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Featured researches published by Derek S. Liechty.
43rd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit | 2005
Brian R. Hollis; Derek S. Liechty; Michael J. Wright; Michael Holden; Timothy Wadhams; Matthew MacLean; Artem A. Dyakonov
An investigation of transitional/turbulent heating on the Mars Science Laboratory entry vehicle has been conducted. Laminar, transitional, and turbulent heating data were obtained in a perfect-gas, Mach 6 air wind tunnel and in a high-enthalpy shock tunnel in CO2. Flow field solutions were computed using a Navier-Stokes solver at the test conditions and comparisons were made between measured and predicted heating levels. Close agreement was obtained for all laminar perfect-gas cases. For the high-enthalpy CO2 cases, close agreement with the data was achieved when a fully-catalytic wall boundary condition was employed, whereas the predictions exceeded the data by more than 25% if a noncatalytic boundary condition was used. Turbulent heating predictions fell below the perfectgas air data by 25% but exceeded the CO2 data by 60%. Transition onset locations were determined through comparisons with laminar heating predictions, and boundary-layer parameters from the flow field solutions were used to develop correlations for the transition onset location and the turbulent heating augmentation on the leeside of the vehicle.
9th AIAA/ASME Joint Thermophysics and Heat Transfer Conference | 2006
Thomas J. Horvath; Scott A. Berry; N. Ronald Merski; Karen T. Berger; Gregory M. Buck; Derek S. Liechty; Steven P. Schneider
An overview is provided of the experimental wind tunnel program conducted at the NASA Langley Research Center Aerothermodynamics Laboratory in support of an agency-wide effort to prepare the Shuttle Orbiter for Return-to-Flight. The effect of an isolated protuberance and an isolated rectangular cavity on hypersonic boundary layer transition onset on the windward surface of the Shuttle Orbiter has been experimentally characterized. These experimental studies were initiated to provide a protuberance and cavity effects database for developing hypersonic transition criteria to support on-orbit disposition of thermal protection system damage or repair. In addition, a synergistic experimental investigation was undertaken to assess the impact of an isolated mass-flow entrainment source (simulating pyrolysis/outgassing from a proposed tile repair material) on boundary layer transition. A brief review of the relevant literature regarding hypersonic boundary layer transition induced from cavities and localized mass addition from ablation is presented. Boundary layer transition results were obtained using 0.0075-scale Orbiter models with simulated tile damage (rectangular cavities) of varying length, width, and depth and simulated tile damage or repair (protuberances) of varying height. Cavity and mass addition effects were assessed at a fixed location (x/L = 0.3) along the model centerline in a region of near zero pressure gradient. Cavity length-to-depth ratio was systematically varied from 2.5 to 17.7 and length-to-width ratio of 1 to 8.5. Cavity depth-to-local boundary layer thickness ranged from 0.5 to 4.8. Protuberances were located at several sites along the centerline and port/starboard attachment lines along the chine and wing leading edge. Protuberance height-to-boundary layer thickness was varied from approximately 0.2 to 1.1. Global heat transfer images and heating distributions of the Orbiter windward surface using phosphor thermography were used to infer the state of the boundary layer (laminar, transitional, or turbulent). Test parametrics include angles-of-attack of 30 deg and 40 deg, sideslip angle of 0 deg, freestream Reynolds numbers from 0.02x10 6 to 7.3x10 6 per foot, edge-to-wall temperature ratio from 0.4 to 0.8, and normal shock density ratios of approximately 5.3, 6.0, and 12 in Mach 6 air, Mach 10 air, and Mach 6 CF 4 , respectively. Testing to simulate the effects of ablation from a proposed tile repair concept indicated that transition was not a concern. The experimental protuberance and cavity databases highlighted in this report were used to formulate boundary layer transition correlations that were an integral part of an analytical process to disposition observed Orbiter TPS damage during STS114.
Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets | 2001
Thomas J. Horvath; Scott A. Berry; Brian R. Hollis; Derek S. Liechty; H. Harris Hamilton; N. Ronald Merski
The goal of the NASA Reusable Launch Vehicle (RLV) technology program is to mature and demonstrate essential, cost effective technologies for next generation launch systems. The X-33 flight vehicle presently being developed by Lockheed Martin is an experimental Single Stage to Orbit (SSTO) demonstrator that seeks to validate critical technologies and insure applicability to a full scale RLV. As with the design of any hypersonic vehicle, the aeroheating environment is an important issue and one of the key technologies being demonstrated on X-33 is an advanced metallic Thermal Protection System (TPS). As part of the development of this TPS system, the X-33 aeroheating environment is being defined through conceptual analysis, ground based testing, and computational fluid dynamics. This report provides an overview of the hypersonic aeroheating wind tunnel program conducted at the NASA Langley Research Center in support of the ground based testing activities. Global surface heat transfer images, surface streamline patterns, and shock shapes were measured on 0.013 scale (10-in.) ceramic models of the proposed X-33 configuration in Mach 6 air. The test parametrics include angles of attack from -5 to 40 degs, unit Reynolds numbers from 1x106 to 8x106/ft, and body flap deflections of 0, 10, and 20 deg. Experimental and computational results indicate the presence of shock/shock interactions that produced localized heating on the deflected flaps and boundary layer transition on the canted fins. Comparisons of the experimental data to laminar and turbulent predictions were performed. Laminar windward heating data from the wind tunnel was extrapolated to flight surface temperatures and generally compared to within 50 deg F of flight prediction along the centerline. When coupled with the phosphor technique, this rapid extrapolation method would serve as an invaluable TPS design tool.
32nd AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference and Exhibit | 2002
Brian R. Hollis; Derek S. Liechty
Laminar and turbulent perfect-gas air, Navier-Stokes computations have been performed for a proposed Mars Smart Lander entry vehicle at Mach 6 over a free stream Reynolds number range of 6.9 x 10(exp 6)/m to 2.4 x 10(exp 7)/m (2.1 x 10(exp 6)/ft to 7.3 x 10(exp 6)/ft) for angles-of-attack of 0-deg, 11-deg, 16-deg, and 20-deg, and comparisons were made to wind tunnel heating data obtained a t the same conditions. Boundary layer edge properties were extracted from the solutions and used to correlate experimental data on the effects of heat-shield penetrations (bolt-holes where the entry vehicle would be attached to the propulsion module during transit to Mars) on boundary-layer transition. A non-equilibrium Martian-atmosphere computation was performed for the peak heating point on the entry trajectory in order to determine if the penetrations would produce boundary-layer transition by using this correlation.
Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets | 2006
Brian R. Hollis; Derek S. Liechty
The influence of heat-shield cavities on the forebody of the proposed Mars Science Laboratory entry vehicle has been investigated experimentally and computationally. Wind-tunnel tests were conducted on the 70-deg sphere-cone forebody of the vehicle with various cavity sizes and locations to assess their effects on convective heating and boundary-layer transition. The heat-transfer coefficients and transition locations were measured using global phos-phor thermography. Laminar and turbulent Navier-Stokes computations were performed to compare with the experimental aeroheating data and to determine boundary-layer parameters for use in correlation of the experimental transition data. Comparisons of laminar heating data and computations were found to agree to within the experimental uncertainty, but turbulent computations underpredicted measured heating levels by up to 20%, possibly because the cavities were not included in the simple computational geometry employed. The cavity transition data were analyzed to determine a correlation for transition to turbulence at a cavity in terms of cavity geometric parameters and computed boundary-layer conditions. This correlation was used to show that the vehicle could experience early onset of turbulent flow in flight as a result of the presence of cavities.
Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets | 2006
Derek S. Liechty; Brian R. Hollis; Karl T. Edquist
Preliminary designs of the Mars Science Laboratory required it to be attached through its aeroshell to the main spacecraft bus, thereby producing cavities in the heat shield. Several configurations were considered experimentally for the Mars Science Laboratory, which have a Viking aeroshell heritage and provide the lift to drag required for precision landing. To study the effects of the cavities and control surfaces on the heating levels experienced by the heat shield, an experimental aeroheating investigation was performed at the NASA Langley Research Center in the 20-Inch Mach 6 Air Tunnel. Three configurations were studied experimentally. The first configuration was the baseline without any control surface. The last two include a blended tab control surface and a blended shelf control surface. The effects of Reynolds number, angle of attack, and cavity size and location on aeroheating levels and distributions were determined for each configuration and are presented. To aid the interpretation of the effects of the cavities, laminar, thin-layer Navier-Stokes flowfield solutions were performed for the baseline configuration and were then postprocessed to calculate relevant boundary-layer properties. It was found that the effect of the cavities varied with angle of attack, freestream Reynolds number, and cavity size and location. The presence of a cavity raised local heating rates by as much as 250% and the downstream heating rates by as much as 325% as a result of boundary-layer transition. Forebody cavities had no effect on afterbody heating, and the presence of control surfaces decreased leeward afterbody heating slightly.
