
BMC Plant Biology | 2013

Involvement of ethylene biosynthesis and signalling in fruit set and early fruit development in zucchini squash ( Cucurbita pepo L.)

Cecilia Martínez; Susana Manzano; Zoraida Megías; Dolores Garrido; Belén Picó; Manuel Jamilena

BackgroundWe have identified a kind of parthenocarpy in zucchini squash which is associated with an incomplete andromonoecy, i.e. a partial conversion of female into bisexual flowers. Given that andromonoecy in this and other cucurbit species is caused by a reduction of ethylene production in the female flower, the associated parthenocarpic development of the fruit suggested the involvement of ethylene in fruit set and early fruit development.ResultsWe have compared the production of ethylene as well as the expression of 13 ethylene biosynthesis and signalling genes in pollinated and unpollinated ovaries/fruits of two cultivars, one of which is parthenocarpic (Cavili), while the other is non-parthenocarpic (Tosca). In the latter, unpollinated ovaries show an induction of ethylene biosynthesis and ethylene signal transduction pathway genes three days after anthesis, which is concomitant with the initiation of fruit abortion and senescence. Fruit set and early fruit development in pollinated flowers of both cultivars and unpollinated flowers of Cavili is coupled with low ethylene biosynthesis and signalling, which would also explain the partial andromonoecy in the parthenocarpic genotype. The reduction of ethylene production in the ovary cosegregates with parthenocarpy and partial andromonoecy in the selfing progeny of Cavili. Moreover, the induction of ethylene in anthesis (by ethephon treatments) reduced the percentage of bisexual parthenocarpic flowers in Cavili, while the inhibition of ethylene biosynthesis or response (by AVG and STS treatments) induces not only andromonoecy but also the parthenocarpic development of the fruit in both cultivars.ConclusionsResults demonstrate that a reduction of ethylene production or signalling in the zucchini flower is able to induce fruit set and early fruit development, and therefore that ethylene is actively involved in fruit set and early fruit development. Auxin and TIBA treatments, inducing fruit set and early fruit development in this species, also inhibit ethylene production and the expression of ethylene biosynthesis and response genes. A model is presented that discusses the crosstalk between ethylene and auxin in the control of fruit set and early fruit development in zucchini squash.

Protoplasma | 1995

Cellular changes during the acquisition of embryogenic potential in isolated pollen grains ofNicotiana tabacum

Dolores Garrido; Oscar Vicente; Erwin Heberle-Bors; M. Isabel Rodriguez-García

SummaryWe used electron microscopical techniques to study ultrastructural changes during the acquisition of embryogenic competence in immature pollen grains ofNicotiana tabacum, isolated at the early- or mid-bicellular stage and cultured in vitro under starvation conditions. Cytoplasmic and nuclear changes during the starvation treatment are reported. Dedifferentiation of plastids, dilation of the wall of the generative cell, the appearance of a large vacuole, loss of nuclear pores in the vegetative nucleus, changes in chromatin and nucleolar structure, and a decrease in the size of the nucleolus were observed. We suggest that these events are the first step in the switch from generative to vegetative generation during pollen embryogenesis.

Plant Growth Regulation | 2011

The role of ethylene and brassinosteroids in the control of sex expression and flower development in Cucurbita pepo

Susana Manzano; Cecilia Martínez; Zoraida Megías; Pedro Gómez; Dolores Garrido; Manuel Jamilena

