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Featured researches published by Detlev F. Vagts.

American Journal of International Law | 1997

The Energy Charter Treaty : an east-west gateway for investment and trade

Detlev F. Vagts

International Oil and Gas Investment in the CIS States. Eurasian Energy Politics and Prospects: Need for a Long-Term Western Strategy. Investing in the Former Soviet Unions Oil Industry: The Energy Charter Treaty and its Implications for Mitigating Political Risk. Negotiating the Energy Charter Treaty. The Energy Charter Treaty: A Russian Perspective. The Energy Charter Agreement and the Development of Kazakh Legislation. An Oil & Gas Industry Perspective. Why the United States did not Sign the Energy Charter Treaty. The Energy Charter Treaty: Towards a New International Order for Trade & Investment or a Case of History Repeating Itself. The Energy Charter Treaty: Some Observations on its International Context and Internal Structure. The Energy Charter Treaty in the Context of the Treaties of the European Union. International Investment under the 1994 Energy Charter Treaty. The Energy Charter Treaty and Bilateral Investment Treaty Regimes. The Energy Charter Treaty and Investment Contracts. Back to the Future: Expropriation in the Energy Charter Treaty. Compensation for Nationalization: The Provisions in the Energy Charter Treaty. Arbitration Provisions in the BITs and the Energy Charter Treaty. Arbitration without Privity. Trade and Investment Measures in the Energy Charter Treaty. The Trade Rules of GATT and Related Instruments and the Energy Charter Treaty. Transit of Networkbound Energy: The European Experience. Environmental Protection under the Energy Charter Treaty. Legal Implications of the Energy Charter Treaty Competition Rules. The Energy Charter Treaty: Implementation and Compliance Issues. Transitional Arrangements and Privatisation in Russia. Annexes.

American Journal of International Law | 2000

The Hague Conventions and Arms Control

Detlev F. Vagts

The Hague Conferences of 1899 and 1907, and the conventions they produced, opened the doors—just barely—to the era of arms control. But they did so in a way that would not have been expected. Arms control can be understood as having two main branches—the quantitative and the qualitative. “Quantitative”refers to controls that permit a given category of weapons—such as batdeships, nuclear warheads, and andballistic missile systems—but restrict the number that each of the participating powers may hold. “Qualitative” refers to prohibitions on the use of specified items—such as explosive bullets, poison gas, and bacteriological weapons. Curiously, it was the matter of quantitative control—the desire to check the costs of the arms race—that led to the calling of the Hague Conferences, but their only arms control outcome concerned qualitative limitations. One can trace influences of the Hague experience in this regard on both sides of the arms control movement after World War I and more faintly after World War II, though its descent is less clear than that of the prisoner-of-war conventions and other law of war rules. The inclination of scholars and policymakers to neglect the arms control efforts made between the two world wars has tended to obscure the indirect influence of the Hague Conferences.

American Journal of International Law | 2001

The United States and Its Treaties: Observance and Breach

Detlev F. Vagts

The commitment of the United States to its treaty obligations has recently been put in question by two persistent histories of treaty violation—the refusal to pay U.S. United Nations dues in full until the contentious and tenuous settlement of early 2001 and the repeated failure to advise alien prisoners of their rights under the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations. Official advocacy of an antimissile defense system has also raised concern about the United States’ continuing fidelity to the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty.

American Journal of International Law | 2000

The 1899 Hague peace conference : 'the Parliament of man, the Federation of the world'

Detlev F. Vagts

Preface. I. Social Backgrounds. II. The Genesis of the Idea. III. Invitation Policy. IV. Organization of the Conference. V. The Work Within the Commissions. VI. Social Entourage. VII. Conclusions. VIII. Contemporary Appraisal. IX. Effects of the Conference. X. Evaluation of the Conference. Indexes.

American Journal of International Law | 1997

Switzerland, international law and World War II

Detlev F. Vagts

The recent sudden upsurge of interest in Swiss behavior during and after World War II seems to call for a brief review of the international law issues that were relevant to that country’s decisions. Many of them, in particular the law of neutrals, have become obsolete and are obviously not understood by many commentators. Of course, to reach a judgment that the behavior of Switzerland was compatible with the rules of international law then in effect does not dispose of issues of humanity and morality. But it does contribute to explaining Swiss behavior, particularly since the Government in Bern was quite legalistic in its approach to the questions of the time.

American Journal of International Law | 1966

The Logan Act: Paper Tiger or Sleeping Giant?

Detlev F. Vagts

For 167 years the shadow of the Logan Act has fallen upon those Americans who trespass on the Federal monopoly of international negotiations which it creates. In theory, up to three years’ imprisonment and a

American Journal of International Law | 1995

The Proposed Expatriation Tax--A Human Rights Violation?

