
Featured researches published by Dorismar David Alves.

Revista Brasileira De Zootecnia | 2005

Níveis de uréia na ração de novilhos de quatro grupos genéticos: consumo e digestibilidades totais

Luciana Navajas Rennó; Sebastião de Campos Valadares Filho; Rilene Ferreira Diniz Valadares; Paulo Roberto Cecon; Alfredo Acosta Backes; Francisco Palma Rennó; Dorismar David Alves; Polyana Albino Silva

The effects of diet adaptation protocol by steers and of feeding four dietary urea levels (0, 0.65, 1.3, and 1.95%, dry matter - DM basis) on intake and total apparent digestibility of DM, organic matter (OM), crude protein (CP), ether extract (EE), total carbohydrates (CHO), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), nonfiber carbohydrates (NFC) and total digestible nutrients intake (TDN) for Holstein, ½ Holstein-Guzera, ½ Holstein-Gir and Zebu steers were evaluated in this trial. The animals were assigned to four 4x4 latin squares (genetic groups): four animals, four experimental periods and four treatments (diets). The animals were fed diets (12% CP, with increasing urea levels) with 50% tifton-85 bermudagrass hay and concentrate. The first experimental period lasted 19 days, 13 days for adaptation and 6 days for feces collection. The possibility of reducing diet adaptation in the subsequent periods was investigated by evaluating daily DM intake in the adaptation period. The indigestible acid detergent fiber (FDAi) was used as marker of fecal dry matter flow. The adaptation to diets of the subsequent experimental periods was reduced by 10 days, because DM intake means, for each urea level, from 1st to 12th day of adaptation did not differ from the standard mean (13th day). The intake, expressed as kg/day, was higher for Holstein animals, followed by the crossbreds and Zebu. Total DM digestibility was affected nor by the genetic groups, neither by the dietary urea levels.

Revista Brasileira De Zootecnia | 2005

Composição corporal e exigências energéticas e protéicas de bovinos mestiços leiteiros e zebu, castrados, em regime de recria e engorda

Alfredo Acosta Backes; Mário Fonseca Paulino; Dorismar David Alves; Luciana Navajas Rennó; Sebastião de Campos Valadares Filho; Rogério de Paula Lana

ABSTRACT - Forty-seven bovines (average live weight of 266 kg), 16 zebu and 31 dairy crossbreeds (16 crossbreed Holstein x Gir and 15Holstein x Guzera), were used to evaluate energy and protein requirements. Twelve animals (four of each racial group) were used as referencebovines, eleven were fed for maintenance and the 24 remaining were allotted to two treatments (zebu and dairy crossbreeds) in two phases(growing and fattening). Growing phase started when bovines reached 257 kg and lasted up to 340 kg of live weight, and fattenin gphase with initial live weight of 276 kg and lasted up to 480 kg. Tifton ( Cynodon dactylon ) grass hay was used as feedstuff. Protein,fat and energy contents retained in body were estimated by regression equation of the logarithm of protein, fat or energy body content,as a function of the logarithm of empty weight (EBW). Net energy requirements for maintenance (NEm) were estimated as the inter ceptanti-log of the equation obtained by linear regression among the logarithm of heat production (HP) and the metabolizable energy intake(MEI). Net energy requirements of zebu animals, in growing phase, was greater than dairy crossbreeds group, however in fattenin gphase that relationship was inverse. Net energy requirements for maintenance estimated for dairy crossbreeds and zebu were 76.9 9and 79.40 kcal/EBW

Revista Brasileira De Zootecnia | 2004

Características de carcaça de bovinos zebu e cruzados holandês-zebu (F1) nas fases de recria e terminação

Dorismar David Alves; Mário Fonseca Paulino; Alfredo Acosta Backes; Sebastião de Campos Valadares Filho; Luciana Navajas Rennó