In this paper we compare the sensitivity of different squash genotypes to ethylene and brassinosteroids by studying the effects of different ethylene and brassinosteroid treatments on the sexual expression and flower development of different C. pepo genotypes: Bolognese (Bog) and Vegetable Spaghetti (Veg), two contrasting lines for ethylene production and sensitivity, as well as Cora, a standard commercial hybrid. Results have demonstrated that ethylene has a much greater effect on sexual expression and flower development in C. pepo than brassinosteroids. Ethephon increases the number of female flowers per plant and reduces the first male phase of development, while treatments with the ethylene inhibitors AVG and STS reduce the number of female flowers per plant and expand the first male phase of development. The differential response observed between genotypes appears to be related to ethylene production and sensitivity. Bog, which produces more ethylene and is more sensitive to this hormone, responded much better to AVG and STS, reducing the number of female flowers per plant, while Veg, which is characterised by lower production of and sensitivity to ethylene, responded better to ethephon by reducing the first male phase of development and increasing the number of female flowers per plant. The differential abortion of female and male flowers in ethephon, AVG and STS treatments, as well as the occurrence of bisexual flowers in the AVG and STS treated plants of the more ethylene sensitive genotypes, demonstrate that ethylene is also involved in the development of female flowers. Female flower buds require a minimal level of ethylene not only to complete their development and maturation without a premature abortion, but also to arrest the development of stamens in the third whorl and to promote the appropriate growth of the carpels. On the contrary, the role of brassinosteroids in the sexual expression of C. pepo was not so evident. The application of brassinazole, an inhibitor of brassinosteroid biosynthesis slightly changes the production of ethylene in the three analysed genotypes, but those changes have little effect on their sexual phenotypes, and they do not alter the development of the unisexual flowers.

Journal of Plant Physiology | 1993

Requirement of polyamines for in-vitro maturation of the mid-binucleate pollen of Nicotiana tabacum

Fatiha Chibi; Trinidad Angosto; Dolores Garrido; Angel Matilla

Summary We have studied the changes in endogenous levels of both free and conjugated polyamines (PA) during «in-vitro» transition of pollen grains of Nicotiana tabacum from the mid-binucleate (MB) stage to matured MB (MBM) and matured germinated MB (MBG) stages. Spermidine (Spd) was the most abundant PA in all stages, followed by putrescine (Put) and spermine (Spm). An increase in all forms of PA was observed in the transition of MB to MBM; however, a decrease from MBM to MBG was obtained. The pollen matured «in-vitro» contains more PA than the one matured «in-situ» surrounded by sporophytic tissue. This increase may be due to the fact that glutamine (present in the maturation medium) is related to arginine and ornithine metabolism. The effect of PA biosynthesis inhibitors, DL-difluoromethylarginine (DFMA), DL-difluoromethylornithine (DFMO) or cyclohexylamine (CHA), on maturation and germination processes was also studied. The results suggested that PA biosynthesis «via ornithine decarboxylase» is required for «in-vitro» maturation. However, ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) and arginine decarboxylase (ADC) appeared to be implicated in «in-vitro» as well as «in-situ» germination processes. The inhibition induced by DFMO and DFMA was overcome by addition of Put. The content of all forms of PA was also quantified in MB pollen matured in the presence of PA inhibitors in order to support the importance of PA biosynthesis in the maturation process.

Plant Science | 2014

Changes in carbohydrate content in zucchini fruit (Cucurbita pepo L.) under low temperature stress

Francisco Palma; Fátima Carvajal; Carmen Lluch; Manuel Jamilena; Dolores Garrido

The postharvest handling of zucchini fruit includes low-temperature storage, making cold stress unavoidable. We have investigated the changes of soluble carbohydrates under this stress and its relation with weight loss and chilling injury in zucchini fruit during postharvest storage at 4 °C and 20 °C for up to 14 days. Two varieties with different degrees of chilling tolerance were compared: Natura, the more tolerant variety, and Sinatra, the variety that suffered more severe chilling-injury symptoms and weight loss. In both varieties, total soluble carbohydrates, reducing soluble carbohydrates and polyols content was generally higher during storage at 4 °C than at 20 °C, thus these parameters are related to the physiological response of zucchini fruit to cold stress. However, the raffinose content increased in Natura and Sinatra fruits during storage at 4 °C and 20 °C, although at 20 °C the increase in raffinose was more remarkable than at 4 °C in both varieties, so that the role of raffinose could be more likely related to dehydration than to chilling susceptibility of zucchini fruit. Glucose, fructose, pinitol, and acid invertase activity registered opposite trends in both varieties against chilling, increasing in Natura and decreasing in Sinatra. The increase in acid invertase activity in Natura fruit during cold storage could contribute in part to the increase of these reducing sugars, whose metabolism could be involved in the adaptation to postharvest cold storage.

