
Water Resources Research | 1996

Experimental Investigation and Modeling of Uranium (VI) Transport Under Variable Chemical Conditions

Matthias Kohler; Gary P. Curtis; Douglas B. Kent; James A. Davis

The transport of adsorbing and complexing metal ions in porous media was investigated with a series of batch and column experiments and with reactive solute transport modeling. Pulses of solutions containing U(VI) were pumped through columns filled with quartz grains, and the breakthrough of U(VI) was studied as a function of variable solution composition (pH, total U(VI) concentration, total fluoride concentration, and pH-buffering capacity). Decreasing pH and the formation of nonadsorbing aqueous complexes with fluoride increased U(VI) mobility. A transport simulation with surface complexation model (SCM) parameters estimated from batch experiments was able to predict U(VI) retardation in the column experiments within 30%. SCM parameters were also estimated directly from transport data, using the results of three column experiments collected at different pH and U(VI) pulse concentrations. SCM formulations of varying complexity (multiple surface types and reaction stoichiometries) were tested to examine the trade-off between model simplicity and goodness of fit to breakthrough. A two-site model (weak- and strong-binding sites) with three surface complexation reactions fit these transport data well. With this reaction set the model was able to predict (1) the effects of fluoride complexation on U(VI) retardation at two different pH values and (2) the effects of temporal variability of pH on U(VI) transport caused by low pH buffering. The results illustrate the utility of the SCM approach in modeling the transport of adsorbing inorganic solutes under variable chemical conditions.

Environmental Science & Technology | 1994

Batch experiments characterizing the reduction of chromium(VI) using suboxic material from a mildly reducing sand and gravel aquifer

L. C. D. Anderson; Douglas B. Kent; James A. Davis

Batch experiments were conducted with sand collected from a shallow sand and gravel aquifer to identify the principal chemical reactions influencing the reduction of Cr(VI), so that field-observed Cr(VI) reduction could be described. The reduction appeared to be heterogeneous and occurred primarily on Fe(II)-bearing minerals. At only 1 wt %, the fine fraction (<64 μm diameter) of the sediments dominated the amount of aqueous Cr(VI) reduction because of its greater reactivity and surface area. Although reduction of Cr(VI) increased with decreasing pH, small variations in the abundance of fine fraction among the replicate samples obscured pH trends in the batch experiments

Water Resources Research | 1994

Transport of chromium and selenium in the suboxic zone of a shallow aquifer: Influence of redox and adsorption reactions

Douglas B. Kent; James A. Davis; L. C. D. Anderson; Brigid A. Rea; T.D. Waite

Breakthrough of Cr(VI) (chromate), Se(VI) (selenate), and O2 (dissolved oxygen) was observed in tracer tests conducted in a shallow, sand and gravel aquifer with mildly reducing conditions. Loss of Cr, probably due to reduction of Cr(VI) to Cr(III) and irreversible sorption of Cr(III), occurred along with slight retardation of Cr(VI), owing to reversible sorption. Reduction of Se(VI) and O2 was thermodynamically feasible but did not occur, indicating conditions, were unfavorable to microbial reduction. Cr(VI) reduction by constituents of aquifer sediments did not achieve local equilibrium during transport. The reduction rate was probably limited by incomplete contact between Cr(VI) transported along predominant flow paths and reductants located in regions within aquifer sediments of comparatively low permeability. Scatter in the amount of Cr reduction calculated from individual breakthrough curves at identical distances downgradient probably resulted from heterogeneities in the distribution of reductants in the sediments. Predictive modeling of the transport and fate of redox-sensitive solutes cannot be based strictly on thermodynamic considerations; knowledge of reaction rates is critical. Potentially important mass transfer rate limitations between solutes and reactants in sediments as well as heterogeneities in the distribution of redox properties in aquifers complicate determination of limiting rates for use in predictive simulations of the transport of redox-sensitive contaminants in groundwater.

