Dörthe Handorf
Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research
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Featured researches published by Dörthe Handorf.
Tellus A | 2012
Ralf Jaiser; Klaus Dethloff; Dörthe Handorf; Annette Rinke; Judah Cohen
ABSTRACT The response of the Arctic atmosphere to low and high sea ice concentration phases based on European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecast (ECMWF) Re-Analysis Interim (ERA-Interim) atmospheric data and Hadley Centres sea ice dataset (HadISST1) from 1989 until 2010 has been studied. Time slices of winter atmospheric circulation with high (1990–2000) and low (2001–2010) sea ice concentration in the preceding August/September have been analysed with respect to tropospheric interactions between planetary and baroclinic waves. It is shown that a changed sea ice concentration over the Arctic Ocean impacts differently the development of synoptic and planetary atmospheric circulation systems. During the low ice phase, stronger heat release to the atmosphere over the Arctic Ocean reduces the atmospheric vertical static stability. This leads to an earlier onset of baroclinic instability that further modulates the non-linear interactions between baroclinic wave energy fluxes on time scales of 2.5–6 d and planetary scales of 10–90 d. Our analysis suggests that Arctic sea ice concentration changes exert a remote impact on the large-scale atmospheric circulation during winter, exhibiting a barotropic structure with similar patterns of pressure anomalies at the surface and in the mid-troposphere. These are connected to pronounced planetary wave train changes notably over the North Pacific.
Geophysical Research Letters | 2006
Klaus Dethloff; Annette Rinke; A. Benkel; M. Koltzow; Elena Sokolova; S. Kumar Saha; Dörthe Handorf; Wolfgang Dorn; B. Rockel; H. von Storch; J. E. Haugen; L. P. Roed; Erich Roeckner; Jesper Christensen; Martin Stendel
Received 16 November 2005; revised 12 December 2005; accepted 15 December 2005; published 1 February 2006. [1] By means of simulations with a global coupled AOGCM it is shown that changes in the polar energy sink region can exert a strong influence on the mid- and high-latitude climate by modulating the strength of the mid-latitude westerlies and storm tracks. It is found, that a more realistic sea-ice and snow albedo treatment changes the ice-albedo feedback and the radiative exchange between the atmosphere and the ocean-sea-ice system. The planetary wave energy fluxes in the middle troposphere of mid-latitudes between 30 and 50 Na re redistributed, which induces perturbations in the zonal and meridional planetary wave trains from the tropics over the mid-latitudes into the Arctic. It is shown, that the improved parameterization of Arctic sea-ice and snow albedo can trigger changes in the Arctic and North Atlantic Oscillation pattern with strong implications for the European climate. Citation: Dethloff, K., et al. (2006), A dynamical link between the Arctic and the global climate system, Geophys. Res. Lett., 33, L03703, doi:10.1029/2005GL025245.
Tellus A | 2013
Ralf Jaiser; Klaus Dethloff; Dörthe Handorf
The stratospheric response to the observed Arctic sea ice retreat is analysed based on European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecast (ECMWF) Re-Analysis Interim (ERA-Interim) atmospheric data from 1979–2012. It is shown that changes in August/September sea ice concentration impact on tropospheric and stratospheric geopotential heights in the following winter. During low ice phases a negative tropospheric Arctic Oscillation pattern is found, which is connected to a weakened stratospheric polar vortex and warmer stratospheric temperatures. Furthermore, the analysis reveals enhanced upward EP fluxes due to planetary waves for low ice conditions. Strong stratospheric anomalies in the Atlantic/European region are associated with a weaker polar vortex. Low ice periods are connected with additional tropospheric wave energy excitation in the Pacific/North America region and influence the stratosphere through three-dimensional planetary wave propagation.
