Dongmei Tang
Chinese Academy of Sciences
American Journal of Science | 2011
Kezhang Qin; Ben-Xun Su; Patrick Asamoah Sakyi; Dongmei Tang; Xian-Hua Li; He Sun; Qing-Hua Xiao; Ping-Ping Liu
Zircon SIMS U-Pb dating of the Poshi, Hongshishan, Bijiashan, and Huangshan Ni-Cu-bearing and Xiangshan Ni-Cu-Ti-Fe-bearing mafic-ultramafic intrusions in the Eastern Tianshan and Beishan Rift yields a relatively restricted range of 278.6 Ma to 284.0 Ma. The histogram of compiled age data of basalts in the Tarim Basin and mafic-ultramafic intrusions in the Eastern Tianshan and Beishan Rift has a peak of 280 Ma, which probably represents the time of mantle plume activity. The basalts have lower εNd(t) values in the range of −9.2 ∼ −1.7 and Mg# of <50, and higher TiO2 contents (>2 wt.%), indicating that they were generated directly from a peripheral zone of the mantle plume by low degree of melting. The mafic-ultramafic intrusions have higher εNd(t) of −1.3 ∼ 11.2 and Mg# of 33 ∼ 90, and lower TiO2 < 1.8 weight percent, suggesting that their parental magmas were produced from lithospheric mantle source by high degree of melting due to higher temperature of the mantle plume head. A possible mantle plume model beneath lithospheric mantle of the Tarim Basin, Tianshan and Beishan and its spatial framework is suggested.
International Geology Review | 2012
Ben-Xun Su; Kezhang Qin; Patrick Asamoah Sakyi; Sanjeewa P.K. Malaviarachchi; Pingping Liu; Dongmei Tang; Qing-Hua Xiao; He Sun; Yuguang Ma; Qian Mao
The Xiadong mafic–ultramafic complex lies in the central part of the Middle Tianshan Massif (MTM), along the southern margin of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB). This complex is composed of dunite, hornblende (Hbl) clinopyroxenite, hornblendite, and Hbl gabbro. These rocks are characterized by adcumulated textures and variable alteration. Orthopyroxene is an extremely rare mineral in all rock units and plagioclase is absent in dunite and Hbl clinopyroxenite. Hbl, Fe-chromite, and Cr-magnetite are common phases. Olivines have forsterite (Fo) contents ranging from 92.3 to 96.6. Clinopyroxenes are Ca-rich, Ti-poor diopsides, and mostly altered to tremolites or actinolites. Chromites display low TiO2 and Al2O3 contents and high Cr# and Fe2+/(Fe2+ + Mg) values. Primary and secondary Hbls show wide compositional variations. These petrological and mineralogical features as well as mineral chemistry are comparable to typical Alaskan-type complexes worldwide, which are widely considered to have formed above subduction zones. The chemistry of clinopyroxene and chromite supports an arc plate-tectonic origin for the Xiadong complex. Its confirmation as an Alaskan-type complex implies that the MTM, with Precambrian basement, was probably a continental arc during oceanic plate underflow and further supports the hypothesis of southward subduction of the Palaeozoic Junggar Ocean.
International Geology Review | 2012
Ben-Xun Su; Kezhang Qin; Patrick Asamoah Sakyi; Dongmei Tang; Pingping Liu; Sanjeewa P.K. Malaviarachchi; Qing-Hua Xiao; He Sun
The Hongshishan mafic–ultramafic intrusion (SIMS zircon U–Pb age 286.4 ± 2.8 Ma) consists of dunite, clinopyroxene peridotite, troctolite, and gabbro. Major elements display systematic correlations. Trace elements have identical distribution patterns, including flat rare-earth element (REE) patterns with positive Eu anomalies and enrichments in large ion lithophile elements (LILE) but depletions in Nb and Ta, indicating fractional crystallization as a key factor in magmatic evolution. Petrologic and geochemical variations in drill core samples demonstrate that minor assimilation and progressive magma injections were closely associated with Ni–Cu mineralization. Mass balance estimates and Sr–Nd isotopes reveal that the Hongshishan parental magmas were high-Mg and low-Ti tholeiitic basalts and were derived from a lithospheric mantle source that had been modified by subducted slab metasomatism before partial melting. Southward subduction of the Palaeo-Tianshan–Junggar Ocean is further constrained by a compilation of inferred, subduction-induced modifications of mantle sources in mafic–ultramafic intrusions distributed in the eastern Tianshan–Beishan area. Integrating the regional positive ϵNd(t) granites, high-Mg and low-Ti basaltic magmas (mafic–ultramafic intrusions), and slightly later high-Ti basalts in NW China suggests that their petrogenesis could be attributed to Permian mantle plume activities.
