E. G. Gregorich
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
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Featured researches published by E. G. Gregorich.
Canadian Journal of Soil Science | 2001
E. G. Gregorich; C F Drury; J A Baldock
about 20 Mg C ha ‐1 . The effects of fertilization on soil C were small (~6 Mg C ha ‐1 ), and differences were observed only in the monoculture system. The NMR results suggest that the chemical composition of organic matter was little affected by the nature o f crop residues returned to the soil. The total quantity of maize-derived soil C was different in each system, because the quanti ty of maize residue returned to the soil was different; hence the maize-derived soil C ranged from 23 Mg ha ‐1 in the fertilized and 14 Mg ha ‐1 in the unfertilized monoculture soils (i.e., after 35 maize crops) to 6‐7 Mg ha ‐1 in both the fertilized and unfertilized legume-based rotation soils (i.e., after eight maize crops). The proportion of maize residue C returned to the soil and retaine d as soil organic C (i.e., Mg maize-derived soil C/Mg maize residue) was about 14% for all maize cropping systems. The quantity of C3-C below the plow layer in legume-based rotation was 40% greater than that in monoculture and about the same as that under either continuous grass or forest. The soil organic matter below the plow layer in soil under the legume-based rotation appeare d to be in a more biologically resistant form (i.e., higher aromatic C content) compared with that under monoculture. The retenti on of maize residue C as soil organic matter was four to five times greater below the plow layer than that within the plow layer. We conclude that residue quality plays a key role in increasing the retention of soil C in agroecosystems and that soils under leg umebased rotation tend to be more “preservative” of residue C inputs, particularly from root inputs, than soils under monoculture.
Soil Biology & Biochemistry | 2000
E. G. Gregorich; B. C. Liang; C. F. Drury; A. F. Mackenzie; W.B. McGill
Understanding the dynamics of soil C is key to managing soil organic matter to enhance soil quality and ecosystem functioning, and reduce trace gas emissions from soils. Our objective was to determine the source and turnover of C pools in some agricultural soils in eastern Canada. Soils from five field experiments under continuous maize cropping for 4–37 yr were sampled, and the organic C content and stable C isotope (13C) composition of whole soil and water soluble and microbial biomass fractions determined. The 13C results showed a clear distinction between the water soluble organic C and microbial biomass C, with the water soluble organic C more like the whole soil and the microbial biomass more like the maize residues. A simple linear model was used to explore the relationship among the soil organic constituents and evaluate the turnover of these carbon pools. Even though the water soluble organic C had a higher turnover rate than the microbial biomass C, the proportion of C4-derived C in the biomass was about 2.5 times greater than that in water soluble organic C. Apparently the large amount of native soil C, the small amount of water soluble organic C, and its equilibrium with the native soil C, cause humus to dominate the isotopic composition of water soluble organic C even though the water soluble C is very active. Our results suggest that the quantity, as well as the turnover rate, of soil organic matter constituents that are in equilibrium influence the isotopic composition of such constituents.
Canadian Journal of Soil Science | 1998
Philippe Rochette; E. G. Gregorich
Application of manure and fertilizer affects the rate and extent of mineralization and sequestration of C in soil. The objective of this study was to determine the effects of 3 yr of application of N fertilizer and different manure amendments on CO2 evolution and the dynamics of soil microbial biomass and soluble C in the field. Soil respiration, soluble organic C and microbial biomass C were measured at intervals over the growing season in maize soils amended with stockpiled or rotted manure, N fertilizer (200 kg N ha−1) and with no amendments (control). Manure amendments increased soil respiration and levels of soluble organic C and microbial biomass C by a factor of 2 to 3 compared with the control, whereas the N fertilizer had little effect on any parameter. Soil temperature explained most of the variations in CO2 flux (78 to 95%) in each treatment, but data from all treatments could not be fitted to a unique relationship. Increases in CO2 emission and soluble C resulting from manure amendments were s...