Journal of Plant Physiology | 1995

Polyamines in the induction of Nicotiana tabacum pollen embryogenesis by starvation

Dolores Garrido; Fatiha Chibi; Angel Matilla

Summary An increase in both putrescine (Put) and spermidine (Spd) bound to macromolecules was observed during «in vitro» embryogenic induction from isolated mid-binucleate (MB) pollen of Nicotiana tabacum . Free polyamines and Spd bound to small substances decreased in this period. We noticed in the fully formed embryos from embryogenic pollen (EP): (1) an increase in free Put and both Put and spermine (Spm) bound to small substances; (2) a decrease in both free Spd and Spm, and in Spd bound to small substances; and (3) a noticeable decrease of polyamines (PA) bound to macromolecules. During the process of embryogenesis, a gradual disappearance of ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) activity was observed. However, arginine decarboxylase (ADC) activity decreased along the induction period, increasing again during the embryo formation. Experiments with the inhibitors of polyamine synthesis difluoromethylornithine (DFMO) and difluoromethylarginine (DFMA) confirmed that PA biosynthesis is required for the embryo formation, but not for embryogenic induction.

Journal of Plant Growth Regulation | 2013

Involvement of Ethylene Biosynthesis and Signalling in the Transition from Male to Female Flowering in the Monoecious Cucurbita pepo

Susana Manzano; Cecilia Martínez; Zoraida Megías; Dolores Garrido; Manuel Jamilena

It is well established that ethylene is the main hormonal regulator of sexual expression in the Cucurbitaceae family, controlling not only the sexual fate of individual floral buds, but also the female flower transition, that is, the time at which the first female flower appears and therefore the number of female flowers per plant. Although sex determination of individual flower buds is known to be controlled by specific ethylene biosynthesis ACS genes in melon and cucumber, the role of ethylene genes in the control of the transition to female flowering is still unknown. We have identified two contrasting monoecious inbred lines of Cucurbita pepo, Bolognese (Bog) and Vegetable spaghetti (Veg), which differ in female flower transition but not in flower development. In Bog, which is very sensitive to ethylene, the transition to female flowering is very early, whereas in Veg, which is much less sensitive to ethylene, the transition occurs much later. In this article we compare the production of ethylene and the expression profiles of seven genes involved in the biosynthesis, perception, and signalling of ethylene in the two contrasting lines. Bog, with earlier female flower transition, showed higher ethylene production and CpACO1 expression in the apex at an earlier stage of plant development, when Bog is already producing female flowers, but Veg has not transitioned to female flowering yet. Moreover, the expression of the ethylene receptor and CTR-like genes in the apex of Veg and Bog plants indicates that these genes negatively regulate female flower transition during the earlier stages of plant development. The earlier transition to female flowering in Bog is not only associated with a higher production of ethylene in the apex but also with a premature decline of ethylene negative regulators (receptors and CTR-like) in the apex of the plant. These results provide the basis for a model that explains the regulation of female flowering transition in monoecious cucurbits.

Journal of Plant Growth Regulation | 2010

A Major Gene Conferring Reduced Ethylene Sensitivity and Maleness in Cucurbita pepo

Susana Manzano; Cecilia Martínez; Victor Domínguez; Eugenio Avalos; Dolores Garrido; Pedro Gómez; Manuel Jamilena

External treatment with ethylene had indicated earlier that this hormone is the main factor controlling sex determination in Cucurbita pepo. Up to now, however, there was no genetic evidence that supported the relationship between ethylene production, or perception, and sexual expression in this species. Here we demonstrate that the extreme male phenotype of the Vegetable Spaghetti (Veg) inbred line of C. pepo subspecies pepo is determined by a major gene that confers reduced ethylene sensitivity in plants. The production of female flowers in the Veg line is very delayed and reduced with respect to the contrasting Bolognese (Bog) line, ranging between 5 and 35% of female flowers per plant. This enhanced maleness trait segregates as a single gene in the F2 and backcross (BC) generations, and co-segregates with a weak ethylene-insensitive phenotype in the F2 population, suggesting that the gene responsible for the Veg phenotype could be the result of a mutation in a receptor or response gene for ethylene. Although the etiolated seedlings of the Veg line, and the most androecious plants in the F2 generation, produce more ethylene than those of the contrasting line, they are less sensitive to this hormone, as indicated by a weaker triple response and a delayed abscission of ethylene-treated male flowers. Given that the sexual phenotype of F2 plants is correlated with ethylene sensitivity, with the more sensitive plants producing the higher number of female flowers, our results demonstrate that the ethylene response is directly involved in the control of sex determination in C. pepo. It regulates the induction of female flower production, and therefore the extension of the initial phase of development in which the plant produces only male flowers, as well as the number of female flowers per plant.

