
Featured researches published by Domagoj Hruška.

Archive | 2015

Driving Radical Change

Domagoj Hruška

Hruska explores dynamics of radical change by focusing on two issues: mobilization for radical actions and leader’s character. First, Hruska explores the driving forces behind radical decisions: deep conviction in the soundness of the radical way, commitment to the pursuit of the new governing metaphor, extreme emotional disturbance and the willingness to take risks. Special attention in understanding radical change is put on the radical leader’s identity. Hruska argues that the only appropriate way of looking at the object of change is a perspective of loyalty without particular interests which, in the continuum of affection and rationality, he calls irrational optimism.

Journal of Enterprising Communities: People and Places in The Global Economy | 2013

Determinants of competitive advantage in tuna farming industry in Croatia

Iva Jusup; Domagoj Hruška; Dinko Primorac

Purpose - The aim of the paper is to gain a wide picture of competitive aspect of tuna farming industry, show its impact on the economy and society in Croatia, and to identify possibilities for improvement of current and future industry-involved companies. Design/methodology/approach - Research methodology used was desk research using benchmark of relevant published papers and analysis of official statistical data. Based on information gathered, the author developed its own analysis of a current state in the industry. Findings - The paper provides an overview of tuna farming industry in Croatia, showing place for increasing the production due to stable demand but also the unused demand in domestic market. Still, there are a lot of barriers as a legal regulations, limited space and lack of supporting industries. With the involvement of companies and the countrys representative bodies, the industry has potential to develop into stable economic activity. Social implications - Tuna farming is based on seacoast and thus improves the demographical picture of those, usually sparsely populated areas. Also, it encourages the fishery of small pelagic fish. Originality/value - The paper analyses tuna farming industry from its economic aspects, providing information and the base for further research of its economic potential and attraction.

Archive | 2015

Leading Complex Organizations

Domagoj Hruška

The frequent simplifications that can be found in the business administration literature offer false perspectives on how people think and act. Hruska brings the reader to the domain of several theoretical frameworks of cognitive science, social psychology and sociology in an attempt to demystify concepts whose definitions are too often blurred. The four main themes are organizations, leadership, change and strategy. According to Hruska, organizations are groups of people that work together to achieve a particular purpose. Leadership is about aligning people to the purpose. Strategy regards to how we achieve the purpose. Since circumstances in and around the organization change, a leader needs to find new ways of achieving organizational purpose. The process is called strategic change management.

Archive | 2015

The Radical Decision

Domagoj Hruška

Radical change, a fundamental change in the way people make sense of their surroundings, occurs on individual level, on organizational level but also on the level of larger systems such as industries and the societies as a whole. Hruska describes types of radical change and deals with the question of idiosyncratic radicalism. By distinguishing between the leader’s perspective and the status quo organizational perspective, Hruska identifies four types of arenas of change implementation: radical, navigated, leaderless and adaptive organizations. Finally, Hruska examines the four phases of the process of radical decision making and radical organizational change: construction of leader’s mental model, search for the new governing metaphor, radical decision taking and rhetoric of radical change.

Archive | 2015

Building Mental Models for Effective Leadership

Domagoj Hruška

Opening with an engaging narrative about famous inventor Nikola Tesla, Hruska sets the reader into the information processing paradigm. Two research paradigms, paramount for the depiction of radical decision making the managerial and organizational cognition and the personal development theory, are explored. The author also describes elements of human cognitive apparatus, which are of essential use in organizational psychology: perception, mental models construction, adaptive learning and action. Finally, Hruska elaborates on how leaders develop competence by reflecting on their experience. The central proposition is how an attribute of experienced professionals in any profession is the development of mental representations that control and sensitize their perception so that they are able to notice the elements of crucial importance for the decision-making situation.

Archive | 2015

Rhetoric of Radical Change

Domagoj Hruška

Hruska gives practical insight into the ways of persuasion. First, the author explores people’s resistance to change the status quo mental models. Particular attention is given to the leader’s role in the process of reducing resistance to change in radical decision making situations. Also, Hruska explores rhetoric based on beliefs as argumentation and expectation setting and rhetoric based on action as behavioral commitment and manipulation. The author also gives particular attention to the description of the three phases of the incremental process of rhetoric for radical change. Finally, Hruska describes a parrhesian approach to radical rhetoric, which in his opinion, is the most suitable way of persuasion in radical change situations.

Archive | 2015

Taking a Radical Decision

Domagoj Hruška

Hruska examines two connected but separate processes: creation of the radical mental model and the process of its validation—the moment of decision. First, Hruska describes the process of mental model construction which consists of three phases: search for the governing metaphor, construction of initial mental representation and construction of a developed radical mental model. Second, the author deals with the validation of radical mental model. After the radical mental model is constructed and elaborated, the decision maker will find that many aspects are foggy and not accounted for. That is why the leader needs to infuse the mental model with the spirit of hope. Hruska elaborates origins and consequences of the virtue of hope on the radical decision making process.

Зборник радова Економског факултета у Источном Сарајеву | 2012


Dinko Primorac; Domagoj Hruška

Predmet istraživanja ovog rada je kretanje i obracunavanje trosarine kao posebnog podsustava poreza na promet, s naglaskom na duhanske prerađevine. Buduci da su trosarine na duhanske prerađevine specificna kategorija sustava trosarinskih proizvoda, moguce ih je u potpunosti distancirati od ostalih proizvoda. Za razliku odostalih trosarinskih proizvoda, trosarine na duhanske prerađevine ne izdvajaju se po kriteriju luksuza i po kriteriju stetnosti za zdravlje. U ovom radu se pokazuju razlozi, ucinci i osnovna obilježja trosarina, te potpuno usklađivanje posebnih poreza na promet. Cilj istraživanja rada je prikazati i analizirati trosarine u sustavu poreznih prihoda BiH, s posebnim osvrtom na trosarine na duhanske prerađevine. Nadalje, cilj je istražiti kako funkcioniraju trosarine u poreznom sustavu BiH, te na koji nacin prikupljaju sredstva od trosarina i gdje se tocno trose.

Archive | 2008

Market for Corporate Control

Darko Tipurić; Domagoj Hruška; Ante Rončević

The Business Review, Cambridge | 2007

Cultural Differences: Results from Empirical Research Conducted in Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Hungary

Darko Tipurić; Najla Podrug; Domagoj Hruška

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