Dominique L. Pritchett
McGovern Institute for Brain Research
The Journal of Neuroscience | 2010
Stephanie R. Jones; Catherine E. Kerr; Qian Wan; Dominique L. Pritchett; Matti Hämäläinen; Christopher I. Moore
Cued spatial attention modulates functionally relevant alpha rhythms in visual cortices in humans. Here, we present evidence for analogous phenomena in primary somatosensory neocortex (SI). Using magnetoencephalography, we measured changes in the SI mu rhythm containing mu-alpha (7–14 Hz) and mu-beta (15–29 Hz) components. We found that cued attention impacted mu-alpha in the somatopically localized hand representation in SI, showing decreased power after attention was cued to the hand and increased power after attention was cued to the foot, with significant differences observed 500–1100 ms after cue. Mu-beta showed differences in a time window 800–850 ms after cue. The visual cue also drove an early evoked response beginning ∼70 ms after cue with distinct peaks modulated with cued attention. Distinct components of the tactile stimulus-evoked response were also modulated with cued attention. Analysis of a second dataset showed that, on a trial-by-trial basis, tactile detection probabilities decreased linearly with prestimulus mu-alpha and mu-beta power. These results support the growing consensus that cue-induced alpha modulation is a functionally relevant sensory gating mechanism deployed by attention. Further, while cued attention had a weaker effect on the allocation of mu-beta, oscillations in this band also predicted tactile detection.
Journal of Neurophysiology | 2009
Stephanie R. Jones; Dominique L. Pritchett; Michael A. Sikora; Steven M. Stufflebeam; Matti Hämäläinen; Christopher I. Moore
Variations in cortical oscillations in the alpha (7-14 Hz) and beta (15-29 Hz) range have been correlated with attention, working memory, and stimulus detection. The mu rhythm recorded with magnetoencephalography (MEG) is a prominent oscillation generated by Rolandic cortex containing alpha and beta bands. Despite its prominence, the neural mechanisms regulating mu are unknown. We characterized the ongoing MEG mu rhythm from a localized source in the finger representation of primary somatosensory (SI) cortex. Subjects showed variation in the relative expression of mu-alpha or mu-beta, which were nonoverlapping for roughly 50% of their respective durations on single trials. To delineate the origins of this rhythm, a biophysically principled computational neural model of SI was developed, with distinct laminae, inhibitory and excitatory neurons, and feedforward (FF, representative of lemniscal thalamic drive) and feedback (FB, representative of higher-order cortical drive or input from nonlemniscal thalamic nuclei) inputs defined by the laminar location of their postsynaptic effects. The mu-alpha component was accurately modeled by rhythmic FF input at approximately 10-Hz. The mu-beta component was accurately modeled by the addition of approximately 10-Hz FB input that was nearly synchronous with the FF input. The relative dominance of these two frequencies depended on the delay between FF and FB drives, their relative input strengths, and stochastic changes in these variables. The model also reproduced key features of the impact of high prestimulus mu power on peaks in SI-evoked activity. For stimuli presented during high mu power, the model predicted enhancement in an initial evoked peak and decreased subsequent deflections. In agreement, the MEG-evoked responses showed an enhanced initial peak and a trend to smaller subsequent peaks. These data provide new information on the dynamics of the mu rhythm in humans and the model provides a novel mechanistic interpretation of this rhythm and its functional significance.
The Journal of Neuroscience | 2007
Stephanie R. Jones; Dominique L. Pritchett; Steven M. Stufflebeam; Matti Hämäläinen; Christopher I. Moore
Previous reports conflict as to the role of primary somatosensory neocortex (SI) in tactile detection. We addressed this question in normal human subjects using whole-head magnetoencephalography (MEG) recording. We found that the evoked signal (0–175 ms) showed a prominent equivalent current dipole that localized to the anterior bank of the postcentral gyrus, area 3b of SI. The magnitude and timing of peaks in the SI waveform were stimulus amplitude dependent and predicted perception beginning at ∼70 ms after stimulus. To make a direct and principled connection between the SI waveform and underlying neural dynamics, we developed a biophysically realistic computational SI model that contained excitatory and inhibitory neurons in supragranular and infragranular layers. The SI evoked response was successfully reproduced from the intracellular currents in pyramidal neurons driven by a sequence of lamina-specific excitatory input, consisting of output from the granular layer (∼25 ms), exogenous input to the supragranular layers (∼70 ms), and a second wave of granular output (∼135 ms). The model also predicted that SI correlates of perception reflect stronger and shorter-latency supragranular and late granular drive during perceived trials. These findings strongly support the view that signatures of tactile detection are present in human SI and are mediated by local neural dynamics induced by lamina-specific synaptic drive. Furthermore, our model provides a biophysically realistic solution to the MEG signal and can predict the electrophysiological correlates of human perception.
