
Nature | 2010

Genome sequence of the palaeopolyploid soybean

Jeremy Schmutz; Steven B. Cannon; Jessica A. Schlueter; Jianxin Ma; Therese Mitros; William Nelson; David L. Hyten; Qijian Song; Jay J. Thelen; Jianlin Cheng; Dong Xu; Uffe Hellsten; Gregory D. May; Yeisoo Yu; Tetsuya Sakurai; Taishi Umezawa; Madan K. Bhattacharyya; Devinder Sandhu; Babu Valliyodan; Erika Lindquist; Myron Peto; David Grant; Shengqiang Shu; David Goodstein; Kerrie Barry; Montona Futrell-Griggs; Brian Abernathy; Jianchang Du; Zhixi Tian; Liucun Zhu

Soybean (Glycine max) is one of the most important crop plants for seed protein and oil content, and for its capacity to fix atmospheric nitrogen through symbioses with soil-borne microorganisms. We sequenced the 1.1-gigabase genome by a whole-genome shotgun approach and integrated it with physical and high-density genetic maps to create a chromosome-scale draft sequence assembly. We predict 46,430 protein-coding genes, 70% more than Arabidopsis and similar to the poplar genome which, like soybean, is an ancient polyploid (palaeopolyploid). About 78% of the predicted genes occur in chromosome ends, which comprise less than one-half of the genome but account for nearly all of the genetic recombination. Genome duplications occurred at approximately 59 and 13 million years ago, resulting in a highly duplicated genome with nearly 75% of the genes present in multiple copies. The two duplication events were followed by gene diversification and loss, and numerous chromosome rearrangements. An accurate soybean genome sequence will facilitate the identification of the genetic basis of many soybean traits, and accelerate the creation of improved soybean varieties.

Genetics | 2004

Identification of Wheat Chromosomal Regions Containing Expressed Resistance Genes

Muharrem Dilbirligi; Mustafa Erayman; Devinder Sandhu; Deepak Sidhu; Kulvinder S. Gill

The objectives of this study were to isolate and physically localize expressed resistance (R) genes on wheat chromosomes. Irrespective of the host or pest type, most of the 46 cloned R genes from 12 plant species share a strong sequence similarity, especially for protein domains and motifs. By utilizing this structural similarity to perform modified RNA fingerprinting and data mining, we identified 184 putative expressed R genes of wheat. These include 87 NB/LRR types, 16 receptor-like kinases, and 13 Pto-like kinases. The remaining were seven Hm1 and two Hs1pro-1 homologs, 17 pathogenicity related, and 42 unique NB/kinases. About 76% of the expressed R-gene candidates were rare transcripts, including 42 novel sequences. Physical mapping of 121 candidate R-gene sequences using 339 deletion lines localized 310 loci to 26 chromosomal regions encompassing ∼16% of the wheat genome. Five major R-gene clusters that spanned only ∼3% of the wheat genome but contained ∼47% of the candidate R genes were observed. Comparative mapping localized 91% (82 of 90) of the phenotypically characterized R genes to 18 regions where 118 of the R-gene sequences mapped.

BMC Plant Biology | 2009

Systemic acquired resistance in soybean is regulated by two proteins, orthologous to Arabidopsis NPR1.

