Donald M. Walker
University of Findlay
Featured researches published by Donald M. Walker.
Microbes and Environments | 2015
R. Henrik Nilsson; Leho Tedersoo; Martin Ryberg; Erik Kristiansson; Martin Hartmann; Martin Unterseher; Teresita M. Porter; Johan Bengtsson-Palme; Donald M. Walker; Filipe de Sousa; Hannes A. Gamper; Ellen Larsson; Karl-Henrik Larsson; Urmas Kõljalg; Robert C. Edgar; Kessy Abarenkov
The nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region is the most commonly chosen genetic marker for the molecular identification of fungi in environmental sequencing and molecular ecology studies. Several analytical issues complicate such efforts, one of which is the formation of chimeric—artificially joined—DNA sequences during PCR amplification or sequence assembly. Several software tools are currently available for chimera detection, but rely to various degrees on the presence of a chimera-free reference dataset for optimal performance. However, no such dataset is available for use with the fungal ITS region. This study introduces a comprehensive, automatically updated reference dataset for fungal ITS sequences based on the UNITE database for the molecular identification of fungi. This dataset supports chimera detection throughout the fungal kingdom and for full-length ITS sequences as well as partial (ITS1 or ITS2 only) datasets. The performance of the dataset on a large set of artificial chimeras was above 99.5%, and we subsequently used the dataset to remove nearly 1,000 compromised fungal ITS sequences from public circulation. The dataset is available at and is subject to web-based third-party curation.
Persoonia | 2014
Pedro W. Crous; Roger G. Shivas; W. Quaedvlieg; M. Van der Bank; Y. Zhang; Brett A. Summerell; Josep Guarro; Michael J. Wingfield; Alan R. Wood; Acelino Couto Alfenas; Uwe Braun; J. F. Cano-Lira; Dania García; Yasmina Marin-Felix; P. Alvarado; J.P. Andrade; J. Armengol; A. Assefa; A. den Breeÿen; Ippolito Camele; Ratchadawan Cheewangkoon; J.T. De Souza; Tuan A. Duong; F. Esteve-Raventós; Jacques Fournier; Salvatore Frisullo; J. García-Jiménez; A. Gardiennet; Josepa Gené; Margarita Hernández-Restrepo
Novel species of microfungi described in the present study include the following from South Africa: Cercosporella dolichandrae from Dolichandra unguiscati, Seiridium podocarpi from Podocarpus latifolius, Pseudocercospora parapseudarthriae from Pseudarthria hookeri, Neodevriesia coryneliae from Corynelia uberata on leaves of Afrocarpus falcatus, Ramichloridium eucleae from Euclea undulata and Stachybotrys aloeticola from Aloe sp. (South Africa), as novel member of the Stachybotriaceae fam. nov. Several species were also described from Zambia, and these include Chaetomella zambiensis on unknown Fabaceae, Schizoparme pseudogranati from Terminalia stuhlmannii, Diaporthe isoberliniae from Isoberlinia angolensis, Peyronellaea combreti from Combretum mossambiciensis, Zasmidium rothmanniae and Phaeococcomyces rothmanniae from Rothmannia engleriana, Diaporthe vangueriae from Vangueria infausta and Diaporthe parapterocarpi from Pterocarpus brenanii. Novel species from the Netherlands include: Stagonospora trichophoricola, Keissleriella trichophoricola and Dinemasporium trichophoricola from Trichophorum cespitosum, Phaeosphaeria poae, Keissleriella poagena, Phaeosphaeria poagena, Parastagonospora poagena and Pyrenochaetopsis poae from Poa sp., Septoriella oudemansii from Phragmites australis and Dendryphion europaeum from Hedera helix (Germany) and Heracleum sphondylium (the Netherlands). Novel species from Australia include: Anungitea eucalyptorum from Eucalyptus leaf litter, Beltraniopsis neolitseae and Acrodontium neolitseae from Neolitsea australiensis, Beltraniella endiandrae from Endiandra introrsa, Phaeophleospora parsoniae from Parsonia straminea, Penicillifer martinii from Cynodon dactylon, Ochroconis macrozamiae from Macrozamia leaf litter, Triposporium cycadicola, Circinotrichum cycadis, Cladosporium cycadicola and Acrocalymma cycadis from Cycas spp. Furthermore, Vermiculariopsiella dichapetali is described from Dichapetalum rhodesicum (Botswana), Ophiognomonia acadiensis from Picea rubens (Canada), Setophoma vernoniae from Vernonia polyanthes and Penicillium restingae from soil (Brazil), Pseudolachnella guaviyunis from Myrcianthes pungens (Uruguay) and Pseudocercospora neriicola from Nerium oleander (Italy). Novelties from Spain include: Dendryphiella eucalyptorum from Eucalyptus globulus, Conioscypha minutispora from dead wood, Diplogelasinospora moalensis and Pseudoneurospora canariensis from soil and Inocybe lanatopurpurea from reforested