Divanise Suruagy Correia
Federal University of Alagoas
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Featured researches published by Divanise Suruagy Correia.
Journal of Pharmacy and Bioallied Sciences | 2011
Yuri Silva Toledo Brandão; Divanise Suruagy Correia; Maria Stella Jakeline Alves de Farias; Thallyta Maria Tavares Antunes; Laís Alves da Silva
Background: Alcohol is the number one toxic substance consumed by people of all age groups, which makes its use a public health problem. The overall trend shows that university students are those who suffer the most pressure. Objective: To assess the prevalence of alcohol use among students newly enrolled at a public university in Alagoas, Brazil. Materials and Methods: We conducted an analytical sectional study at the Federal University of Alagoas, with 1435 (44% of total) newly enrolled students of all courses in 2006. They answered a questionnaire based on the CAGE. Some points such as sex, age, marital status, course, housing, family characteristics and how drugs fit into in the student life were studied with the resources of EpiInfo version 3.3.2. The survey was approved by the Research Ethics Committee of the Federal University of Alagoas (number 000878/2005-17). Results: Of the group studied, 95.9% lived with family and 87.6% reported ever drinking alcohol at some time in their life. Of all the respondents, 55.4% of men reported having the habit of drinking with friends or colleagues (Odds = 0.71; CI = 0.58-0.88; P-value = 0.00088). Among all respondents, 17.7% of male students and 9.8% females skipped class after using alcohol (Odds = 0.52; CI = 0.38-0.72; P-value = 0.000023). The transition from adolescence to youth and study time at university is marked by greater vulnerability to alcohol abuse. The family is decisive for the initiation of alcohol use, and the university is a factor that increases the possibility of maintaining the practice. The fact that not all students were present in the classroom at the time of the application questionnaire may have limited the search because this was a sectional study. Conclusion: Alcohol consumption in this university is similar to that in other higher education institutions in the world, which is a cause for concern, since the external lesions are accentuated with the practice of using alcohol, characterizing the risk of violence.
The Scientific World Journal | 2009
Divanise Suruagy Correia; Pontes Ac; Jairo Calado Cavalcante; Egito Es; Maia Em
The purpose of this study was to identify the knowledge and use of contraceptive methods by female adolescent students. The study was cross-sectional and quantitative, using a semi-structured questionnaire that was administered to 12- to 19-year-old female students in Maceió, Brazil. A representative and randomized sample was calculated, taking into account the number of hospital admissions for curettage. This study was approved by the Human Research Ethics Committee, and Epi InfoTM software was used for data and result evaluation using the mean and chi-square statistical test. Our results show that the majority of students know of some contraceptive methods (95.5%), with the barrier/hormonal methods being the most mentioned (72.4%). Abortion and aborting drugs were inaccurately described as contraceptives, and 37.9% of the sexually active girls did not make use of any method. The barrier methods were the most used (35.85%). A significant association was found in the total sample (2,592) between pregnancy and the use of any contraceptive method. This association was not found, however, in the group having an active sexual life (559). The study points to a knowledge of contraceptive methods, especially by teenagers who have already been pregnant, but contraceptives were not adequately used. The low use of chemical methods of contraception brings the risk of pregnancy. Since abortion and aborting drugs were incorrectly cited as contraceptive methods, this implies a nonpreventive attitude towards pregnancy.
Revista Gaúcha de Enfermagem | 2011
Divanise Suruagy Correia; Layse Veloso de Amorim Santos; Ascanio Marcos de Novais Calheiros; Maria Jésia Vieira
The objective of this work is to analyze the correlation between signs, symptoms and complications and the presence of stress in pregnant adolescents in health facilities in Maceio, Alagoas, Brazil. Quantitative, cross-sectional data were collected through questionnaire survey and tests of applied stress in adolescents treated in prenatal care. Data were analyzed by Epi Info version 3.5, using the odds as a statistical measure. The survey involved 140 pregnant girls, aged from 10 to 19 years. Results show that 80.7% of them had some degree of stress, 57.1% being in the resistance phase and 18.6% at the stage of exhaustion. Statistical association was found between stress and some symptoms. The results indicate the presence of stress in adolescence and the need for special attention to the mental health of these women.
