E. Frances Cassirer
Idaho Department of Fish and Game
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Featured researches published by E. Frances Cassirer.
Journal of Clinical Microbiology | 2008
Thomas E. Besser; E. Frances Cassirer; Kathleen A. Potter; John VanderSchalie; Allison Fischer; Donald P. Knowles; David R. Herndon; Fred R. Rurangirwa; Glen C. Weiser; Subramaniam Srikumaran
ABSTRACT Bronchopneumonia is a population-limiting disease in bighorn sheep in much of western North America. Previous investigators have isolated diverse bacteria from the lungs of affected sheep, but no single bacterial species is consistently present, even within single epizootics. We obtained high-quality diagnostic specimens from nine pneumonic bighorn sheep in three populations and analyzed the bacterial populations present in bronchoalveolar lavage specimens of seven by using a culture-independent method (16S rRNA gene amplification and clone library analyses). Mycoplasma ovipneumoniae was detected as a predominant member of the pneumonic lung flora in lambs with early lesions of bronchopneumonia. Specific PCR tests then revealed the consistent presence of M. ovipneumoniae in the lungs of pneumonic bighorn sheep in this study, and M. ovipneumoniae was isolated from lung specimens of five of the animals. Retrospective application of M. ovipneumoniae PCR to DNA extracted from archived formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded lung tissues of historical adult bighorn sheep necropsy specimens supported the association of this agent with bronchopneumonia (16/34 pneumonic versus 0/17 nonpneumonic sheep were PCR positive [P < 0.001]). Similarly, a very strong association was observed between the presence of one or more M. ovipneumoniae antibody-positive animals and the occurrence of current or recent historical bronchopneumonia problems (seropositive animals detected in 9/9 versus 0/9 pneumonic and nonpneumonic populations, respectively [P < 0.001]). M. ovipneumoniae is strongly associated with bronchopneumonia in free-ranging bighorn sheep and is a candidate primary etiologic agent for this disease.
Emerging Infectious Diseases | 2012
Thomas E. Besser; Margaret A. Highland; Katherine H. Baker; E. Frances Cassirer; Neil J. Anderson; Jennifer Ramsey; Kristin Mansfield; Darren L. Bruning; Peregrine Wolff; Joshua B. Smith; Jonathan A. Jenks
Mycoplasma ovipneumoniae is a primary pathogen.
Journal of Wildlife Management | 2007
E. Frances Cassirer; A. R. E. Sinclair
Abstract We investigated the dynamics of 8 populations of a bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis) metapopulation in Hells Canyon, USA from 1997 to 2003. Pneumonia was the most common cause (43%) of adult mortality and the primary factor limiting population growth. Cougar (Puma concolor) predation was the second most-frequent source (27%) of adult mortality but did not reduce the rate of population growth significantly. Most pneumonia-caused mortality occurred in fall and early winter and most cougar predation occurred in late winter and early spring. Average annual survival of adult males (0.84) was lower than females (0.91). Pneumonia was the most common known cause of lamb mortality (86%), and pneumonia-related mortality was detected whenever summer lamb survival was <50%. Pneumonia-caused mortality rates in lambs were high from 21 days to 91 days of age and peaked at 42 days to 70 days. Summer pneumonia epizootics in lambs were independent of pneumonia-caused mortality in adults. Pneumonia-caused mortality occurred at the population level and was not synchronized geographically or temporally among populations. Although catastrophic all-age pneumonia-epizootics have previously been described in bighorn sheep, we found that chronic, although sporadic, pneumonia-caused mortality in adults and lambs can also have important effects on the dynamics of bighorn sheep populations.
Journal of Animal Ecology | 2013
E. Frances Cassirer; Raina K. Plowright; Kezia Manlove; Paul C. Cross; Andrew P. Dobson; Kathleen A. Potter; Peter J. Hudson
1. Bighorn sheep mortality related to pneumonia is a primary factor limiting population recovery across western North America, but management has been constrained by an incomplete understanding of the disease. We analysed patterns of pneumonia-caused mortality over 14 years in 16 interconnected bighorn sheep populations to gain insights into underlying disease processes. 2. We observed four age-structured classes of annual pneumonia mortality patterns: all-age, lamb-only, secondary all-age and adult-only. Although there was considerable variability within classes, overall they differed in persistence within and impact on populations. Years with pneumonia-induced mortality occurring simultaneously across age classes (i.e. all-age) appeared to be a consequence of pathogen invasion into a naïve population and resulted in immediate population declines. Subsequently, low recruitment due to frequent high mortality outbreaks in lambs, probably due to association with chronically infected ewes, posed a significant obstacle to population recovery. Secondary all-age events occurred in previously exposed populations when outbreaks in lambs were followed by lower rates of pneumonia-induced mortality in adults. Infrequent pneumonia events restricted to adults were usually of short duration with low mortality. 3. Acute pneumonia-induced mortality in adults was concentrated in fall and early winter around the breeding season when rams are more mobile and the sexes commingle. In contrast, mortality restricted to lambs peaked in summer when ewes and lambs were concentrated in nursery groups. 4. We detected weak synchrony in adult pneumonia between adjacent populations, but found no evidence for landscape-scale extrinsic variables as drivers of disease. 5. We demonstrate that there was a >60% probability of a disease event each year following pneumonia invasion into bighorn sheep populations. Healthy years also occurred periodically, and understanding the factors driving these apparent fade-out events may be the key to managing this disease. Our data and modelling indicate that pneumonia can have greater impacts on bighorn sheep populations than previously reported, and we present hypotheses about processes involved for testing in future investigations and management.