Foram avaliadas as caracteristicas de carcaca de bovinos Indubrasil e cruzados F1 Holandes-Gir e F1 Holandes-Guzera, nas fases de recria e terminacao. Foram determinados os rendimentos de carcaca e porcentagens dos cortes basicos, comprimento de carcaca, espessura de gordura subcutânea, area de olho de lombo, proporcoes de musculo, gordura e ossos. Os grupos geneticos nao influenciaram os rendimentos de carcaca quente, em relacao ao peso vivo e ao peso corporal vazio, e dos cortes basicos, dianteiro, traseiro total e especial, nas fases de recria e terminacao. Animais Indubrasil podem atingir, com pesos inferiores aos dos animais F1 Holandes-Gir e F1 Holandes-Guzera, os mesmos patamares de gordura na carcaca. Animais F1 Holandes-Guzera apresentaram maior area de olho de lombo na fase de recria, mas nao houve diferencas na fase de terminacao.

Revista Brasileira De Zootecnia | 2005

Recria de novilhos mestiços em pastagens de Brachiaria brizantha, com diferentes níveis de suplementação, na região Amazônica. Desempenho animal

Rafael Henrique de Tonissi e Buschinelli de Goes; Antonio Bento Mancio; Rogério de Paula Lana; Dorismar David Alves; Maria Ignez Leão; Alonso Thiago Silvestre Silva

O objetivo neste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito de diferentes niveis de suplementacao sobre o desempenho de novilhos recriados a pasto. Cinquenta e cinco novilhos com media de 10 meses de idade e peso inicial de 226 kg foram distribuidos em delineamento inteiramente casualizado. Os tratamentos consistiram no fornecimento de suplemento nas quantidades de 0,125; 0,25; 0,50 e 1,0% do peso vivo e do tratamento controle (sal mineral). Os suplementos foram a base de milho e farelo de soja, com teor de 24% de proteina bruta. Os animais do grupo controle apresentaram consumo medio de 70 g/dia, com ganho de 0,28 kg. A resposta dos animais ao suplemento mineral foi limitada pela proteina, nao permitindo o atendimento das exigencias de ganho. Os demais tratamentos apresentaram ganhos de 0,51; 0,58; 0,68 e 0,72 kg/dia, com conversao de 1,48, 1,56, 2,67 e 4,43 kg de suplemento por kg de ganho, durante o periodo de transicao, e 1,52; 3,17; 5,29 e 10,19, durante o periodo da seca, para 0,125; 0,25; 0,5 e 1,0%PV. A suplementacao em niveis crescentes proporcionou maiores ganhos de peso nos niveis de 0,5 e 1,0%, com maior eficiencia de uso do suplemento para os niveis de 0,125 e 0,25%.

Revista Brasileira De Zootecnia | 2005

Recria de novilhos mestiços em pastagem de Brachiaria brizantha, com diferentes níveis de suplementação, na região Amazônica. Consumo e parâmetros ruminais

Rafael Henrique de Tonissi e Buschinelli de Goes; Antonio Bento Mancio; Rogério de Paula Lana; Maria Ignez Leão; Dorismar David Alves; Alonso Thiago Silvestre Silva

The objective of this trial was to evaluate the effects of different levels of supplementation on dry matter intake and of ruminal pH and ammonia content of growing steers grazing Brachiaria brizantha, during the dry to rainy transition season, from April to June 2003. Five ruminally fistulated steers averaging 15 months old and initial weight of 271 kg were assigned to a 5x5 Latin square design. The treatments were as follows: control (mineral salt) and supplements fed at different levels (0.125, 0.25, 0.50, and 1.0% body weight/animal/day) and contained corn and soybean meal formulated to yield 24% crude protein. The voluntary intake was calculated by the relation between the amount of fecal dry matter excreted by using both external (chromium oxide) and internal (indigestible acid detergent fiber) markers. It was observed difference on dry matter forage intake by increasing the levels of supplementation. The control group showed higher dry matter intake (9.27 kg/day), with no difference among the supplementation levels. The most evident decrease of forage intake was observed at 1.0% BW (1.95% BW), with no change on average daily gain. Observed replacement and additive effects increased stocking rate by 16, 25, 27 and 32%, respectively, at 0.125, 0.25, 0.5% and 1.0% BW. The pH values for all treatments averaged 6.2, below which inhibit fiber digestion. The ruminal ammonia contents of the supplemented animals were always higher than the threshold value of 10 mg/dL that maximize microbial growth and ruminal digestibility in tropical conditions.

