships. For a critical discussion of correlations between solar variability, cosmic rays, and cloud cover, see Laut [2003]. A prominent new example is a paper by Shaviv and Veizer [2003], which claims that fluctuations in cosmic ray flux reaching the Earth can explain 66% of the temperature variance over the past 520 m.y.,and that the sensitivity of climate to a doubling of CO2 is less than previously estimated.