Donald J. Reed
Oregon State University
Analytical Biochemistry | 1980
Donald J. Reed; J.R. Babson; P.W. Beatty; Ann E. Brodie; W.W. Ellis; D.W. Potter
A rapid and sensitive high-performance liquid chromatography method for determination of nanomole levels of glutathione, glutathione disulfide, cysteine glutathione-mixed disulfide and 20 related sulfur-containing amino acids or their derivatives has been described. The procedure is based upon the initial formation of S-carboxymethyl derivatives of free thiols with iodoacetic acid followed by conversion of free amino groups to 2,4-dinitrophenyl derivatives by reaction with 1-fluoro-2,4-dinitrobenzene. Chromatography of the reaction mixture without sample isolation is on a 3-aminopropylsilane derivatized silica column and elution with a sodium or ammonium acetate gradient in a water-methanol-acetic acid solvent at pH 4.5. Determination of nanomole levels of glutathione, glutathione disulfide, and cysteine glutathione-mixed disulfide in biological samples is described.
Methods in Enzymology | 1987
Marc W. Fariss; Donald J. Reed
Publisher Summary High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) provides a rapid, sensitive, and reproducible means of separating and quantifying simultaneously a variety of sulfur-containing amino acids and related derivatives. The HPLC method described in this chapter is modified and is based on the initial formation of S-carboxy-methyl derivatives of free thiols followed by the conversion of free amino groups to 2,4-dinitrophenyl (DNP) derivatives. Following derivatization, nanomole levels of individual sulfur-containing amino acids are measured using UV detection at 365 nm after separation by reverse-phase ion-exchange HPLC. Because of the versatility of this HPLC method, biological specimen preparation as well as derivatization and HPLC analysis procedures are discussed. DNP derivatives of acidic amino acids (including thiol-containing compounds) are separated on a 3-aminopropyl column by reversed-phase ion-exchange HPLC. In the mobile phase, methanol is used to elute rapidly the excess 2,4-dinitrophenol and the DNP derivatives of basic and neutral amino acids. Acetic acid is present in the mobile phase to maintain the bonded-phase amino groups in the protonated form. By increasing the sodium acetate concentration of the mobile phase, selective elution of acidic DNP derivatives is accomplished. The eluted DNP derivatives are measured by detection at 365 nm.
Biochemical Pharmacology | 1981
John R. Babson; Nancy Sue Abell; Donald J. Reed
Abstract Incubation of isolated rat hepatocytes with 1,3-bis(2-chloroethyl)-l-nitrosourea (BCNU) resulted in the selective and extensive (> 90 per cent) inactivation of glutathione reductase. BCNU also depleted intracellular glutathione by 70 per cent but had no significant effect on Cell viability or lipid peroxidation. Incubation of BCNU-treated hepatocytes with adriamycin (ADR) resulted in a decrease in Cell viability concurrent with an increase in lipid peroxidation. These effects were not observed with untreated hepatocytes incubated with ADR. Glutathione depletion with diethylmaleate and incubation with ADR did not result in a significant decrease in Cell viability or increase in lipid peroxidation. Incubation of BCNU-treated hepatocytes with ADR in the presence of exogenous α-tocopherol resulted in a significant amount of protection from ADR-mediated damage.
Critical Reviews in Toxicology | 1988
Marion W. Anders; Lawrence H. Lash; Wolfgang Dekant; Adnan A. Elfarra; David R. Dohn; Donald J. Reed
The material presented in this review deals with the hypothesis that the nephrotoxicity of certain halogenated alkanes and alkenes is associated with hepatic biosynthesis of glutathione S-conjugates, which are further metabolized to the corresponding cysteine S-conjugates. Some glutathione or cysteine S-conjugates may be direct-acting nephrotoxins, but most cysteine S-conjugates require bioactivation by renal, pyridoxal phosphate-dependent enzymes, such as cysteine conjugate beta-lyase (beta-lyase). The biosynthesis of glutathione S-conjugates is catalyzed by both the cytosolic and the microsomal glutathione S-transferases, although the latter enzyme is a better catalyst for the reaction of haloalkenes with glutathione. When glutathione S-conjugate formation yields sulfur mustards, as occurs with vicinal-dihaloethanes, the S-conjugates are direct-acting toxins. In contrast, the S-conjugates formed from fluoro- and chloroalkenes yield S-alkyl- or S-vinyl glutathione conjugates, respectively, which are metabolized to the corresponding cysteine S-conjugates by gamma-glutamyltransferase and dipeptidases; inhibition of these enzymes blocks the toxicity of the glutathione S-conjugates. The cysteine S-conjugates must be metabolized by beta-lyase for the expression of toxicity; the beta-lyase inhibitor aminooxyacetic acid blocks the toxicity of cysteine S-conjugates, and the corresponding alpha-methyl cysteine S-conjugates, which cannot be metabolized by beta-lyase, are not toxic. Moreover, probenecid, an inhibitor of renal anion transport system, blocks the toxicity of cysteine S-conjugates, which cannot be metabolized by beta-lyase, are not toxic. Moreover, probenecid, an inhibitor of renal anion transport system, blocks the toxicity of cysteine S-conjugates. Homocysteine S-conjugates are also potent cyto- and nephrotoxins. The high renal content of gamma-glutamyltransferase and the renal anion transport system are probably determinants of kidney tissue as a target site. Biochemical studies indicate that renal mitochondrial dysfunction is produced by the cysteine S-conjugates. Finally, some of the glutathione and cysteine conjugates are mutagenic in the Ames test, and reactive intermediates formed by the action of beta-lyase may contribute to the nephrocarcinogenicity of certain chloroalkenes.
