
Featured researches published by Diana Nur Afifah.

Journal of Food Science and Nutrition | 2014

Purification and Characterization of a Fibrinolytic Enzyme from Bacillus pumilus 2.g Isolated from Gembus, an Indonesian Fermented Food

Diana Nur Afifah; Muhammad Sulchan; Dahrul Syah; Yanti; Maggy Thenawidjaja Suhartono; Jeong Hwan Kim

Bacillus pumilus 2.g isolated from gembus, an Indonesian fermented soybean cake, secretes several proteases that have strong fibrinolytic activities. A fibrinolytic enzyme with an apparent molecular weight of 20 kDa was purified from the culture supernatant of B. pumilus 2.g by sequential application of ammonium sulfate precipitation, ion-exchange chromatography, and hydrophobic chromatography. The partially purified enzyme was stable between pH 5 and pH 9 and temperature of less than 60°C. Fibrinolytic activity was increased by 5 mM MgCl2 and 5 mM CaCl2 but inhibited by 1 mM phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride (PMSF), 1 mM sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), and 1 mM ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA). The partially purified enzyme quickly degraded the α and β chains of fibrinogen but was unable to degrade the γ chain.

Romanian Journal of Diabetes Nutrition and Metabolic Diseases | 2018

The Effect of Tempeh Gembus Variations to Serum Levels of High Sensitivity C-Reactive Protein (hsCRP) and Serum Levels of Fibrinogen of Sprague Dawley Rats with Aterogenic Diet

Partika Kharunia Dewi; Diana Nur Afifah; Ninik Rustanti; Mohammad Sulchan; Gemala Anjani

Abstract Background and aims: Cardiovascular diseases are widespread and causes many deaths in the world. The concentration of acute phase protein: C-reactive protein (CRP) and fibrinogen will rise dramatically when inflammation happens, which that can be used as an early marker of cardiovascular disease risk. Tempeh gembus contains fiber, unsaturated fatty acids and isoflavones are believed to reduce the inflammatory reaction. The aim of the study was to determinate the effect of tempeh gembus variations to levels of hcCRP and levels of fibrinogen of Sprague Dawley rats with atherogenic diet. Material and methods: This study was quasi-experimental with posttest only randomized control group design using 35 Sprague Dawley mice. The rats were randomized into 5 groups: negative control group given the standard diet, the positive control group given standard diet and atherogenic diet, and three treatment groups were given the standard diet, atherogenic diet and variation of tempeh gembus (tempeh gembus, heated tempeh gembus and tempeh gembus with bromelain enzyme) for 28 days. Serum levels of hsCRP and fibrinogen examined using ELISA (Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay). Results and conclusions: The administration of tempeh gembus with bromelain enzyme is the most effective treatment for hsCRP serum level indicated a significant difference (p=0.028) between the negative control group, positive control group and first group with the third group. Fibrinogen serum levels showed significant differences in all treatment groups (p =0.042), administration of tempeh gembus with bromelain enzyme is the most effective treatment is shown by a significant difference between the negative control group and the positive control group with third group. The administration of tempeh gembus with bromelain enzyme for 28 days can reduce the serum levels of hsCRP and fibrinogen on rats significantly.

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science | 2018

Nutritional Composition Changes During Tempeh Gembus Processing

Ruth Nazaretha Sandessy Damanik; Dwi Yanti Winda Pratiwi; Nurmasari Widyastuti; Ninik Rustanti; Gemala Anjani; Diana Nur Afifah