Water Resources Research | 2000

Modeling the influence of variable pH on the transport of zinc in a contaminated aquifer using semiempirical surface complexation models

Douglas B. Kent; R. H. Abrams; James A. Davis; Jennifer A. Coston; D. R. LeBlanc

Land disposal of sewage effluent resulted in contamination of a sand and gravel aquifer (Cape Cod, Massachusetts) with zinc (Zn). The distribution of Zn was controlled by pH-dependent adsorption; the Zn extended 15 m into the 30-m-thick sewage plume within approximately 100 m of the source but only 2–4 m into the plume between 100 and 400 m downgradient. A two-dimensional vertical cross section model coupling groundwater flow with solute transport and equilibrium adsorption is used to simulate the influence of pH on Zn transport. Adsorption is described using semiempirical surface complexation models (SCM) by writing chemical reactions between dissolved Zn and mineral surface sites. SCM parameters were determined in independent laboratory experiments. A 59-year simulation with a one-site SCM describes the influence of pH on Zn transport well, with greater mobility at the low pH values near the upper sewage plume boundary than at the higher pH values deeper in the sewage-contaminated zone. Simulation with a two-site SCM describes both the sharpness and approximate location of the leading edge of the Zn-contaminated region. Temporal variations in pH of incoming groundwater can result in large increases in Zn concentration and mobility. The influence of spatial and temporal variability in pH on adsorption and transport of Zn was accomplished much more easily with the semiempirical SCM approach than could be achieved with distribution coefficients or adsorption isotherms.

Geochemical Transactions | 2004

The influence of groundwater chemistry on arsenic concentrations and speciation in a quartz sand and gravel aquifera)

Douglas B. Kent; Patricia M. Fox

We examined the chemical reactions influencing dissolved concentrations, speciation, and transport of naturally occurring arsenic (As) in a shallow, sand and gravel aquifer with distinct geochemical zones resulting from land disposal of dilute sewage effluent. The principal geochemical zones were: (1) the uncontaminated zone above the sewage plume [350 μM dissolved oxygen (DO), pH 5.9]; (2) the suboxic zone (5 μM DO, pH 6.2, elevated concentrations of sewage-derived phosphate and nitrate); and (3) the anoxic zone [dissolved iron(II) 100–300 μM, pH 6.5–6.9, elevated concentrations of sewage-derived phosphate]. Sediments are comprised of greater than 90% quartz but the surfaces of quartz and other mineral grains are coated with nanometer-size iron (Fe) and aluminum (Al) oxides and/or silicates, which control the adsorption properties of the sediments. Uncontaminated groundwater with added phosphate (620 μM) was pumped into the uncontaminated zone while samples were collected 0.3 m above the injection point. Concentrations of As(V) increased from below detection (0.005 μM) to a maximum of 0.07 μM during breakthrough of phosphate at the sampling port; As(III) concentrations remained below detection. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that naturally occurring As(V) adsorbed to constituents of the coatings on grain surfaces was desorbed by phosphate in the injected groundwater. Also consistent with this hypothesis, vertical profiles of groundwater chemistry measured prior to the tracer test showed that dissolved As(V) concentrations increased along with dissolved phosphate from below detection in the uncontaminated zone to approximately 0.07 and 70 μM, respectively, in the suboxic zone. Concentrations of As(III) were below detection in both zones. The anoxic zone had approximately 0.07 μM As(V) but also had As(III) concentrations of 0.07–0.14 μM, suggesting that release of As bound to sediment grains occurred by desorption by phosphate, reductive dissolution of Fe oxides, and reduction of As(V) to As(III), which adsorbs only weakly to the Fe-oxide-depleted material in the coatings. Results of reductive extractions of the sediments suggest that As associated with the coatings was relatively uniformly distributed at approximately 1 nmol/g of sediment (equivalent to 0.075 ppm As) and comprised 20%-50% of the total As in the sediments, determined from oxidative extractions. Quartz sand aquifers provide high-quality drinking water but can become contaminated when naturally occurring arsenic bound to Fe and Al oxides or silicates on sediment surfaces is released by desorption and dissolution of Fe oxides in response to changing chemical conditions.