The Journal of Neuroscience | 2015
Matthew D. Sacchet; Roan A. LaPlante; Qian Wan; Dominique L. Pritchett; Adrian Kuo Ching Lee; Matti Hämäläinen; Christopher I. Moore; Catherine E. Kerr; Stephanie R. Jones
The right inferior frontal cortex (rIFC) is specifically associated with attentional control via the inhibition of behaviorally irrelevant stimuli and motor responses. Similarly, recent evidence has shown that alpha (7–14 Hz) and beta (15–29 Hz) oscillations in primary sensory neocortical areas are enhanced in the representation of non-attended stimuli, leading to the hypothesis that allocation of these rhythms plays an active role in optimal inattention. Here, we tested the hypothesis that selective synchronization between rIFC and primary sensory neocortex occurs in these frequency bands during inattention. We used magnetoencephalography to investigate phase synchrony between primary somatosensory (SI) and rIFC regions during a cued-attention tactile detection task that required suppression of response to uncertain distractor stimuli. Attentional modulation of synchrony between SI and rIFC was found in both the alpha and beta frequency bands. This synchrony manifested as an increase in the alpha-band early after cue between non-attended SI representations and rIFC, and as a subsequent increase in beta-band synchrony closer to stimulus processing. Differences in phase synchrony were not found in several proximal control regions. These results are the first to reveal distinct interactions between primary sensory cortex and rIFC in humans and suggest that synchrony between rIFC and primary sensory representations plays a role in the inhibition of irrelevant sensory stimuli and motor responses.
NeuroImage | 2010
David A. Ziegler; Dominique L. Pritchett; Paymon Hosseini-Varnamkhasti; Suzanne Corkin; Matti Hämäläinen; Christopher I. Moore; Stephanie R. Jones
Oscillatory brain rhythms and evoked responses are widely believed to impact cognition, but relatively little is known about how these measures are affected by healthy aging. The present study used MEG to examine age-related changes in spontaneous oscillations and tactile evoked responses in primary somatosensory cortex (SI) in healthy young (YA) and middle-aged (MA) adults. To make specific predictions about neurophysiological changes that mediate age-related MEG changes, we applied a biophysically realistic model of SI that accurately reproduces SI MEG mu rhythms, containing alpha (7-14 Hz) and beta (15-30 Hz) components, and evoked responses. Analyses of MEG data revealed a significant increase in prestimulus mu power in SI, driven predominately by greater mu-beta dominance, and a larger and delayed M70 peak in the SI evoked response in MA. Previous analysis with our computational model showed that the SI mu rhythm could be reproduced with a stochastic sequence of rhythmic approximately 10 Hz feedforward (FF) input to the granular layers of SI (representative of lemniscal thalamic input) followed nearly simultaneously by approximately 10 Hz feedback (FB) input to the supragranular layers (representative of input from high order cortical or non-specific thalamic sources) (Jones et al., 2009). In the present study, the model further predicted that the rhythmic FF and FB inputs become stronger with age. Further, the FB input is predicted to arrive more synchronously to SI on each cycle of the 10 Hz input in MA. The simulated neurophysiological changes are sufficient to account for the age-related differences in both prestimulus mu rhythms and evoked responses. Thus, the model predicts that a single set of neurophysiological changes intimately links these age-related changes in neural dynamics.
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience | 2010
Ulf Knoblich; Joshua H. Siegle; Dominique L. Pritchett; Christopher I. Moore
Gamma oscillations in neocortex are hypothesized to improve information transmission between groups of neurons. We recently showed that optogenetic drive of fast-spiking interneurons (FS) at 40 Hz in mouse neocortex in vivo modulates the spike count and precision of sensory evoked responses. At specific phases of alignment between stimuli and FS activation, total evoked spike count was unchanged compared to baseline, but precision was increased. In the present study, we used computational modeling to investigate the origin of these local transformations, and to make predictions about their impact on downstream signal transmission. We replicated the prior experimental findings, and found that the local gain observed can be explained by mutual inhibition of fast-spiking interneurons, leading to more robust sensory-driven spiking in a brief temporal window post-stimulus, increasing local synchrony. Enhanced spiking in a second neocortical area, without a net increase in overall driven spikes in the first area, resulted from faster depolarization of target neurons due to increased pre-synaptic synchrony. In addition, we found that the precise temporal structure of spiking in the first area impacted the gain between cortical areas. The optimal spike distribution matched the “window of opportunity” defined by the timing of inhibition in the target area: spiking beyond this window did not contribute to downstream spike generation, leading to decreased overall gain. This result predicts that efficient transmission between neocortical areas requires a mechanism to dynamically match the temporal structure of the output of one area to the timing of inhibition in the recipient zone.