Journal of Earth Science | 2012
Ben-Xun Su; Kezhang Qin; He Sun; Dongmei Tang; Qing-Hua Xiao; Pingping Liu; Patrick Asamoah Sakyi
Early Permian mafic-ultramafic complexes in eastern Xinjiang (新疆) are mainly distributed in the Beishan (北山) area, Mid-Tianshan (天山) massif and Jueluotage (觉罗塔格) belt. Systematic compositional mapping of olivines from these Early Permian mafic-ultramafic complexes demonstrates that an apparently spatial distribution and heterogeneous partial melting in the mantle source exists from the Beishan area, across the Mid-Tianshan massif, to the Jueluotage belt from the south to the north. This is probably consistent with the spatial evolutional differences and tectonic features of these three belts. The decreasing degree of partial melting, as revealed by decreasing Fo contents of olivines, from south to north and from east to west reflects the southward subduction of the Paleo-Asian Ocean and the south location of the indistinct mantle plume in the Permian. Simultaneously, NiO and Fo-mapping in olivine also indicates that sulfide segregation before olivine crystallization played an important role in Ni-Cu mineralization in the mafic-ultramafic complexes. Olivines with the compositional range of Fo (77–86) and NiO (less than 0.22 wt.%) are more favorable for Ni-Cu sulfide mineralization.
Mineralogy and Petrology | 2013
MingJian Cao; Qifeng Zhou; Kezhang Qin; Dongmei Tang; Noreen J. Evans
In order to better constrain the evolution and petrogenesis of pegmatite, geochemical analysis was conducted on a suite of apatite crystals from the Altay Koktokay No. 3 pegmatite, Xinjiang, China and from the granitic and amphibolitic wall rocks. Apatite samples derived from pegmatite zones show convex tetrad effects in their REE patterns, extremely negative Eu anomalies and non-chondritic Y/Ho ratios. In contrast, chondritic Y/Ho ratios and convex tetrad effects are observed in the muscovite granite suggesting that different processes caused non-chondritic Y/Ho ratios and lanthanide tetrad effects. Based on the occurrence of convex tetrad effects in the host rocks and their associated minerals, we propose that the tetrad effects are likely produced from immiscible fluoride and silicate melts. This is in contrast to previous explanations of the tetrad effect; i.e. surface weathering, fractional crystallization and/or fluid-rock interaction. Additionally, we put forward that extreme negative Eu and non-chondritic Y/Ho in apatite are likely caused by the large amount of hydrothermal fluid exsolved from the pegmatite melts. Evolution of melt composition was found to be the primary cause of inter and intra-crystal major and trace element variations in apatite. Mn entering into apatite via substitution of Ca is supported by the positive correlation between CaO and MnO. Different evolution trends in apatite composition imply different crystallization environments between wall rocks and pegmatite zones. Based on the geochemistry of apatite samples, it is likely that there is a genetic relationship between the source of muscovite granite and the source of the pegmatite.
