Dirlei Molinari Donatele
Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
Featured researches published by Dirlei Molinari Donatele.
Revista Brasileira De Parasitologia Veterinaria | 2011
Cíntia das Chagas Bernardo; Milena Batista Carneiro; Barbara Rauta de Avelar; Dirlei Molinari Donatele; Isabella Vilhena Freire Martins; Maria Julia Salim Pereira
The present study was conducted to evaluate the economic losses and temporal distribution of the prevalence of liver condemnation due to bovine fasciolosis. The abattoir in Atílio Vivácqua, in the South of the State of Espírito Santo, which is under state inspection by the veterinary service of the Livestock and Forest Protection Institute of Espírito Santo, was used as the data source. The prevalence of liver condemnation due to fasciolosis over the period 2006-2009 was calculated. The χ(2) test, simple linear regression analysis and χ(2) for trend were used, with a significance level of p ≤ 0.05. Over the period analyzed, 110,956 cattle were slaughtered and the prevalence of liver condemnation due to Fasciola hepatica was 15.24% in 2006, 23.93% in 2007, 28.57% in 2008 and 28.24% in 2009. The historical trend of liver condemnation is an increasing trend, thus indicating that this parasitism has become established in the herd as a problem in this region, with prevalence similar to that of traditionally endemic regions. Condemnations occurred throughout the year, with the highest prevalence in April and May and with significant differences between the dry and wet seasons. The economic losses from liver condemnation can be considered high.
Journal of Venomous Animals and Toxins Including Tropical Diseases | 2011
Danielle Porcari Alves; Milena Batista Carneiro; Isabella Vilhena Freire Martins; Cíntia das Chagas Bernardo; Dirlei Molinari Donatele; O. S Pereira Júnior; Bethânia Ribeiro de Almeida; B. R Avelar; A. G. C Leão
Fasciolosis is a disease that affects the liver parenchyma and bile ducts of numerous animals, including humans, which causes economic losses and threatens public health. The present work aimed at reporting the distribution and factors connected with Fasciola hepatica infection in cattle in ten municipalities in southern Espirito Santo, Brazil, between 2008 and 2009. During this period, 50 rural properties in ten cities were analyzed and fecal samples from 10% of the cattle on each farm were collected. Of the 717 samples analyzed, 154 (21.33%) presented Fasciola hepatica eggs. As for the 50 rural properties studied, 32 (64%) had animals positive for fasciolosis. Throughout the evaluation, it was observed that 42 (84%) rural properties had flooded areas, 33 (66%) were located at altitudes less than 226 meters, in 36 (72%) mollusks were found, 47 (94%) had other definitive hosts (horses, sheep, goats) and 25 (50%) had previous cases of bovine fasciolosis. The present results showed a high rate of bovine fasciolosis in the analyzed region whereas infected animals are present in all the municipalities. Based on statistical analysis, it was concluded that there was an association between the presence of flooded areas and other definitive hosts in rural properties where bovine fasciolosis was detected.
Ciencia Rural | 2009
Maria Aparecida Azevedo Pereira da Silva; Camila Mognato Scárdua; Marcus Dantas Dórea; Louisiane de Carvalho Nunes; Isabella Vilhena Freire Martins; Dirlei Molinari Donatele
Bovine enzootic hematuria (BEH) is a chronic disease that has been causing great economic losses to farmers of the Caparao microregion, southern Espirito Santo State. The objective of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of cattle naturally affected by poisoning by Pteridium aquilinum (bracken fern) with clinical hematuria between 2007 and 2008 and establish the hematologic findings of these animals. Fifty facilities were visited and the plant was observed in all of the ten evaluated municipal districts. One hundred and eighty one bovines were examined and 39 animals were sick. Among the affected cattle, 22 (56.4%) presented BEH. Affected animals were from Guacui, Divino de Sao Lourenco, Iuna, Ibatiba and Ibitirama districts. The animals had macrohematuria and the values of the hematocrit were low, ranging between 8 and 31%. The total leukometry had the mean value of 132 x 103mm-3, showing leukocytosis. The temperature and capillary refill time were normal. Four animals (18.2%) had pale mucosal surfaces. It was noted that the BEH prevalence in the Caparao microregion, ES, is high and there is a great necessity of new studies to reduce the economic losses caused by this disease.
