
Interações (Campo Grande) | 2015

Espaços de produção e comercialização da agricultura familiar: as cooperativas descentralizadas do Sul Catarinense

Dimas de Oliveira Estevam; Giovana Ilka Jacinto Salvaro; Carla Spillere Busarello

El articulo presenta un analisis de las areas de produccion y comercializacion de los agricultores/familia por medio de la cooperativas rurales descentralizadas. Los procedimientos metodologicos bibliograficas, se utilizaron fuentes documentales y de campo. Ademas de la investigacion documental se llevo a cabo en el campo, que fueron entrevistados /las cooperativas/las seis cooperativas. Entre los resultados, se encontro que la comercializacion se realiza en las ferias y Programas Institucionales.

Psicologia: Ciência e Profissão | 2014

Mulheres em cooperativas rurais virtuais: reflexões sobre gênero e subjetividade

Giovana Ilka Jacinto Salvaro; Dimas de Oliveira Estevam; Daiane Fernandes Felipe

This article aims to propose reflection on gender and subjectivity by analyzing the participation of women in virtual rural coops located in southern cities in the state of Santa Catarina. According to the literature studied, that coop model is different from the traditional one because, among other aspects, it does not have a fixed headquarters, it gathers a group of 20 to 30 farmers and it sells a wide range of products in small quantities. The study concerned refers to an extended analysis based on data collected from a research in the period between 2011 and 2012 (PIBIC - UNEC/CNPq). The research was qualitative and the data was obtained by semi-structured interviews. Ten women between the ages of 36 and 54, who were members of three coops. were interviewed. The interviews were recorded, transcribed and analyzed according to procedures of content analysis. The results and the discussion show the formation process of coops, the participation and the products commercialized by the members and discuss the participation of women in virtual rural coops, the social visibility and the acknowledgement of womens work. Generally speaking, it could be noticed that womens participation in coops brought not only financial benefits due to the sales of produce, but also social and subjective acknowledgement.



Giovana Ilka Jacinto Salvaro; Dimas de Oliveira Estevam

Neste artigo, a partir do estudo e do registro sobre as transformacoes em unidades de producao no âmbito da agricultura familiar, busca-se apresentar consideracoes a respeito da organizacao e da divisao sexual do trabalho entre associados/as de cooperativas rurais descentralizadas do Sul Catarinense. O foco tematico emerge de uma pesquisa mais ampla sobre inovacoes na agricultura familiar, no contexto de cooperativas descentralizadas do Sul Catarinense, iniciada em 2015 e finalizada em 2016. Em um recorte analitico no qual sao observadas reorganizacoes familiares no/pelo processo produtivo que indicam deslocamentos e permanencias na divisao sexual do trabalho.

Revista de Contabilidade do Mestrado em Ciências Contábeis da UERJ | 2015


Dimas de Oliveira Estevam; Joelcy José Sá Lanzarini; Giovana Ilka Jacinto Salvaro

Na regiao Sul Catarinense, os agricultores familiares vem se organizando em cooperativas descentralizadas, com o objetivo de enfrentar, em conjunto as dificuldades de comercializar sua producao no mercado que individualmente seriam consideradas muito dificil. O modelo de organizacao cooperativa descentralizada ou nao patrimonial permite aos pequenos produtores rurais legalizar suas atividades produtivas, diversificar a producao, revitalizar outras abandonadas ao longo do tempo devido aos altos custos individuais. Organizados, desta forma, os agricultores da regiao obtiveram reducao nos custos de comercializacao e conquistaram novos espacos no mercado. Entretanto, apos alguns anos de funcionamento, estas cooperativas enfrentam problemas de manutencao devido aos custos operacionais. Diante disto, o objetivo do presente artigo e levantar o custo operacional mensal de manutencao de uma cooperativa descentralizada. A metodologia utilizada foi o estudo de caso, com abordagem qualitativa e quantitativa. As fontes primarias foram obtidas por meio de anotacoes e gravacoes de reunioes realizadas no decorrer dos anos de 2012 e 2013; ja as fontes secundarias por meio de balancos e balancetes de duas cooperativas. Os resultados obtidos com o desenvolvimento do projeto, constata-se, mesmo sendo cooperativas descentralizadas “nao patrimoniais”, o custo operacional mensal de manutencao de uma cooperativa e de aproximadamente R

RDE - Revista de Desenvolvimento Econômico | 2014


Dimas de Oliveira Estevam; Rossandra Oliveira Maciel; Liara Darabas Ronçani

4.000,00, totalizando aproximadamente R

Psicologia: Ciência e Profissão | 2014

Mujeres en cooperativas rurales virtuales: reflexiones sobre género y subjetividad

Giovana Ilka Jacinto Salvaro; Dimas de Oliveira Estevam; Daiane Fernandes Felipe

50.000,00 anuais, sem considerar os custos de producao e os tributos da comercializacao.