This paper was aimed to analyze nutritional composition during tempeh gembus processing. Processing of tempeh gembus may cause an increase or decrease in its nutritional value such as amino acids, fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals. Regardless, tempeh gembus may still be potentially beneficial to help fulfill nutrient needs. This was a descriptive study with three samples: soybeans, tofu residue, and tempeh gembus. Soybeans used were varieties of Grobogan, Central Java. Minerals identified in all three samples include sodium, calcium, potassium, phospor, and iron. Soybeans, tofu residue, and tempeh gembus each contain 34.12%, 5.40%, and 4.80% of amino acids. Saturated fatty acids were the lowest in soybeans(12.01%), marginally surpassed by tofu residue (12.41%) and tempeh gembus (12.55%). Total levels of monounsaturated fatty acids were also found in a similar pattern (34.1%, 36.5%, 36.7% respectively). In contrast, soybeans had significantly more polyunsaturated fatty acids than other samples, containing up to 43.6% in comparison with 38.29% in tofu residue and 30.18% in tempeh gembus. Overall, the nutritional profile of soybeans was generally better than tofu residue and tempeh gembus. However, fermentation process may play a role in enchancing the fatty acid profile. Keywords: nutritional profile, soybeans, tofu residue, tempeh gembus

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science | 2018

Nutrition Quality and Microbiology of Goat Milk Kefir Fortified with Vitamin B12 and Vitamin D3 during Storage

Ep Dianti; G Anjani; Diana Nur Afifah; N Rustanti; Binar Panunggal

Abstract Goat milk kefir fortified vitamin B12 and vitamin D3 can be an alternative to improve insulin resistance. Fortification of vitamin B12 and vitamin D3 could affect the balance of complex ecosystems of bacteria and yeasts in goat milk kefir. We analyzed the nutritional quality and microbiology of goat milk kefir during storage. This experiment was done with completely randomized design consisted of five treatments, ie storage day 0, 3rd, 6th, 9th, and 15th. Vitamin B12, vitamin D3, protein were analyzed using spectrophotometric, fat using babcock method, total lactic acid bacteria using total plate count, pH with pH meter, and viscosity using ostwald method. During 15 days in refrigerated storage, there was no significant difference (p>0,05) of vitamin B12 concentration, protein, fat, and viscosity of kefir. Storage time of the final product caused the decrease of vitamin D3 concentration between day 9 and 15 (p=0,038), pH (p=0,023), and total lactic acid of kefir (p=0,0001). Total lactic acid bacteria increased until 9 days of storage (6161 ± 1.296x107cfu / ml), but decreased to 24% on day 15 (150 ±7.78x107cfu /ml). pH kefir tends to fluctuate during storage with the highest pH value of 4,38 on day-3, and lowest 4.13 on day-9. Keywords : goat milk, kefir, storage, fortification, vitamin B12 and vitamin D3

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science | 2018

Total Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB), Antioxidant Activity, and Acceptance of Synbiotic Yoghurt with Binahong Leaf Extract (Anredera cordifolia (Ten.) Steenis)

R P Lestari; C Nissa; Diana Nur Afifah; G Anjani; N Rustanti

Abstract Alternative treatment for metabolic syndrome can be done by providing a diet consist of functional foods or beverages. Synbiotic yoghurt containing binahong leaf extract which high in antioxidant, total LAB and fiber can be selected to reduce the risk of metabolic syndrome. The effect of binahong leaf extract in synbiotic yoghurt against total LAB, antioxidant activity, and acceptance were analyzed. The experiment was done with complete randomized design with addition of binahong leaf extract 0% (control); 0.12%; 0.25%; 0.5% in synbiotic yoghurt. Analysis of total LAB using Total Plate Count test, antioxidant activity using DPPH, and acceptance were analyzed by hedonic test. The addition of binahong leaf extract in various doses in synbiotic yoghurt decreased total LAB without significant effect (p=0,145). There was no effect of addition binahong leaf extract on antioxidant activity (p=0,297). The addition of binahong leaf extract had an effect on color, but not on aroma, texture and taste. The best result was yoghurt synbiotic with addition of 0,12% binahong leaf extract. Conclusion of the research was the addition of binahong leaf extract to synbiotic yogurt did not significantly affect total LAB, antioxidant activity, aroma, texture and taste; but had a significant effect on color. Keywords: total lactic acid bacteria, antioxidant activity, binahong leaf, yoghurt, synbiotic

Current Nutrition & Food Science | 2018

The Effects of Tempeh Gembus, an Indonesian Fermented Food, on Lipid Profiles in Women with Hyperlipidemia

Diana Nur Afifah; Nida Nabilah; Galuh Tamarasani Supraba; Syafira Noor Pratiwi; Nuryanto Nuryanto; Mohammad Sulchan

