
Featured researches published by E. Ammannito.

Science | 2012

Spectroscopic Characterization of Mineralogy and Its Diversity Across Vesta

M.C. De Sanctis; E. Ammannito; M. T. Capria; F. Tosi; F. Capaccioni; F. Zambon; F. Carraro; S. Fonte; A. Frigeri; R. Jaumann; G. Magni; S. Marchi; T. B. McCord; Lucy A. McFadden; Harry Y. McSween; D. W. Mittlefehldt; A. Nathues; E. Palomba; Carle M. Pieters; C.A. Raymond; C. T. Russell; Michael J. Toplis; D. Turrini

A New Dawn Since 17 July 2011, NASAs spacecraft Dawn has been orbiting the asteroid Vesta—the second most massive and the third largest asteroid in the solar system (see the cover). Russell et al. (p. 684) use Dawns observations to confirm that Vesta is a small differentiated planetary body with an inner core, and represents a surviving proto-planet from the earliest epoch of solar system formation; Vesta is also confirmed as the source of the howardite-eucrite-diogenite (HED) meteorites. Jaumann et al. (p. 687) report on the asteroids overall geometry and topography, based on global surface mapping. Vestas surface is dominated by numerous impact craters and large troughs around the equatorial region. Marchi et al. (p. 690) report on Vestas complex cratering history and constrain the age of some of its major regions based on crater counts. Schenk et al. (p. 694) describe two giant impact basins located at the asteroids south pole. Both basins are young and excavated enough amounts of material to form the Vestoids—a group of asteroids with a composition similar to that of Vesta—and HED meteorites. De Sanctis et al. (p. 697) present the mineralogical characterization of Vesta, based on data obtained by Dawns visual and infrared spectrometer, revealing that this asteroid underwent a complex magmatic evolution that led to a differentiated crust and mantle. The global color variations detailed by Reddy et al. (p. 700) are unlike those of any other asteroid observed so far and are also indicative of a preserved, differentiated proto-planet. Spacecraft data provide a detailed characterization of the second most massive asteroid in the solar system. The mineralogy of Vesta, based on data obtained by the Dawn spacecraft’s visible and infrared spectrometer, is consistent with howardite-eucrite-diogenite meteorites. There are considerable regional and local variations across the asteroid: Spectrally distinct regions include the south-polar Rheasilvia basin, which displays a higher diogenitic component, and equatorial regions, which show a higher eucritic component. The lithologic distribution indicates a deeper diogenitic crust, exposed after excavation by the impact that formed Rheasilvia, and an upper eucritic crust. Evidence for mineralogical stratigraphic layering is observed on crater walls and in ejecta. This is broadly consistent with magma-ocean models, but spectral variability highlights local variations, which suggests that the crust can be a complex assemblage of eucritic basalts and pyroxene cumulates. Overall, Vesta mineralogy indicates a complex magmatic evolution that led to a differentiated crust and mantle.

Science | 2015

The organic-rich surface of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko as seen by VIRTIS/Rosetta

F. Capaccioni; Angioletta Coradini; G. Filacchione; S. Erard; Gabriele Arnold; P. Drossart; M.C. De Sanctis; D. Bockelee-Morvan; M. T. Capria; F. Tosi; Cedric Leyrat; B. Schmitt; Eric Quirico; P. Cerroni; V. Mennella; A. Raponi; M. Ciarniello; T. B. McCord; L. V. Moroz; E. Palomba; E. Ammannito; M. A. Barucci; G. Bellucci; J. Benkhoff; Jean-Pierre Bibring; A. Blanco; Maria I. Blecka; Robert W. Carlson; U. Carsenty; L. Colangeli