Revista Brasileira de Saúde e Produção Animal | 2014

Ganho em peso, características de carcaça e carne de ovelhas terminadas em pasto com teores diferentes de suplementação

Fredson V. Silva; Zaqueu Gonçalves Carvalho; Hemilly Cristina Menezes de Sá; Laura Lúcia dos Santos Oliveira; Dorismar David Alves; Vandenberg Lira Silva; Franklin Delano dos Santos Soares; Carlos César Rodrigues dos Santos

This work was carried out in order to evaluate weight gain and carcass and meat traits of culling ewes kept on grass Panicum maximum cultivar Massai, consuming different levels of concentrate. The design was entirely at random and females were distributed into four treatments, zero, 0.7, 1.4 and 2.1% of its body weight in concentrate supplementation consumed. The females were slaughtered at eighty days of the experiment. We measured the weight gain of animals and carcass and meat traits. The data were interpreted after analysis of variance and regression (P < 0.0500). The maximum weight gain was observed with intake of 1.49% concentrate as a function of body weight, point closed to which it was obtained the best feed conversion. However, the cost benefit was better with intake of 0.62% concentrate depending on the body weight. Carcasses did not show changes, and the gain in body weight was obtained in visceral fat. Meat showed lower ultimate pH and lower losses during cooking when the culling ewes consumed more concentrates. All treatments possessed tender meats, however, its color was found in the bottom limit of the normal range of specie.

Revista Brasileira de Saúde e Produção Animal | 2013

Viabilidade econômica da utilização dos resíduos da bananicultura na alimentação de cordeiros confinados

Luciana Castro Geraseev; Sóstenes de Jesus de Magalhães Moreira; Dorismar David Alves; Ana Cássia Rodrigues de Aguiar; Flávio Pinto Monção; Antônio Carlos Ramos Santos; Claudia Juliane Lopes Santana; Carlos Renato Viegas

Aimed to analyze the economic feasibility of replacing hay Cynodon spp by hay banana crop residues in diet of lambs. We used 25 Santa Ines lambs, with an average age of five months and an average initial weight of 26.5kg, distributed in a completely randomized design with five treatments (40% hay Cynodon spp. + 60% concentrate, 20% hay banana leaf and 20% of Cynodon spp. + 60% concentrate, 40% of banana leaf hay + 60% concentrate, 20% hay pseudostem of banana and 20% of Cynodon spp. + 60% concentrate, 40% hay pseudostem of banana + 60% concentrate). After 69 days of experiment the animals were slaughtered. Possession of the cost of each diet and consumption of animals was calculated economic feasibility. Treatment with 40% of banana leaf hay + 60% concentrate showed the best economic indicators, based on the highest net income, the higher rate of return to higher profitability and marketing of live animals or slaughtered. The inclusion of banana crop residues in the diet of growing lambs increases the economic viability of the activity.

