E. J. Doyle
General Atomics
Featured researches published by E. J. Doyle.
Physics of Plasmas | 1997
C. M. Greenfield; D.P. Schissel; B. W. Stallard; E. A. Lazarus; Gerald A. Navratil; K.H. Burrell; T. A. Casper; J.C. DeBoo; E. J. Doyle; R. J. Fonck; C. B. Forest; P. Gohil; R. J. Groebner; M. J. Jakubowski; L. L. Lao; M. Murakami; C. C. Petty; C. L. Rettig; T. L. Rhodes; B. W. Rice; H.E. St. John; G. M. Staebler; E. J. Strait; T.S. Taylor; Alan D. Turnbull; K. L. Tritz; R. E. Waltz; Diii-D Team
Discharges exhibiting the highest plasma energy and fusion reactivity yet realized in the DIII-D tokamak have been produced by combining the benefits of a hollow or weakly sheared central current profile with a high confinement (H-mode) edge. In these discharges, low power neutral beam injection heats the electrons during the initial current ramp, and {open_quotes}freezes in{close_quotes} a hollow or flat central current profile. When the neutral beam power is increased, formation of a region of reduced transport and highly peaked profiles in the core often results. Shortly before these plasmas would otherwise disrupt, a transition is triggered from the low (L-mode) to high (H-mode) confinement regimes, thereby broadening the pressure profile and avoiding the disruption. These plasmas continue to evolve until the high performance phase is terminated nondisruptively at much higher {beta}{sub T} (ratio of plasma pressure to toroidal magnetic field pressure) than would be attainable with peaked profiles and an L-mode edge. Transport analysis indicates that in this phase, the ion diffusivity is equivalent to that predicted by Chang-Hinton neoclassical theory over the entire plasma volume. This result is consistent with suppression of turbulence by locally enhanced E x B flow shear, and is supported by observations of reduced fluctuations in the plasma. Calculations of performance in these discharges extrapolated to a deuterium-tritium fuel mixture indicates that such plasmas could produce a DT fusion gain Q{sub DT} = 0.32.
Physics of Plasmas | 2000
C. M. Greenfield; J.C. DeBoo; T.C. Luce; B. W. Stallard; E. J. Synakowski; L. R. Baylor; K.H. Burrell; T. A. Casper; E. J. Doyle; Daniel R. Ernst; J.R. Ferron; P. Gohil; R. J. Groebner; L. L. Lao; Ma Makowski; G. R. McKee; M. Murakami; C. C. Petty; R. I. Pinsker; P.A. Politzer; R. Prater; C. L. Rettig; T. L. Rhodes; B. W. Rice; G. L. Schmidt; G. M. Staebler; E. J. Strait; D. M. Thomas; M. R. Wade; Diii-D Team
Transport phenomena are studied in Advanced Tokamak (AT) regimes in the DIII-D tokamak [Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research, 1986 (International Atomics Energy Agency, Vienna, 1987), Vol. I, p. 159], with the goal of developing understanding and control during each of three phases: Formation of the internal transport barrier (ITB) with counter neutral beam injection taking place when the heating power exceeds a threshold value of about 9 MW, contrasting to co-NBI injection, where Pthreshold<2.5 MW. Expansion of the ITB is enhanced compared to similar co-injected discharges. Both differences are believed to arise from modification of the E×B shear dynamics when the sign of the rotation contribution is reversed. Sustainment of an AT regime with βNH89=9 for 16 confinement times has been accomplished in a discharge combining an ELMing H-mode (edge localized, high confinement mode) edge and an ITB, and exhibiting ion thermal transport down to 2–3 times neoclassical. The microinstabilities usu...
Physics of Plasmas | 2001
M. R. Wade; T.C. Luce; P.A. Politzer; J.R. Ferron; S.L. Allen; M. E. Austin; D.R. Baker; B.D. Bray; D. P. Brennen; K.H. Burrell; T. A. Casper; M. S. Chu; J.C. DeBoo; E. J. Doyle; A. M. Garofalo; P. Gohil; I.A. Gorelov; C. M. Greenfield; R. J. Groebner; W. W. Heidbrink; C.-L. Hsieh; A.W. Hyatt; R. Jayakumar; J. E. Kinsey; R.J. La Haye; L. L. Lao; C.J. Lasnier; E. A. Lazarus; A.W. Leonard; Y. R. Lin-Liu
Significant progress has been made in obtaining high-performance discharges for many energy confinement times in the DIII-D tokamak [J. L. Luxon et al., Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion Research (International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, 1987), Vol. I, p. 159]. Normalized performance (measured by the product of βNH89 and indicative of the proximity to both conventional β limits and energy confinement quality, respectively) ∼10 has been sustained for >5 τE with qmin>1.5. These edge localized modes (ELMing) H-mode discharges have β∼5%, which is limited by the onset of resistive wall modes slightly above the ideal no-wall n=1 limit, with approximately 75% of the current driven noninductively. The remaining Ohmic current is localized near the half-radius. The DIII-D electron cyclotron heating system is being upgraded to replace this inductively driven current with localized electron cyclotron current drive (ECCD). Density control, which is required for effective ECCD, has been successfully demonstrated ...