Water Resources Research | 1995

Transport of Chromium and Selenium in a Pristine Sand and Gravel Aquifer: Role of Adsorption Processes

Douglas B. Kent; James A. Davis; L. C. D. Anderson; Brigid A. Rea

Field transport experiments were conducted in an oxic sand and gravel aquifer using Br (bromide ion), Cr (chromium, injected as Cr(VI)), Se (selenium, injected as Se(VI)), and other tracers. The aquifer has mildly acidic pH values and low concentrations of dissolved salts. Within analytical errors, all mobile Cr was present as Cr(VI). All mobile Se was probably present as Se(VI). Adsorption of Cr and Se onto aquifer sediments caused retardation of both tracers. Breakthrough curves for Cr and Se had extensive tails, which caused large decreases in their maximum concentrations relative to the nonreactive Br tracer after only 2.0 m of transport. A surface complexation model was applied to the results of laboratory studies of Cr(VI) adsorption on aquifer solids from the site based on adsorption onto hydrous ferric oxide. The modeling results suggested that the dominant adsorbents in the aquifer solids have lower affinities for anion adsorption than pure hydrous ferric oxide. The steep rising limbs and extensive tails observed in most of the breakthrough curves are qualitatively consistent with the equilibrium surface complexation model; however, slow rates of adsorption and desorption may have contributed to these features. Variations during transport in the concentrations of Cr, Se, and other anions competing for adsorption sites likely gave rise to variations in the extent of adsorption. Adequate description of the observed retardation of Cr and Se would require a coupled transport-adsorption model that can account for these effects. Companion experiments in the mildly reducing zone of the aquifer (Kent et al., 1994) showed a loss of Cr mass, probably resulting from reduction to Cr(III), and little retardation of mobile Cr and Se during transport; this contrast illustrates the influence of aquifer chemistry on the transport of redox-sensitive solutes.

Water Resources Research | 2000

Multispecies reactive tracer test in an aquifer with spatially variable chemical conditions

James A. Davis; Douglas B. Kent; Jennifer A. Coston; Kathryn M. Hess; J. L. Joye

A field investigation of multispecies reactive transport was conducted in a well-characterized, sand and gravel aquifer on Cape Cod, Massachusetts. The aquifer is characterized by regions of differing chemical conditions caused by the disposal of secondary sewage effluent. Ten thousand liters of groundwater with added tracers (Br, Cr(VI), and EDTA complexed with Pb, Zn, Cu, and Ni) were injected into the aquifer and distributions of the tracers were monitored for 15 months. Most of the tracers were transported more than 200 m; transport was quantified using spatial moments computed from the results of a series of synoptic samplings. Cr(VI) transport was retarded relative to Br; the retardation factor varied from 1.1 to 2.4 and was dependent on chemical conditions. At 314 days after the injection, dissolved Cr(VI) mass in the tracer cloud had decreased 85%, with the likely cause being reduction to Cr(III) in a suboxic region of the aquifer. Transport of the metal-EDTA complexes was affected by aqueous complexation, adsorption, and dissolution-precipitation reactions of Fe oxyhydroxide minerals in the aquifer sediments. Dissolved Pb-EDTA complexes disappeared from the tracer cloud within 85 days, probably due to metal exchange reactions with Fe and adsorbed Zn (present prior to the injection from contamination by the sewage effluent). About 30% of the Cu-EDTA complexes remained within the tracer cloud 314 days after injection, even though the thermodynamic stability of the Pb-EDTA complex is greater than Cu-EDTA. It is hypothesized that stronger adsorption of Pb2+ to the aquifer sediments causes the Pb-EDTA complex to disassociate to a greater degree than the Cu-EDTA complex. The mass of dissolved Zn-EDTA increased during the first 175 days of the tracer test to 140% of the mass injected, with the increase due to desorption of sewage-derived Zn. Dissolved Ni-EDTA mass remained nearly constant throughout the tracer test, apparently only participating in reversible adsorption reactions. The results of the field experiment provide a chemically complex data set that can be used in the testing of reactive transport models of flow coupled with chemical reactions.

Environmental Science & Technology | 2011

Quantifying differences in the impact of variable chemistry on equilibrium Uranium(VI) adsorption properties of aquifer sediments.

