Duygu Arıkan
Atatürk University
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Featured researches published by Duygu Arıkan.
Cancer Nursing | 2007
Sebahat Gözüm; Duygu Arıkan; Mustafa Buyukavci
The use of complementary and alternative medicines (CAM) among children with cancer is becoming increasingly popular. Therefore, it is important to gain insight into the prevalence and factors related to the use of CAM. This study presents findings from a study of parents of 88 children with cancer who were receiving or had received conventional therapy for treatment of childhood cancer at a pediatric oncology unit in eastern Turkey. The findings indicated that 48.9% of the respondents reported the use of 1 or more CAM therapies. The most commonly used modality was herbal products such as herbal tea and herbal meal, mostly stinging nettle (Urtica dioica). The findings of this study indicate that CAM users were children who were an average of 3 years older than nonuser children and that CAM use was more prevalent among the children who had been diagnosed with cancer for a longer time than nonusers. There were no significant difference between users and nonusers regarding sociodemographic characteristics (such as age education level, economic status), hopelessness score of parents, gender of child, and treatment status. Healthcare providers should remain informed about the benefits and adverse effects of complementary and alternative therapies to discuss treatment options with patients and their families and to monitor treatment efficacy.
Journal of Nursing Scholarship | 2011
Aynur Yildiz; Duygu Arıkan; Sebahat Gözüm; Ayhan Tastekin; İlknur Budancamanak
PURPOSE The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of the application of the odor of breast milk in preterm infants during gavage feeding on the period of transition to total oral feeding. DESIGN This prospective experimental study was performed on a total of 80 preterm infants: 40 infants in the study group and 40 in the control group. METHODS This experimental study was performed in eastern Turkey at the Neonatal Intensive Care and Premature Unit of a university hospital between September 2007 and December 2008. The demographic data were collected via a questionnaire, and an intervention and follow-up table was prepared by the researcher based on relevant literature. The study was approved by the local institution, and written informed consent was obtained from all parents. FINDINGS The findings of the study indicated that the preterm infants who were stimulated by the odor of breast milk during gavage feeding transitioned to oral feeding 3 days earlier than control subjects. Moreover, the mean hospitalization time of these infants was 4 days shorter. CONCLUSIONS The results show that stimulation with breast milk odor is an effective method for decreasing transition of preterm infants from gavage to oral feeding. CLINICAL RELEVANCE Nurses can train mothers to pump their breast milk, stimulate their infants with the odor of their breast milk, and feed it to their infants in the premature unit. This may lead to a quicker transition to oral feeding.
Journal of Clinical Nursing | 2011
Fatma Yilmaz; Duygu Arıkan
AIM AND OBJECTIVE This study aimed to compare the effects of mothers milk, sucrose and pacifier use to overcome pain during painful interventions to the newborns on the crying time and pain. BACKGROUND Various non-pharmacological methods are used to overcome the pain associated with painful interventions with newborns. DESIGN A prospective, randomised, controlled study involved 120 newborns in Turkey. METHODS The population consisted of healthy newborns hospitalised in the gynaecology clinics of Trabzon Delivery and Childrens Diseases hospital between February 2007-January 2008. The newborns who had blood sampling by heel stick were divided into four groups: mothers milk, sucrose, pacifier and control groups with 30 newborns in each. Data collection was performed using an information form on the newborn characteristics, which was developed by the researchers in the light of literature, clinical IR ear thermometer ET1 for temperature measurement, OXIMAX N-65 Pulse oxymeter for oxygen saturation and heart rate and neonatal infant pain scale for the measurement of the behavioural responses of newborns. Results. No differences were determined between the groups for heart rate and oxygen saturation in the newborns during painful interventions (p > 0·05). Sucrose followed by pacifier was the most effective method of reducing the crying time in the newborns. CONCLUSION The results indicate that all three practices reduce the behavioural responses to pain at a higher rate than in the control group. RELEVANCE TO CLINICAL PRACTICE Health care personnel should perform painful interventions to the newborns while the babies are held by their mothers and during the procedure use of sucrose should be the primary choice.