Physics of Plasmas | 2002
W.P. West; M. R. Wade; C. M. Greenfield; E. J. Doyle; K.H. Burrell; N. H. Brooks; P. Gohil; R. J. Groebner; G.L. Jackson; J. E. Kinsey; C.J. Lasnier; J. Mandrekas; G. R. McKee; T. L. Rhodes; G. M. Staebler; G. Wang; J. G. Watkins; L. Zeng
Quiescent double barrier discharges (QDB) on DIII-D [Luxon et al., Fusion Technol. 8, Part 2A, 441 (1985)] exhibit near steady high performance (βNH∼7) with a quiescent H-mode edge, i.e., free of edge localized modes (ELMs), but with effective particle control and strongly peaked density profiles. These QDB discharges exhibit an internal transport barrier with low ion thermal transport despite incomplete turbulence suppression. Very short correlation lengths, which reduce the transport step size, however, characterize the residual turbulence. This observation is consistent with simulations using the GLF23 [Waltz et al., Phys. Plasmas 4, 2482 (1997)] model, which reproduce the core ion temperature profile even in the presence of finite turbulence. Increased retention of high-Z impurities is observed and core nickel concentrations (an intrinsic impurity in DIII-D) are as high as 0.3%. To quantify impurity transport, trace impurity injection has been performed in steady QDB discharges showing a fast influx f...
Nuclear Fusion | 1995
T.H. Osborne; K.H. Burrell; T. N. Carlstrom; M. S. Chu; J.C. DeBoo; P. Gohil; C. M. Greenfield; R. J. Groebner; G.L. Jackson; Y B Kim; R.J. La Haye; L.I. Lao; S.I. Lippmann; R.D. Stambaugh; G. M. Staebler; H.E. St. John; E. J. Strait; T.S. Taylor; S. J. Thompson; Alan D. Turnbull; E. J. Doyle; C. L. Rettig; S Konoshima; J. Winter; D. Wroblewski
A regime of very high confinement (VH-mode) has been observed in neutral beam-heated deuterium discharges in the DIII-D tokamak with thermal energy confinement times up to [approx]3.6 times that predicted by the ITER-89P L-mode scaling and 2 times that predicted by ELM-free H-mode thermal confinement scalings. This high confinement has led to increased plasma performance, n[sub D] (0)T[sub i](0)[tau][sub E] = 2 [times] 10[sup 20] m[sup [minus]3] keV sec with I[sub p] = 1.6 MA, B[sub T] = 2.1 T, Z[sub eff] [le] 2. Detailed transport analysis shows a correspondence between the large decrease in thermal diffusivity in the region 0.75 [le] [rho] [le] 0.9 and the development of a strong shear in the radial electric field in the same region. This suggests that stabilization of turbulence by sheared E [times] B flow is responsible for the improved confinement in VH-mode. A substantial fraction of the edge plasma entering the second regime of stability may also contribute to the increase in confinement. The duration of the VH-mode phase has been lengthened by feedback controlling the input power to limit plasma beta.
Physics of Plasmas | 2001
D.R. Baker; C. M. Greenfield; K.H. Burrell; J.C. DeBoo; E. J. Doyle; R. J. Groebner; T.C. Luce; C. C. Petty; B. W. Stallard; D. M. Thomas; M. R. Wade; Diii-D Team
The ion thermal diffusivities (χi) in DIII-D [J. L. Luxon and L. G. Davis, Fusion Technol. 8, 441 (1985)] discharges exhibit a strong nonlinear dependence on the measured temperature gradients. In low confinement mode (L-mode) discharges with low toroidal rotation, the ion thermal diffusivity, χi, has an approximately Heaviside function dependence on the major radius divided by the radial scale length of the ion temperature, R/LTi. When R/LTi is less than a critical value, the χi’s are very small. When R/LTi is about equal to the critical value, χi increases rapidly. Although the gradient profiles for high confinement (H-mode) have a different shape, they still show a critical gradient type of behavior. This type of dependence is consistent with the predictions for transport, which is dominated by ion temperature gradient modes and is a strong indicator that these modes are the main contributors toward L-mode transport in DIII-D and a major contributor to transport in a certain region of DIII-D H-mode dis...
Physics of Plasmas | 2001
T.H. Osborne; A.W. Leonard; M.A. Mahdavi; M. S. Chu; M.E. Fenstermacher; R.J. La Haye; G. R. McKee; T.W. Petrie; E. J. Doyle; G. M. Staebler; M. R. Wade; Diii-D Team
ELMing (edge-localized) H-mode discharges with densities as high as 40% above the Greenwald density and good energy confinement, HITER-89P=2, were obtained with D2 gas puffing on DIII-D [Chan et al., Proceedings of the 16th IAEA Conference, Montreal (International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, 1996), Vol. 1, p. 95]. These discharges have performance comparable to the best pellet fueled DIII-D discharges. Spontaneous peaking of the density profile was an important factor in obtaining high energy confinement. Without density profile peaking, the energy confinement at high density degraded with reduction in the H-mode pedestal pressure under the stiff temperature profile conditions observed at high density on DIII-D. Reduction in the pedestal pressure was associated with loss of access to the second stable regime for ideal ballooning modes at the edge, and change in the edge-localized mode (ELM) instability from a low to high toroidal mode number. Gyrokinetic stability calculations indicate that the core of ...