Sexual Plant Reproduction | 2010

Cloning and characterisation of two CTR1-like genes in Cucurbita pepo: regulation of their expression during male and female flower development.

Susana Manzano; Cecilia Martínez; Pedro Gómez; Dolores Garrido; Manuel Jamilena

Ethylene is an essential regulator of flower development in Cucurbita pepo, controlling the sexual expression, and the differentiation and maturation of floral organs. To study the action mechanism of ethylene during the male and female flower development, we have identified two CTR1 homologues from C. pepo, CpCTR1 and CpCTR2, and analysed their expressions during female and male flower development and in response to external treatments with ethylene. CpCTR1 and CpCTR2 share a high homology with plant CTR1-like kinases, but differ from other related kinases such as the Arabidopsis EDR1 and the tomato LeCTR2. The C-terminal ends of both CpCTR1 and CpCTR2 have all the conserved motifs of Ser/Thr kinase domains, including the ATP-binding signature and the protein kinase active site consensus sequence, which suggests that CpCTR1 and CpCTR2 could have the same function as CTR1 in ethylene signalling. The transcripts of both genes were detected in different organs of the plant, including roots, leaves and shoots, but were mostly accumulated in mature flowers. During the development of male and female flowers, CpCTR1 and CpCTR2 expressions were concomitant with ethylene production, which indicates that both genes could be upregulated by ethylene, at least in flowers. Moreover, external treatments with ethylene, although did not alter the expression of these two genes in seedlings and leaves, were able to upregulate their expression in flowers. In the earlier stages of flower development, when ethylene production is very low, the expression of CpCTR1 and CpCTR2 is higher in male floral organs, which agrees with the role of these genes as negative regulators of ethylene signalling, and explain the lower ethylene sensitivity of male flowers in comparison with female flowers. The function of the upregulation of these two genes in later stages of female flower development, when the production of ethylene is also increased, is discussed.

Planta | 2014

Molecular and functional characterization of CpACS27A gene reveals its involvement in monoecy instability and other associated traits in squash (Cucurbita pepo L.)

Cecilia Martínez; Susana Manzano; Zoraida Megías; Alejandro Barrera; Adnane Boualem; Dolores Garrido; Abdelhafid Bendahmane; Manuel Jamilena

A number of Cucurbita pepo genotypes showing instable monoecy or partial andromonoecy, i.e. an incomplete conversion of female into bisexual flowers, have been detected. Given that in melon and cucumber andromonoecy is the result of reduction of ethylene production in female floral buds, caused by mutations in the ethylene biosynthesis genes CmACS7 and CsACS2; we have cloned and characterized two related C. pepo genes, CpACS27A and CpACS27B. The molecular structure of CpACS27A and its specific expression in the carpels of female flowers during earlier stages of flower development suggests that this gene is the Cucurbita ortholog of CmACS7 and CsACS2. CpACS27B is likely to be a paralogous pseudogene since it has not been found to be expressed in any of the analyzed tissues. CpACS27A was sequenced in Bolognese (Bog) and Vegetable Spaghetti (Veg), two monoecious inbred lines whose F2 was segregating for partial andromonoecy. The Bog allele of CpACS27A carried a missense mutation that resulted in a substitution of the conserved serine residue in position 176 by an alanine. Segregation analysis indicated that this mutant variant is necessary but not sufficient to confer the andromonoecious phenotype in squash. In concordance with its involvement in stamen arrest, a reduction in CpACS27A expression has been found in bisexual flower buds at earlier stages of development. This reduction in CpACS27A expression was concomitant with a downregulation of other ethylene biosynthesis and signaling genes during earlier and later stages of ovary development. The role of CpACS27A is discussed regarding the regulation of ethylene biosynthesis and signaling genes in the control of andromonoecy-associated traits, such as the delayed maturation of corolla and stigma as well as the parthenocarpic development of the fruit.

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