Ciencia & Saude Coletiva | 2011
Divanise Suruagy Correia; Jairo Calado Cavalcante; Eryvaldo Sócrates Tabosa do Egito; Eulália Maria Chaves Maia
Trata-se de um estudo de corte transversal, realizado com o objetivo de investigar as razoes que levaram adolescentes a provocarem o aborto, relacionando com idade e tipo de escola que frequentavam. A amostra foi calculada considerando o numero de internacoes para curetagem pos-abortamento. Usou-se como instrumento um questionario semiestruturado, anonimo, aplicado em dez escolas, sorteadas dentre todas da cidade de Maceio (Alagoas), pesquisando-se adolescentes dos 12 aos 19 anos, do sexo feminino. Os dados foram analisados pelo Programa Epi Info, usando-se odds ratio e risco relativo para verificar associacao entre variaveis e intervalo de confianca a 95%. Em uma amostra de 2.592 jovens, 559 (21,6%) tinham vida sexual ativa, 182 (7,0%) referiram ter engravidado e 149 (26,7%) abortado. Medo da reacao dos pais, idade, falta de apoio do companheiro e rejeicao da gravidez foram razoes para provocar o aborto, sendo medo a mais citada, em ambos os tipos de escola. O aborto foi mais citado nas escolas publicas, sendo significativo e protetor o risco para abortar antes dos 15 anos, e significativa a relacao entre abortar e estudar em escolas publicas. O medo da reacao dos pais como razao mais frequente sugere a necessidade de novos estudos sobre sexualidade e comunicacao entre pais e filhos.
Epidemiologia e Serviços de Saúde | 2014
Waneska Alexandra Alves; Divanise Suruagy Correia; Lívia Lessa de Brito Barbosa; Leonardo Moreira Lopes; Márcio Ighor Azevedo Silva de Mendonça Melânia
OBJETIVO:descrever o perfil epidemiologico e a magnitude dos homicidios ocorridos no municipio de Maceio, estado de Alagoas, Brasil, no periodo de 2007 a 2012.METODOS:estudo descritivo dos obitos por homicidios registrados no Sistema de Informacoes sobre Mortalidade (SIM) ocorridos em Maceio-AL.RESULTADOS:registraram-se 5.735 homicidios no periodo, correspondendo a media de 955,8 homicidios/ano, com taxas que variaram de 89,6 obitos/100 mil habitantes (2012) a 111,4 obitos/100 mil hab. (2011); 94,8% das vitimas eram do sexo masculino, 66,2% eram jovens de 15 a 29 anos e 79,9% da raca/cor parda; os homicidios ocorreram, majoritariamente, nos periodos noturno e de madrugada (51,5%), com envolvimento de arma de fogo (87,8%), em bairros da periferia da cidade (32,6%).CONCLUSAO:a mortalidade por homicidios foi elevada, acometendo principalmente pessoas jovens, pardas e do sexo masculino; destaca-se a necessidade de politicas publicas efetivas para o combate a violencia.
Journal of Nursing Ufpe Online | 2016
Sandra Lopes Cavalcanti; Divanise Suruagy Correia; Daniel Antunes Freitas; Bruna Cancado Oliveira; Tainã Durans Tochetto
Objective: to describe the importance of religiousness/spirituality through the health-disease process in the perception of patients in cancer treatment. Method: a descriptive, cross-sectional study with a quantitative approach, performed with 234 patients in cancer treatment in a Reference Center, from April to November 2014. It was used as a tool for data collection a questionnaire with 20 items, encompassing socioeconomic variables, Duke-DUREL index, spiritual history of ACP and CSI MEMO. Descriptive statistics was performed. Results: in the sample, 76.50% were female, 58.5% Catholics and 42.74% had breast cancer. It was found that the faith is extremely important for 82.91%. Concerning religion, 33.76% attended a religious meeting more than once a week and 47.86% devoted their time to individual religious activities. Conclusion: the data show that religiosity/spirituality has high levels of importance in addressing the health-disease process for these patients. Descriptors: Spirituality; Religion; Oncology. RESUMO Objetivo: descrever a importância da religiosidade/espiritualidade no processo saúde-doença sob a percepção de pacientes em tratamento oncológico. Método: estudo descritivo, transversal, de abordagem quantitativa, realizado com 234 pacientes oncológicos em tratamento num Centro de Referência, de abril a novembro de 2014. Utilizou-se como instrumento para a coleta de dados um questionário com 20 itens, englobando variáveis socioeconômicas, Índice de Duke-DUREL, História espiritual da ACP e CSI – MEMO. Realizada estatística descritiva. Resultados: na amostra 76,50% eram do sexo feminino, 58,5% católicos e 42,74% tinham neoplasia de mama. Encontrou-se que a fé é extremamente importante para 82,91%. Em relação à religiosidade, 33,76% frequentavam algum encontro religioso mais de uma vez por semana e 47,86% dedicavam seu tempo a atividades religiosas individuais. Conclusão: os dados revelam que a religiosidade/espiritualidade possui altos níveis de importância no enfrentamento do processo saúde-doença para esses pacientes. Descritores: Espiritualidade; Religião; Oncologia. RESUMEN Objetivo: describir la importancia de la religiosidad/espiritualidad en la salud-enfermedad en la percepción de los pacientes en tratamiento contra el cáncer. Método: estudio descriptivo, transversal, con un enfoque cuantitativo, realizado con 234 pacientes en tratamiento contra el cáncer en un Centro de Referencia, de