International Geology Review | 2017
Ya-Jing Mao; Dongmei Tang; Kezhang Qin; Valentina Taranovic
ABSTRACT The Xinyuan intrusion of the Eastern Junggar terrane is one of the mafic–ultramafic intrusions located in the Northern Xinjiang region and is associated with the southern part of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB). Based on the secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) zircon U–Pb dating, the intrusion is 326.2 ± 1.1 Ma old. Positive zircon ɛHf(t) values (+12.4 to +15.7) and mantle-like δ18O values (5.0–5.5‰) suggest that the parental magma was derived from a depleted mantle source with a low degree of crustal contamination. Significant negative Nb–Ta anomaly and large iron lithophile element (LILE) enrichment of the Xinyuan intrusion are identical to those of the coeval basalt–andesite rocks in the study area. Temporal, spatial, and geochemical evidence suggest that the Xinyuan intrusion and coeval basalt–andesite rocks are associated with the northward subduction of the Kelameili Ocean. This, together with the ages of alkaline granites and sedimentary record in the Eastern Junggar, suggests that closure of the Kelameili Ocean was probably between 326 Ma and 310 Ma. Fractional crystallization modelling indicates that the parental magma of the Xinyuan intrusion has experienced significant fractional crystallization at depth. The Xinyuan parental magma was estimated to contain ~20 ppm Ni, which is significantly lower than the coeval basaltic magma (~200 ppm). Magma that is depleted in Ni has potentially undergone extensive fractional crystallization, during which most of the Ni has been sequestered into olivine in the early stages. The Xinyuan intrusion has Hf isotope and trace element characteristics similar to the Permian sulphide-bearing mafic–ultramafic intrusions. However, the low degree of crustal contamination apparent in δ18O data is more characteristic for the pre-Permian sulphide-poor intrusions in the area. Extensive fractional crystallization and the low degree of crustal contamination in the parental magma of Xinyuan intrusion experienced are suggestive of a low-magmatic Ni–Cu mineralization potential.
International Geology Review | 2014
Dongmei Tang; Kezhang Qin; Ben-Xun Su; Patrick Asamoah Sakyi; Ya-Jing Mao; Shengchao Xue
The Permian Hulu intrusion is one of several sulphide-bearing Permian mafic–ultramafic intrusions in the eastern part of the eastern Tianshan located at the southern margin of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB) in Xinjiang, NW China. The intrusion is composed of lherzolite, olivine websterite, gabbro, and gabbro-diorite. Disseminated and net-textured Ni-Cu sulphide ores are located at the bottom of the lopolith complex. Negative Zr, Hf, Nb, and Ta anomalies, whole-rock εNd(t) values of +5.7 to +8.8, and variable (Th/Nb)PM values (from 1.06 to 8.13) suggest that the source of the Hulu complexes is depleted mantle metasomatized by subducted slab-derived fluid and/or melt (~5% global subducted sediment and 15% slab fluid) that has experienced approximately 3% lower crustal and 10% upper crustal contamination. The Hulu intrusion is characterized by low PGE abundances i.e. 0.03–1.08 ppb Ir, 0.04–0.69 ppb Ru, 0.02–2.15 ppb Rh, 0.30–48.71 ppb Pt, and 0.21–344 ppb Pd. Our calculations indicate that if the Pd, Os, Ir, and Cu contents of the primary magma were 2.1 ppb, 0.03 ppb, 0.05 ppb, and 200 ppm, respectively, a variable R-factor between 200 and 1600 with residual magma that had experienced 0.01% early-sulphide segregation can explain the variation in Pd, Os, and Ir contents of sulphide-poor and disseminated sulphide samples of the Hulu deposit. Basaltic magma fractionation and assimilation and/or contamination of sulphur-bearing crustal materials might have triggered sulphur saturation to form Cu-Ni sulphide ores. Tarim basaltic PGE contents cannot be used as the mineralized parent magma for the Hulu intrusion because of the differing evolutionary trends of the Ni/Pd and Cu/Ir values. However, similar Cu/Ni and Pd/Ir values in Tarim basalts and Hulu Cu-Ni sulphide ores, as well as the same early sulphide segregation process, show that certain genetic relationships between them and magma sources are probably similar to each other.