Journal of Clinical Nursing | 2012
Esra Karaca Çiftçi; Duygu Arıkan
AIM AND OBJECTIVE This study was conducted to determine the effect of training administered to working mothers and its duration on maternal anxiety levels and breastfeeding habits. BACKGROUND Within the scope of Health for All in the 21st Century project, a goal was set to increase the rate of infants fed exclusively by breastfeeding during the first six months of life to 80% by the year 2015. DESIGN A randomised design with repeated measures. METHODS During collection of pretest data, a Personal Information Form, a Questionnaire Form and a State Trait Anxiety Inventory were administered to the mothers in the experimental and control groups. Five home visits were conducted starting two weeks before the date when mothers returned to work and ending when the infants became six months old. Breastfeeding techniques were taught to these mothers. Data were subjected to Proc MEAN, FREQ, anova and GENMOD procedures. RESULTS The rate of natural feeding (breastfeeding exclusively) among trained mothers was greater than untrained mothers. The frequency of breastfeeding affects maternal anxiety levels; the anxiety level of mothers decreased with increasing frequency of breastfeeding. CONCLUSION Educating working mothers about breastfeeding reduces their anxiety levels and influences positively their breastfeeding habits. RELEVANCE TO CLINICAL PRACTICE With the support of health-care staff to increase awareness and knowledge on the value and sufficiency of breast milk, the rate and period of natural feeding increased significantly among working mothers.
Western Journal of Nursing Research | 2017
Emriye Hilal Yayan; Duygu Arıkan; Fatma Saban; Nazan Gürarslan Baş; Özlem Özcan
This was a descriptive and cross-sectional study conducted with adolescents to examine the correlation between Internet addiction and social phobia. The population of the study consisted of 24,260 students aged between 11 and 15 years. Sampling method was used from population with known number, and 1,450 students were calculated as sample of the study. In this study, 13.7% of the adolescents had an Internet addiction, and 4.2% spent more than 5 hr on the computer every day. There was a positive correlation between Internet addiction and social phobia. The form of time spent on Internet was examined in terms of addiction and social phobia; although Internet addiction was related to games, dating sites, and web surfing, social phobia was related to homework, games, and web surfing. It was hypothesized that adolescents with social phobia were Internet addicts, and the participants used the Internet to spend time rather than socialize.
International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology | 2013
Necla Çelik; Duygu Arıkan
OBJECTIVE This study was semi-experimentally conducted in order to determine knowledge levels of child development students about foreign body aspiration and to explore the effect of the training given to these students about foreign body aspiration upon their knowledge levels. METHODS The research was conducted with a total of 231 students who studied at the department of child development of two high schools and one vocational higher school in Erzincan Province located in the east of Turkiye between May 2011 and February 2012. The data were gathered using a questionnaire form of 38 questions. The training on foreign body aspiration (Power point presentation, video presentation and practice on a dummy) was provided in three phases. For the data evaluation; percentages, chi-square test and Mc Nemar test were used. RESULTS It was found out in the study that 91.8% of the students did not take any training/course about foreign body aspiration and 55% confronted situations of foreign body aspirations (ear, nose, airway). After the training about foreign body aspiration; it was noted that the number of the students who knew risky behaviors for foreign body aspiration increased and the increase in the number of the students was at the highest level among high schools (p<0.05). It was seen that the training was most effective among the university students in terms of knowing first-aid intervention in case a foreign body would obstruct airway among the children aged<1 year (p<0.05). CONCLUSION It was noted that the training which was applied on the dummy by using visual aids about foreign body aspiration increased the knowledge level of the students. Based on this finding, it may be recommended that nurses should perform their counseling and educator roles more actively for the families and those who are responsible for the baby care about foreign body aspiration by playing a more active role in the health care team.
Jornal De Pediatria | 2017
Nazan Gürarslan Baş; Gülnaz Karatay; Duygu Arıkan
OBJECTIVE The study aimed to determine the practices used by breastfeeding mothers to wean their children from the breast. METHOD This qualitative-quantitative research was conducted with mothers whose children were registered the pediatric clinics of a state hospital between June and September 2016. In accordance with a purposeful sampling method, 232 mothers of children between the ages of 2 and 5 years were included in the study. Data were collected through face-to-face interviews using a questionnaire with demographic characteristics of mothers as well as their weaning practices. The data obtained were analyzed with a computer-assisted program using number and percentage distributions. RESULTS The mean breastfeeding duration was 19.00±7.11 months. It was determined that the majority of mothers (56.5%) used traditional methods for weaning their children. These included applying substances with a bad taste (58.1%) to their breasts, covering their breasts with various materials (26.2%) to make the child not want to nurse anymore, and using a pacifier or feeding bottle (9.2%) to substitute for the mothers breast. CONCLUSIONS It was observed that more than half of the mothers were used some traditional practices that could cause trauma in their children, instead of natural weaning.