abril a noviembre de 2014. Fue utilizado como una herramienta para la recolección de datos un cuestionario con 20 ítems, que abarca las variables socioeconómicas, índice de Duke-DUREL, historia espiritual de la ACP y CSI MEMO. Estadística descriptiva fue realizada. Resultados: en la muestra, 76,50% eran mujeres, el 58,5% de católicos y 42.74% tienen cáncer de mama. Se encontró que la fe es extremadamente importante para 82,91%. En cuanto a la religión, 33.76% asistió a una reunión religiosa más de una vez a la semana y 47,86% dedica su tiempo a actividades religiosas individuales. Conclusión: los datos muestran que la religiosidad/espiritualidad tiene altos niveles de importancia para abordar el proceso de salud-enfermedad en estos pacientes. Descriptores: Espiritualidad; Religión; Oncología. MD, PhD Professor of Health Sciences, Federal University of Alagoas/FAMED/UFAL. Maceió (AL), Brazil. Email: [email protected]; Clinical Psychologist, Master Professor in Health Sciences, Federal University of Alagoas/FAMED/ UFAL. Maceió (AL), Brazil. Email: [email protected]; PhD in Health Sciences, Federal University of Alagoas/FAMED/UFAL. Maceió (AL), Brazil. Email: [email protected]; Graduation students in Medicine, Federal University of Alagoas/UFAL. Maceió (AL), Brazil. email:[email protected]; [email protected] ORIGINAL ARTICLE Correia DS, Cavalcanti SL, Freitas DA et al. The importance of religiosity/spirituality... English/Portuguese J Nurs UFPE on line., Recife, 10(8):2895-905, Aug., 2016 2896 ISSN: 1981-8963 DOI: 10.5205/reuol.9373-82134-1-RV1008201615 It is indisputable that cancer is now a public health problem. According to global estimates from Project Globocan 2012, by the International Agency for Research on Cancer, World Health Organization (WHO), the worldwide incidence in 2012 was 14.1 million and there were a total of 8.2 million deaths per cancer that same year. In 2030, it is estimated that the global burden will be 21.4 million new cases and 13.2 million cancer deaths, as a result of growth and population aging, and the reduction in infant mortality and deaths infectious diseases in developing countries. For Brazil, the estimate for 2015 is approximately 576.000 new cases including non-melanoma skin cancer, the most frequent in the population. Excluding the latter, it is estimated 395.000 new cases, 204.000 for men and 190.000 for women. In men, the most incident types are prostate cancers, lung, colon and rectum, stomach and oral cavity; and, in women, breast, colon and rectum, cervix, lung and thyroid gland. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) spirituality is the set of all the emotions and beliefs of non-material nature, with the assumption that there is more to life than can be seen or fully understood. Since 1988, WHO included the spiritual dimension in the multidimensional concept of health, referring to issues such as meaning of life, not limited to any specific type of belief or religious practice. The concepts of spirituality and religiosity are confused. It is necessary to describe the definitions of religion, religiosity and spirituality accepted for this work, based on the concept by Harold G. Koenig et al, as follows: (1) religion is a system of beliefs and practices observed by a community, supported by rituals that acknowledge, worship, communicate with or approach the Sacred, the Divine, God (in Western cultures) or the Absolute Truth, Reality or Nirvana (in Eastern cultures); (2) religion is how individual believes, follows and practices a particular creed, may be organizational (often religious gatherings such as church services, worship, ceremonies, study groups or prayer, etc), not organizational (frequency of religious activities private, such as prayer, meditation, reading religious texts, listen to or watch religious programs on television or radio, etc) or intrinsic (search internalization and full experience of religiosity, the main objective of the individual); (3) spirituality refers to a personal quest for understanding, related to greater existential questions (for example, the purpose and the meaning of life) and their relationship with the sacred and/or transcendent that may or may not lead to the development of religious practices or formation of religious communities. The diagnosis of cancer can threaten the understanding of life of patients, spiritual coping (English word without literal translation in Portuguese, can mean dealing with, manage, cope or adapt to) maintain self-esteem and sense of purpose and meaning, offers emotional support and inspires hope. There is a consensus that spirituality is related to the quality of life of patients in general, and especially cancer patients. Many find spirituality in the practice of a religion or its relationship with the divine. However, others find spirituality in their connection with others, with nature, art, or through a set of values and principles and the pursuit of scientific truth, or in confrontation with a disease like cancer, it takes people to face their own finitude. Regard as important the spiritual condition and spiritual concerns of cancer patients have a key role in palliative care of such patients.
