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Featured researches published by Derek Chan.

Journal of Pipeline Systems Engineering and Practice | 2016

Field Performance of In-Service Cast Iron Gas Reticulation Pipe Buried in Reactive Clay

Derek Chan; Pathmanathan Rajeev; Jayantha Kodikara; Chaminda Gallage

AbstractField instrumentation of an in-service cast iron gas pipe buried in a residential area is detailed in this paper. The aim of the study was to monitor the long-term pipe behavior to understand the mechanisms of pipe bending in relation to ground movement as a result of seasonal fluctuation of soil moisture content. Field data showed that variation of soil temperature, suction, and moisture content are closely related to the prevailing climate. Change of soil temperature is generally related to the ambient air temperature, with a variation of approximately −3°C per meter depth from the ground surface in summer (decrease with depth) and winter (increase with depth). Seasonal cyclic variation in moisture content was observed with maxima in February and March, and a minimum around September. The pipe top was under tensile strain during summer and subsequently subjected to compressive strain as soil swelling occurred as a result of increase in moisture content. The study suggests that downward pipe bend...

Canadian Geotechnical Journal | 2014

Soil moisture monitoring at the field scale using neutron probe

Jayantha Kodikara; Pathmanathan Rajeev; Derek Chan; Chaminda Gallage

10th Australia New Zealand Conf. on Geomechanics (Marc Woodward, Chair of the AGS 21/10/2007 to 24/10/2007) | 2007

Data analysis and laboratory investigation of the behaviour of pipes buried in reactive clay

Derek Chan; Jayantha Kodikara; Scott Gould; P.G. Ranjith; Sing-Ki Choi; Paul Davis

Archive | 2008

A comparison of the results of the numerical analysis and the physical behavior of a pipe buried in reactive clay

Chaminda Gallage; Jayantha Kodikara; Derek Chan; Paul Davis

Faculty of Built Environment and Engineering | 2009

Behaviour of an in-service cast iron water reticulation pipe buried in expansive soil

Chaminda Gallage; Derek Chan; Scott Gould; Jayantha Kodikara

Science & Engineering Faculty | 2015

Field performance of in-service cast iron water reticulation pipe buried in reactive clay

Derek Chan; Chaminda Gallage; Pathmanathan Rajeev; Jayantha Kodikara

Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Geotechnical Engineering | 2013

Discussion: Response of a plastic pipe buried in expansive clay

Chaminda Gallage; Derek Chan; Jayantha Kodikara; Paul C. F. Ng

Science & Engineering Faculty | 2011

Response of a plastic pipe buried in expansive clay

Chaminda Gallage; Jayantha Kodikara; Derek Chan

Faculty of Built Environment and Engineering | 2010

Regional field measurement of soil moisture content with neutron probe

Derek Chan; Pathnmanathna Rajeev; Chaminda Gallage; Jayantha Kodikara

Faculty of Built Environment and Engineering | 2009

Field instrumentation of a water reticulation pipe buried in reactive soil

Derek Chan; Chaminda Gallage; Scott Gould; Jayantha Kodikara; Abdelmalek Bouazza; James Cull


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Chaminda Gallage

Queensland University of Technology

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Paul Davis

Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation

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