Psicologia: Ciência e Profissão | 2014

Women in virtual rural coops: reflections on gender and subjectivity

Giovana Ilka Jacinto Salvaro; Dimas de Oliveira Estevam; Daiane Fernandes Felipe

This article refers to the experience of a research and extension aimed to encourage farmers in the municipality of Armazem - SC to create a cooperative. Of activities resulted in the creation of COOPERRICA. Therefore this article seeks to determine whether there was improvement in income and working conditions of members. The methodology used was case study in which ten members were interviewed. Based on this research, we can conclude that the Cooperrica translates into the main means of the cooperative to remain in rural activity, since it is now responsible for generating employment and income for families in the region, while promoting social development and economic development through mutual aid and solidarity among members, thus allowing a dignified life in the field.

Interações (Campo Grande) | 2012

Projects for young professionals university students residing in rural areas: a case study of the youth of the city of Meleiro, SC

Daiana Panciera Casagrande; Giovana Ilka Jacinto Salvaro; Dimas de Oliveira Estevam

This article aims to propose reflection on gender and subjectivity by analyzing the participation of women in virtual rural coops located in southern cities in the state of Santa Catarina. According to the literature studied, that coop model is different from the traditional one because, among other aspects, it does not have a fixed headquarters, it gathers a group of 20 to 30 farmers and it sells a wide range of products in small quantities. The study concerned refers to an extended analysis based on data collected from a research in the period between 2011 and 2012 (PIBIC - UNEC/CNPq). The research was qualitative and the data was obtained by semi-structured interviews. Ten women between the ages of 36 and 54, who were members of three coops. were interviewed. The interviews were recorded, transcribed and analyzed according to procedures of content analysis. The results and the discussion show the formation process of coops, the participation and the products commercialized by the members and discuss the participation of women in virtual rural coops, the social visibility and the acknowledgement of womens work. Generally speaking, it could be noticed that womens participation in coops brought not only financial benefits due to the sales of produce, but also social and subjective acknowledgement.

Interações (Campo Grande) | 2012

Projetos profissionais de jovens universitários/as que residem no meio rural: estudo de caso dos/as jovens do município de Meleiro, SC

Daiana Panciera Casagrande; Giovana Ilka Jaciento Salvaro; Dimas de Oliveira Estevam

This article aims to propose reflection on gender and subjectivity by analyzing the participation of women in virtual rural coops located in southern cities in the state of Santa Catarina. According to the literature studied, that coop model is different from the traditional one because, among other aspects, it does not have a fixed headquarters, it gathers a group of 20 to 30 farmers and it sells a wide range of products in small quantities. The study concerned refers to an extended analysis based on data collected from a research in the period between 2011 and 2012 (PIBIC - UNEC/CNPq). The research was qualitative and the data was obtained by semi-structured interviews. Ten women between the ages of 36 and 54, who were members of three coops. were interviewed. The interviews were recorded, transcribed and analyzed according to procedures of content analysis. The results and the discussion show the formation process of coops, the participation and the products commercialized by the members and discuss the participation of women in virtual rural coops, the social visibility and the acknowledgement of womens work. Generally speaking, it could be noticed that womens participation in coops brought not only financial benefits due to the sales of produce, but also social and subjective acknowledgement.

Interações (Campo Grande) | 2012

Proyectos para el colegio de profesionales de la joven que residen en las zonas rurales: un estudio de caso de/la juventud de la ciudad de Meleiro, SC

Daiana Panciera Casagrande; Giovana Ilka Jacinto Salvaro; Dimas de Oliveira Estevam

El original del presente trabajo de investigacion tiene como objetivo describir los proyectos profesionales de los estudiantes universitarios que viven en las zonas rurales de la ciudad de Meleiro, SC y se llevo a cabo en el segundo semestre de 2011. Los sujetos del estudio eran 23 universitarios (16 mujeres y siete hombres) que se mueve la ciudad de Meleiro diario de autobus a estudiar en colegios y universidades de la region de Criciuma, SC. El cuestionario, autoadministrado y anonimo, fue utilizado como un procedimiento de recopilacion de datos y el analisis se llevo a cabo a traves de enfoques cuantitativos y cualitativos. En el proceso de analisis de datos, entre otras cuestiones, pudimos ver la busqueda de proyectos profesionales que no incluyen permanecer en las zonas rurales.

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