Devinder Sandhu; I. Made Tasma; Ryan M. Frasch; Madan K. Bhattacharyya

BackgroundSystemic acquired resistance (SAR) is induced in non-inoculated leaves following infection with certain pathogenic strains. SAR is effective against many pathogens. Salicylic acid (SA) is a signaling molecule of the SAR pathway. The development of SAR is associated with the induction of pathogenesis related (PR) genes. Arabidopsis non-expressor of PR1 (NPR1) is a regulatory gene of the SA signal pathway [1–3]. SAR in soybean was first reported following infection with Colletotrichum trancatum that causes anthracnose disease. We investigated if SAR in soybean is regulated by a pathway, similar to the one characterized in Arabidopsis.ResultsPathogenesis-related gene GmPR1 is induced following treatment of soybean plants with the SAR inducer, 2,6-dichloroisonicotinic acid (INA) or infection with the oomycete pathogen, Phytophthora sojae. In P. sojae-infected plants, SAR was induced against the bacterial pathogen, Pseudomonas syringae pv. glycinea. Soybean GmNPR1-1 and GmNPR1-2 genes showed high identities to Arabidopsis NPR1. They showed similar expression patterns among the organs, studied in this investigation. GmNPR1-1 and GmNPR1-2 are the only soybean homologues of NPR1and are located in homoeologous regions. In GmNPR1-1 and GmNPR1-2 transformed Arabidopsis npr1-1 mutant plants, SAR markers: (i) PR-1 was induced following INA treatment and (ii) BGL2 following infection with Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato (Pst), and SAR was induced following Pst infection. Of the five cysteine residues, Cys82, Cys150, Cys155, Cys160, and Cys216 involved in oligomer-monomer transition in NPR1, Cys216 in GmNPR1-1 and GmNPR1-2 proteins was substituted to Ser and Leu, respectively.ConclusionComplementation analyses in Arabidopsis npr1-1 mutants revealed that homoeologous GmNPR1-1 and GmNPR1-2 genes are orthologous to Arabidopsis NPR1. Therefore, SAR pathway in soybean is most likely regulated by GmNPR1 genes. Substitution of Cys216 residue, essential for oligomer-monomer transition of Arabidopsis NPR1, with Ser and Leu residues in GmNPR1-1 and GmNPR1-2, respectively, suggested that there may be differences between the regulatory mechanisms of GmNPR1 and Arabidopsis NPR proteins.

Euphytica | 1997

Inter-relationships among cane yield and commercial cane sugar and their component traits in autumn plant crop of sugarcane

Sukhchain; Devinder Sandhu; G.S. Saini

Seventeen diverse clones of sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) (7 early, 6 mid season and 4 late) were planted in October 1991 and 1992 in flooded (FE) and non flooded (NFE) environments for evaluation of cane yield, commercial cane sugar (CCS), internode length, internode number, stalk length, stalk thickness (circumference), stalk number, sugar recovery, and stalk weight. Cane yield showed significant positive phenotypic correlation coefficient (PCC) with stalk number in FE (P ≤ 0.05) and NFE (P ≤ 0.01). Stalk length had a significant positive PCC with stalk weight in both environments, and with internode length in FE (P ≤ 0.05). Commercial cane sugar also expressed significant positive PCC with cane yield in both environments (P ≤ 0.01), but with stalk number only in NFE (P ≤ 0.05). Genotypic correlation coefficients were generally in the same direction as PCC but higher in magnitude. In both environments, stalk number and stalk weight had relatively high positive direct effects on cane yield. However, flooding tended to enhance the direct effect of stalk weight and diminish the direct effect of stalk number on cane yield. Only cane yield and sugar recovery had high direct effects on CCS. Selection for improvement of cane yield can be based on stalk number and stalk weight in both environments. High yielding clones can be further screened for more sugar recovery to improve CCS.

BMC Plant Biology | 2012

Arabidopsis nonhost resistance gene PSS1 confers immunity against an oomycete and a fungal pathogen but not a bacterial pathogen that cause diseases in soybean

Rishi Sumit; Binod Bihari Sahu; Min Xu; Devinder Sandhu; Madan K. Bhattacharyya

BackgroundNonhost resistance (NHR) provides immunity to all members of a plant species against all isolates of a microorganism that is pathogenic to other plant species. Three Arabidopsis thaliana PEN (penetration deficient) genes, PEN1, 2 and 3 have been shown to provide NHR against the barley pathogen Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei at the prehaustorial level. Arabidopsis pen1-1 mutant lacking the PEN1 gene is penetrated by the hemibiotrophic oomycete pathogen Phytophthora sojae, the causal organism of the root and stem rot disease in soybean. We investigated if there is any novel nonhost resistance mechanism in Arabidopsis against the soybean pathogen, P. sojae.ResultsThe P.sojaesusceptible (pss) 1 mutant was identified by screening a mutant population created in the Arabidopsis pen1-1 mutant that lacks penetration resistance against the non adapted barley biotrophic fungal pathogen, Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei. Segregation data suggested that PEN1 is not epistatic to PSS1. Responses of pss1 and pen1-1 to P. sojae invasion were distinct and suggest that PSS1 may act at both pre- and post-haustorial levels, while PEN1 acts at the pre-haustorial level against this soybean pathogen. Therefore, PSS1 encodes a new form of nonhost resistance. The pss1 mutant is also infected by the necrotrophic fungal pathogen, Fusarium virguliforme, which causes sudden death syndrome in soybean. Thus, a common NHR mechanism is operative in Arabidopsis against both hemibiotrophic oomycetes and necrotrophic fungal pathogens that are pathogenic to soybean. However, PSS1 does not play any role in immunity against the bacterial pathogen, Pseudomonas syringae pv. glycinea, that causes bacterial blight in soybean. We mapped PSS1 to a region very close to the southern telomere of chromosome 3 that carries no known disease resistance genes.ConclusionsThe study revealed that Arabidopsis PSS1 is a novel nonhost resistance gene that confers a new form of nonhost resistance against both a hemibiotrophic oomycete pathogen, P. sojae and a necrotrophic fungal pathogen, F. virguliforme that cause diseases in soybean. However, this gene does not play any role in the immunity of Arabidopsis to the bacterial pathogen, P. syringae pv. glycinea, which causes bacterial blight in soybean. Identification and further characterization of the PSS1 gene would provide further insights into a new form of nonhost resistance in Arabidopsis, which could be utilized in improving resistance of soybean to two serious pathogens.