33rd AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference and Exhibit | 2003
Derek S. Liechty; Scott A. Berry; Brian R. Hollis; Thomas J. Horvath
ABSTRACT Data previously obtained for the X-33 in the NASA Langley Research Center 20-Inch Mach 6 Air Tunnel have been reanalyzed to compare methods for determining boundary layer edge conditions for use in transition correla- tions. The experimental results were previously obtained utilizing the phosphor thermography technique to monitor the status of the boundary layer downstream of discrete roughness elements via global heat transfer images of the X-33 windward surface. A boundary layer transition correlation was previously developed for this data set using boundary layer edge conditions calculated using an inviscidlintegral boundary layer approach. An algorithm was written in the present study to extract boundary layer edge quantities from higher fidelity viscous computational fluid dynamic solutions to develop transition correlations that account for viscous effects on vehicles of arbitrary complex- ity. The boundary layer transition correlation developed for the X-33 from the viscous solutions are compared to the previous boundary layer transition correlations. It is shown that the boundary layer edge conditions calculated using
Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets | 2007
Derek S. Liechty
The aeroheating environment of the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) has been analyzed using the Direct Simulation Monte Carlo and free-molecular techniques. The results of these analyses were used to develop an aeroheating database to be used for the pre-flight planning and the in-flight operations support for the aerobraking phase of the MRO mission. The aeroheating predictions calculated for the MRO include the heat transfer coefficient ( C H ) over a range of angles-of-attack, side-slip angles, and number densities. The effects of flow chemistry were also investigated. Flight heat flux data deduced from surface temperature sensors have been compared to pre-flight predictions and agree favorably.
AIAA Atmospheric Flight Mechanics Conference and Exhibit | 2002
Derek S. Liechty; Brian R. Hollis; Karl T. Edquist
Several configurations, having a Viking aeroshell heritage and providing lift-to-drag required for precision landing, have been considered for a proposed Mars Smart Lander. An experimental aeroheating investigation of two configurations, one having a blended tab and the other a blended shelf control surface, has been conducted at the NASA Langley Research Center in the 20-Inch Mach 6 Air Tunnel to assess heating levels on these control surfaces and their effects on afterbody heating. The proposed Mars Smart Lander concept is to be attached through its aeroshell to the main spacecraft bus, thereby producing cavities in the forebody heat shield upon separation prior to entry into the Martian atmosphere. The effects these cavities will have on the heating levels experienced by the control surface and the afterbody were also examined. The effects of Reynolds number, angle-of-attack, and cavity location on aeroheating levels and distributions were determined and are presented. At the highest angle-of-attack, blended tab heating was increased due to transitional reattachment of the separated shear layer. The placement of cavities downstream of the control surface greatly influenced aeroheating levels and distributions. Forebody heat shield cavities had no effect on afterbody heating and the presence of control surfaces decreased leeward afterbody heating slightly.
52nd Aerospace Sciences Meeting | 2014
Brian R. Hollis; Karen T. Berger; Scott A. Berry; Gregory J. Bruckmann; Gregory M. Buck; Michael DiFulvio; Thomas J. Horvath; Derek S. Liechty; N. Ronald Merski; Kelly J. Murphy; Shann J. Rufer; Mark Schoenenberger
A review is presented of recent research, development, testing and evaluation activities related to entry, descent and landing that have been conducted at the NASA Langley Research Center. An overview of the test facilities, model development and fabrication capabilities, and instrumentation and measurement techniques employed in this work is provided. Contributions to hypersonic/supersonic flight and planetary exploration programs are detailed, as are fundamental research and development activities.