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine | 2007
Karen M. Rudolph; David L. Hunter; Richard B. Rimler; E. Frances Cassirer; William J. Foreyt; Walter J. DeLong; Glen C. Weiser; Alton C. S. Ward
Abstract A comprehensive study of a pneumonic epizootic was initiated when the first signs of disease were noted in a metapopulation of bighorn sheep inhabiting Hells Canyon, bordering Idaho, Oregon, and Washington. A total of 92 bighorn sheep were tested for etiologic agents during the following 6-mo study period. The study population included bighorn sheep believed to be the subpopulation in which disease was first noted, and these sheep were translocated to a holding facility in an effort to contain the disease (group A1, n = 72); bighorn sheep in other subpopulations (group A2) with evidence of clinical disease were captured, sampled, given antibiotics, and released (n = 8) and those that were found dead were necropsied (n = 12). Samples, including oropharyngeal and nasal swabs, and lung and liver tissue were collected from the bighorn sheep identified above. Tissue was collected at necropsy from 60 group A1 bighorn sheep that died following translocation, and samples were cultured for bacteria and viruses. Blood samples were tested for antibodies against known respiratory viruses, and histopathology was conducted on tissue samples. The major cause of death in both group A1 and group A2 bighorn sheep was a rapidly developing fibrinous bronchopneumonia. Multiple biovariants of Pasteurella were isolated from oropharyngeal and nasal samples from both groups, and Mycoplasma ovipneumonia was isolated from five group A1 oropharyngeal samples. Organisms isolated from lung tissue included Pasteurella multocida multocida a and Pasteurella trehalosi, both of which differentiated into multiple strains by restriction enzyme analysis, and parainfluenza-3 virus (PI-3). Paired serum samples revealed >fourfold increases in titers against PI-3 and bovine respiratory syncytial viruses. It was concluded that this epizootic resulted from a complex of factors including multiple potential respiratory pathogens, none of which were identified as a primary pathogen, and possible stress factors.
Journal of Wildlife Diseases | 2001
E. Frances Cassirer; Karen M. Rudolph; Pat Fowler; Victor L. Coggins; David L. Hunter; Michael W. Miller
We conducted field and laboratory experiments to evaluate whether treating pregnant bighorn ewes with a combination of an experimental Pasteurella trehalosi and Mannheimia haemolytica (formerly P. haemolytica) vaccine and a commercially-available bovine P. multocida and M. haemolytica vaccine would increase lamb survival following a pneumonia epidemic. Three free-ranging bighorn herds affected by pasteurellosis outbreaks between November 1995 and June 1996 were included in the field experiment. Post-epidemic lamb survival was low in all three herds in 1996, with November lamb:ewe ratios of ≤8:100. In March 1997, thirty-six ewes (12/herd) were captured and radiocollared. Half of the ewes captured in each herd were randomly selected to receive both vaccines; the other half were injected with 0.9% saline solution as controls. Lambs born to radiocollared ewes were observed two or more times per week and were considered to have survived if they were alive in October 1997, about 6 mo after birth. Lamb survival differed among herds (range 22% to 100%), and survival of lambs born to vaccinated ewes was lower (P = 0.08) than survival of lambs born to unvaccinated ewes. Bronchopneumonia (pasteurellosis) was the dominant cause of mortality among lambs examined. We concurrently evaluated vaccine effects on survival of lambs born to seven captive ewes removed from the wild during the 1995–96 epidemic. Antibody titers were high in captive ewes prior to vaccination, and vaccines failed to enhance antibody titers in treated captive ewes. None of the captive-born lambs survived. These data suggest that, using existing technology, vaccinating bighorn ewes following pneumonia epidemics has little chance of increasing neonatal survival and population recovery.