PLOS ONE | 2011

Using Microsatellites to Understand the Physical Distribution of Recombination on Soybean Chromosomes

Alina Ott; Brian Trautschold; Devinder Sandhu

Soybean is a major crop that is an important source of oil and proteins. A number of genetic linkage maps have been developed in soybean. Specifically, hundreds of simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers have been developed and mapped. Recent sequencing of the soybean genome resulted in the generation of vast amounts of genetic information. The objectives of this investigation were to use SSR markers in developing a connection between genetic and physical maps and to determine the physical distribution of recombination on soybean chromosomes. A total of 2,188 SSRs were used for sequence-based physical localization on soybean chromosomes. Linkage information was used from different maps to create an integrated genetic map. Comparison of the integrated genetic linkage maps and sequence based physical maps revealed that the distal 25% of each chromosome was the most marker-dense, containing an average of 47.4% of the SSR markers and 50.2% of the genes. The proximal 25% of each chromosome contained only 7.4% of the markers and 6.7% of the genes. At the whole genome level, the marker density and gene density showed a high correlation (R(2)) of 0.64 and 0.83, respectively with the physical distance from the centromere. Recombination followed a similar pattern with comparisons indicating that recombination is high in telomeric regions, though the correlation between crossover frequency and distance from the centromeres is low (R(2) = 0.21). Most of the centromeric regions were low in recombination. The crossover frequency for the entire soybean genome was 7.2%, with extremes much higher and lower than average. The number of recombination hotspots varied from 1 to 12 per chromosome. A high correlation of 0.83 between the distribution of SSR markers and genes suggested close association of SSRs with genes. The knowledge of distribution of recombination on chromosomes may be applied in characterizing and targeting genes.

Nature | 2010

Erratum: Genome sequence of the palaeopolyploid soybean (Nature (2010) 463 (178-183))

Jeremy Schmutz; Steven B. Cannon; Jessica A. Schlueter; Jianxin Ma; Therese Mitros; William C. Nelson; David L. Hyten; Qijian Song; Jay J. Thelen; Jianlin Cheng; Dong Xu; Uffe Hellsten; Gregory D. May; Yeisoo Yu; Tetsuya Sakurai; Taishi Umezawa; Madan K. Bhattacharyya; Devinder Sandhu; Babu Valliyodan; Erika Lindquist; Myron Peto; David M. Grant; Shengqiang Shu; David L. Goodstein; Kerrie Barry; Montona Futrell-Griggs; Brian Abernathy; Jianchang Du; Zhixi Tian; Liucun Zhu

This corrects the article DOI: 10.1038/nature08670

Theoretical and Applied Genetics | 2008

Molecular mapping of 36 soybean male-sterile, female-sterile mutants.