Nuclear Fusion | 1997
E.A. Lazarus; Gerald A. Navratil; C.M. Greenfield; E. J. Strait; M.E. Austin; K.H. Burrell; T. A. Casper; D.R. Baker; J.C. DeBoo; E. J. Doyle; R.D. Durst; J.R. Ferron; C.B. Forest; P. Gohil; Richard J. Groebner; W.W. Heidbrink; R.-M. Hong; A.W. Howald; C.-L. Hsieh; A.W. Hyatt; G.L. Jackson; J. Kim; L. L. Lao; C.J. Lanier; A.W. Leonard; J.M. Lohr; R.J. La Haye; R. Maingi; R. L. Miller; M. Murakami
Strong shaping, favourable for stability and improved energy confinement, together with a significant expansion of the central region of improved confinement in negative central magnetic shear target plasmas, increased the maximum fusion power produced in DIII-D by a factor of 3. Using deuterium plasmas, the highest fusion power gain, the ratio of fusion power to input power, Q, was 0.0015, corresponding to an equivalent Q of 0.32 in a deuterium-tritium plasma, which is similar to values achieved in tokamaks of larger size and magnetic field. A simple transformation relating Q to the stability parameters is presented
Physics of Plasmas | 2002
P.A. Politzer; M. E. Austin; M. Gilmore; G. R. McKee; T. L. Rhodes; C. X. Yu; E. J. Doyle; T.E. Evans; R. A. Moyere
One mechanism for transport of energy and particles in a plasma is by discrete, intermittent, uncorrelated events, often called avalanches. This paper reports observations and quantitative characterization of avalanche events in a magnetically confined plasma. The observations are primarily of electron temperature fluctuations. Avalanches are identified by their large spatial scale, up to the system size, by self-similar behavior in the frequency spectrum and the autocorrelation function and by propagation. The two-point cross-correlation function allows determination of a characteristic velocity, which typically varies from several hundred meters per second in the outer part of the plasma to zero or even inward near the axis. This can be interpreted as resulting from the prevalence of negative avalanches (i.e., holes) near the axis. The presence of a long-tailed probability distribution is indicated by a Hurst parameter (H) in the range 0.80 to 0.95, which becomes smaller in the outer quarter of the plasma radius. Density fluctuation spectra from the plasma core also show self-similar behavior. Power transport estimates show that about half of the heat flux is carried by the avalanche events under conditions with no magnetohydrodynamic activity. These observations are qualitatively similar to results of modeling calculations based on drift wave turbulence. It is reasonable to infer that avalanches are the macroscopic manifestation of turbulence which inherently has a small spatial scale and, thus, allow a local, gyro-Bohm scaling process to show global Bohm-type behavior.One mechanism for transport of energy and particles in a plasma is by discrete, intermittent, uncorrelated events, often called avalanches. This paper reports observations and quantitative characterization of avalanche events in a magnetically confined plasma. The observations are primarily of electron temperature fluctuations. Avalanches are identified by their large spatial scale, up to the system size, by self-similar behavior in the frequency spectrum and the autocorrelation function and by propagation. The two-point cross-correlation function allows determination of a characteristic velocity, which typically varies from several hundred meters per second in the outer part of the plasma to zero or even inward near the axis. This can be interpreted as resulting from the prevalence of negative avalanches (i.e., holes) near the axis. The presence of a long-tailed probability distribution is indicated by a Hurst parameter (H) in the range 0.80 to 0.95, which becomes smaller in the outer quarter of the plas...
Nuclear Fusion | 1997
D.W. Swain; R. I. Pinsker; F.W. Baity; M.D. Carter; J.S. deGrassie; E. J. Doyle; G.R. Hanson; K.W. Kim; R.A. Moyer; C. C. Petty
Measurements of radiofrequency (RF) loading on the Doubler III D shape (DIII-D) tokamak using a fast wave ion cyclotron antenna with and without a Faraday shield present indicate that the loading resistance seen by the antenna is significantly higher at low values of RF power (P ≤ 20 kW with no Faraday shield) than is predicted by standard fast wave antenna coupling theory. Measurements of the density profile in the plasma edge region allow a direct comparison of calculated and measured loading. At high power, the calculated fast wave loading agrees with the measurements. The high loading observed at low power can be explained by direct losses in an RF enhanced sheath. The density value at the current strap of approximately=4*1010 cm-3 needed to give the observed loading behaviour is in agreement with the measured density values in the plasma scrape-off region, extrapolated to the current strap location using a simple Bohm diffusion model