Geological Magazine | 2018
Qifeng Zhou; Kezhang Qin; Dongmei Tang; Chunlong Wang; Patrick Asamoah Sakyi
The Chinese Altai is renowned for its rich rare-element resources. Nine representative rare-element (REL) pegmatites were dated using LA-ICP-MS and 40 Ar– 39 Ar methods. The columbite grains yield a weighted mean 206 Pb/ 238 U age of 239.6±3.8 Ma for the Dakalasu (Be-Nb-Ta) pegmatite and concordia U–Pb ages of 258.1±3.1 Ma and 262.3±2.5 Ma for the Xiaokalasu (Li-Nb-Ta) pegmatite. The zircons display a weighted mean 206 Pb/ 238 U age of 198.5±2.5 Ma for the Husite (Be) pegmatite and concordia U–Pb ages of 194.3±1.6 Ma and 248.2±2.2 Ma for the Qunkuer (Be) and Taerlang (barren) pegmatites. The muscovite 40 Ar– 39 Ar dating gives plateau ages of 286.4±1.6 Ma, 297.0±2.6 Ma, 265.2±1.5 Ma, 178.8±1.0 Ma, 162.2±0.9 Ma, 237.7±1.3 Ma, 237.4±1.2 Ma and 231.9±1.2 Ma for the Talate (Li-Be-Nb-Ta), Baicheng (Nb-Ta), Kangmunagong (barren), Husite (Be), Qunkuer (Be-Nb-Ta), Xiaokalasu (Li-Nb-Ta), Weizigou (Be) and Taerlang (barren) pegmatites, respectively. These new ages coupled with previous geochronological work suggest that the REL pegmatites in the Chinese Altai formed during early Permain – Late Jurassic time. The REL pegmatites located in the Central Altaishan terrane are younger than those in the Qiongkuer–Abagong terrane, showing a correlation with the coeval and adjacent granites. The formation of the REL pegmatites and these granites indicates frequent and strong magmatic activity in the post-orogenic and anorogenic setting. The spatial and temporal distribution of pegmatites and granites reveals a magmatism path from the SE (of age early–middle Permian), to the NW (middle Permian – Middle Triassic) and finally to the central part (Middle Triassic – Jurassic) of the Chinese Altai.
Acta Geologica Sinica-english Edition | 2014
Chunlong Wang; Kezhang Qing; Qifeng Zhou; Dongmei Tang
Located in the central part of Altay pegmatite province, Northwestern China, the Kelumute-Jideke pegmatite field (KJPF) provides a natural lab to study the regional zonation of pegmatite and longevity of pegmatitic magmatism. Rare-metal pegmatites in the KJPF are interpreted to be genetically related to the emplacement of the Jideke two-mica granite, which is described as the parental pluton by previous studies (eg. Lv et al., 2012). Except for the Kelumute Li-Be-Nb-Ta pegmatite located inside the Jideke two-mica granite, other pegmatites with different types of mineralization distributed outward the parental pluton are as following: Azubai, Xiaojideke and Dajideke muscovite-Be, Qunkuer Be-Nb-Ta, Jiamukai LiNb-Ta and Kukalagai Li-Be-Nb-Ta pegmatite, corresponding to the regional zonation of pegmatite groups (Černý, 1991). Kelumute and Kukalagai are the only two large-scale rare metal deposits in the KJPF. The Kelumute No.112 pegmatite is 1200 m in length, varying in thickness from 3.81 m (east) to 7.31 m (west), and is 200 m deep; its rare metal reserve is the second largest after the most famous Koktokay No. 3 pegmatite in the Altay pegmatite province. The main part of No. 112 pegmatite occurs EWtrending, which is controlled by faults of same direction. Five internal zones have been identified by mineral assemblages and textures, including quartzmicroclinealbite zone, blocky quartz-albite-microcline zone, quartzalbite-spodumene zone, albite-quartzmuscovite zone and saccharoidal albite zone. The Kukalagai No. 650 pegmatite dips westward with an angle of 60° to 78°, which is controlled by N-S trending foliation of biotitequartz schist. With a length of 1230 m and an average thickness of 9.88 m, the only internal zone in No. 650 pegmatite is quartz-spodumene-albite zone, with lepidolite aggregates and medium-coarse garnet grains developed locally. It iss worth mentioning that evidence of replacement (eg. saccharoidal albite and blocky quartz– muscovite) and reconstruction on the earlier pegmatite (nests of spodumene and massive albite in quartzspodumene-albite pegmatite) were identified during field observation in both No. 112 and No. 650 pegmatite.
Gondwana Research | 2011
Ben-Xun Su; Kezhang Qin; Patrick Asamoah Sakyi; Xian-Hua Li; Yue-Heng Yang; He Sun; Dongmei Tang; Ping-Ping Liu; Qing-Hua Xiao; Sanjeewa P.K. Malaviarachchi