Journal of Computational Physics | 2008
M. Läuter; Francis X. Giraldo; Dörthe Handorf; Klaus Dethloff
A global model of the atmosphere is presented governed by the shallow water equations and discretized by a Runge-Kutta discontinuous Galerkin method on an unstructured triangular grid. The shallow water equations on the sphere, a two-dimensional surface in R^3, are locally represented in terms of spherical triangular coordinates, the appropriate local coordinate mappings on triangles. On every triangular grid element, this leads to a two-dimensional representation of tangential momentum and therefore only two discrete momentum equations. The discontinuous Galerkin method consists of an integral formulation which requires both area (elements) and line (element faces) integrals. Here, we use a Rusanov numerical flux to resolve the discontinuous fluxes at the element faces. A strong stability-preserving third-order Runge-Kutta method is applied for the time discretization. The polynomial space of order k on each curved triangle of the grid is characterized by a Lagrange basis and requires high-order quadature rules for the integration over elements and element faces. For the presented method no mass matrix inversion is necessary, except in a preprocessing step. The validation of the atmospheric model has been done considering standard tests from Williamson et al. [D.L. Williamson, J.B. Drake, J.J. Hack, R. Jakob, P.N. Swarztrauber, A standard test set for numerical approximations to the shallow water equations in spherical geometry, J. Comput. Phys. 102 (1992) 211-224], unsteady analytical solutions of the nonlinear shallow water equations and a barotropic instability caused by an initial perturbation of a jet stream. A convergence rate of O(@Dx^k^+^1) was observed in the model experiments. Furthermore, a numerical experiment is presented, for which the third-order time-integration method limits the model error. Thus, the time step @Dt is restricted by both the CFL-condition and accuracy demands. Conservation of mass was shown up to machine precision and energy conservation converges for both increasing grid resolution and increasing polynomial order k.
Monthly Weather Review | 2013
Bingyi Wu; Dörthe Handorf; Klaus Dethloff; Annette Rinke; Aixue Hu
AbstractUsing NCEP–NCAR reanalysis and Japanese 25-yr Reanalysis (JRA-25) winter daily (1 December–28 February) data for the period 1979–2012, this paper reveals the leading pattern of winter daily 850-hPa wind variability over northern Eurasia from a dynamic perspective. The results show that the leading pattern accounts for 18% of the total anomalous kinetic energy and consists of two subpatterns: the dipole and the tripole wind patterns. The dipole wind pattern does not exhibit any apparent trend. The tripole wind pattern, however, has displayed significant trends since the late 1980s. The negative phase of the tripole wind pattern corresponds to an anomalous anticyclone over northern Eurasia during winter, as well as two anomalous cyclones occurring over southern Europe and in the mid- to high latitudes of East Asia. These anomalous cyclones in turn lead to enhanced winter precipitation in these two regions, as well as negative surface temperature anomalies over the mid- to high latitudes of Asia. The...
Journal of Geophysical Research | 1999
Dörthe Handorf; Vladimir Petoukhov; Klaus Dethloff; A. V. Eliseev; A. Weisheimer; I. I. Mokhov
In this study we determined characteristic temporal modes of atmospheric variability at the decadal and interdecadal timescales. This was done on the basis of 1000 year long integrations of a global coupled atmosphere-ocean climate model of moderate complexity including the troposphere, stratosphere, and mesosphere. The applied model resolves explicitely the basic features of the large-scale long-term atmospheric and oceanic variables. The synoptic-scale processes are described in terms of autocorrelation and crosscorrelation functions. The paper includes an extended description and validation of the model as well as the results of analyses of two 1000 year long model integrations. One model run has been performed with the fully coupled model of the atmosphere-ocean system. The performed time-frequency analyses of atmospheric fields reveal strong decadal and interdecadal modes with periods of about 9, 18, and 30 years. To quantify the influence of the ocean on atmospheric variations an additional run with seasonally varying prescribed sea surface temperatures has been carried out, which is characterized by strong decadal modes with periods of about 9 years. The comparison of both runs suggests that decadal variability can be understood as an inherent atmospheric mode due to the nonlinear dynamics of the large-scale atmospheric circulation patterns whereas interdecadal climate variability has to be regarded as coupled atmosphere-ocean modes.
