Diego M. Presman
National Institutes of Health
PLOS Biology | 2014
Diego M. Presman; M. Florencia Ogara; Martín Stortz; Lautaro D. Alvarez; John R. Pooley; R. Louis Schiltz; Lars Grøntved; Thomas A. Johnson; Jonathan D. Ashwell; Sundar Ganesan; Gerardo Burton; Valeria Levi; Gordon L. Hager; Adali Pecci
The glucocorticoid receptors oligomerization state is revealed to not correlate with its activity; this challenges the current prevailing view that this state defines its transcriptional activity.
BioEssays | 2016
Erin E. Swinstead; Ville Paakinaho; Diego M. Presman; Gordon L. Hager
Transcription factor (TF) signaling regulates gene transcription and requires a complex network of proteins. This network includes co‐activators, co‐repressors, multiple TFs, histone‐modifying complexes, and the basal transcription machinery. It has been widely appreciated that pioneer factors, such as FoxA1 and GATA1, play an important role in opening closed chromatin regions, thereby allowing binding of a secondary factor. In this review we will focus on a newly proposed model wherein multiple TFs, such as steroid receptors (SRs), can function in a pioneering role. This model, termed dynamic assisted loading, integrates data from widely divergent methodologies, including genome wide ChIP‐Seq, digital genomic footprinting, DHS‐Seq, live cell protein dynamics, and biochemical studies of ATP‐dependent remodeling complexes, to present a real time view of TF chromatin interactions. Under this view, many TFs can act as initiating factors for chromatin landscape programming. Furthermore, enhancer and promoter states are more accurately described as energy‐dependent, non‐equilibrium steady states.
PLOS ONE | 2010
Diego M. Presman; Lautaro D. Alvarez; Valeria Levi; Silvina L. Eduardo; Michelle A. Digman; Marcelo A. Martí; Adriana S. Veleiro; Gerardo Burton; Adali Pecci
Background The glucocorticoid receptor (GR) is a transcription factor that regulates gene expression in a ligand-dependent fashion. This modular protein is one of the major pharmacological targets due to its involvement in both cause and treatment of many human diseases. Intense efforts have been made to get information about the molecular basis of GR activity. Methodology/Principal Findings Here, the behavior of four GR-ligand complexes with different glucocorticoid and antiglucocorticoid properties were evaluated. The ability of GR-ligand complexes to oligomerize in vivo was analyzed by performing the novel Number and Brightness assay. Results showed that most of GR molecules form homodimers inside the nucleus upon ligand binding. Additionally, in vitro GR-DNA binding analyses suggest that ligand structure modulates GR-DNA interaction dynamics rather than the receptors ability to bind DNA. On the other hand, by coimmunoprecipitation studies we evaluated the in vivo interaction between the transcriptional intermediary factor 2 (TIF2) coactivator and different GR-ligand complexes. No correlation was found between GR intranuclear distribution, cofactor recruitment and the homodimerization process. Finally, Molecular determinants that support the observed experimental GR LBD-ligand/TIF2 interaction were found by Molecular Dynamics simulation. Conclusions/Significance The data presented here sustain the idea that in vivo GR homodimerization inside the nucleus can be achieved in a DNA-independent fashion, without ruling out a dependent pathway as well. Moreover, since at least one GR-ligand complex is able to induce homodimer formation while preventing TIF2 coactivator interaction, results suggest that these two events might be independent from each other. Finally, 21-hydroxy-6,19-epoxyprogesterone arises as a selective glucocorticoid with potential pharmacological interest. Taking into account that GR homodimerization and cofactor recruitment are considered essential steps in the receptor activation pathway, results presented here contribute to understand how specific ligands influence GR behavior.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | 2016
Diego M. Presman; Ganguly S; Schiltz Rl; Thomas A. Johnson; Tatiana S. Karpova; Gordon L. Hager
