
Featured researches published by Donald R. McCrimmon.

Nature Neuroscience | 2001

Normal breathing requires preBötzinger complex neurokinin-1 receptor-expressing neurons

Paul A. Gray; Wiktor A. Janczewski; Nicholas M. Mellen; Donald R. McCrimmon; Jack L. Feldman

The normal breathing rhythm in mammals is hypothesized to be generated by neurokinin-1 receptor (NK1R)-expressing neurons in the preBötzinger complex (preBötC), a medullary region proposed to contain the kernel of the circuits generating respiration. If this hypothesis is correct, then complete destruction of preBötC NK1R neurons should severely perturb and perhaps even fatally arrest breathing. Here we show that specific and near complete bilateral (but not unilateral) destruction of preBötC NK1R neurons results in both an ataxic breathing pattern with markedly altered blood gases and pH, and pathological responses to challenges such as hyperoxia, hypoxia and anesthesia. Thus, these ∼600 neurons seem necessary for the generation of normal breathing in rats.

Nano Letters | 2010

Biocompatible nanoscale dispersion of single-walled carbon nanotubes minimizes in vivo pulmonary toxicity.

Gökhan M. Mutlu; G. R. Scott Budinger; Alexander A. Green; Daniela Urich; Saul Soberanes; Sergio E. Chiarella; George F. Alheid; Donald R. McCrimmon; Igal Szleifer; Mark C. Hersam

Excitement surrounding the attractive physical and chemical characteristics of single walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) has been tempered by concerns regarding their potential health risks. Here we consider the lung toxicity of nanoscale dispersed SWCNTs (mean diameter approximately 1 nm). Because dispersion of the SWCNTs increases their aspect ratio relative to as-produced aggregates, we directly test the prevailing hypothesis that lung toxicity associated with SWCNTs compared with other carbon structures is attributable to the large aspect ratio of the individual particles. Thirty days after their intratracheal administration to mice, the granuloma-like structures with mild fibrosis in the large airways observed in mice treated with aggregated SWCNTs were absent in mice treated with nanoscale dispersed SWCNTs. Examination of lung sections from mice treated with nanoscale dispersed SWCNTs revealed uptake of the SWCNTs by macrophages and gradual clearance over time. We conclude that the toxicity of SWCNTs in vivo is attributable to aggregation of the nanomaterial rather than the large aspect ratio of the individual nanotubes. Biocompatible nanoscale dispersion provides a scalable method to generate purified preparations of SWCNTs with minimal toxicity, thus allowing them to be used safely in commercial and biomedical applications.

The Journal of Physiology | 1990

Neurones in a discrete region of the nucleus tractus solitarius are required for the Breuer-Hering reflex in rat.

Ann C. Bonham; Donald R. McCrimmon

1. The Breuer‐Hering reflex consists of a shortening of inspiration and lengthening of expiration in response to afferent input from slowly adapting pulmonary stretch receptors (SAR). We hypothesized that neurones in a discrete region of the nucleus tractus solitarius (NTS) are required for producing the reflex. Accordingly, the present studies were undertaken to: (1) identify sites in the NTS in which chemical excitation of neurones inhibited phrenic nerve discharge in a manner consistent with SAR activation, (2) determine whether localized interruption of synaptic transmission prevented the Breuer‐Hering reflex, and (3) determine whether these regions contained pump cells and SAR terminal afferents. Studies were carried out in urethane‐anaesthetized rats. 2. Injection of picomoles of an excitatory amino acid, DL‐homocysteic acid (DLH), in the NTS, at the rostrocaudal level of the area postrema and immediately medial to the tractus solitarius, silenced phrenic nerve activity similarly to that expected from SAR activation. These apnoeas lasted from 3 to 43 s and were produced with little or no change in arterial pressure or heart rate. 3. The Breuer‐Hering reflex, physiologically activated by maintaining lung inflation, was transiently impaired by interruption of synaptic transmission following injections of cobalt chloride in the DLH‐responsive region. 4. Pump cell (SAR interneurone) and SAR afferent activity were recorded at the site in which DLH produced apnoea. 5. Taken together, the results of chemical excitation, interruption of synaptic transmission and extracellular recording, suggest that cells within a discrete region of the NTS, probably pump cells, are necessary for the production of the Breuer‐Hering reflex.

Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology | 2004

Pontine influences on breathing: an overview.

George F. Alheid; William K. Milsom; Donald R. McCrimmon

Historical and contemporary views of the functional organization of the lateral pontine regions influencing breathing are reviewed. In vertebrates, the rhombencephalon generates a breathing rhythm and detailed motor pattern that persist throughout life. Key to this process is an essentially continuous column of neurons extending from the spino-medullary border through the ventrolateral medulla, continuing through the ventral pons and arcing into the dorsolateral medulla. Comparative neuroanatomy and physiology indicate this is a richly interconnected network divided into serial, functionally distinct compartments. Serial compartmentalization of pontomedullary structures related to breathing also reflects the developmental segmentation of the rhombencephalon. However, with migration of cell groups such as the facial nucleus from the pons to the medulla during ontogeny, the boundaries of the adult pons are sometimes difficult to precisely define. Accordingly, a working definition of rostral and caudal pontine boundaries for adult mammals is depicted.

The Journal of Physiology | 1993

Pulmonary stretch receptor afferents activate excitatory amino acid receptors in the nucleus tractus solitarii in rats.

Ann C. Bonham; S. K. Coles; Donald R. McCrimmon

1. The goal of the present study was to identify potential neurotransmitter candidates in the Breuer‐Hering (BH) reflex pathway, specifically at synapses between the primary afferents and probable second‐order neurones (pump cells) within the nucleus tractus solitarii (NTS). We hypothesized that if activation of specific receptors in the NTS is required for production of the BH reflex, then (1) injection of the receptor agonist(s) would mimic the reflex response (apnoea), (2) injection of appropriate antagonists would impair the apnoea produced by either lung inflation or agonist injection, and (3) second‐order neurones in the pathway would be excited by either lung inflation or agonists while antagonists would prevent the response to either. 2. Studies were carried out either in spontaneously breathing or in paralysed, thoracotomized and ventilated rats in which either diaphragm EMG or phrenic nerve activity, expired CO2 concentration and arterial pressure were continuously monitored. The BH reflex was physiologically activated by inflating the lungs. 3. Pressure injections (0.03‐15 pmol) of selective excitatory amino acid (EAA) receptor agonists, quisqualic acid (Quis) and N‐methyl‐D‐aspartic acid (NMDA) into an area of the NTS shown previously to contain neurones required for production of the BH reflex produced dose‐dependent apnoeas that mimicked the response to lung inflation. Injection of substance P (0.03‐4 pmol) did not alter baseline respiratory pattern. 4. Injections of the EAA antagonists, kynurenic acid (Kyn; 0.6‐240 pmol), 6‐cyano‐7‐nitro‐quinoxaline‐2,3‐dione (CNQX) or 6,7‐dinitroquinoxaline‐2,3‐dione (DNQX) into the BH region of the NTS reversibly impaired the apnoea produced by lung inflation. All three antagonists reduced or abolished the apnoeas resulting from injection of Quis or NMDA, and slowed baseline respiratory frequency. In contrast, injections of the highly selective NMDA receptor antagonist, D‐2‐amino‐5‐phosphonovaleric acids (AP5), in doses sufficient to block the apnoeic response to NMDA, neither altered the reflex apnoea evoked by lung inflation nor the baseline respiratory pattern. 5. Pump cells located within the BH region were excited by pressure injections of the broad spectrum EAA agonist, DL‐homocysteic acid (DLH). Kyn reversibly blocked the excitation of pump cells in response to either lung inflation or DLH injection. 6. These findings suggest that EAAs mediate primary afferent excitation of second‐order neurones in the Breuer‐Hering reflex pathway, primarily through the activation of non‐NMDA EAA receptor subtypes.