The VIRTIS (Visible, Infrared and Thermal Imaging Spectrometer) instrument on board the Rosetta spacecraft has provided evidence of carbon-bearing compounds on the nucleus of the comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. The very low reflectance of the nucleus (normal albedo of 0.060 ± 0.003 at 0.55 micrometers), the spectral slopes in visible and infrared ranges (5 to 25 and 1.5 to 5% kÅ−1), and the broad absorption feature in the 2.9-to-3.6–micrometer range present across the entire illuminated surface are compatible with opaque minerals associated with nonvolatile organic macromolecular materials: a complex mixture of various types of carbon-hydrogen and/or oxygen-hydrogen chemical groups, with little contribution of nitrogen-hydrogen groups. In active areas, the changes in spectral slope and absorption feature width may suggest small amounts of water-ice. However, no ice-rich patches are observed, indicating a generally dehydrated nature for the surface currently illuminated by the Sun.

Nature | 2015

Ammoniated phyllosilicates with a likely outer Solar System origin on (1) Ceres

M.C. De Sanctis; E. Ammannito; A. Raponi; S. Marchi; T. B. McCord; Harry Y. McSween; F. Capaccioni; M. T. Capria; F.G. Carrozzo; M. Ciarniello; A. Longobardo; F. Tosi; S. Fonte; M. Formisano; A. Frigeri; M. Giardino; G. Magni; E. Palomba; D. Turrini; F. Zambon; J.-P. Combe; W. C. Feldman; R. Jaumann; Lucy A. McFadden; Carle M. Pieters; T.H. Prettyman; Michael J. Toplis; C.A. Raymond; C. T. Russell

Studies of the dwarf planet (1) Ceres using ground-based and orbiting telescopes have concluded that its closest meteoritic analogues are the volatile-rich CI and CM carbonaceous chondrites. Water in clay minerals, ammoniated phyllosilicates, or a mixture of Mg(OH)2 (brucite), Mg2CO3 and iron-rich serpentine have all been proposed to exist on the surface. In particular, brucite has been suggested from analysis of the mid-infrared spectrum of Ceres. But the lack of spectral data across telluric absorption bands in the wavelength region 2.5 to 2.9 micrometres—where the OH stretching vibration and the H2O bending overtone are found—has precluded definitive identifications. In addition, water vapour around Ceres has recently been reported, possibly originating from localized sources. Here we report spectra of Ceres from 0.4 to 5 micrometres acquired at distances from ~82,000 to 4,300 kilometres from the surface. Our measurements indicate widespread ammoniated phyllosilicates across the surface, but no detectable water ice. Ammonia, accreted either as organic matter or as ice, may have reacted with phyllosilicates on Ceres during differentiation. This suggests that material from the outer Solar System was incorporated into Ceres, either during its formation at great heliocentric distance or by incorporation of material transported into the main asteroid belt.

Nature | 2012

Dark material on Vesta from the infall of carbonaceous volatile-rich material

T. B. McCord; Jian-Yang Li; J.-P. Combe; Harry Y. McSween; R. Jaumann; Vishnu Reddy; F. Tosi; David A. Williams; David T. Blewett; D. Turrini; E. Palomba; Carle M. Pieters; M.C. De Sanctis; E. Ammannito; M. T. Capria; L. Le Corre; A. Longobardo; A. Nathues; D. W. Mittlefehldt; Stefan E. Schröder; Harald Hiesinger; Andrew W. Beck; F. Capaccioni; U. Carsenty; H. U. Keller; Brett W. Denevi; Jessica M. Sunshine; C.A. Raymond; C. T. Russell

Localized dark and bright materials, often with extremely different albedos, were recently found on Vesta’s surface. The range of albedos is among the largest observed on Solar System rocky bodies. These dark materials, often associated with craters, appear in ejecta and crater walls, and their pyroxene absorption strengths are correlated with material brightness. It was tentatively suggested that the dark material on Vesta could be either exogenic, from carbon-rich, low-velocity impactors, or endogenic, from freshly exposed mafic material or impact melt, created or exposed by impacts. Here we report Vesta spectra and images and use them to derive and interpret the properties of the ‘pure’ dark and bright materials. We argue that the dark material is mainly from infall of hydrated carbonaceous material (like that found in a major class of meteorites and some comet surfaces), whereas the bright material is the uncontaminated indigenous Vesta basaltic soil. Dark material from low-albedo impactors is diffused over time through the Vestan regolith by impact mixing, creating broader, diffuse darker regions and finally Vesta’s background surface material. This is consistent with howardite–eucrite–diogenite meteorites coming from Vesta.