Current Opinion in Neurobiology | 2015
Dominique L. Pritchett; Joshua H. Siegle; Christopher A Deister; Christopher I. Moore
Two general classes of hypotheses for the role for gamma oscillations in sensation are those that predict gamma facilitates signal amplification through local synchronization of a distinct ensemble, and those that predict gamma modulates fine temporal relationships between neurons to represent information. Correlative evidence has been offered for and against these hypotheses. A recent study in which gamma was optogenetically entrained by driving fast-spiking interneurons showed enhanced sensory detection of harder-to-perceive stimuli, those that benefit most from attention, in agreement with the amplification hypotheses. These findings are supported by similar studies employing less specific optogenetic patterns or single neuron stimulation, but contrast with findings based on direct optogenetic stimulation of pyramidal neurons. Key next steps for this topic are described.
PLOS ONE | 2011
Qian Wan; Catherine E. Kerr; Dominique L. Pritchett; Matti Hämäläinen; Christopher I. Moore; Stephanie R. Jones
Background Behavioral paradigms applied during human recordings in electro- and magneto- encephalography (EEG and MEG) typically require 1–2 hours of data collection. Over this time scale, the natural fluctuations in brain state or rapid learning effects could impact measured signals, but are seldom analyzed. Methods and Findings We investigated within-session dynamics of neocortical alpha (7–14 Hz) rhythms and their allocation with cued-attention using MEG recorded from primary somatosensory neocortex (SI) in humans. We found that there were significant and systematic changes across a single ∼1 hour recording session in several dimensions, including increased alpha power, increased differentiation in attention-induced alpha allocation, increased distinction in immediate time-locked post-cue evoked responses in SI to different visual cues, and enhanced power in the immediate cue-locked alpha band frequency response. Further, comparison of two commonly used baseline methods showed that conclusions on the evolution of alpha dynamics across a session were dependent on the normalization method used. Conclusions These findings are important not only as they relate to studies of oscillations in SI, they also provide a robust example of the type of dynamic changes in brain measures within a single session that are overlooked in most human brain imaging/recording studies.
Nature Neuroscience | 2018
Catarina Albergaria; N. Tatiana Silva; Dominique L. Pritchett; Megan R. Carey
Changes in behavioral state can profoundly influence brain function. Here we show that behavioral state modulates performance in delay eyeblink conditioning, a cerebellum-dependent form of associative learning. Increased locomotor speed in head-fixed mice drove earlier onset of learning and trial-by-trial enhancement of learned responses that were dissociable from changes in arousal and independent of sensory modality. Eyelid responses evoked by optogenetic stimulation of mossy fiber inputs to the cerebellum, but not at sites downstream, were positively modulated by ongoing locomotion. Substituting prolonged, low-intensity optogenetic mossy fiber stimulation for locomotion was sufficient to enhance conditioned responses. Our results suggest that locomotor activity modulates delay eyeblink conditioning through increased activation of the mossy fiber pathway within the cerebellum. Taken together, these results provide evidence for a novel role for behavioral state modulation in associative learning and suggest a potential mechanism through which engaging in movement can improve an individual’s ability to learn.Albergaria et al. demonstrate that ongoing locomotor activity modulates cerebellum-dependent associative learning. Optogenetic circuit dissection reveals a site of locomotor modulation within the mossy fiber pathway in the cerebellum.
Brain Research Bulletin | 2011
Catherine E. Kerr; Stephanie R. Jones; Qian Wan; Dominique L. Pritchett; Rachel H. Wasserman; Anna Wexler; Joel J. Villanueva; Jessica R. Shaw; Sara W. Lazar; Ted J. Kaptchuk; Ronnie Littenberg; Matti Hämäläinen; Christopher I. Moore