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications | 1978
John R. Babson; Donald J. Reed
Abstract The specific inactivation of yeast glutathione reductase (GSSG-reductase) by 2-chloroethyl isocyanate and cyclohexyl isocyanate derived from their respective 2-chloroethyl nitrosoureas has been demonstrated. Titration of the enzyme with 2-chloroethyl isocyanate or [14C] labeling with 1-(2-chloroethyl)-3-(1-14C-cyclohexyl)-1-nitrosourea or 1,3-bis (2-14C-chloroethyl)-1-nitrosourea resulted in near stoichiometric inactivation and/or covalent labeling of the enzyme. In addition to 1,3-bis (2-chloroethyl)-1-nitrosourea and 1-(2-chloroethyl)-3-(cyclohexyl)-1-nitrosourea, several other 2-chloroethyl nitrosoureas were capable of inactivation of not only purified GSSG-reductase, but also the activity of this enzyme in cell-free extracts of murine lymphoma L5178Y ascites tumor cells and murine bone marrow.
Biochemical Pharmacology | 1983
Michael J. Meredith; Donald J. Reed
Treatment of isolated rat hepatocytes with 1,3-bis(2-chloroethyl)-1-nitrosourea (BCNU) and adriamycin (ADR) produced a complete depletion of cellular glutathione accompanied by a significant increase in lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) leakage. Separation of the mitochondrial and cytoplasmic pools of glutathione by digitonin disruption showed that, although BCNU, a specific inhibitor of glutathione, completely depleted the cytoplasmic pool of glutathione, the mitochondrial supply was not entirely expended and LDH leakage was only moderately stimulated. Only after depletion of the mitochondrial supply of glutathione by ADR and BCNU did LDH leakage increase markedly. Measurement of lipid peroxidation, by monitoring malondialdehyde through the thiobarbituric acid procedure, showed that malondialdehyde accumulated more extensively and at a rate mirroring release of LDH from ADR/BCNU treated cells. The time of increase in LDH leakage and malondialdehyde production corresponded to the time of depletion of mitochondrial glutathione to less than 10% of the initial pool size. No such increase in LDH leakage was observed with BCNU or ADU treatment alone or when aminopyrine, an inhibitor of lipid peroxidation, was included. Aminopyrine was found to prevent, in a dose-dependent manner, both LDH leakage and malondialdehyde production stimulated by ADR/BCNU treatment. The protective effect peaked at 5 mM aminopyrine, and higher concentrations produced significant LDH leakage exhibiting LDH release kinetics different than those observed with ADR/BCNU. Although aminopyrine had no effect on the rate or extent of cytoplasmic glutathione depletion by ADR/BCNU treatment, the mitochondrial pool was conserved significantly in those cells protected by aminopyrine. These data suggest that enhanced hepatocyte damage observed after treatment with a combination of ADR and BCNU versus BCNU or ADR alone is due to the extensive depletion of mitochondrial glutathione supported by ADR after glutathione reductase inhibition. Further, enhancement of lipid peroxidation is strongly implicated in the mechanism of adriamycin toxicity.
Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics | 1987
Gary A. Pascoe; Kristin Olafsdottir; Donald J. Reed
Vitamin E protection against chemical-induced toxicity to isolated hepatocytes was examined during an imbalance in the thiol redox system. Intracellular reduced glutathione (GSH) was depleted by two chemicals of distinct mechanisms of action: adriamycin, a cancer chemotherapeutic agent that undergoes redox cycling, producing reactive oxygen species that consume GSH, and ethacrynic acid, a direct depleter of GSH. The experimental system used both nonstressed vitamin E-adequate isolated rat hepatocytes and compromised hepatocytes subjected to physiologically induced stress, generated by incubation in calcium-free medium. At doses whereby intracellular GSH was near total depletion, cell injury induced by either chemical was found to follow the depletion of cellular alpha-tocopherol, regardless of the status of the GSH redox system. Changes in protein thiol contents of the cells closely paralleled the changes in alpha-tocopherol contents throughout the incubation period. Supplementation of the calcium-depleted hepatocytes with alpha-tocopheryl succinate (25 microM) markedly elevated their alpha-tocopherol content and prevented the toxicities of both drugs. The prevention of cell injury and the elevation in alpha-tocopherol contents were both associated with a prevention of the loss in cellular protein thiols in the near total absence of intracellular GSH. The mechanism of protection by vitamin E against chemical-induced toxicity to hepatocytes may therefore be an alpha-tocopherol-dependent maintenance of cellular protein thiols.
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta | 1988
Kristin Olafsdottir; Donald J. Reed
The addition of tert-butyl hydroperoxide (t-BuOOH) to isolated mitochondria resulted in oxidation of approximately 80% of the mitochondrial reduced glutathione (GSH) independently of the dose of t-BuOOH (1-5 mM). Concomitant with the oxidation of GSH inside the mitochondria was the formation of GSH-protein mixed disulfides (protein-SSG), with approximately 1% of the mitochondrial protein thiols involved. A dose-dependent rate of GSH recovery was observed, via the reduction of oxidized GSH (GSSG) and a slower reduction of protein-SSG. Although t-BuOOH administration affected the respiratory control ratio, the mitochondria remained coupled and loss of the matrix enzyme, citrate synthase, was not increased over the control and was less than 3% over 60 min. A slow loss of GSH out of the coupled non-treated mitochondria was not increased by t-BuOOH treatment, in fact, a dose-dependent drop of GSH levels occurred in the medium. However, no GSSG was found outside the mitochondria, indicating the necessary involvement of enzymes in the t-BuOOH-induced conversion of GSH to GSSG. The absence of GSSG in the medium also suggests that, unlike the plasma membrane, the mitochondrial membranes do not have the ability to export GSSG as a response to oxidative stress. Our results demonstrate the inability of mitochondria to export GSSG during oxidative stress and may explain the protective role of mitochondrial GSH in cytotoxicity.
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications | 1990
Vijayalakshmi Ravindranath; Donald J. Reed
t-Butyl hydroperoxide was utilized to alter the thiol homeostasis in rat brain mitochondria. Following exposure to t-butyl hydroperoxide (50-500 microM), intramitochondrial GSH content decreased rapidly and irreversibly with a major portion of the depleted GSH being accounted for as protein-SS-Glutathione mixed disulfide. Formation of GSSG was not observed nor was efflux of GSSG or GSH from the mitochondria detected in the incubation medium. The loss of intramitochondrial GSH was accompanied by loss of protein thiols. Unlike liver mitochondria, which can reverse t-butyl hydroperoxide induced formation of GSSG, addition of 50 microM t-butyl hydroperoxide resulted in irreversible loss; indicating greater susceptibility of brain mitochondria to oxidative stress than liver mitochondria.
Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics | 1980
Patrick W. Beatty; Donald J. Reed
The ability of l-methionine to support glutathione biosynthesis has been investigated in isolated rat hepatocytes under conditions of normal and depleted glutathione status. The addition of l-[35S]methionine or [l-[35S]homocysteine to incubation media containing hepatocytes results in the incorporation of 35S into intracellular glutathione. Additionally both l-methionine and l-homocysteine are capable of supporting the resynthesis of glutathione in isolated hepatocytes after prior depletion with diethyl maleate. The inclusion in the incubation medium of 1 mm propargylglycine, which is an irreversible inhibitor of the terminal enzyme of the cystathionine pathway, substantially blocks the incorporation of 35S from methionine and l-homocysteine into cellular glutathione. Propargylglycine treatment of hepatocytes in the presence of [35S]methionine is shown to result in the intracellular accumulation of [35S]cystathionine. These results strongly support the conclusion that in rat hepatocytes the cystathionine pathway enables methionine to provide a significant source of l-cysteine for the support of glutathione biosynthesis, under both normal and glutathione-depleted conditions.