Physical Review Letters | 2006
M. Putti; Marco Affronte; C. Ferdeghini; P. Manfrinetti; C. Tarantini; E. Lehmann
We report specific heat measurements in neutron irradiated MgB2 samples, for which the critical temperature has been suppressed down to 8.5 K, but the superconducting transition remains extremely sharp, indicative of a defect structure extremely homogeneous. Our results demonstrate that the two-gap feature is evident in the temperature range above 21 K, while the single-gap superconductivity is well established as a bulk property not associated to local disorder fluctuations when Tc is decreased down to 11 K.
Physical Review B | 2006
C. Tarantini; H. U. Aebersold; V. Braccini; G. Celentano; C. Ferdeghini; V. Ferrando; U. Gambardella; F. Gatti; E. Lehmann; P. Manfrinetti; D. Marré; A. Palenzona; I. Pallecchi; I. Sheikin; A. S. Siri; M. Putti
We studied the influence of the disorder introduced in polycrystalline MgB2 samples by neutron irradiation. To circumvent self shielding effects due to the strong interaction between thermal neutrons and 10B we employed isotopically enriched 11B which contains 40 times less 10B than natural B. The comparison of electrical and structural properties of different series of samples irradiated in different neutron sources, also using Cd shields, allowed us to conclude that, despite the low 10B content, the main damage mechanisms are caused by thermal neutrons, whereas fast neutrons play a minor role. Irradiation leads to an improvement in both upper critical field and critical current density for an exposure level in the range 1-2x1018 cm-2. With increasing fluence the superconducting properties are depressed. An in-depth analysis of the critical field and current density behaviour has been carried out to identify what scattering and pinning mechanisms come into play. Finally the correlation between some characteristic lengths and the transition widths is analysed.
Physical Review B | 2005
I. Pallecchi; C. Tarantini; H. U. Aebersold; V. Braccini; C. Fanciulli; C. Ferdeghini; F. Gatti; E. Lehmann; P. Manfrinetti; D. Marré; A. Palenzona; A.S. Siri; M. Vignolo; M. Putti
We study the effect of neutron irradiation on the critical current density
Journal of Applied Physics | 2007
V. Ferrando; I. Pallecchi; C. Tarantini; D. Marré; M. Putti; C. Ferdeghini; F. Gatti; H. U. Aebersold; E. Lehmann; E. Haanappel; I. Sheikin; P. Orgiani; X. X. Xi
Physical Review B | 2006
Dario Daghero; Andrea Calzolari; Giovanni Ummarino; Mauro Tortello; Renato Gonnelli; V.A. Stepanov; C. Tarantini; P. Manfrinetti; E. Lehmann
of isotopically pure polycrystalline
Superconductor Science and Technology | 2008
A. Martinelli; C. Tarantini; E. Lehmann; P. Manfrinetti; A. Palenzona; I. Pallecchi; M. Putti; C. Ferdeghini
Physical Review B | 2005
I. Pallecchi; V. Ferrando; E. Galleani D'agliano; D. Marré; Marco Monni; M. Putti; C. Tarantini; F. Gatti; H. U. Aebersold; E. Lehmann; X. X. Xi; E. G. Haanappel; C. Ferdeghini
samples. For fluences in the range
EPL | 2008
Marco Monni; I. Pallecchi; C. Ferdeghini; V. Ferrando; A. Floris; E. Galleani d'Agliano; E. Lehmann; I. Sheikin; C. Tarantini; X. X. Xi; S. Massidda; M. Putti
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity | 2005
C. Tarantini; V. Braccini; C. Ferdeghini; F. Gatti; P. Manfrinetti; D. Marré; A. Palenzona; I. Pallecchi; Cristina Bernini; A. Tumino; I. Sheikin; H.U. Aebersold; E. Lehmann; M. Putti
Journal of Applied Physics | 2008
C. Tarantini; P. Manfrinetti; A. Palenzona; M. Putti; C. Ferdeghini; U. Gambardella; E. Lehmann; M. R. Cimberle