Didier Lime
École centrale de Nantes
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Featured researches published by Didier Lime.
computer aided verification | 2007
Gerd Behrmann; Agnès Cougnard; Alexandre David; Emmanuel Fleury; Kim Guldstrand Larsen; Didier Lime
In 2005 we proposed the first efficient on-the-fly algorithm for solving games based on timed game automata with respect to reachability and safety properties. The first prototype presented at that time has now matured to a fully integrated tool with dramatic improvements both in terms of performance and the availability of the extended input language of UPPAAL-4.0. The new tool can output strategies or let the user play against them both from the command line and from the graphical simulator that was completely re-designed.
automated technology for verification and analysis | 2005
Béatrice Bérard; Franck Cassez; Serge Haddad; Didier Lime; Olivier Henri Roux
In this paper we study the model of Time Petri Nets (TPNs) where a time interval is associated with the firing of a transition, but we extend it by considering general intervals rather than closed ones. A key feature of timed models is the memory policy, i.e. which timing informations are kept when a transition is fired. The original model selects an intermediate semantics where the transitions disabled after consuming the tokens, as well as the firing transition, are reinitialised. However this semantics is not appropriate for some applications. So we consider here two alternative semantics: the atomic and the persistent atomic ones. First we present relevant patterns of discrete event systems which show the interest of these semantics. Then we compare the expressiveness of the three semantics w.r.t. weak timed bisimilarity, establishing inclusion results in the general case. Furthermore we show that some inclusions are strict with unrestricted intervals even when nets are bounded. Then we focus on bounded TPNs with upper-closed intervals and we prove that the semantics are equivalent. Finally taking into account both the practical and the theoretical issues, we conclude that persistent atomic semantics should be preferred.
Discrete Event Dynamic Systems | 2007
Bernard Berthomieu; Didier Lime; Olivier Henri Roux; François Vernadat
Several extensions of Time Petri nets (TPNs) have been proposed for modeling suspension and resumption of actions in timed systems. We first introduce a simple class of TPNs extended with stopwatches (SwTPNs), and present a semi-algorithm for building exact representations of the behavior of SwTPNs, based on the known state class method for Time Petri nets. Then, we prove that state reachability in SwTPNs and all similar models is undecidable, even when bounded, which solves an open problem. Finally, we discuss overapproximation methods yielding finite abstractions of their behavior for a subclass of bounded SwTPNs, and propose a new one based on a quantization of the polyhedra representing temporal information. By adjusting a parameter, the exact behavior can be approximated as closely as desired. The methods have been implemented, experiments are reported.
Discrete Event Dynamic Systems | 2006
Didier Lime; Olivier Henri Roux
In this paper, we propose a method for building the state class graph of a bounded time Petri net (TPN) as a timed automaton (TA), which we call the state class timed automaton. We consider bounded TPN, whose underlying net is not necessarily bounded. We prove that our translation preserves the behavioral semantics of the TPN (the initial TPN and the obtained TA are proved timed-bisimilar). It allows us to check real-time properties on TPN by using the state class TA. This can be done efficiently thanks to a reduction of the number of clocks. We have implemented the method, and give some experimental results illustrating the efficiency of the translation algorithm in terms of number of clocks. Using the state class TA, we also give a framework for expressing and efficiently verifying TCTL properties on the initial TPN.
applications and theory of petri nets | 2004
Olivier Henri Roux; Didier Lime
In this paper, we define Time Petri Nets with Inhibitor Hyperarcs (IHTPN) as an extension of T-time Petri nets where time is associated with transitions. In this model, we consider stopwatches associated with transitions which can be reset, stopped and started by using classical arcs and branch inhibitor hyperarcs introduced by Janicki and Koutny [x]. We give a formal semantics for IHTPNs in terms of Timed Transition Systems and we position IHTPNs with regard to other classes of Petri nets in terms of timed language acceptance. We provide a method for computing the state space of IHTPNs. We first propose an exact computation using a general polyhedron representation of time constraints, then we propose an overapproximation of the polyhedra to allow a more efficient compact abstract representations of the state space based on DBM (Difference Bound Matrix).
international workshop on petri nets and performance models | 2003
Didier Lime; Olivier Henri Roux
In this paper, we propose a method for building the state class graph of a bounded time Petri net (TPN) as a timed automaton (TA). We consider bounded TPN, whose underlying net is not necessarily bounded. We prove that the obtained TA is timed-bisimilar to the initial TPN. The number of clocks of the automaton is much lower than with other methods available. It allows us to check real-time properties on bounded TPN with efficient TA model-checkers. We have implemented the method, and give some experimental results in this paper, illustrating the efficiency of the algorithm in terms of clock number.