Reid G. Palmer; Devinder Sandhu; K. Curran; Madan K. Bhattacharyya

Mutability of the w4 flower color locus in soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] is conditioned by an unstable allele designated w4-m. Germinal revertants, purple-flower plants, recovered among self-pollinated progeny of mutable flower plants were associated with the generation of necrotic root, chlorophyll-deficiency, and sterility mutations. Thirty-seven male-sterile, female-sterile mutant lines were generated from 37 independent reversion events at the w4-m locus. The first germinal revertant study had one male-sterile, female-sterile mutant (st8, T352), located on Molecular Linkage Group (MLG) J. The second study had 36 germinal-revertant derived sterility mutants descended from four mutable categories of w4-m. The mutable categories were designated; (1) low frequency of early excisions, (2) low frequency of late excisions, (3) high frequency of early excisions, and (4) high frequency of late excisions. The objectives of the present study were to; (1) molecularly map the 36 male-sterile, female-sterile mutants, and to (2) compare map locations of these mutants with T352 (st8), identified from the first germinal revertant study. Thirty-three of 36 male-sterile, female-sterile mutations were derived from germinal reversions that were classified in the late excision categories. Thirty-five male-sterile mutants mapped to the st8 region on MLG J. The only exception mapped to MLG G. Most likely mutants were generated through insertion of a putative transposon that was excised from the w4 locus. The location of 36 of 37 mutations to a single chromosomal region suggests preference for sequence-dependent insertion.

Scientific Reports | 2017

Variable salinity responses of 12 alfalfa genotypes and comparative expression analyses of salt-response genes

Devinder Sandhu; Mónica V. Cornacchione; Jorge F.S. Ferreira; Donald L. Suarez

Twelve alfalfa genotypes that were selected for biomass under salinity, differences in Na and Cl concentrations in shoots and K/Na ratio were evaluated in this long-term salinity experiment. The selected plants were cloned to reduce genetic variability within each genotype. Salt tolerance (ST) index of the genotypes ranged from 0.39 to 1. The most salt-tolerant genotypes SISA14-1 (G03) and AZ-90ST (G10), the top performers for biomass, exhibited the least effect on shoot number and height. SISA14-1 (G03) accumulated low Na and Cl under salinity. Most genotypes exhibited a net reduction in shoot Ca, Mg, P, Fe, and Cu, while Mn and Zn increased under salinity. Salinity reduced foliar area and stomatal conductance; while net photosynthetic rate and transpiration were not affected. Interestingly, salinity increased chlorophyll and antioxidant capacity in most genotypes; however neither parameter correlated well to ST index. Salt-tolerant genotypes showed upregulation of the SOS1, SOS2, SOS3, HKT1, AKT1, NHX1, P5CS1, HSP90.7, HSP81.2, HSP71.1, HSPC025, OTS1, SGF29 and SAL1 genes. Gene expression analyses allowed us to classify genotypes based on their ability to regulate different components of the salt tolerance mechanism. Pyramiding different components of the salt tolerance mechanism may lead to superior salt-tolerant alfalfa genotypes.

Plant Science | 2012

Segregation distortion in a region containing a male-sterility, female-sterility locus in soybean

Jordan Baumbach; Joshua P. Rogers; Rebecca A. Slattery; Narayanan N. Narayanan; Min Xu; Reid G. Palmer; Madan K. Bhattacharyya; Devinder Sandhu

In diploid segregation, each alternative allele has a 50% chance of being passed on to the offspring. Mutations in genes involved in the process of meiotic division or early stages of reproductive cell development can affect allele frequency in the gametes. In addition, competition among gametes and differential survival rates of gametes can lead to segregation distortion. In a recent transformation study, a male-sterile, female-sterile (MSFS) mutant was identified in the soybean cultivar, Williams. The mutant in heterozygous condition segregated 3 fertile:1 sterile in the progeny confirming monogenic inheritance. To map the lesion, we generated an F(2) mapping population by crossing the mutant (in heterozygous condition) with Minsoy (PI 27890). The F(2) progeny showed strong segregation distortion against the MSFS phenotype. The objectives of our study were to molecularly map the gene responsible for sterility in the soybean genome, to determine if the MSFS gene is a result of T-DNA insertion during Agrobacterium-mediated transformation, and to map the region that showed distorted segregation. The fertility/sterility locus was mapped to molecular linkage group (MLG) D1a (chromosome Gm01) using bulked segregant analysis. The closest marker, Satt531, mapped 9.4cM from the gene. Cloning of insertion sites for T-DNA in the mutant plants revealed that there are two copies of T-DNA in the genome. Physical locations of these insertion sites do not correlate with the map location of the MSFS gene, suggesting that MSFS mutation may not be associated with T-DNA insertions. Segregation distortion was most extreme at or around the st_A06-2/6 locus suggesting that sterility and segregation distortion are tightly linked attributes. Our results cue that the distorted segregation may be due to a gamete elimination system.

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