Djoko M. Hartono
University of Indonesia
Featured researches published by Djoko M. Hartono.
Waste Management & Research | 1985
B.N. Lohani; Djoko M. Hartono
This paper deals with the estimation of solid waste generation rates by empirical methods. A study conducted in the city of Bandung in Indonesia using seven solid wastes sources, residential areas, theatres, streets, restaurants, offices, stores and markets, indicated that some variables had strong correlation with solid waste generation rates. For obtaining the significant level of the variables concerned with each solid waste source, the multiple linear regression programme of the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) was used. From the result obtained, it was possible to obtain a correlation between moisture content and composition of each component of the solid waste.
International journal of engineering and technology | 2018
Idi Namara; Djoko M. Hartono; Yusuf Latief; Setyo Sarwanto Moersidik
About 75% of rivers in Indonesia are experiencing severe pollution. The pollution comes from domestic waste. One of the important rivers in Indonesia that is experiencing pollution is the Cisadane River. The Cisadane River issues in Tangerang are erosion, sedimentation, not yet controlled public space, availability water, and water quality. The background of this research is the existence of water quality problems Cisadane Tangerang City of Banten Province. There are many institutions that manage the Cisadane watershed, but the effectiveness of these institutions in solving environmental problems in the Cisadane watershed is ineffective. Similarly, current regulations have not been effectively implemented. The purpose of this study is to determine the authority and agencies that manage the Cisadane watershed in Tangerang, examining the effectiveness of cooperation among agencies, seeking the most effective alternative institutions in Cisadane water quality management, as well as optimizing the implementation of regulations. This research is a quali tative research, this research also is multi case and explorative, so this research uses three stages of research, previous study phase study, focus group discussion and data analysis. The conclusion of this research is to get the best and effective alternative institution in managing Cisadane River and to strengthen regulation or law.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science | 2018
Atika Widiastuti; Djoko M. Hartono; Setyo Sarwanto Moersidik; Irma Gusniani
The problems arising from landfill activity is leaked leachate that is not absorbed well into leachate stabilization pond which furthermore contaminates shallow groundwater around landfill, include Cipayung landfill. The aims of this study is to determine the characteristics of leachate and their effect on shallow groundwater quality around landfill based on temperature, pH, Total Suspended Solids (TSS), Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD), Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), Total Nitrogen (TN), Mercury (Hg), and fecal coliform. Data were analyzed based on leachate samples at influent point, effluent point, and 7 sampling points of residentss well with distance variation every 100 meters within 300 meters radius having leachate stabilization pond as benchmark. According to the standard of Indonesias Ministry of Environment and Forestry law No. 59 of 2016, the results showed that leachate quality was still above the standard of BOD, COD, and Total Nitrogen parameters; 4178.0 mg/L, 70556.0 mg/L and 373.3 mg/L for influent point, and 3142.0 mg/L, 9055.2 mg/L, and 350 mg/L for the effluent point. Pollution Index of shallow groundwater is between lightly and moderately contaminated. This study showed that the further the distance between sampling point and leachate stabilization pond is, the lower the Polution Index is.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science | 2018
Eki Noerfitriyani; Djoko M. Hartono; Setyo Sarwanto Moersidik; Irma Gusniani
The landfill operation can cause environmental problems due to solid waste decomposition in the form of leachate. The evaluation of environmental impacts related with solid waste landfilling is needed to ensure that leachate discharge to water bodies does not exceed the standard limit to prevent contamination of the environment. This study aims to analyze the impact of leachate discharge from Cipayung Landfill on water quality of Pesanggrahan River. The data were analyzed based on leachate samples taken from influent and effluent treatment unit, and river water samples taken from upstream, stream at leachate discharge, and downstream. All samples were taken three times under rainy season condition from April to May 2017. The results show the average leachate quality temperature is 34,81 °C, TSS 72.33 mg/L, pH 7.83, BOD 3,959.63 mg/L, COD 6,860 mg/L, TN 373.33 mg/L, Hg 0.0016 mg/L. The BOD5/COD ratio 0.58 indicated that leachate characteristics was biodegradable and resemble intermediate landfill due to the mixing of young leachate and old leachate. The effluent of leachate treatment plant exceeds the leachate standard limit for BOD, COD, and TN parameters. Statistical results from independent T-test showed significant differences (p<0,05) between upstream and downstream influenced with leachate discharge for DO parameter.