Respiration Physiology | 1997

Modulation of the synaptic drive to respiratory premotor and motor neurons.

Donald R. McCrimmon; Edward J. Zuperku; Fumiaki Hayashi; Zoran Dogas; Cfl Hinrichsen; Eckehard A. E. Stuth; Mislav Tonkovic-Capin; Mirko Krolo; Francis A. Hopp

The characteristics of GABAergic inhibitory modulation of respiratory bulbospinal neuronal activity and short-term potentiation (STP) of phrenic motoneuronal activity were studied. Extracellular unit recording and picoejection techniques in anesthetized dogs showed that both the spontaneous rhythmic and reflexly induced discharge patterns of inspiratory (I) and expiratory (E) premotor neurons were proportionately amplified by the localized application of picomole amounts of bicuculline (Bic), a competitive GABAA antagonist. Intracellular recording and paired-pulse stimulation techniques in anesthetized rats demonstrated an STP of phrenic motor output that appears to be mediated by NMDA receptors and is associated with facilitation of EPSPs and prolonged depolarization of individual phrenic motoneurons. We speculate that both GABAergic gain modulation of premotor neuronal activity and NMDA-mediated STP of phrenic activity may be neural substrates which are involved with the optimization of respiratory and non-respiratory behaviors, via adaptive and/or differential control of breathing.

Journal of Neurocytology | 2002

Parvalbumin in respiratory neurons of the ventrolateral medulla of the adult rat

George F. Alheid; Paul A. Gray; Mingchen Jiang; Jack L. Feldman; Donald R. McCrimmon

A column of parvalbumin immunoreactive neurons is closely associated with the location of respiratory neurons in the ventrolateral medulla of the rat. The majority (66%) of bulbospinal neurons in the medullary ventral respiratory column (VRC) that were retrogradely labeled by tracer injections in the phrenic nucleus were also positive for parvalbumin. In contrast, only 18.8% of VRC neurons retrogradely labeled after a tracer injection in the VRC, also expressed parvalbumin. The average cross-sectional area of VRC neurons retrogradely labeled after VRC injections was 193.8 μm2 ± 6.6 SE. These were significantly smaller than VRC parvalbumin neurons (271.9 μm2 ± 12.3 SE). Parvalbumin neurons were found in the Bötzinger Complex, the rostral ventral respiratory group (VRG), and the caudal VRG, areas which all contribute to the bulbospinal projection. In contrast, parvalbumin neurons were sparse or absent in the preBötzinger Complex and in the vicinity of the retrotrapezoid nucleus, areas that have few bulbospinal projections. Parvalbumin was rarely colocalized within Neurokinin-1 receptor positive (NK1R) VRC neurons, which are found in the preBötzinger complex and in the anteroventral part of the rostral VRG. Parvalbumin neurons in the Bötzinger Complex and rostral VRG help define the rostrocaudal extent of these regions. The absence of parvalbumin neurons from the intervening preBötzinger complex also helps establish the boundaries of this region. Regional boundaries described in this manner are in good agreement with earlier physiological and anatomical studies. Taken together, the distributions of parvalbumin, NK1R and bulbospinal neurons suggest that the rostral VRG may be subdivided into distinct, anterodorsal, anteroventral, and posterior subdivisions.

The Journal of Physiology | 2003

Defining ventral medullary respiratory compartments with a glutamate receptor agonist in the rat