Detlev F. Vagts

5,000 fine await those Americans who, without authority, communicate with a foreign government intending either (a) to influence that government with respect to a controversy with the United States or (b) to defeat the measures of the United States. Though only one indictment and no trial have taken place under the Act, who can tell when a new Administration, thinner skinned or harder pressed than its predecessors, may in its irritation call into play this sleeping giant? Now, at a time when domestic opposition to certain aspects of our foreign policy has reached a pitch unknown for many years, it would be well to reflect upon this curious product of the confluence of criminal law and foreign relations law before we are in fact confronted by a test of its strength. All could be the losers from an unpremeditated encounter—the defendant by finding himself, perhaps to his very great surprise, the first person subjected to the Act’s severe criminal penalties, the Government by finding itself stripped of its long accustomed protection by a ruling that the statute as it now reads is unconstitutionally vague or restrictive of free speech. Despite its long desuetude as a criminal statute, the Act represents a principle which I cannot help but think is, at its core, a salutary one; that America in sensitive dealings with other governments “speaks with one voice.” It embodies the concept of bipartisanship, that quarrels about foreign relations are fought out domestically and not with the adversary. It deters sometimes very ill-advised attempts to take the conduct of foreign affairs into foolish and unauthorized hands. On the other hand, it cuts into freedoms which we regard as having the highest value, and many of the situations in which its use has been suggested clearly involve no danger that would justify such a restraint.

Archive | 2013

The Law of War in the Arab-Israeli Conflict: On Water and on Land*

Detlev F. Vagts; Theodor Meron

Income tax law and human rights law operate in quite separate worlds, but a proposal recently presented to Congress brings them together. The Clinton administration has advocated a tax on certain unrealized capital gains of expatriates and some of its opponents have claimed that it constitutes a violation of human rights law. They evoke the hardships visited on those who fled from Nazi Germany in the 1930s and from the Soviet Union and the German Democratic Republic more recently. They assert that a similar wrong would be inflicted by this proposed tax on those who surrender United States citizenship. The reaction of this writer is that of Justice Cardozo to the charge that twentieth-century administrative practices are “Star Chamber” procedures: “Historians may find hyperbole in the sanguinary simile.”