Pesquisa Veterinaria Brasileira | 2015

Componentes principais das características de carcaças de bovinos anelorados e fontes de variação em lesões

Fredson Vieira e Silva; Franklin Delano dos Santos Soares; Laura Lúcia dos Santos Oliveira; Fábio Luiz Buranelo Toral; Sidnei Tavares dos Reis; Dorismar David Alves; Vicente Ribeiro Rocha Júnior; Ricardo R.R. Gomes

This study was made in order to evaluate the principal components of carcass characteristics in Zebu cattle and variation factors for injuries. We used a database with information from 15,002 carcasses of Zebu cattle. The variables studied were hot carcass weight, carcass conformation, fat thickness score, sexual condition, number of teeth, injuries and distance from the farm to the slaughterhouse. We also raised the finishing system of cattle through information obtained from the technician responsible for the herd. To understand the relationship of the variables, we used the correlation of the principal components and original variables, the factorial plans, the unit circle, cluster analysis and non-parametric tests. The fat thickness score, sexual condition, hot carcass weight, the number of teeth, and farm comprised 68.26% of the total variability. The carcasses conformation and the finishing system explained a low proportion of the variability. Variables as farm, number of teeth, finishing system and fat thickness score influenced the number of injuried carcasses. The sexual condition, hot carcass weight and carcass conformation did not change the proportion of injuried carcasses.

Semina-ciencias Agrarias | 2015

Meat cuts and non-carcass of sheep finished on pasture with different levels of supplementation.

Zaqueu Gonçalves Carvalho; Fredson Vieira e Silva; Alexandre Ribeiro Araújo; Dorismar David Alves; Laura Lúcia dos Santos Oliveira; Sidnei Tavares dos Reis; Vandenberg Lira Silva

This study aimed to evaluate the yield of meat cuts and other body components of sheep kept on pasture Panicum maximum , Massai cultivar, fed increasing amounts of concentrate. The animals were divided into four treatments according to the concentrate intake in relation to body weight (zero, 0.7, 1.4 and 2.1%). After slaughter of the sheep, the weights of non-hollow viscera (tongue, lung, liver, diaphragm, kidney and spleen), hollow ones (trachea, esophagus, heart, gallbladder, bladder, rumen, omasum, abomasum, small and larger intestines), other components (blood, skin, feet, head, tail and mammary 1

Revista Científica de Produção Animal | 2015

Composição química do bagaço de cana-de-açúcar tratado com óxido de cálcio

Paulo Roberto Silveira Pimentel; Lara Maria Santos Brant; Vicente Ribeiro Rocha Júnior; Sidnei Tavares dos Reis; Dorismar David Alves; Anna Luisa de Oliveira Castro

Objetivou-se avaliar o efeito da inclusao de doses crescentes de oxido de calcio (CaO) e diferentes tempos de exposicao aerobia, sobre a composicao quimica do bagaco de cana-de-acucar. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado em esquema fatorial 4 x 4 + 1, com tres repeticoes por tratamento, sendo composto de quatro doses de CaO (0,5, 1,0, 1,5 e 2,0 % da materia natural), quatro tempos de exposicao aerobia (18, 36, 54, 72 horas) e um tratamento controle (bagaco in natura ). Foram analisados os teores de materia seca (MS), materia mineral (MM), proteina bruta (PB), extrato etereo (EE), fibra em detergente neutro (FDN), fibra em detergente neutro corrigida para cinzas e proteina (FDNcp), fibra em detergente acido (FDA), hemicelulose, celulose, lignina, carboidratos nao fibrosos (CNF) e nutrientes digestiveis totais (NDT). O aumento dos niveis de CaO no processo de hidrolise do bagaco de cana-de-acucar implicou em aumento linear dos teores de MM e reducao linear dos teores de FDN e FDNcp. O tempo de exposicao aerobia ocasionou um aumento linear nos teores de MS. Os teores de PB, EE, FDA, hemicelulose, celulose, lignina, CNF e NDT nao foram alterados pelas doses CaO e tempos de tratamento. Os tempos de exposicao aerobia, de 18 a 72 horas, podem ser adotados no tratamento do bagaco de cana, ficando a criterio do manejador a escolha do tempo a ser utilizado. A inclusao do oxido de calcio em doses de ate 2% da materia natural reduz os teores de fibra e eleva os teores de materia mineral do bagaco de cana melhorando o valor nutritivo do material. DOI: 10.15528/2176-4158/rcpa.v17n1p61-68

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