Background: Hyperlipidemia is the major precursor of lipid-related diseases. Consumption of high fiber foods may decrease lipid profiles. The fiber content in tempeh gembus is three times higher than regular tempeh. Objective: This study was conducted to investigate the effect of tempeh gembus on lipid profiles in women with hyperlipidemia. Methods: This research used the quasi-experimental design with nonequivalent control group design. Subjects were 41 women with hyperlipidemia, classified into 3 groups: control group, treatment group 1 given 103 g/day tempeh gembus, and treatment group 2 given 206 g/day tempeh gembus for 14 days. All of the groups received nutrition education. Total cholesterol and HDL-C were determined by CHOD-PAP method, triglyceride determined by enzymatic GPO-PAP method after subjects had been fasting for approximately 10 hours. LDL-C was calculated by Friedewald equation. Results: These results showed that consumption of tempeh gembus 103 g/day and 206 g/day decreased LDL-C 27.9% and 30.9% as well as decreased total cholesterol 17.7% and 19.8% respectively. However, HDL-C increased 3.91% and 8.79% and triglyceride increased 2.3% and 3.1%. Tempeh gembus given 206 g/day was more effective to decrease total cholesterol and LDL-C than 103 g/day. Conclusion: Increasing tempeh gembus consumption in women with hyperlipidemia should be addressed to decrease LDL-C and total cholesterol. Keywords: Fiber, HDL-C, hyperlipidemia, LDL-C, Tempeh Gembus, total cholesterol, triglyceride.

Romanian Journal of Diabetes Nutrition and Metabolic Diseases | 2017

Influence Variation of Tempe Gembus (An Indonesian Fermented Food) on Homocysteine and Malondialdehyde of Rats Fed an Atherogenic Diet

Ratih Kurniasari; Muhammad Sulchan; Diana Nur Afifah; Gemala Anjani; Ninik Rustanti

Abstract Background and Aims: Atherosclerosis has become a prominent health problem in Indonesia. Based on food as medicine concept, tempe gembus (a fermented food from Indonesia) is well known having the content of nutrient that influences atherosclerosis parameter. Research aimed to prove the influence of different variation of tempe gembus that was given without additional treatment (X1), with the steam blanching heating (X2), and was added the bromelain enzyme (X3) to the level of serum Homocysteine (Hcy) and Malondialdehyde (MDA) of rat’s blood that was given the atherogenic diet. Material and Methods: The research of posttest randomized controlled group design on 35 Sprague dawley rats were divided into two main groups as follow; they were 2 control groups (called K− and K+) and 3 treatment groups. All of the treatment groups were given tempe gembus of 25 gram/kg rat body weight. Results: The results showed that group variation of tempe gembus had a lower mean of Hcy and MDA levels than disease group (K+). However, a significant effect of tempe gembus was only decrease in MDA level (ANOVA test p = 0.001). Treatment X1 and X3 had meaningful differences to decrease MDA levels. Conclusion: Tempe gembus variation can decrease the MDA level significantly and decrease the Hcy level however, without statistical significance.

Procedia food science | 2015

The Use of Red Oncom Powder as Potential Production Media for Fibrinogenolytic Protease Derived from Bacillus Licheniformis RO3

Diana Nur Afifah; Muhammad Sulchan; Dahrul Syah; Yanti; Maggy Thenawidjaja Suhartono

Jurnal Gizi Klinik Indonesia | 2017

Pemberian kecambah kacang kedelai terhadap kadar malondialdehid (MDA) dan superoxide dismutase (SOD) tikus Sprague Dawley hiperkolesterolemia

Denny Indra Setiawan; Kusmiyati Tjahyono; Diana Nur Afifah

Proceedings of the 2nd Public Health International Conference (PHICo 2017) | 2018

The Difference of Albumin, Tryptophan Amino Acid and IL-17 in Several Stages of Leprosy

Mohammad Zen Rahfiludin; Siti Fatimah; Adriyan Pramono; Diana Nur Afifah; Onny Setiani; Diana Nurhayati Affandi

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