Revista Brasileira de Higiene e Sanidade Animal | 2017
Thaís Silva Guimarães; Marcus de Freitas Ferreira; Dirlei Molinari Donatele; Mariane Bazzarella Lucindo
Marine fishes have a large parasitological fauna being able to produce or have toxins which can cause any type of adverse reaction that can condemn fishes. The aim of this work is to evaluate the freshness of pescada branca (Cynoscion leiarchus) marketed in coast towns located in the south of Espírito Santo State and set up parasitological indices (frequency and medium intensity of infection) in these animals found in that area. Five samples of pescada branca (C. leiarchus) in four establishments in each town named Piúma, Anchieta, Itapemirim and Marataízes were collected. Town called Presidente Kennedy was the only one where fishes were collected in one establishment. Samples were set in thermal boxes with ice, identified and sent to Parasitological Laboratory in Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo. Fishes were evaluated in relation to freshsness, measured, weighted, and necropsy were further made to evaluate parasitological level in muscle and celomatic cavity. Nematodes collected were cleaned in water and fixed in AFA solution for 24 hours. To the living worms, AFA solution was heated up to 60oC, so they can die stretched. After 24 hours, all worms were clarified by acid latic + phenol solution and identified thru optic microscope. From a total of 125 fishes examined, 25 worms with zoonotic potential were found being 21 from Contracaecum sp. genus and 4 from Pseudoterranova sp. genus, therefore the frequency found was 20% and the mean intensity was of 2,27 parasites/hosts. The results indicate the presence of nematodes cited in Revista Brasileira de Higiene e Sanidade Animal Brazilian Journal of Hygiene and Animal Sanity ISSN: 1981-2965
Vaccine | 2016
Nataly Pescinalli Stegmiller; Estevão Carlos Barcelos; Janine Miranda Leal; Luciana Polaco Covre; Dirlei Molinari Donatele; Herbet Leonel de Matos Guedes; Marco Cesar Cunegundes; Rodrigo Ribeiro Rodrigues; Daniel Cláudio Oliviera Gomes
Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) is a Gram-positive coccal bacterium comprising part of the human skin, nares and gastrointestinal tract normal microbiota. It is also an important cause of nosocomial/community-acquired infections in humans and animals, which can cause a diverse array of infections, including sepsis, which is a progressive systemic inflammation response syndrome that is frequently fatal. The emergence of drug-resistant strains and the high toxicity of the treatments used for these infections point out the need to develop an effective, inexpensive and safe vaccine that can be used prophylactically. In this work, we used an experimental sepsis model to evaluate the effectiveness of whole antigens from S. aureus (SaAg) given by the intranasal route to induce protective immunity against S. aureus infection in mice. BALB/c mice were vaccinated via intranasal or intramuscular route with two doses of SaAg, followed by biocompatibility and immunogenicity evaluations. Vaccinated animals did not show any adverse effects associated with the vaccine, as determined by transaminase and creatinine measurements. Intranasal, but not intramuscular vaccination with SaAg led to a significant reduction in IL-10 production and was associated with increased level of IFN-γ and NO. SaAg intranasal vaccination was able to prime cellular and humoral immune responses and inducing a higher proliferation index and increased production of specific IgG1/IgG2, which contributed to decrease the bacterial load in both liver and the spleen and improve survival during sepsis. These findings present the first evidence of the effectiveness of whole Ag intranasal-based vaccine administration, which expands the vaccination possibilities against S. aureus infection.
PUBVET | 2015
Higor Azevedo Assis; Graziela Barioni; Renan Zappavigna Costa Starling; Dirlei Molinari Donatele
The Enzootic Bovine Leukosis (LEB) is a disease caused by a retrovirus, with cases reported in all the world and gradually spreads determining losses to Brazilian cattle. The objective of the study is defining the seroprevalence of LEB in cattle slaughtered in the city of Anchieta, Espírito Santo. 933 serum samples was collected in the slaughter line during the month of November 2013. The samples were examined by the immunodiffusion test in agar gel (IDGA) for the detection of specific antibodies against bovine leukosis virus (VLB). The test was performed following manufacturers instructions Tecpar ®. The prevalence detected was 21.86 %, 204 samples was soropositive for the LEB. The prevalence found in this study is lower than 39.8% found by Birgel Junior et al., (2006) with is the media of the southeast region. However, the prevalence is very expressive, showing that LEB is already widespread in the beef cattle in Espírito Santo, and that has total conditions to bring considerable losses to cattle in the state.
Arquivos do Instituto Biológico | 2013
Milena Batista Carneiro; Danielle Porcari Alves; Dirlei Molinari Donatele; Olavo dos Santos Pereira Júnior; Isabella Vilhena Freire Martins
O objetivo deste trabalho foi registrar a presenca de Fasciola hepatica em ovinos, caprinos e bubalinos em dez municipios do sul do Espirito Santo e relacionar fatores determinantes da doenca na regiao. Um total de 34 propriedades de ovinos, caprinos e bubalinos foi visitado coletando-se amostras fecais dessas especies para procedimento da tecnica de sedimentacao. Um total de 58 (13,68%) amostras de ovinos, 76 (21,78%) amostras de caprinos e 10 (23,81%) amostras de bubalinos foram positivas para ovos de F. hepatica. Todos os moluscos coletados foram identificados como pertencentes a especie Lymnaea columella. Notou-se que os municipios da regiao sul do Espirito Santo apresentam altas taxas de F. hepatica em ovinos, caprinos e bubalinos, tornando essa regiao um grande foco de dispersao da parasitose, e que a ocorrencia de casos anteriores de fasciolose nas propriedades ficou caracterizada como fator de risco epidemiologico para a doenca.
Revista Brasileira de Higiene e Sanidade Animal: RBHSA | 2017
Thaís Silva Guimarães; Marcus de Freitas Ferreira; Dirlei Molinari Donatele; Mariane Bazzarella Lucindo
Revista Brasileira De Parasitologia Veterinaria | 2017
Aline Nunes Simões; Sayanne Luns Hatum de Almeida; Áquila Flávia da Rocha Braga; Isabella Vilhena Freire Martins; Dirlei Molinari Donatele; Graziela Barioni
Revista Brasileira de Higiene e Sanidade Animal: RBHSA | 2016
Mariane Bazzarella Lucindo; Dirlei Molinari Donatele; Marcus de Freitas Ferreira; Thaís Silva Guimarães