Epidemiologia e Serviços de Saúde | 2014
Waneska Alexandra Alves; Divanise Suruagy Correia; Lívia Lessa de Brito Barbosa; Leonardo Moreira Lopes; Márcio Ighor Azevedo Silva de Mendonça Melânia
OBJETIVO:descrever o perfil epidemiologico e a magnitude dos homicidios ocorridos no municipio de Maceio, estado de Alagoas, Brasil, no periodo de 2007 a 2012.METODOS:estudo descritivo dos obitos por homicidios registrados no Sistema de Informacoes sobre Mortalidade (SIM) ocorridos em Maceio-AL.RESULTADOS:registraram-se 5.735 homicidios no periodo, correspondendo a media de 955,8 homicidios/ano, com taxas que variaram de 89,6 obitos/100 mil habitantes (2012) a 111,4 obitos/100 mil hab. (2011); 94,8% das vitimas eram do sexo masculino, 66,2% eram jovens de 15 a 29 anos e 79,9% da raca/cor parda; os homicidios ocorreram, majoritariamente, nos periodos noturno e de madrugada (51,5%), com envolvimento de arma de fogo (87,8%), em bairros da periferia da cidade (32,6%).CONCLUSAO:a mortalidade por homicidios foi elevada, acometendo principalmente pessoas jovens, pardas e do sexo masculino; destaca-se a necessidade de politicas publicas efetivas para o combate a violencia.
Epidemiologia e Serviços de Saúde | 2014
Waneska Alexandra Alves; Divanise Suruagy Correia; Lívia Lessa de Brito Barbosa; Leonardo Moreira Lopes; Márcio Ighor Azevedo Silva de Mendonça Melânia
OBJETIVO:descrever o perfil epidemiologico e a magnitude dos homicidios ocorridos no municipio de Maceio, estado de Alagoas, Brasil, no periodo de 2007 a 2012.METODOS:estudo descritivo dos obitos por homicidios registrados no Sistema de Informacoes sobre Mortalidade (SIM) ocorridos em Maceio-AL.RESULTADOS:registraram-se 5.735 homicidios no periodo, correspondendo a media de 955,8 homicidios/ano, com taxas que variaram de 89,6 obitos/100 mil habitantes (2012) a 111,4 obitos/100 mil hab. (2011); 94,8% das vitimas eram do sexo masculino, 66,2% eram jovens de 15 a 29 anos e 79,9% da raca/cor parda; os homicidios ocorreram, majoritariamente, nos periodos noturno e de madrugada (51,5%), com envolvimento de arma de fogo (87,8%), em bairros da periferia da cidade (32,6%).CONCLUSAO:a mortalidade por homicidios foi elevada, acometendo principalmente pessoas jovens, pardas e do sexo masculino; destaca-se a necessidade de politicas publicas efetivas para o combate a violencia.
Revista gaúcha de enfermagem | 2011
Divanise Suruagy Correia; Layse Veloso de Amorim Santos; Ascanio Marcos de Novais Calheiros; Maria Jésia Vieira
The objective of this work is to analyze the correlation between signs, symptoms and complications and the presence of stress in pregnant adolescents in health facilities in Maceio, Alagoas, Brazil. Quantitative, cross-sectional data were collected through questionnaire survey and tests of applied stress in adolescents treated in prenatal care. Data were analyzed by Epi Info version 3.5, using the odds as a statistical measure. The survey involved 140 pregnant girls, aged from 10 to 19 years. Results show that 80.7% of them had some degree of stress, 57.1% being in the resistance phase and 18.6% at the stage of exhaustion. Statistical association was found between stress and some symptoms. The results indicate the presence of stress in adolescence and the need for special attention to the mental health of these women.
Revista Gaúcha de Enfermagem | 2011
Divanise Suruagy Correia; Layse Veloso de Amorim Santos; Ascanio Marcos de Novais Calheiros; Maria Jésia Vieira
The objective of this work is to analyze the correlation between signs, symptoms and complications and the presence of stress in pregnant adolescents in health facilities in Maceio, Alagoas, Brazil. Quantitative, cross-sectional data were collected through questionnaire survey and tests of applied stress in adolescents treated in prenatal care. Data were analyzed by Epi Info version 3.5, using the odds as a statistical measure. The survey involved 140 pregnant girls, aged from 10 to 19 years. Results show that 80.7% of them had some degree of stress, 57.1% being in the resistance phase and 18.6% at the stage of exhaustion. Statistical association was found between stress and some symptoms. The results indicate the presence of stress in adolescence and the need for special attention to the mental health of these women.