
Journal of Crustacean Biology | 1999

Larval Development of Scyra compressipes (Decapoda: Brachyura: Majidae: Pisinae) Reared in the Laboratory

Doo Nam Kim; Sung Yun Hong

ABSTRACT The complete larval development of Scyra compressipes from hatching to the megalopal stage was obtained by culture in the laboratory. Two zoeal and one megalopal stages are described and figured. Morphological characters of larvae of S. compressipes are compared with those of other Pisinae.

Journal of Microbiology | 2011

Shewanella upenei sp. nov., a lipolytic bacterium isolated from bensasi goatfish Upeneus bensasi

Kyung-Kil Kim; Young-Ok Kim; Sooyeon Park; So-Jung Kang; Bo-Hye Nam; Doo Nam Kim; Tae-Kwang Oh; Jung-Hoon Yoon

A Gram-staining-negative, motile, non-spore-forming and rod-shaped bacterial strain, 20-23RT, was isolated from intestine of bensasi goatfish, Upeneus bensasi, and its taxonomic position was investigated by using a polyphasic study. Phylogenetic analyses based on 16S rRNA gene sequences revealed that strain 20-23RT belonged to the genus Shewanella. Strain 20-23RT exhibited 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity values of 99.5, 99.2, and 97.5% to Shewanella algae ATCC 51192T, Shewanella haliotis DW01T, and Shewanella chilikensis JC5T, respectively. Strain 20-23RT exhibited 93.1–96.0% 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity to the other Shewanella species. It also exhibited 98.3–98.4% gyrB sequence similarity to the type strains of S. algae and S. haliotis. Strain 20-23RT contained simultaneously both menaquinones and ubiquinones; the predominant menaquinone was MK-7 and the predominant ubiquinones were Q-8 and Q-7. The fatty acid profiles of strain 20–23RT, S. algae KCTC 22552T and S. haliotis KCTC 12896T were similar; major components were iso-C15:0, C16:0, C16:1 ω7c and/or iso-C15:0 2-OH and C17:1 ω8c. The DNA G+C content of strain 20-23RT was 53.9 mol%. Differential phenotypic properties and genetic distinctiveness of strain 20–23RT, together with the phylogenetic distinctiveness, revealed that this strain is distinguishable from recognized Shewanella species. On the basis of the data presented, strain 20-23RT represents a novel species of the genus Shewanella, for which the name Shewanella upenei sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain is 20–23RT (=KCTC 22806T =CCUG 58400T).

International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology | 2014

Amphritea ceti sp. nov., isolated from faeces of Beluga whale (Delphinapterus leucas).

Young-Ok Kim; Sooyeon Park; Doo Nam Kim; Bo-Hye Nam; Sung-Min Won; Du Hae An; Jung-Hoon Yoon

A Gram-stain-negative, aerobic, non-spore-forming, non-flagellated and rod-shaped or ovoid bacterial strain, designated RA1(T), was isolated from faeces collected from Beluga whale (Delphinapterus leucas) in Yeosu aquarium, South Korea. Strain RA1(T) grew optimally at 25 °C, at pH 7.0-8.0 and in the presence of 2.0 % (w/v) NaCl. Neighbour-joining, maximum-likelihood and maximum-parsimony phylogenetic trees based on 16S rRNA gene sequences revealed that strain RA1(T) joins the cluster comprising the type strains of three species of the genus Amphritea, with which it exhibited 95.8-96.0 % sequence similarity. Sequence similarities to the type strains of other recognized species were less than 94.3 %. Strain RA1(T) contained Q-8 as the predominant ubiquinone and summed feature 3 (C16 : 1ω7c and/or C16 : 1ω6c), C18 : 1ω7c and C16 : 0 as the major fatty acids. The major polar lipids of strain RA1(T) were phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylglycerol, two unidentified lipids and one unidentified aminolipid. The DNA G+C content of strain RA1(T) was 47.4 mol%. The differential phenotypic properties, together with the phylogenetic distinctiveness, revealed that strain RA1(T) is separated from other species of the genus Amphritea. On the basis of the data presented, strain RA1(T) is considered to represent a novel species of the genus Amphritea, for which the name Amphritea ceti sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain is RA1(T) ( = KCTC 42154(T) = NBRC 110551(T)).