Canadian Journal of Soil Science | 1999
M. A. Bolinder; Denis A. Angers; E. G. Gregorich; M. R. Carter
The response of soil quality attributes to management practices across a diverse range of farming systems is key to identifying a robust minimum data set (MDS). The objectives of this study were to compare the response and consistency of different soil organic matter (SOM) attributes to changes in soil management practices in eastern Canadian agroecosystems. Soil samples (0–10 cm) were obtained at sites of several replicated experiments throughout eastern Canada, and 16 paired comparisons were selected to determine the effect of conservation (no-tillage, rotations, organic amendments) versus conventional (fall moldboard plowing, continuous cropping, no organic amendments) management practices. A sensitivity index was calculated for each of the attributes by dividing the values for conservation treatments with their conventionally managed counterparts (i.e., Conservation/Conventional). The index showed that light fraction (LF) N (1.58) and macro-organic matter-N (MOM-N) (1.54) were the most sensitive SOM a...
Canadian Journal of Soil Science | 2003
M. R. Carter; Denis A. Angers; E. G. Gregorich; M. A. Bolinder
Interest in the storage of organic matter in terrestrial ecosystems has identified a need to better understand the accumulation and retention of organic C and N in soil. The proportions of C and N associated with clay and silt particles (i.e., “capacity level”), water-stable macro-aggregates (WSA) (>250 µm), particulate (POM) (>53 µm), and light fraction (LF) organic matter, for the 0- to 10-cm soil depth, were assessed at 14 agricultural experimental sites established on Gleysolic, Podzolic, Luvisolic , and Brunisolic soils in the cool, humid region of eastern Canada. Organic C and N in the clay plus silt particles was at or near the capacity level for soils with clay plus silt content 60% clay plus silt, the degree of saturation was 65–70% indicating a potential for further organic C and N retention. The mean proportion of C and N found in the POM was 22 and 27%, whil e the LF organic matter contained 7 and 5% C and N, respectively. Mean soil WSA content, determined by wet-sieving...
Canadian Journal of Soil Science | 1997
P. Rochette; B. Ellert; E. G. Gregorich; Raymond L. Desjardins; Elizabeth Pattey; R. Lessard; B. G. Johnson
Soil respiration is an important component of the net carbon dioxide exchange between agricultural ecosystems and the atmosphere, and reliable estimates of soil respiration are required in carbon balance studies. Most of the field measurements of soil respiration reported in the literature have been made using alkali traps. The use of portable CO2 analysers in dynamic closed chamber systems is recent. The introduction of this new technique requires its evaluation against existing methods in order to compare new information with older data. Nine intercomparisons between dynamic systems and alkali traps were made. Measurements of Fc,s obtained by both chambers showed a good agreement in all but two comparisons in which alkali trap measurements were lower than the dynamic chamber by about 22%. This first report of agreement between both techniques suggests that many measurements made in the past using alkali traps may be comparable to the measurements made more recently using the dynamic chambers. Analysis o...
Climatic Change | 1998
J. Dumanski; R.L. Desjardins; C. Tarnocai; C. Monreal; E. G. Gregorich; V. Kirkwood; C.A. Campbell
Increasing carbon sequestration in agricultural soils in Canada is examined as a possible strategy in slowing or stopping the current increase in atmospheric CO2 concentrations. Estimates are provided on the amount of carbon that could be sequestered in soils in various regions in Canada by reducing summerfallow area, increased use of forage crops, improved erosion control, shifts from conventional to minimal and no-till, and more intensive use of fertilizers. The reduction of summerfallow by more intensive agriculture would increase the continuous cropland base by 8.1% in western Canada and 6.8% in all of Canada. Although increased organic carbon (OC) sequestration could be achieved in all agricultural regions, the greatest potential gains are in areas of Chernozemic soils. The best management options include reduction of summerfallow, conversion of fallow areas to hay or continuous cereals, fertilization to ensure nutrient balance, and adoption of soil conservation measures. The adoption of these options could sequester about 50-75% of the total agricultural emissions of CO2 in Canada for the next 30 years. However, increased sequestration of atmospheric carbon in the soil is possible for only a limited time. Increased efforts must be made to reduce emissions if long-term mitigation is to be achieved.