Germanic Review | 2012

Carl Schmitt's Ultimate Emergency: The Night of the Long Knives

Detlev F. Vagts

International law, plagued by political interests, failed to govern the Arab-Israeli conflict triggered by the 1948 termination of the Mandate of Palestine. Considering no peace settlement is in prospect, laws should written neutrally, void of political bias, with emphasis on protection of individuals and non-participant states. Moreover, international supervision should be executed by impartial entities, such as Protecting Powers, rather than political agencies, who have proven lack of credibility when inquiring into Israeli conduct. The history of the Straits of Tiran and Suez Canal demonstrate how armistices do not override rights, and that the belligerent that occupies a waterway may exercise the same rights, including seizure and denial of passage, as it can on the high seas. Additionally, the West Bank — despite the four Geneva Conventions of 1949 and the Hague Relations of 1907 — became de facto Israeli territory, although it was not overtly annexed, which would have broken international law. Israel argued that the Civilians Convention did not apply to the West Bank as the occupied territory, due to the 1949 Armistices, was never under Jordanian sovereignty; therefore, Israeli sovereignty could legitimately extend into the terra nullius. Furthermore, due to disputed territorial claims, the human rights of the population, especially combatants, in occupied lands have been contested and often considered violated. In the light of history, the conflict between Israel and the Arab States – now seen as a series of outbreaks of violence – will be viewed as one protracted war beginning with the termination of the mandate for Palestine in 1948. The duration of the violence may be such that the war will, like the Hundred Years War or the Thirty Years War, come to be identified by its duration. The twenty-three years of the war have been rich in episodes and in drama. The conduct of the war in both its land and maritime dimensions has given rise to a correspondingly wide range of legal questions turning on the ius in bello. One might have expected that in a war fought by legally sophisticated state in full view of the international community and with ample discussion in the United Nations, international law would have played an important part in the restoration and maintenance of order. International law has bulked large, but disagreement about its application has not given it the stabilizing influence that might justifiably have been expected of it. The grim fact is that narrow legal questions, such as the applicability of the Geneva Civilians Convention of 1949 in the areas occupied by Israel or the right of ships carrying goods of Israeli origin to pass through the Suez Canal, have not been approached on a narrow and technical basis. Instead, their resolution has turned on political determinations or mixed legal and political considerations. As I will have occasion to show, there is actually a hierarchy of questions, so ordered that what may lawfully be done in a particular instance depends on the answer to yet more general questions. And those general questions will be answered in one way or the other according to the view taken of the ultimate political question of the very existence of Israel itself. Let me be more specific about this hierarchy of questions: In the case of the two major international waterways controlled at one time by the United Arab Republic – the Suez Canal and the Strait of Tiran – questions have arisen about the right of Israeli-flag vessels and neutral ships carrying goods to or from Israel to pass through the waterways. The United TOWSON UNIVERSITY JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS VOL. L, NO. 1 184 Arab Republic naturally attempted to take advantage of its strategic position athwart these waterways to interdict the passage of ships and cargoes that might aid its enemies. Neither the customary law nor the treaty law on passage through these waterways is free of ambiguity and doubt. However, the central problem at a number of junctures has been whether the United Arab Republic is entitled to exercise what are essentially belligerent rights when conditions of peace had been or should have been established. Was there any continuing need to exercise rights of visit and search and to seize vessels and cargoes? Now that the Sharm el Sheikh area is controlled by Israel and the Suez Canal is blocked, these problems may seem to be of only historical interest. But with the reopening of the Canal and a shift of fortunes in the control of the Gulf of Aqaba, these issues could become live ones again. And consideration will certainly have to be given to them in any peace settlement that is worked out. In the Six-Day War of 1967, Israel occupied large areas that had formerly been under the control of Arab States. It has refused, however, to acknowledge that it is under a legal duty to administer all of these areas in conformity with the rules laid down in the Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War. The legal case of Israel has been that much of these areas was never lawfully under the sovereignty of the Arab States that claimed them. Therefore there is no belligerent occupation of enemy territory, and the law of belligerent occupation and the Geneva Civilians Convention are not for application. Legal issues such as these might seem on superficial examination to be ones that could fairly readily be resolved by resort to familiar legal techniques of amassing and analyzing the evidence of the law, interpretation of the treaties and so forth. But these are not narrow and technical questions. As has been seen, they can be answered only on the basis of answers to other questions with a higher political content. If there is no longer a state of war – or if there was never one – between Israel and the Arab States, there is no longer any basis for Egyptian interdiction of the passage of ships and cargoes through the waterways it controlled. The legality or illegality of Israel’s administration of the occupied areas depends on where sovereignty over those areas lawfully rests. And one must also ask whether there has been only one prolonged conflict or, on the other hand, a series of conflicts such that each new outbreak of violence must be seen as a new act of aggression to be met by a new exercise of the right of self-defense. In the latter events, each new resort to force must be measured against the standards of article 2, paragraph 4, and article 51 of the United Nations Charter, prohibiting the use of force except in self-defense. Israel and the Arab States have quite different perspectives on the situation. Questions of this order turn out to be mixed legal and political ones. They cannot, however, be answered satisfactorily, under the present state of the law, without resolution of the fundamental issue that has been the cause of twenty-three years of intermittent fighting. That issue is the right of Israel to exist, to be recognized, and to be secure. And that ultimate issue is a political one. It is in the interest of Israel to consolidate its position as the State that has, in the perspective of today, prevailed in the war. For this reason it demands recognition of its existence by the Arab States, direct negotiations with those States to symbolize that recognition, and proper measures for its security. Over the course of the years, this has been a recurrent theme – that the war is over, that peace has been re-established, and that peaceful relations must be carried on. So long as Israel is looked upon as an interloper, an expansionist, and an aggressor, the Arab States desire to carry on the conflict. In their view, Israel must not be allowed to retire from the field of battle in secure possession of the spoils 1 Dated at Geneva, Aug. 12, 1949, 6 U.S.T. 3516, T.I.A.S. No. 3365. FALL 2016 THE LAW OF WAR IN THE ARAB-ISRAELI CONFLICT 185 of 1967. Either a peace settlement or force must deprive Israel of what it has gained. The existence, dimensions, and security of the State of Israel are at stake. For that reason, Israel talks of peace, while the Arab States contemplate war. To leave the dimensions of Israel as they are now would be to the advantage of Israel. To change them, if necessary by force, would serve the interests of the Arab States. And so the hierarchy may be observed: At the bottom, rules of international law to be applied to specific ships, specific people, specific buildings; in the intermediate rank, mixed legal and political questions about the recognition of the State of Israel, the extent of its territory, and the existence of war; and at the apex, like the grund-norm of Kelsen’s system, the question of the existence and preservation of Israel. Thus, the answers to the majority of narrow legal questions have depended on the position taken on the paramount political question. With this mode of analysis in mind, let us now turn to the question of passage through international waterways controlled by the United Arab Republic. When war broke out between Egypt and Israel in 1948, the Egyptian Government instituted inspection of ships passing through the Suez Canal and provided for the seizure of cargoes and ships in conformity with the normal law relating to prize and contraband in time of war. Egypt was not precluded from such action by the fact that it did not recognize the newly established State of Israel. So far as Israeli warships were concerned, it would have been foolhardy for any such ships to attempt passage through a narrow artificial waterway running through Egyptian territory. The waterway had been closed to enemy ships in previous conflicts, and the restrictions imposed by Egypt were in conformity with past practise, including that of Great Britain during the Second World War. The Convention of Constantinople of 1888, which was and remains the basic instrument regulating international use of the Suez Canal, provided that the Canal i

American Journal of International Law | 2004

Sovereign Bankruptcy: In re Germany (1953), In Re Iraq (2004)

Detlev F. Vagts

Though the ideas of Carl Schmitt about emergency powers have been the subject of considerable commentary 1 recently, the writers do not reference his culminating article on emergencies. That piece ...


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Stephen M. Schwebel

Queen Mary University of London

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Richard B. Bilder

University of Wisconsin-Madison

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Thomas M. Franck

Illinois Institute of Technology

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