Nature | 2016

Bright carbonate deposits as evidence of aqueous alteration on (1) Ceres

M.C. De Sanctis; A. Raponi; E. Ammannito; M. Ciarniello; Michael J. Toplis; Harry Y. McSween; Julie C. Castillo-Rogez; Bethany L. Ehlmann; F.G. Carrozzo; S. Marchi; F. Tosi; F. Zambon; F. Capaccioni; M. T. Capria; S. Fonte; M. Formisano; A. Frigeri; M. Giardino; A. Longobardo; G. Magni; E. Palomba; Lucy A. McFadden; Carle M. Pieters; R. Jaumann; Paul M. Schenk; R. Mugnuolo; C. A. Raymond; C. T. Russell

The typically dark surface of the dwarf planet Ceres is punctuated by areas of much higher albedo, most prominently in the Occator crater. These small bright areas have been tentatively interpreted as containing a large amount of hydrated magnesium sulfate, in contrast to the average surface, which is a mixture of low-albedo materials and magnesium phyllosilicates, ammoniated phyllosilicates and carbonates. Here we report high spatial and spectral resolution near-infrared observations of the bright areas in the Occator crater on Ceres. Spectra of these bright areas are consistent with a large amount of sodium carbonate, constituting the most concentrated known extraterrestrial occurrence of carbonate on kilometre-wide scales in the Solar System. The carbonates are mixed with a dark component and small amounts of phyllosilicates, as well as ammonium carbonate or ammonium chloride. Some of these compounds have also been detected in the plume of Saturn’s sixth-largest moon Enceladus. The compounds are endogenous and we propose that they are the solid residue of crystallization of brines and entrained altered solids that reached the surface from below. The heat source may have been transient (triggered by impact heating). Alternatively, internal temperatures may be above the eutectic temperature of subsurface brines, in which case fluids may exist at depth on Ceres today.

Science | 2016

Dawn Arrives at Ceres: Exploration of a Small Volatile-Rich World

C. T. Russell; C.A. Raymond; E. Ammannito; D.L. Buczkowski; M.C. De Sanctis; Harald Hiesinger; R. Jaumann; Alexander S. Konopliv; Harry Y. McSween; A. Nathues; Ryan S. Park; Carle M. Pieters; T.H. Prettyman; T. B. McCord; L. A. McFadden; S. Mottola; Maria T. Zuber; Steven Peter Joy; C. Polanskey; Marc D. Rayman; Julie C. Castillo-Rogez; P. J. Chi; J.-P. Combe; A. I. Ermakov; Roger R. Fu; M. Hoffmann; Y. D. Jia; Scott D. King; D. J. Lawrence; J.-Y. Li

On 6 March 2015, Dawn arrived at Ceres to find a dark, desiccated surface punctuated by small, bright areas. Parts of Ceres’ surface are heavily cratered, but the largest expected craters are absent. Ceres appears gravitationally relaxed at only the longest wavelengths, implying a mechanically strong lithosphere with a weaker deep interior. Ceres’ dry exterior displays hydroxylated silicates, including ammoniated clays of endogenous origin. The possibility of abundant volatiles at depth is supported by geomorphologic features such as flat crater floors with pits, lobate flows of materials, and a singular mountain that appears to be an extrusive cryovolcanic dome. On one occasion, Ceres temporarily interacted with the solar wind, producing a bow shock accelerating electrons to energies of tens of kilovolts.