Significance The glucocorticoid receptor (GR) is a ligand-regulated transcription factor and one of the most targeted proteins in the pharmaceutical industry due to its powerful antiinflammatory actions. The search for side effects-free glucocorticoids relies exclusively on a model wherein the GR oligomerization state, whether a monomer or a dimer, dictates its transcriptional output. Here, we use an experimental approach where the GR–DNA interaction is observed in real time with a technique that allows the quantification of the oligomeric state of proteins in living cells. Unexpectedly, we find that DNA binding triggers tetramerization of the GR, which would be the truly activated form of the receptor. Our findings reveal a previously unidentified step in the glucocorticoid activation pathway. Transcription factors dynamically bind to chromatin and are essential for the regulation of genes. Although a large percentage of these proteins appear to self-associate to form dimers or higher order oligomers, the stoichiometry of DNA-bound transcription factors has been poorly characterized in vivo. The glucocorticoid receptor (GR) is a ligand-regulated transcription factor widely believed to act as a dimer or a monomer. Using a unique set of imaging techniques coupled with a cell line containing an array of DNA binding elements, we show that GR is predominantly a tetramer when bound to its target DNA. We find that DNA binding triggers an interdomain allosteric regulation within the GR, leading to tetramerization. We therefore propose that dynamic changes in GR stoichiometry represent a previously unidentified level of regulation in steroid receptor activation. Quaternary structure analysis of other members of the steroid receptor family (estrogen, androgen, and progesterone receptors) reveals variation in oligomerization states among this family of transcription factors. Because GR’s oligomerization state has been implicated in therapy outcome, our findings open new doors to the rational design of novel GR ligands and redefine the quaternary structure of steroid receptors.
Nature Communications | 2017
Ville Paakinaho; Diego M. Presman; David A. Ball; Thomas A. Johnson; R. Louis Schiltz; Peter Levitt; Davide Mazza; Tatsuya Morisaki; Tatiana S. Karpova; Gordon L. Hager
Population-based assays have been employed extensively to investigate the interactions of transcription factors (TFs) with chromatin and are often interpreted in terms of static and sequential binding. However, fluorescence microscopy techniques reveal a more dynamic binding behaviour of TFs in live cells. Here we analyse the strengths and limitations of in vivo single-molecule tracking and performed a comprehensive analysis on the intranuclear dwell times of four steroid receptors and a number of known cofactors. While the absolute residence times estimates can depend on imaging acquisition parameters due to sampling bias, our results indicate that only a small proportion of factors are specifically bound to chromatin at any given time. Interestingly, the glucocorticoid receptor and its cofactors affect each other’s dwell times in an asymmetric manner. Overall, our data indicate transient rather than stable TF-cofactors chromatin interactions at response elements at the single-molecule level.
Journal of Medicinal Chemistry | 2008
Lautaro D. Alvarez; Marcelo A. Martí; Adriana S. Veleiro; Diego M. Presman; Darío A. Estrin; Adali Pecci; Gerardo Burton
21-Hydroxy-6,19-epoxyprogesterone (21OH-6,19OP) is a selective antiglucocorticoid that lacks the bulky substituent at C-11 found in active antagonists of the glucocorticoid receptor (GR). Ligand-free GR ligand-binding domain (LBD) and GR LBD complexed with 21OH-6,19OP or the agonist dexamethasone were simulated during 6 ns using molecular dynamics. Results suggest that the time fluctuation and average position adopted by the H1-H3 loop affect the ability of GR LBD-21OH-6,19OP complex to homodimerize, a necessary step in transcriptome assembly. A nuclear localization and a transactivation experiment showed that, although 21OH-6,19OP activates the translocation of the GR, the nuclear complex is unable to induce the transcription of a reporter driven by a promoter, that requires binding to a GR homodimer to be activated. These findings support the hypothesis that the passive antagonist mode of action of 21OH-6,19OP resides, at least in part, in the incapacity of the GR-21OH-6,19OP complex to dimerize.