Environmental Research Letters | 2015
Martin Wegmann; Yvan J. Orsolini; Marta Vázquez; Luis Gimeno; Raquel Nieto; Olga N. Bulygina; Ralf Jaiser; Dörthe Handorf; Anette Rinke; Klaus Dethloff; Alexander Sterin; Stefan Brönnimann
Eurasian fall snow cover changes have been suggested as a driver for changes in the Arctic Oscillation and might provide a link between sea-ice decline in the Arctic during summer and atmospheric circulation in the following winter. However, the mechanism connecting snow cover in Eurasia to sea-ice decline in autumn is still under debate. Our analysis is based on snow observations from 820 Russian land stations, moisture transport using a Lagrangian approach derived from meteorological re-analyses. We show that declining sea-ice in the Barents and Kara Seas (BKS) acts as moisture source for the enhanced Western Siberian snow depth as a result of changed tropospheric moisture transport. Transient disturbances enter the continent from the BKS region related to anomalies in the planetary wave pattern and move southward along the Ural mountains where they merge into the extension of the Mediterranean storm track.
Geophysical Research Letters | 2015
Dörthe Handorf; Ralf Jaiser; Klaus Dethloff; Annette Rinke; Judah Cohen
Extreme winters in Northern Hemisphere mid-latitudes in recent years have been connected to declining Arctic sea ice and continental snow-cover changes in autumn following modified planetary waves in the coupled troposphere-stratosphere system. Through analyses of reanalysis data and model simulations with a state-of-the-art atmospheric general circulation model we investigate the mechanisms between Arctic Ocean sea ice and Northern Hemisphere land snow-cover changes in autumn and atmospheric teleconnections in the following winter. The observed negative Arctic Oscillation in response to sea-ice cover changes is too weakly reproduced by the model. The planetary wave train structures over the Pacific and North America region are well simulated. The strengthening and westward shift of the Siberian high pressure system in response to sea-ice and snow-cover changes is underestimated compared to ERA-Interim data due to deficits in the simulated changes in planetary wave propagation characteristics.
Tellus A | 2012
Dörthe Handorf; Klaus Dethloff
ABSTRACT This article evaluates the ability of state-of-the-art climate models to reproduce the low-frequency variability of the mid-tropospheric winter flow of the Northern Hemisphere in terms of atmospheric teleconnection patterns. Therefore, multi-model simulations for present-day conditions, performed for the 4th assessment report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, have been analysed and compared with re-analysis data sets. The spatial patterns of atmospheric teleconnections are reproduced reasonably by most of the models. The comparison of coupled with atmosphere-only runs confirmed that a better representation of the forcing by sea surface temperatures has the potential to slightly improve the representation of only wave train-like patterns. Due to internally generated climate variability, the models are not able to reproduce the observed temporal behaviour. Insights into the dynamical reasons for the limited skill of climate models in reproducing teleconnections have been obtained by studying the relation between major teleconnections and zonal wind variability patterns. About half of the models are able to reproduce the observed relationship. For these cases, the quality of simulated teleconnection patterns is largely determined by the quality of zonal wind variability patterns. Therefore, improvements of simulated eddy-mean flow interaction have the potential to improve the atmospheric teleconnections.
Journal of Computational Physics | 2007
M. Läuter; Dörthe Handorf; Natalja Rakowsky; Jörn Behrens; Stephan Frickenhaus; M. Best; Klaus Dethloff; Wolfgang Hiller
The parallel adaptive model PLASMA has been developed for modeling a barotropic atmosphere. This model adapts the computational grid at every time step according to a physical error indicator. Thus, compared to uniform grid experiments the number of grid points is reduced significantly. At the same time, the error increases only slightly, when comparing with uniform grid solutions. For the discretization of the underlying spherical shallow water equations a Lagrange-Galerkin method is used. The unstructured triangular grid is maintained by the grid generator amatos and the large linear systems are solved by the parallel solver interface FoSSI. Experimental convergence is shown by means of steady-state and unsteady analytical solutions. PLASMA yields satisfactory results for quasi standard experiments, that is the Rossby-Haurwitz wave and zonal flows over an isolated mountain.