woodland of Pinus spp. Novelties from France include: Kellermania triseptata from Agave angustifolia, Zetiasplozna acaciae from Acacia melanoxylon, Pyrenochaeta pinicola from Pinus sp. and Pseudonectria rusci from Ruscus aculeatus. New species from China include: Dematiocladium celtidicola from Celtis bungeana, Beltrania pseudorhombica, Chaetopsina beijingensis and Toxicocladosporium pini from Pinus spp. and Setophaeosphaeria badalingensis from Hemerocallis fulva. Novel genera of Ascomycetes include Alfaria from Cyperus esculentus (Spain), Rinaldiella from a contaminated human lesion (Georgia), Hyalocladosporiella from Tectona grandis (Brazil), Pseudoacremonium from Saccharum spontaneum and Melnikomyces from leaf litter (Vietnam), Annellosympodiella from Juniperus procera (Ethiopia), Neoceratosperma from Eucalyptus leaves (Thailand), Ramopenidiella from Cycas calcicola (Australia), Cephalotrichiella from air in the Netherlands, Neocamarosporium from Mesembryanthemum sp. and Acervuloseptoria from Ziziphus mucronata (South Africa) and Setophaeosphaeria from Hemerocallis fulva (China). Several novel combinations are also introduced, namely for Phaeosphaeria setosa as Setophaeosphaeria setosa, Phoma heteroderae as Peyronellaea heteroderae and Phyllosticta maydis as Peyronellaea maydis. Morphological and culture characteristics along with ITS DNA barcodes are provided for all taxa.
Mycologia | 2010
Donald M. Walker; Lisa A. Castlebury; Amy Y. Rossman; Mikhail V. Sogonov; James F. White
Species of Gnomoniopsis are leaf- and stem-inhabiting pyrenomycetes that infect plants in Fagaceae, Onagraceae and Rosaceae. Morphology and analyses of DNA sequences from three ribosomal DNA and protein coding regions, namely β-tubulin, translation elongation factor 1α (tef-1α) and the ITS region including ITS1, 5.8S rDNA and ITS2, were used to define species in Gnomoniopsis. Secondary structural alignment of the ITS region across four genera in Gnomoniaceae was used to increase the potential number of homologous positions in the ITS alignment. Ascospore isolates were grown from newly collected specimens. Type specimens were compared with these specimens to determine their identity. In this paper a recent concept of Gnomoniopsis is confirmed with phylogenetic resolution of additional species. Four new combinations and one new species are proposed. Nine species are described and illustrated, and a key is provided to the 13 species currently recognized in Gnomoniopsis.
Persoonia | 2012
Pedro W. Crous; Roger G. Shivas; Michael J. Wingfield; Brett A. Summerell; Amy Y. Rossman; Janaina L. Alves; Gerard C. Adams; Robert W. Barreto; A. Bell; M.L. Coutinho; S.L. Flory; Genevieve M. Gates; K.R. Grice; Giles E. St. J. Hardy; N.M. Kleczewski; Lorenzo Lombard; C.M.O. Longa; Gerry Louis-Seize; F. Macedo; D.P. Mahoney; G. Maresi; Pedro M. Martin-Sanchez; Ludmila Marvanová; Andrew M. Minnis; Luis N. Morgado; Machiel E. Noordeloos; Alan J. L. Phillips; W. Quaedvlieg; Peter G. Ryan; C. Saiz-Jimenez
Novel species of microfungi described in the present study include the following from Australia: Catenulostroma corymbiae from Corymbia, Devriesia stirlingiae from Stirlingia, Penidiella carpentariae from Carpentaria, Phaeococcomyces eucalypti from Eucalyptus, Phialophora livistonae from Livistona, Phyllosticta aristolochiicola from Aristolochia, Clitopilus austroprunulus on sclerophyll forest litter of Eucalyptus regnans and Toxicocladosporium posoqueriae from Posoqueria. Several species are also described from South Africa, namely: Ceramothyrium podocarpi from Podocarpus, Cercospora chrysanthemoides from Chrysanthemoides, Devriesia shakazului from Aloe, Penidiella drakensbergensis from Protea, Strelitziana cliviae from Clivia and Zasmidium syzygii from Syzygium. Other species include Bipolaris microstegii from Microstegium and Synchaetomella acerina from Acer (USA), Brunneiapiospora austropalmicola from Rhopalostylis (New Zealand), Calonectria pentaseptata from Eucalyptus and Macadamia (Vietnam), Ceramothyrium melastoma from Melastoma (Indonesia), Collembolispora aristata from stream foam (Czech Republic), Devriesia imbrexigena from glazed decorative tiles (Portugal), Microcyclospora rhoicola from Rhus (Canada), Seiridium phylicae from Phylica (Tristan de Cunha, Inaccessible Island), Passalora lobeliae-fistulosis from Lobelia (Brazil) and Zymoseptoria verkleyi from Poa (The Netherlands). Valsalnicola represents a new ascomycete genus from Alnus (Austria) and Parapenidiella a new hyphomycete genus from Eucalyptus (Australia). Morphological and culture characteristics along with ITS DNA barcodes are also provided.