Denny M. Sundara; Djoko M. Hartono; Emirhadi Suganda; J S Herman Haeruman
This paper explores the development of the urban forest in East Jakarta. By 2030 Jakarta area has a target of 30% green area covering 19,845 hectares, including urban forest covering an area of 4,631 hectares. In 2015, the city forest is only 646 hectares, while the city requires 3,985 hectares of new land Urban forest growth from year to year showed a marked decrease with increasing land area awoke to commercial functions, environmental conditions encourage the development of the city to become unsustainable. This research aims to support sustainable urban development and ecological balance through the revitalization of green areas and urban development. Analytical methods for urban forest area is calculated based on the amount of CO2 that comes from people, vehicles, and industrial. Urban spatial analysis based on satellite image data, using a GIS program is an analysis tool to determine the distribution and growth patterns of green areas. This paper uses a dynamic system model to simulate the condition...
Jurnal Manusia dan Lingkungan | 2016
Ira Puspita; Linda Ibrahim; Djoko M. Hartono
ABSTRAK Data Status Lingkungan Hidup Daerah Kota Tarakan menyatakan bahwa kualitas air Sungai Karang Anyar Kota Tarakan yaitu parameter COD, amoniak dan TSS tahun 2010-2013 melebihi baku mutu. Penurunan kualitas air tersebut disebabkan oleh perilaku masyarakat yang bermukim di kawasan bantaran sungai. Pendekatan penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan gabungan metode kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Metode kuantitatif antara lain digunakan untuk teknik pengumpulan data melalui kuesioner dan menghitung status mutu air Sungai Karang Anyar menggunakan metode Indeks Pencemaran. Metode kualitatif antara lain digunakan untuk observasi, wawancara mendalam kepada swasta dan tokoh masyarakat. Hasil penelitian yaitu perilaku masyarakat yang membuang air limbah domestik langsung ke sungai mempengaruhi parameter COD melebihi baku mutu karena air limbah yang dibuang terdapat busa sabun berasal dari buangan air cucian. Air limbah domestik yang dibuang langsung ke sungai berasal dari sisa memasak sehingga diduga menyebabkan amoniak juga melebihi baku mutu. Perilaku masyarakat yang tidak mengolah kotoran ayam dapat mempengaruhi parameter amoniak melebihi baku mutu karena kotoran ayam membusuk dan mengalir ke sungai. Perilaku masyarakat yang mengambil tanah dari bukit/gunung tidak mempengaruhi parameter TSS karena dipengaruhi mengambil tanah dari bukit/gunung dilakukan pada curah hujan menurun/kemarau. Perilaku masyarakat yang menambang pasir di sungai mempengaruhi parameter amoniak melebihi baku mutu karena air limbah domestik yang organik dan kotoran ayam membusuk yang telah tertimbun lama di dasar sungai akan terangkat. Perilaku masyarakat yang menambang pasir di sungai tidak mempengaruhi parameter TSS karena kegiatan menambang pasir tidak dilakukan setiap hari dan bergantung pada curah hujan. Sebagai kesimpulan adalah tidak semua perilaku masyarakat yang bermukim dan berkegiatan di kawasan bantaran sungai mengakibatkan penurunan kualitas air sungai. ABSTRACT The data of environmental status of Tarakan City states that water quality of Karang Anyar’s river for COD, ammonia and TSS paremeters from year 2010-2013 are above the government regulation for quality standard. The decreasing of Karang Anyar’s river water quality are influenced by the behavior of regional society along the riverbanks. Research methods used in this research is the combination between quantitative and qualitative methods. The result of this research are t he disposal of domestic waste water directly into the river suspected in affecting the parameters COD and ammonia exceeded the quality standard because waste water contain s foam of soap sources from waste water of wash. T he disposal of domestic waste water from cooking residue in affecting ammonia parameters exceeded the quality standard . The behavior of livestock chicken was suspected affecting ammonia parameter in exceeding the quality standard because of chicken’s feces have been decomposed. Mining soil behavior from hills or mountains suspected not affecting TSS parameter because of climate influenced. T he behaviour of s and r iver’s mining suspected affecting ammonia parameter and exceeding the quality standard but did not affect TSS parameter because the activities were not daily and the miners depending on rain level and sand volume. The conclusion of this research are the not all behavior of regional society along the riverbanks affect the decreasing of Karang Anyar’s river water quality .
Sustainable Environment Research | 2017
Abdul Kodir; Djoko M. Hartono; Herman Haeruman; Irdika Mansur
Archive | 2014
Evy N. Zulfiany; G. B. S. Andari Kristanto; Djoko M. Hartono
International journal of engineering and technology | 2018
Anis Masyruroh; Djoko M. Hartono; Herman Haeruman; Emir Hadisuganda
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering | 2018
Djoko M. Hartono; Gabriel Andari Kristanto; Irma Gusniani Sofian; Ahmad Fauzan; Ghanis Mahdiana