Nature | 2012

Distinctive space weathering on Vesta from regolith mixing processes

Carle M. Pieters; E. Ammannito; David T. Blewett; Brett W. Denevi; M.C. De Sanctis; M. J. Gaffey; L. Le Corre; J.-Y. Li; S. Marchi; T. B. McCord; Lucy A. McFadden; D. W. Mittlefehldt; A. Nathues; E. Palmer; Vishnu Reddy; C.A. Raymond; C. T. Russell

The surface of the asteroid Vesta has prominent near-infrared absorption bands characteristic of a range of pyroxenes, confirming a direct link to the basaltic howardite–eucrite–diogenite class of meteorites. Processes active in the space environment produce ‘space weathering’ products that substantially weaken or mask such diagnostic absorption on airless bodies observed elsewhere, and it has long been a mystery why Vesta’s absorption bands are so strong. Analyses of soil samples from both the Moon and the asteroid Itokawa determined that nanophase metallic particles (commonly nanophase iron) accumulate on the rims of regolith grains with time, accounting for an observed optical degradation. These nanophase particles, believed to be related to solar wind and micrometeoroid bombardment processes, leave unique spectroscopic signatures that can be measured remotely but require sufficient spatial resolution to discern the geologic context and history of the surface, which has not been achieved for Vesta until now. Here we report that Vesta shows its own form of space weathering, which is quite different from that of other airless bodies visited. No evidence is detected on Vesta for accumulation of lunar-like nanophase iron on regolith particles, even though distinct material exposed at several fresh craters becomes gradually masked and fades into the background as the craters age. Instead, spectroscopic data reveal that on Vesta a locally homogenized upper regolith is generated with time through small-scale mixing of diverse surface components.

Science | 2016

Distribution of phyllosilicates on the surface of Ceres

E. Ammannito; M.C. Desanctis; M. Ciarniello; A. Frigeri; F.G. Carrozzo; J.-Ph. Combe; Bethany L. Ehlmann; S. Marchi; Harry Y. McSween; A. Raponi; Michael J. Toplis; F. Tosi; Julie C. Castillo-Rogez; F. Capaccioni; M. T. Capria; S. Fonte; M. Giardino; R. Jaumann; A. Longobardo; Steven Peter Joy; G. Magni; T. B. McCord; L. A. McFadden; E. Palomba; Carle M. Pieters; C. Polanskey; Marc D. Rayman; C.A. Raymond; Paul M. Schenk; F. Zambon