Armelle Monnier; George F. Alheid; Donald R. McCrimmon

The regional organization of the ventral respiratory group (VRG) was examined with respect to generation of respiratory rhythm (breathing frequency) versus control of the respiratory motor pattern on individual nerves. In urethane‐anaesthetized, neuromuscularly blocked and vagotomized Sprague‐Dawley rats, arterial blood pressure (ABP) and respiratory motor outputs (phrenic, pharyngeal branch of the vagus, or superior laryngeal nerves) were recorded. The VRG organization was mapped systematically using injections of the excitatory amino acid dl‐homocysteic acid (DLH; 5–20 mm, 2–6 nl) from single‐ or double‐barrel pipettes at 100–200 μm intervals between the facial nucleus and the calamus scriptorius. Recording of respiratory neurons through the injection pipette ensured that the pipette was located within the VRG. At the end of each experiment, the injection pipette was used to make an electrical lesion, thereby marking the electrode position for subsequent histological reconstruction of injection sites. Four rostrocaudal regions were identified: (1) a rostral bradypnoea area, at the level of the Bötzinger complex, in which respiratory rhythm slowed and ABP increased, (2) a tachypnoea/dysrhythmia area, at the level of the preBötzinger complex, in which breathing rate either increased or became irregular, with little or no change in ABP, (3) a caudal bradypnoea area at the level of the anterior part of the rostral VRG in which ABP decreased and (4) a caudal ‘no effect’ region in the posterior part of the rostral VRG. The peak amplitude of phrenic nerve activity decreased with injections into all three rostral regions. Changes in respiratory rhythm were associated with opposite changes in inspiratory (TI) and expiratory (TE) durations after injections into either the Bötzinger complex or anterior rostral VRG, while both TI and TE decreased after injections into the preBötzinger complex. Effects on selected cranial nerves were similar to those on the phrenic nerve except that tonic activity was elicited on the superior larygneal nerve ipsilateral to injections in the Bötzinger complex and on the pharyngeal branch of the vagus ipsilateral to injections in the preBötzinger complex. These data reinforce the subdivision of the VRG into functionally distinct compartments and suggest that a further subdivision of the rostral VRG is warranted. They also suggest that region‐specific influences, especially on the pattern of cranial motor discharge, can be used to assist the identification of recording sites within the VRG. However, the postulated clear functional separation of rhythm‐ versus pattern‐generating regions was not supported.

The Journal of Neuroscience | 2005

Sodium Currents in Medullary Neurons Isolated from the Pre-Bötzinger Complex Region

Krzysztof Ptak; Greer Zummo; George F. Alheid; Tatiana Tkatch; D. James Surmeier; Donald R. McCrimmon

The pre-Bötzinger complex (preBötC) in the ventrolateral medulla contains interneurons important for respiratory rhythm generation. Voltage-dependent sodium channels mediate transient current (INaT), underlying action potentials, and persistent current (INaP), contributing to repetitive firing, pacemaker properties, and the amplification of synaptic inputs. Voltage-clamp studies of the biophysical properties of these sodium currents were conducted on acutely dissociated preBötC region neurons. Reverse transcription-PCR demonstrated the presence of mRNA for Nav1.1, Nav1.2, and Nav1.6 α-subunits in individual neurons. A TTX-sensitive INaP was evoked in all tested neurons by ramp depolarization from -80 to 0 mV. Including a constant in the Boltzmann equation for inactivation by estimating the steady-state fraction of Na+ channels available for inactivation allowed prediction of a window current that did not decay to 0 at voltages positive to -20 mV and closely matched the measured INaP. Riluzole (3 μm), a putative INaP antagonist, reduced both INaP and INaT and produced a hyperpolarizing shift in the voltage dependence of steady-state inactivation. The latter decreased the predicted window current by an amount equivalent to the decrease in INaP. Riluzole also decreased the inactivation time constant at potentials in which the peak window/persistent currents are generated. Together, these findings imply that INaP and INaT arise from the same channels and that a simple modification of the Hodgkin-Huxley model can satisfactorily account for both currents. In the rostral ventral respiratory group (immediately caudal to preBötC), INaP was also detected, but peak conductance, current density, and input resistance were smaller than in preBötC region cells.

Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology | 2000

Pattern formation and rhythm generation in the ventral respiratory group.

Donald R. McCrimmon; Armelle Monnier; Fumiaki Hayashi; Edward J. Zuperku

1. There is increasing evidence that the kernel of the rhythm‐generating circuitry for breathing is located within a discrete subregion of a column of respiratory neurons within the ventrolateral medulla referred to as the ventral respiratory group (VRG). It is less clear how this rhythm is transformed into the precise patterns appearing on the varied motor outflows.

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