Journal of Wildlife Diseases | 2003
Karen M. Rudolph; David L. Hunter; William J. Foreyt; E. Frances Cassirer; Richard B. Rimler; Alton C. S. Ward
Pasteurella spp. were isolated from feral goats and free-ranging bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis canadensis) in the Hells Canyon National Recreation Area bordering Idaho, Oregon, and Washington (USA). Biovariant 1 Pasteurella haemolytica organisms were isolated from one goat and one of two bighorn sheep found in close association. Both isolates produced leukotoxin and had identical electrophoretic patterns of DNA fragments following cutting with restriction endonuclease HaeIII. Similarly Pasteurella multocida multocida a isolates cultured from the goat and one of the bighorn sheep had D type capsules, serotype 4 somatic antigens, produced dermonecrotoxin and had identical HaeIII electrophoretic profiles. A biovariant Uβ P. haemolytica strain isolated from two other feral goats, not known to have been closely associated with bighorn sheep, did not produce leukotoxin but had biochemical utilization and HaeIII electrophoretic profiles identical to those of isolates from bighorn sheep. It was concluded that identical Pasteurella strains were shared by the goats and bighorn sheep. Although the direction of transmission could not be established, evidence suggests transmission of strains from goats to bighorn sheep. Goats may serve as a reservoir of Pasteurella strains that may be virulent in bighorn sheep; therefore, goats in bighorn sheep habitat should be managed to prevent contact with bighorn sheep. Bighorn sheep which have nose-to-nose contact with goats should be removed from the habitat.
Journal of Wildlife Diseases | 2012
Thomas E. Besser; E. Frances Cassirer; Catherine Yamada; Kathleen A. Potter; Caroline N. Herndon; William J. Foreyt; Donald P. Knowles; Subramaniam Srikumaran
To test the hypothesis that Mycoplasma ovipneumoniae is an important agent of the bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis) pneumonia that has previously inevitably followed experimental commingling with domestic sheep (Ovis aries), we commingled M. ovipneumoniae–free domestic and bighorn sheep (n=4 each). One bighorn sheep died with acute pneumonia 90 days after commingling, but the other three remained healthy for >100 days. This unprecedented survival rate is significantly different (P=0.002) from that of previous bighorn-domestic sheep contact studies but similar to (P>0.05) bighorn sheep survival following commingling with other ungulates. The absence of epizootic respiratory disease in this experiment supports the hypothesized role of M. ovipneumoniae as a key pathogen of epizootic pneumonia in bighorn sheep commingled with domestic sheep.
Journal of Wildlife Diseases | 2006
Shirin Safaee; Glen C. Weiser; E. Frances Cassirer; Rob R. Ramey; Scott T. Kelley
We investigated the effectiveness of culture-independent molecular methods for determining host-associated microbial diversity in bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis). Results from bacterial culture attempts have been the primary source of information on host-associated bacteria, but studies have shown that culture-based results significantly underestimate bacterial diversity in biological samples. To test the effectiveness of culture-independent methods, we extracted DNA from nasal and oropharyngeal swab samples collected from bighorn sheep in four different populations. From these samples, we amplified, cloned, and sequenced small subunit (16S) ribosomal DNA (rDNA) to identify the scope of microbial diversity in bighorn respiratory tracts. Phylogenetic analysis of these rDNA gene sequences revealed organismal diversity an order of magnitude higher than was determined by culture methods. Pasteurellaceae bacteria were the most diverse phylogenetic group in live bighorn sheep, and members of bacterial genera often associated with respiratory disease were found in all the samples. Culture-independent methods were also able to directly detect leukotoxin (lktA) gene sequences in swab and lung tissue samples. Overall, our results show the power of culture-independent molecular methods for identifying microbial diversity in bighorn sheep and the potential for these methods to detect the presence of virulence genes in biological samples.
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences | 2014
Kezia Manlove; E. Frances Cassirer; Paul C. Cross; Raina K. Plowright; Peter J. Hudson
Group living facilitates pathogen transmission among social hosts, yet temporally stable host social organizations can actually limit transmission of some pathogens. When there are few between-subpopulation contacts for the duration of a disease event, transmission becomes localized to subpopulations. The number of per capita infectious contacts approaches the subpopulation size as pathogen infectiousness increases. Here, we illustrate that this is the case during epidemics of highly infectious pneumonia in bighorn lambs (Ovis canadensis). We classified individually marked bighorn ewes into disjoint seasonal subpopulations, and decomposed the variance in lamb survival to weaning into components associated with individual ewes, subpopulations, populations and years. During epidemics, lamb survival varied substantially more between ewe-subpopulations than across populations or years, suggesting localized pathogen transmission. This pattern of lamb survival was not observed during years when disease was absent. Additionally, group sizes in ewe-subpopulations were independent of population size, but the number of ewe-subpopulations increased with population size. Consequently, although one might reasonably assume that force of infection for this highly communicable disease scales with population size, in fact, host social behaviour modulates transmission such that disease is frequency-dependent within populations, and some groups remain protected during epidemic events.