Deborah L. Stoliker; Douglas B. Kent; John M. Zachara

Uranium adsorption–desorption on sediment samples collected from the Hanford 300-Area, Richland, WA varied extensively over a range of field-relevant chemical conditions, complicating assessment of possible differences in equilibrium adsorption properties. Adsorption equilibrium was achieved in 500–1000 h although dissolved uranium concentrations increased over thousands of hours owing to changes in aqueous chemical composition driven by sediment-water reactions. A nonelectrostatic surface complexation reaction, >SOH + UO22+ + 2CO32- = >SOUO2(CO3HCO3)2–, provided the best fit to experimental data for each sediment sample resulting in a range of conditional equilibrium constants (logKc) from 21.49 to 21.76. Potential differences in uranium adsorption properties could be assessed in plots based on the generalized mass-action expressions yielding linear trends displaced vertically by differences in logKc values. Using this approach, logKc values for seven sediment samples were not significantly different. However, a significant difference in adsorption properties between one sediment sample and the fines (<0.063 mm) of another could be demonstrated despite the fines requiring a different reaction stoichiometry. Estimates of logKc uncertainty were improved by capturing all data points within experimental errors. The mass-action expression plots demonstrate that applying models outside the range of conditions used in model calibration greatly increases potential errors.

Environmental Science & Technology | 2016

Wastewater Disposal from Unconventional Oil and Gas Development Degrades Stream Quality at a West Virginia Injection Facility

Denise M. Akob; Adam C. Mumford; William H. Orem; Mark A. Engle; J. Grace Klinges; Douglas B. Kent; Isabelle M. Cozzarelli

The development of unconventional oil and gas (UOG) resources has rapidly increased in recent years; however, the environmental impacts and risks are poorly understood. A single well can generate millions of liters of wastewater, representing a mixture of formation brine and injected hydraulic fracturing fluids. One of the most common methods for wastewater disposal is underground injection; we are assessing potential risks of this method through an intensive, interdisciplinary study at an injection disposal facility in West Virginia. In June 2014, waters collected downstream from the site had elevated specific conductance (416 μS/cm) and Na, Cl, Ba, Br, Sr, and Li concentrations, compared to upstream, background waters (conductivity, 74 μS/cm). Elevated TDS, a marker of UOG wastewater, provided an early indication of impacts in the stream. Wastewater inputs are also evident by changes in (87)Sr/(86)Sr in streamwater adjacent to the disposal facility. Sediments downstream from the facility were enriched in Ra and had high bioavailable Fe(III) concentrations relative to upstream sediments. Microbial communities in downstream sediments had lower diversity and shifts in composition. Although the hydrologic pathways were not able to be assessed, these data provide evidence demonstrating that activities at the disposal facility are impacting a nearby stream and altering the biogeochemistry of nearby ecosystems.

Water Resources Research | 1998

Development and testing of a compartmentalized reaction network model for redox zones in contaminated aquifers

Robert H. Abrams; Keith Loague; Douglas B. Kent

The work reported here is the first part of a larger effort focused on efficient numerical simulation of redox zone development in contaminated aquifers. The sequential use of various electron acceptors, which is governed by the energy yield of each reaction, gives rise to redox zones. The large difference in energy yields between the various redox reactions leads to systems of equations that are extremely ill-conditioned. These equations are very difficult to solve, especially in the context of coupled fluid flow, solute transport, and geochemical simulations. We have developed a general, rational method to solve such systems where we focus on the dominant reactions, compartmentalizing them in a manner that is analogous to the redox zones that are often observed in the field. The compartmentalized approach allows us to easily solve a complex geochemical system as a function of time and energy yield, laying the foundation for our ongoing work in which we couple the reaction network, for the development of redox zones, to a model of subsurface fluid flow and solute transport. Our method (1) solves the numerical system without evoking a redox parameter, (2) improves the numerical stability of redox systems by choosing which compartment and thus which reaction network to use based upon the concentration ratios of key constituents, (3) simulates the development of redox zones as a function of time without the use of inhibition factors or switching functions, and (4) can reduce the number of transport equations that need to be solved in space and time. We show through the use of various model performance evaluation statistics that the appropriate compartment choice under different geochemical conditions leads to numerical solutions without significant error. The compartmentalized approach described here facilitates the next phase of this effort where we couple the redox zone reaction network to models of fluid flow and solute transport.

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