INTRODUCTION The surface of the dwarf planet Ceres is known to host phyllosilicate minerals, but their distribution and origin have not previously been determined. Phyllosilicates are hydrated silicates, and their presence on the surface of Ceres is intriguing given that their structure evolves through an aqueous alteration process. In addition, some phyllosilicates are known to bear NH4, which places a constraint on the pH and redox conditions during the evolution of Ceres. We studied the distribution of phyllosilicates across the planet’s surface to better understand the evolutionary pathway of Ceres. RATIONALE Using the data acquired by the mapping spectrometer (VIR) onboard the Dawn spacecraft, we mapped the spatial distribution of different minerals on Ceres on the basis of their diagnostic absorption features in visible and infrared spectra. We studied the phyllosilicates through their OH-stretch fundamental absorption at about 2.7 µm and through the NH4 absorption at about 3.1 µm. From our composition maps, we infer the origin of the materials identified. RESULTS We found that Mg- and NH4-bearing phyllosilicates are ubiquitous across the surface of Ceres and that their chemical composition is fairly uniform. The widespread presence of these two types of minerals is a strong indication of a global and extensive aqueous alteration—i.e., the presence of water at some point in Ceres’ geological history. Although the detected phyllosilicates are compositionally homogeneous, we found variations in the intensity of their absorption features in the 3-µm region of the reflectance spectrum. Such variations are likely due to spatial variability in relative mineral abundance (see the figure). CONCLUSION The large-scale regional variations evident in the figure suggest lateral heterogeneity in surficial phyllosilicate abundance on scales of several hundreds of kilometers. Terrains associated with the Kerwan crater (higher concentration of phyllosilicates) appear smooth, whereas the Yalode crater (lower concentration of phyllosilicates) is characterized by both smooth and rugged terrains. These distinct morphologies and phyllosilicate concentrations observed in two craters that are similar in size may reflect different compositions and/or rheological properties. On top of this large-scale lateral heterogeneity, small-scale variations associated with individual craters could result from different proportions of mixed materials in a stratified upper crustal layer that has been exposed by impacts. Variations associated with fresh craters, such as the 34-km-diameter Haulani, indicate the presence of crustal variations over a vertical scale of a few kilometers, whereas much larger craters, such as the 126-km-diameter Dantu, suggest that such stratification may extend for at least several tens of kilometers. Abundance maps. Qualitative maps of the abundances of (top) phyllosilicates and (bottom) NH4, based on the depth of their absorption features. The two maps have a similar global pattern, although they differ in some localized regions such as Urvara. The scale bar is valid at the equator. The dwarf planet Ceres is known to host phyllosilicate minerals at its surface, but their distribution and origin have not previously been determined. We used the spectrometer onboard the Dawn spacecraft to map their spatial distribution on the basis of diagnostic absorption features in the visible and near-infrared spectral range (0.25 to 5.0 micrometers). We found that magnesium- and ammonium-bearing minerals are ubiquitous across the surface. Variations in the strength of the absorption features are spatially correlated and indicate considerable variability in the relative abundance of the phyllosilicates, although their composition is fairly uniform. These data, along with the distinctive spectral properties of Ceres relative to other asteroids and carbonaceous meteorites, indicate that the phyllosilicates were formed endogenously by a globally widespread and extensive alteration process.

Science | 2016

Detection of local H2O exposed at the surface of Ceres

Jean Philippe Combe; Thomas B. McCord; F. Tosi; E. Ammannito; F.G. Carrozzo; Maria Cristina de Sanctis; A. Raponi; Shane Byrne; Margaret E. Landis; Kynan H.G. Hughson; C.A. Raymond; C. T. Russell