journal of anatolia nursing and health sciences | 2007
Nurcan Özyazıcıoğlu; Duygu Arıkan
Cocuk hastalarda intravenoz tedavi uygulamasi etkili ve emniyetlidir. Bununla birlikte cocuklarda intravenoz tedavi icin kanul yerlestirme uygulamasi klinik bilgi ve teknik uzmanlik gerektirmektedir. Hasta yasi, aktivitesi, kanulun guven ve emniyeti, kanul cesidi bolge secimi ve kanulun yerlestirilmesine ozel onem verilmelidir. Bebek ve prematureler icin bolge seciminde bas, ust ve alt extremiteler kullanilabilir. Kanul yerlestirme icin secilen bolgede hasta ve kanulun emniyetinin devaminda extremitenin hareketsizligi saglanmalidir.
journal of anatolia nursing and health sciences | 2006
Yazgül Küçük; Duygu Arıkan
Tanimlayici nitelikte planlanan arastirma isitme engelli cocuklarin toplumsal uyum sorunlarini incelemek ve sosyo-demografik ozelliklerle karsilastirmak amaciyla yapilmistir. Arastirmanin evrenini Erzurum Dede Korkut Isitme Engelliler Ilkogretim okulunda egitim ve ogretim goren 13 yas ve uzerindeki 50 ogrenci olus- turmaktadir. Ornekleme yonetimine gidilmeden evrenin tamami arastirma kapsamina alinmistir. Veriler isitme engelli ogrencilerin sosyo demografik ozelliklerini ve toplumsal uyum sorunlarini belirlemek icin olusturulan bir soru formu aracilig ile toplanmistir. Verilerin analizinde yuzdelik, Ki-kare, Fisher’s Ki-kare testleri kullanilmistir. Arastirma kapsamina alinan isitme engelli ogrencilerin %74’unun 13-15 yas grubunda, %68 ’inin erkek oldugu saptanmistir. Isitme engelli ogrencilerin %42’inin isitme cihazi kullandigi, %58’inin dudak okumayi bildigi saptanmis, isitme cihazi kullanan ogrencilerin de %81’inin insanlarla kaynasabildikleri belirlenmistir. Elde edilen sonuclar dogrultusunda bazi oneriler getirilmistir.
Turk Pediatri Arsivi-turkish Archives of Pediatrics | 1994
Handan Alp; Sevin Altinkaynak; Sevinç Yaman; Abdülrezzak Bastem; Duygu Arıkan
Sosyo ekonomik ve sosyo kulturel durumun demir parametrelerini ne olcude etkiledigini tespit etmek amaci ile 52 komplikasyonsuz primipar anne ve miadinda yenidogan bebekleri calisma kapsamina alindi Kan ornekleri anneden dogumdan once venoz kandan bebeklerden ise kordon kanindan alindi Ekonomik durumu orta olan annelerin 62 8 inde demir depolarinin tukendigi ve 23 2 inde aneminin varligi saptanirken iyi ekonomik durumu olan annelerin ise 57 1 inde demir depolarinin tukendigini 14 2 inde anemi oldugunu tespit ettik Ancak bu annelerin bebekleri karsilastirildiginda istatistiksel farkin onemsiz oldugunu gozledik p gt;0 05 Ilkokul mezunu annelerin 73 unde orta dereceli okul mezunu annelerin 53 unde demir depolarinin tukendigini gozledik Bu annelerin bebekleri egitim durumuna gore karsilastirildiginda aradaki farkin onemsiz oldugunu saptadik p gt;0 05 Sonuc olarak annenin sosyo ekonomik ve egitim durumunun yukselmesi ile demir eksikligi anemisinin gorulme oraninin azaldigi fakat bebeklerin bu durumdan etkilenmedigi sonucuna varildi Anahtar kelimeler: Gebe Yenidogan Sosyo Ekonomik Durum Sosyo Kulturel Durum Demir Parametreleri