Environmental Microbiology | 2009
David W. Hopkins; Ashley D. Sparrow; E. G. Gregorich; Bo Elberling; Philip M. Novis; F. Fraser; C. M. Scrimgeour; Paul G. Dennis; Wolfram Meier-Augenstein; L.G. Greenfield
The extremely cold and arid Antarctic dry valleys are one of the most environmentally harsh terrestrial ecosystems supporting organisms in which the biogeochemical transformations of carbon are exclusively driven by microorganisms. The natural abundance of (13)C and (15)N in source organic materials and soils have been examined to obtain evidence for the provenance of the soil organic matter and the C loss as CO(2) during extended incubation (approximately 1200 days at 10 degrees C under moist conditions) has been used to determine the potential decay of soil organic C. The organic matter in soils remote from sources of liquid water or where lacustrine productivity was low had isotope signatures characteristic of endolithic (lichen) sources, whereas at more sheltered and productive sites, the organic matter in the soils that was a mixture mainly lacustrine detritus and moss-derived organic matter. Soil organic C declined by up to 42% during extended incubation under laboratory conditions (equivalent to 50-73 years in the field on a thermal time basis), indicating relatively fast turnover, consistent with previous studies indicating mean residence times for soil organic C in dry valley soils in the range 52-123 years and also with recent inputs of relatively labile source materials.
Canadian Journal of Soil Science | 2008
E. G. Gregorich; Philippe Rochette; P. St-Georges; U F McKim; C. Chan
The ways in which agricultural soils are managed influence the production and emission of nitrous oxide (N2O). A field study was undertaken in 2003, 2004, and 2005 to quantify and evaluate N2O emission from tilled and no-till soils under corn (Zea maysL.) and soybeans (Glycine max L. Merr) in Ontario. Overall, N2O emission was lowest in 2003, the driest and coolest of the 3 yr. In 2004, the significantly larger annual N2O emission from no-till soils and soils under corn was attributed to an episode of very high N2O emission following the application of fertilizer during a period of wet weather. That the N loss by N2O emission occurred only in no-till soils and was large and long-lasting (~4 wk) confirms the strong effect that management has in reducing fertilizer N losses. In 2005, tilled soils had significantly larger N2O emission than no-till soils, most of which was emitted before the end of June. Because the tilled soils were better aerated , nitrification was likely the primary process contributing t...
Plant and Soil | 2000
T. Paré; E. G. Gregorich; S. D. Nelson
Legume crop residues serve as a source of nitrogen (N) for succeeding crops in low-input production systems, and characterizing the release of this N supports efforts to develop sound economic and environmental management practices. Nitrogen mineralization of 15N-labelled field crop residues was monitored in a Greenville sandy loam during a 140-day laboratory incubation at 25°C. Residue type strongly influenced the rate of N mineralization; decomposition rate constants were 0.283, 0.083, 0.00047 and 0.0014 day-1 for alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) stover (above-ground plant parts), alfalfa roots, maize (Zea mays L.) stover (above-ground plant parts excluding cob and kernels) and maize roots, respectively. At the end of the incubation, 50% of alfalfa stover and 25% of alfalfa root residues N were mineralized, whereas these proportions were 8% for maize stover and 12% for root residues. Mineralization of 15N from alfalfa stover residues was also monitored in a greenhouse experiment to determine N availability during the growth of maize inoculated or not with vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM) fungi, and to evaluate the effects of the presence of plants on the decomposition of the residues. Stover and root dry matter yields were greatest for maize inoculated with VAM fungi and grown in residue-amended soil. At the final harvest, maize grown in residue-amended soils had accumulated 44% more dry matter and 40% more N than maize grown in unamended soils. Enhanced VAM colonization of roots inoculated with a mixture of three Glomus spp. increased the residue N accumulation in maize roots at 5 weeks after silking and at the final harvest. Alfalfa stover decomposed rapidly both in the presence and absence of maize plants, but the amount of 15N mineralized at the end of the experiment was influenced by the presence of living roots; 23% of the 15N in alfalfa stover residues was mineralized in soil without plants compared to about 38% when maize plants were present. These results suggest that N mineralization is enhanced by the presence of living roots.