IMA fungus | 2015
Amy Y. Rossman; Gerard C. Adams; Paul F. Cannon; Lisa A. Castlebury; Pedro W. Crous; Marieka Gryzenhout; Walter M. Jaklitsch; Luis C. Mejía; Dmitar Stoykov; Dhanushka Udayanga; Hermann Voglmayr; Donald M. Walker
In advancing to one name for fungi, this paper treats generic names competing for use in the order Diaporthales (Ascomycota, Sordariomycetes) and makes a recommendation for the use or protection of one generic name among synonymous names that may be either sexually or asexually typified. A table is presented that summarizes these recommendations. Among the genera most commonly encountered in this order, Cytospora is recommended over Valsa and Diaporthe over Phomopsis. New combinations are introduced for the oldest epithet of important species in the recommended genus. These include Amphiporthe tiliae, Coryneum lanciforme, Cytospora brevispora, C. ceratosperma, C. cinereostroma, C. eugeniae, C. fallax, C. myrtagena, Diaporthe amaranthophila, D. annonacearum, D. bougainvilleicola, D. caricae-papayae, D. cocoina, D. cucurbitae, D. juniperivora, D. leptostromiformis, D. pterophila, D. theae, D. vitimegaspora, Mastigosporella georgiana, Pilidiella angustispora, P. calamicola, P. pseudogranati, P. stromatica, and P. terminaliae.
Mycological Progress | 2016
Kateel G. Shetty; Diana V. Rivadeneira; Krish Jayachandran; Donald M. Walker
Fungal endophytes are the most ubiquitous and highly diverse microorganisms that inhabit the interior of healthy plants. They are important in plant ecology and offer untapped potential to improve plant health and productivity in agroecosystems. The endophytic assemblage of avocado is poorly understood; therefore, surveys of fungal endophytes of Persea americana Mill. (Avocado) in South Florida organic and conventional orchards were conducted. A total of 17 endophytic fungal species were recovered from healthy avocado terminal branches. Endophytic fungal species were identified by rDNA sequencing of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region, using UNITE Species Hypotheses to reliably assign a taxon name, and determined as belonging to the genera Alternaria, Cladosporium, Colletotrichum, Corynespora, Diaporthe, Lasiodiplodia, Neofusicoccum, Neopestalotiopsis, Phyllosticta, and Strelitziana. Endophyte community assemblage differed between organic and conventional agroecosystems. This is the first report of Alternaria eichhorniae, Cladosporium tenuissimum, Corynespora cassiicola, Colletotrichum alatae, Diaporthe fraxini-angustifoliae, Lasiodiplodia gonubiensis, Neofusicoccum algeriense, Neofusicoccum andinum, Neopestalotiopsis foedans, Phyllosticta capitalensis, and Strelitziana africana as endophytes of avocado. Evaluation using pathogenicity tests on avocado leaves and terminal branches showed that endophytic fungal isolates did not cause disease symptoms.
Mycological Progress | 2014
Donald M. Walker; Brandy R. Lawrence; Jessica Wooten; Amy Y. Rossman; Lisa A. Castlebury
Members of the genus Plagiostoma (Gnomoniaceae, Diaporthales) are plant pathogenic and endophytic microfungi that inhabit woody and herbaceous plants in temperate regions of the northern hemisphere. In this study, pure cultures were isolated from specimens of Plagiostoma collected in Japan. Regions of the β-tubulin and tef-1α genes and the complete ITS regions 1 and 2, including the 5.8S rDNA, were sequenced and analyzed phylogenetically. Genealogical concordance phylogenetic species recognition and genealogical non-discordance methods were used to define species. Phylogenetic analyses revealed five previously unknown species of Plagiostoma, which are described and illustrated. These species are associated with host plants in the genera Acer (Sapindaceae) and Salix (Salicaceae).