Animal Cells and Systems | 2014

Diet of long-beaked common dolphin (Delphinus capensis) in the East Sea, Korea

Soeon Ahn; Hyun Woo Kim; Suam Kim; Yeong Ran Lee; Kyum Joon Park; Doo Nam Kim; Doo Hae An

The long-beaked common dolphin is one of the most abundant cetaceans in Korean waters, and their population has been estimated to comprise of more than 35,000 individuals. Delphinus capensis generally appear close to the coast and primarily feed on epipelagic small fishes and cephalopods. Thirty long-beaked common dolphins were collected from the East Sea from February to September in 2012. For stomach content analysis (SCA), the fresh prey items were identified to their lowest taxonomic level, and unidentified preys due to digestion were identified using remnants such as fish otoliths and cephalopod beaks. Fatty acid (FA) patterns of 20 dolphins from the inner layer of blubber were compared with those in samples of prey items. Enoploteuthis chunii was the dominant prey in SCA, representing 55.8% by number and 75.9% by occurrence. Common squid (Todarodes pacificus) and Pacific herring (Clupea pallasii) were the next major preys at more than 80% occurrence. Even though a distinctive difference was not observed between genders, there was a significant diet variation related to maturity. Immature dolphins consumed a higher diversity of prey, and consumed more equally than the sexually mature group, who showed a high dominance of cephalopods. Furthermore, this result fairly corresponded to FAs composition of mature dolphins with the raised percent of 20:6n–3, which is relatively abundant in T. pacificus.

Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences | 2012

A Mass Mortality of the Finless Porpoise Neophocaena asiaeorientalis at a Dike of the Saemangeum Sea: Possible Effects of Unusually Low Temperatures

Kyum Joon Park; Du Hae An; Chae Woong Lim; Tae-Ho Lee; Doo Nam Kim

On 3 February 2011, a mass mortality of finless porpoises Neophocaena asiaeorientalis occurred at a dike of the Saemangeum Sea dike. A total of 249 carcasses were collected; these had been stranded by a sea dike and had floated into the lake formed by the dike. Eight bodies were measured, and four of these were dissected to analyze stomach contents. The blubber thicknesses of five bodies were compared with those of caught finless porpoises in the Yellow Sea from 2010. Finless porpoises at the Saemangeum Sea dike exhibited better nutritive conditions than finless porpoises in the Yellow Sea. Air temperature in January 2011 was lower than the prior 5-year average (P had been recorded, and the majority of the dike lake had frozen over. The mass mortality of finless porpoises may have been caused by these unusually low temperatures.

Systematic Parasitology | 2015

A new species of Anchistrotos Brian, 1906 (Copepoda: Cyclopoida: Taeniacanthidae) from the filamentous shrimpgoby Myersina filifer (Valenciennes) (Perciformes: Gobiidae) in Korean waters

Seong Yong Moon; Jeong-Hoon Lee; Doo Nam Kim

Abstract A new species of Anchistrotos Brian, 1906 (Copepoda: Cyclopoida: Taeniacanthidae), parasitic in the branchial cavities of the filamentous shrimpgoby Myersina filifer (Valenciennes) (Perciformes: Gobiidae) from Korea is described. The new species is most closely related to A. tangi Venmathi Maran, Moon & Adday, 2014, but differs from it by the following combination of characters in the adult female: the U-shaped rostrum, the distal margin of the anal somite lacks patches of spinules, the proximal segment of the maxilliped is without seta, and the maxilliped claw is armed with long and small naked setae. This is the tenth species of the genus and a key is provided to distinguish all nominal species.

Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences | 2013

Status of the Cetacean Bycatch near Korean Waters

Doo Nam Kim; Hawsun Sohn; Yong-Rock An; Kyum Joon Park; Hyun-Woo Kim; So Eon Ahn; Du Hae An

어구에 의한 고래류의 혼획은 혼획된 개체의 생존을 위협하 는 요인으로 작용하며(Northridge, 1991; Read and Rosenberg, 2002) 이는 전세계적으로 문제가 되고 있는 현상으로 많은 고 래류의 개체군에도 악영향을 끼치고 있는 것으로 알려지고 있 다(Norman, 2000; Read et al., 2006). 우리나라에도 예외는 아 니어서 매년 어구에 의해 많은 양의 고래류가 혼획되며 정부에 서는 좌초 및 표류되는 개체까지 포함해 관련 고시에 의해 현황 을 파악하고 있다. 우리나라 연안에 분포하는 고래류에 관한 연구는 1978년 우 리나라가 국제포경위원회(IWC, International Whaling Commission)에 가입하면서 시작되었다(Gong, 1981, 1982, 1987, 1988; Gong and Hwang, 1983, 1984). IWC의 밍크고래 자원 평가를 위한 조사 목적으로 고래연구소에서 1999년 목시조사 를 실시(Kim et al., 2000)한 이후 매년 목시조사를 통해 연근 해에 분포하는 고래류의 조사를 통한 자원량 추정 연구를 하고 있다. 또한, 혼획, 좌초 및 표류되는 고래류 현황을 파악하기 위 해 고래연구소 자체적으로 전국 연안의 자료를 수집하였으며, 2011년 1월 『고래자원의 보존과 관리에 관한 고시』가 제정된 이후에는 혼획되는 개체뿐만 아니라 좌초 및 표류되어 폐기되 는 개체까지 모두 체계적으로 관리하기 시작하였다. 고시 제정 초기에는 연안에서 혼획, 좌초되는 상괭이를 포함한 소형 고래 류의 신고가 다소 누락되기도 하였으나, 해를 거듭하며 안정적 인 고시 이행으로 연안에서 누락되던 자료까지 체계적으로 수 집되고 있다. 최근에는 어구에 혼획된 개체를 민관 합동으로 구

Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences | 2013

Feasibility of Aerial Surveys of Finless Porpoise Neophocaena asiaeorientalis off the West Coast of Korea

Kyum Joon Park; Hawsun Sohn; Yeong Hye Kim; Doo Nam Kim; Hyun-Woo Kim; Du Hae An; Yong-Rock An

Vessel-based sighting surveys for cetaceans have been conducted in Korean waters since 2000. The supporting data estimate the abundance of finless porpoises along the west coast of Korea; however, they are insufficient because of the coverage and frequency of the surveys. A preliminary aerial survey was conducted in 2011, and the results were assessed with respect to a sighting survey operated by a research vessel in order to compare effectiveness and potentiality. A total of 110.00 nautical miles of effective efforts were made with three sightings under Beaufort scale 4 in the aerial survey, while the vessel-operated survey covered 403.38 nautical miles over 7 days without any sightings under Beaufort scale 4. The standard deviation of the altitude in this survey was 22.7 m, which was significantly higher than that of the referenced study of 4.3 m.

Journal of the Korean Society of Fisheries Technology | 2015

Movement of Pacific cod Gadus macrocephalus in the Korean Southeast Sea, ascertained through pop-up archival tags and conventional tags

Jeong-Hoon Lee; Jung Nyun Kim; Jaebong Lee; Jung Hwa Choi; Seong Yong Moon; Junsu Park; Doo Nam Kim

The Korean Journal of Malacology | 2014

Morphological and Brooding Characteristics of Argonauta argo Linnaeus, 1758 from Korean Water

Yeonghye Kim; Taeg Yun Oh; Kyum Joon Park; Yong Rock An; Hyun-Woo Kim; Doo Nam Kim; Doohae An

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