Real-time Systems | 2009
Didier Lime; Olivier Henri Roux
In this paper, we propose a method for the verification of timed properties for real-time systems featuring a preemptive scheduling policy: the system, modeled as a scheduling time Petri net, is first translated into a linear hybrid automaton to which it is time-bisimilar. Timed properties can then be verified using HyTech. The efficiency of this approach leans on two major points: first, the translation features a minimization of the number of variables (clocks) of the resulting automaton, which is a critical parameter for the efficiency of the ensuing verification. Second, the translation is performed by an over-approximating algorithm, which is based on Difference Bound Matrix and therefore efficient, that nonetheless produces a time-bisimilar automaton despite the over-approximation. The proposed modeling and verification method are generic enough to account for many scheduling policies. In this paper, we specifically show how to deal with Fixed Priority and Earliest Deadline First policies, with the possibility of using Round-Robin for tasks with the same priority. We have implemented the method and give some experimental results illustrating its efficiency.
Journal of Universal Computer Science | 2009
Louis-Marie Traonouez; Didier Lime; Olivier Henri Roux
At the border between control and verification, parametric verification can be used to synthesize constraints on the parameters to ensure that a system verifies given specifications. In this paper we propose a new framework for the parametric verification of time Petri nets with stopwatches. We first introduce a parametric exten- sion of time Petri nets with inhibitor arcs (ITPNs) with temporal parameters and we define a symbolic representation of the parametric state-space based on the classical state-class graph method. Then, we propose semi-algorithms for the parametric model- checking of a subset of parametric TCTL formulae on ITPNs. These results have been implemented in the tool Romeo and we illustrate them in a case-study based on a scheduling problem.
real-time systems symposium | 2004
Didier Lime; Olivier Henri Roux
In this paper, we present a method for the timed analysis of real-time systems, taking into account the scheduling constraints. The model considered is an extension of time Petri nets, scheduling extended time Petri nets (SETPN) for which the valuations of transitions may be stopped and resumed, thus allowing the modelling of preemption. This model has a great expressivity and allows a very natural modelling. The method we propose consists of precomputing, with a fast algorithm, the state space of the SETPN as a stopwatch automaton (SWA). This stopwatch automaton is proven timed bisimilar to the SETPN, so we can perform the timed analysis of the SETPN through it with the tool on linear hybrid automata, HYTECH. The main interests of this precomputation are that it is fast because it is difference bounds matrix (DBM)-based, and that it has online stopwatch reduction mechanisms. Consequently, the resulting stopwatch automaton has, in the general case, a fairly lower number of stopwatches than what could be obtained by a direct modelling of the system as SWA. Since the number of stopwatches is critical for the complexity of the verification, the method increases the efficiency of the timed analysis of the system, and in some cases may just make it possible at all.
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering | 2015
Aleksandra Jovanovic; Didier Lime; Olivier Henri Roux
We provide a subclass of parametric timed automata (PTA) that we can actually and efficiently analyze, and we argue that it retains most of the practical usefulness of PTA for the modeling of real-time systems. The currently most useful known subclass of PTA, L/U automata, has a strong syntactical restriction for practical purposes, and we show that the associated theoretical results are mixed. We therefore advocate for a different restriction scheme: since in classical timed automata, real-valued clocks are always compared to integers for all practical purposes, we also search for parameter values as bounded integers. We show that the problem of the existence of parameter values such that some TCTL property is satisfied is PSPACE-complete. In such a setting, we can of course synthesize all the values of parameters and we give symbolic algorithms, for reachability and unavoidability properties, to do it efficiently, i.e., without an explicit enumeration. This also has the practical advantage of giving the result as symbolic constraints between the parameters. We finally report on a few experimental results to illustrate the practical usefulness of our approach.