INTRODUCTION Dwarf planet Ceres’ low average-density (2162 ± 3 kg m−3) indicates that it must contain considerable water. Water is likely a key component in the chemical evolution and internal activity of Ceres, possibly resulting in a layer of ice-rich material and perhaps liquid in the mantle. Mineral hydroxides (OH-bearing) and hydrates (H2O-bearing), such as clays, carbonates, and various salts, would be created. These hypotheses were supported by the detection of hydroxyl (OH)–rich materials, OH-bearing molecule releases, H2O vapor molecules, and haze. However, the presence of H2O on the surface has not previously been confirmed. The detection and mapping of H2O on Ceres is one objective of the Dawn spacecraft, in orbit around Ceres since March 2015. RATIONALE The purpose of the Dawn space mission at Ceres is to study the geology, geophysics, and composition remotely by means of high-resolution imagery and spectrometry. Dawn’s Visible and InfraRed Mapping Spectrometer (VIR) measures the sunlight scattered by the surface of Ceres in a range of wavelengths between 0.25 and 5.1 μm. The position and shape of absorption features in VIR reflectance spectra are sensitive to the surface mineral and molecular composition. In spectroscopy, absorption bands at 2.0, 1.65, and 1.28 μm are characteristic of vibration overtones in the H2O molecule. RESULTS Dawn has detected water-rich surface materials in a 10-km-diameter crater named Oxo, which exhibit all absorption bands that are diagnostic of the H2O molecule (see the figure). These spectra are most similar to those of H2O ice, but they could also be attributable to hydrated minerals. Oxo crater appears to be geologically very young (~1 million to 10 million years); it has sharp rims and its floor is almost devoid of impacts, suggesting a recent exposure of surface H2O. The high latitude and morphology of the Oxo crater protects much of the surface area from direct solar illumination for most of the cerean day, presenting favorable conditions for the stability of water ice or heavily hydrated salts. CONCLUSION Four ways to create or transport H2O on Ceres are considered: (i) Exposure of near-surface H2O-rich materials by a recent impact or an active landslide seems most consistent with the presence of both mineral hydrates and water ice. (ii) Release of subsurface H2O may occur on Ceres, similar to release on comet nuclei, but may never recondense on the surface. (iii) Infall of ice-bearing objects is not likely to deposit water on Ceres, because the H2O molecule likely would dissociate upon impact. (iv) Implantation of protons from the solar wind on the surface is not a probable origin of OH on Ceres because of the low flux of solar wind charged particles. We therefore conclude that surface H2O or hydrated minerals are the most plausible explanation. Dawn VIR infrared observations of Oxo crater on Ceres demonstrate the detection of H2O at the surface. (A) Reflectance spectrum collected where absorption bands of H2O at 1.28, 1.65, and 2 μm are the strongest (in blue) compared with a laboratory spectrum of H2O ice (black). The lab spectrum is scaled and vertically shifted for clarity. (B) Perspective view of Oxo crater observed by the Dawn Framing Camera (FC), where the two high-albedo areas right next to the scarps contain H2O-rich materials. The surface of dwarf planet Ceres contains hydroxyl-rich materials. Theories predict a water ice-rich mantle, and water vapor emissions have been observed, yet no water (H2O) has been previously identified. The Visible and InfraRed (VIR) mapping spectrometer onboard the Dawn spacecraft has now detected water absorption features within a low-illumination, highly reflective zone in Oxo, a 10-kilometer, geologically fresh crater, on five occasions over a period of 1 month. Candidate materials are H2O ice and mineral hydrates. Exposed H2O ice would become optically undetectable within tens of years under current Ceres temperatures; consequently, only a relatively recent exposure or formation of H2O would explain Dawn’s findings. Some mineral hydrates are stable on geological time scales, but their formation would imply extended contact with ice or liquid H2O.

Science | 2011

The Surface Composition and Temperature of Asteroid 21 Lutetia As Observed by Rosetta/VIRTIS

Angioletta Coradini; F. Capaccioni; S. Erard; Gabriele Arnold; M.C. De Sanctis; G. Filacchione; F. Tosi; M. A. Barucci; M. T. Capria; E. Ammannito; D. Grassi; Giuseppe Piccioni; S. Giuppi; G. Bellucci; J. Benkhoff; Jean-Pierre Bibring; A. Blanco; Maria I. Blecka; D. Bockelee-Morvan; F. Carraro; R. Carlson; U. Carsenty; P. Cerroni; L. Colangeli; M. Combes; Michael R. Combi; J. Crovisier; P. Drossart; E. T. Encrenaz; C. Federico

A spacecraft flyby of an asteroid reveals a high-density body that is more like a planetesimal than a rubble pile. The Visible, InfraRed, and Thermal Imaging Spectrometer (VIRTIS) on Rosetta obtained hyperspectral images, spectral reflectance maps, and temperature maps of the asteroid 21 Lutetia. No absorption features, of either silicates or hydrated minerals, have been detected across the observed area in the spectral range from 0.4 to 3.5 micrometers. The surface temperature reaches a maximum value of 245 kelvin and correlates well with topographic features. The thermal inertia is in the range from 20 to 30 joules meter−2 kelvin−1 second−0.5, comparable to a lunarlike powdery regolith. Spectral signatures of surface alteration, resulting from space weathering, seem to be missing. Lutetia is likely a remnant of the primordial planetesimal population, unaltered by differentiation processes and composed of chondritic materials of enstatitic or carbonaceous origin, dominated by iron-poor minerals that have not suffered aqueous alteration.

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