Methods | 2017
Diego M. Presman; David A. Ball; Ville Paakinaho; Jonathan B. Grimm; Luke D. Lavis; Tatiana S. Karpova; Gordon L. Hager
Progressive, technological achievements in the quantitative fluorescence microscopy field are allowing researches from many different areas to start unraveling the dynamic intricacies of biological processes inside living cells. From super-resolution microscopy techniques to tracking of individual proteins, fluorescence microscopy is changing our perspective on how the cell works. Fortunately, a growing number of research groups are exploring single-molecule studies in living cells. However, no clear consensus exists on several key aspects of the technique such as image acquisition conditions, or analysis of the obtained data. Here, we describe a detailed approach to perform single-molecule tracking (SMT) of transcription factors in living cells to obtain key binding characteristics, namely their residence time and bound fractions. We discuss different types of fluorophores, labeling density, microscope, cameras, data acquisition, and data analysis. Using the glucocorticoid receptor as a model transcription factor, we compared alternate tags (GFP, mEOS, HaloTag, SNAP-tag, CLIP-tag) for potential multicolor applications. We also examine different methods to extract the dissociation rates and compare them with simulated data. Finally, we discuss several challenges that this exciting technique still faces.
Genome Research | 2017
Ido Goldstein; Songjoon Baek; Diego M. Presman; Ville Paakinaho; Erin E. Swinstead; Gordon L. Hager
Fasting elicits transcriptional programs in hepatocytes leading to glucose and ketone production. This transcriptional program is regulated by many transcription factors (TFs). To understand how this complex network regulates the metabolic response to fasting, we aimed at isolating the enhancers and TFs dictating it. Measuring chromatin accessibility revealed that fasting massively reorganizes liver chromatin, exposing numerous fasting-induced enhancers. By utilizing computational methods in combination with dissecting enhancer features and TF cistromes, we implicated four key TFs regulating the fasting response: glucocorticoid receptor (GR), cAMP responsive element binding protein 1 (CREB1), peroxisome proliferator activated receptor alpha (PPARA), and CCAAT/enhancer binding protein beta (CEBPB). These TFs regulate fuel production by two distinctly operating modules, each controlling a separate metabolic pathway. The gluconeogenic module operates through assisted loading, whereby GR doubles the number of sites occupied by CREB1 as well as enhances CREB1 binding intensity and increases accessibility of CREB1 binding sites. Importantly, this GR-assisted CREB1 binding was enhancer-selective and did not affect all CREB1-bound enhancers. Single-molecule tracking revealed that GR increases the number and DNA residence time of a portion of chromatin-bound CREB1 molecules. These events collectively result in rapid synergistic gene expression and higher hepatic glucose production. Conversely, the ketogenic module operates via a GR-induced TF cascade, whereby PPARA levels are increased following GR activation, facilitating gradual enhancer maturation next to PPARA target genes and delayed ketogenic gene expression. Our findings reveal a complex network of enhancers and TFs that dynamically cooperate to restore homeostasis upon fasting.
Transcription | 2017
Diego M. Presman; Gordon L. Hager
ABSTRACT It is widely accepted that the glucocorticoid receptor (GR), a ligand-regulated transcription factor that triggers anti-inflammatory responses, binds specific response elements as a homodimer. Here, we will discuss the original primary data that established this model and contrast it with a recent report characterizing the GR–DNA complex as a tetramer.
Scientific Reports | 2017
Martín Stortz; Diego M. Presman; Luciana Bruno; Paolo Annibale; María V. Dansey; Gerardo Burton; Enrico Gratton; Adali Pecci; Valeria Levi
The distribution of the transcription machinery among different sub-nuclear domains raises the question on how the architecture of the nucleus modulates the transcriptional response. Here, we used fluorescence fluctuation analyses to quantitatively explore the organization of the glucocorticoid receptor (GR) in the interphase nucleus of living cells. We found that this ligand-activated transcription factor diffuses within the nucleus and dynamically interacts with bodies enriched in the coregulator NCoA-2, DNA-dependent foci and chromatin targets. The distribution of the receptor among the nuclear compartments depends on NCoA-2 and the conformation of the receptor as assessed with synthetic ligands and GR mutants with impaired transcriptional abilities. Our results suggest that the partition of the receptor in different nuclear reservoirs ultimately regulates the concentration of receptor available for the interaction with specific targets, and thus has an impact on transcription regulation.