Ecohealth | 2018
Aubree J. Hill; Jacob E. Leys; Danny Bryan; Fantasia Erdman; Katherine S. Malone; Gabrielle Russell; Roger D. Applegate; Heather Fenton; Kevin D. Niedringhaus; Andrew N. Miller; Matthew C. Allender; Donald M. Walker
There is increasing concern regarding potential impacts of snake fungal disease (SFD), caused by Ophidiomyces ophiodiicola (Oo), on free-ranging snake populations in the eastern USA. The snake cutaneous microbiome likely serves as the first line of defense against Oo and other pathogens; however, little is known about microbial associations in snakes. The objective of this study was to better define the composition and immune function of the snake cutaneous microbiome. Eight timber rattlesnakes (Crotalus horridus) and four black racers (Coluber constrictor) were captured in Arkansas and Tennessee, with some snakes exhibiting signs of SFD. Oo was detected through real-time qPCR in five snakes. Additional histopathological techniques confirmed a diagnosis of SFD in one racer, the species’ first confirmed case of SFD in Tennessee. Fifty-eight bacterial and five fungal strains were isolated from skin swabs and identified with Sanger sequencing. Non-metric multidimensional scaling and PERMANOVA analyses indicated that the culturable microbiome does not differ between snake species. Fifteen bacterial strains isolated from rattlesnakes and a single strain isolated from a racer inhibited growth of Oo in vitro. Results shed light on the culturable cutaneous microbiome of snakes and probiotic members that may play a role in fighting an emergent disease.
Ecology and Evolution | 2014
Donald M. Walker; Brandy R. Lawrence; Dakota Esterline; Sean P. Graham; Michael A. Edelbrock; Jessica A. Wooten
The flow of energy within an ecosystem can be considered either top-down, where predators influence consumers, or bottom-up, where producers influence consumers. Plethodon cinereus (Red-backed Salamander) is a terrestrial keystone predator who feeds on invertebrates within the ecosystem. We investigated the impact of the removal of P. cinereus on the detritivore food web in an upland deciduous forest in northwest Ohio, U.S.A. A total of eight aluminum enclosures, each containing a single P. cinereus under a small log, were constructed in the deciduous forest. On Day 1 of the experiment, four salamanders were evicted from four of the eight enclosures. Organic matter and soil were collected from the center of each enclosure at Day 1 and Day 21. From each sample, DNA was extracted, fungal-specific amplification performed, and 454 pyrosequencing was used to sequence the nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer (ITS2) region and partial ribosomal large subunit (LSU). Changes in overall fungal community composition or species diversity were not statistically significant between treatments. Statistically significant shifts in the most abundant taxonomic groups of fungi were documented in presence but not absence enclosures. We concluded that P. cinereus does not affect the overall composition or diversity of fungal communities, but does have an impact on specific groups of fungi. This study used a metagenomics-based approach to investigate a missing link among a keystone predator, P. cinereus, invertebrates, and fungal communities, all of which are critical in the detritivore food web.
Global Change Biology | 2018
Eric W. Malone; Joshuah S. Perkin; Brian M. Leckie; Matthew A. Kulp; Carla R. Hurt; Donald M. Walker
Extirpated organisms are reintroduced into their former ranges worldwide to combat species declines and biodiversity losses. The growing field of reintroduction biology provides guiding principles for reestablishing populations, though criticisms remain regarding limited integration of initial planning, modeling frameworks, interdisciplinary collaborations, and multispecies approaches. We used an interdisciplinary, multispecies, quantitative framework to plan reintroductions of three fish species into Abrams Creek, Great Smoky Mountains National Park, USA. We first assessed the appropriateness of habitat at reintroduction sites for banded sculpin (Cottus carolinae), greenside darter (Etheostoma blennioides), and mottled sculpin (Cottus bairdii) using species distribution modeling. Next, we evaluated the relative suitability of nine potential source stock sites using population genomics, abundance estimates, and multiple-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) based on known correlates of reintroduction success. Species distribution modeling identified mottled sculpin as a poor candidate, but banded sculpin and greenside darter as suitable candidates for reintroduction based on species-habitat relationships and habitats available in Abrams Creek. Genotyping by sequencing revealed acceptable levels of genetic diversity at all candidate source stock sites, identified population clusters, and allowed for estimating the number of fish that should be included in translocations. Finally, MCDA highlighted priorities among candidate source stock sites that were most likely to yield successful reintroductions based on differential weightings of habitat assessment, population genomics, and the number of fish available for translocation. Our integrative approach represents a unification of multiple recent advancements in the field of reintroduction biology and highlights the benefit of shifting away from simply choosing nearby populations for translocation to an information-based science with strong a priori planning coupled with several suggested posteriori monitoring objectives. Our framework can be applied to optimize reintroduction successes for a multitude of organisms and advances in the science of reintroduction biology by simultaneously addressing a variety of past criticisms of the field.