
Physics of Plasmas | 1994

First results from Alcator-C-MOD

Ian H. Hutchinson; R. L. Boivin; F. Bombarda; P.T. Bonoli; S. Fairfax; C. Fiore; Jennifer Ann Goetz; S. Golovato; R. Granetz; M. Greenwald; S. Horne; A. Hubbard; James H. Irby; B. LaBombard; B. Lipschultz; E. Marmar; G. McCracken; M. Porkolab; J. E. Rice; J. A. Snipes; Y. Takase; J. L. Terry; S.M. Wolfe; C. Christensen; D. Garnier; M. Graf; T. Hsu; T. Luke; M. May; A. Niemczewski

Early operation of the Alcator‐C‐MOD tokamak [I.H. Hutchinson, Proceedings of IEEE 13th Symposium on Fusion Engineering, Knoxville, TN, edited by M. Lubell, M. Nestor, and S. Vaughan (Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, New York, 1990), Vol. 1, p. 13] is surveyed. Reliable operation, with plasma current up to 1 MA, has been obtained, despite the massive conducting superstructure and the associated error fields. However, vertical disruptions are not slowed by the long vessel time constant. With pellet fueling, peak densities up to 9×1020 m−3 have been attained and ‘‘snakes’’ are often seen. Initial characterization of divertor and scrape‐off layer is presented and indicates approximately Bohm diffusion. The edge plasma shows a wealth of marfe‐like phenomena, including a transition to detachment from the divertor plates with accompanying radiative divertor regions. Energy confinement generally appears to exceed the expectations of neo‐Alcator scaling. A transition to Ohmic H mode has been observed. Ion cyclotron heating experiments have demonstrated good power coupling, in agreement with theory.

Nuclear Fusion | 2004

Transport-driven Scrape-Off-Layer flows and the boundary conditions imposed at the magnetic separatrix in a tokamak plasma

B. LaBombard; J. E. Rice; A. Hubbard; J.W. Hughes; M. Greenwald; James H. Irby; Y. Lin; B. Lipschultz; E. Marmar; C. S. Pitcher; N. Smick; S.M. Wolfe; S.J. Wukitch

Plasma profiles and flows in the low- and high-field side scrape-off-layer (SOL) regions in Alcator C-Mod are found to be remarkably sensitive to magnetic separatrix topologies (upper-, lower- and double-null) and to impose topology-dependent flow boundary conditions on the confined plasma. Near-sonic plasma flows along magnetic field lines are observed in the high-field SOL, with magnitude and direction clearly dependent on X-point location. The principal drive mechanism for the flows is a strong ballooning-like poloidal transport asymmetry: parallel flows arise so as to re-symmetrize the resulting poloidal pressure variation in the SOL. Secondary flows involving a combination of toroidal rotation and Pfirsch–Schluter ion currents are also evident. As a result of the transport-driven parallel flows, the SOL exhibits a net co-current (counter-current) volume-averaged toroidal momentum when B × ∇B is towards (away from) the X-point. Depending on the discharge conditions, flow momentum can couple across the separatrix and affect the toroidal rotation of the confined plasma. This mechanism accounts for a positive (negative) increment in central plasma co-rotation seen in L-mode discharges when B × ∇B is towards (away from) the X-point. Experiments in ion-cyclotron range-of-frequency-heated discharges suggest that topology-dependent flow boundary conditions may also play a role in the sensitivity of the L–H power threshold to X-point location: in a set of otherwise similar discharges, the L–H transition is seen to be coincident with central rotation achieving roughly the same value, independent of magnetic topology. For discharges with B × ∇B pointing away from the X-point (i.e. with the SOL flow boundary condition impeding co-current rotation), the same characteristic rotation can only be achieved with higher input power.

Nuclear Fusion | 2007

Inter-machine comparison of intrinsic toroidal rotation in tokamaks

J. E. Rice; A. Ince-Cushman; J.S. deGrassie; L.-G. Eriksson; Y. Sakamoto; A. Scarabosio; A. Bortolon; K.H. Burrell; B.P. Duval; C. Fenzi-Bonizec; M. Greenwald; Richard J. Groebner; G. T. Hoang; Y. Koide; E. Marmar; A. Pochelon; Y. Podpaly

Parametric scalings of the intrinsic (spontaneous, with no external momentum input) toroidal rotation observed on a large number of tokamaks have been combined with an eye towards revealing the underlying mechanism(s) and extrapolation to future devices. The intrinsic rotation velocity has been found to increase with plasma stored energy or pressure in JET, Alcator C-Mod, Tore Supra, DIII-D, JT-60U and TCV, and to decrease with increasing plasma current in some of these cases. Use of dimensionless parameters has led to a roughly unified scaling with M-A alpha beta(N), although a variety of Mach numbers works fairly well; scalings of the intrinsic rotation velocity with normalized gyro-radius or collisionality show no correlation. Whether this suggests the predominant role of MHD phenomena such as ballooning transport over turbulent processes in driving the rotation remains an open question. For an ITER discharge with beta(N) = 2.6, an intrinsic rotation Alfven Mach number of M-A similar or equal to 0.02 may be expected from the above deduced scaling, possibly high enough to stabilize resistive wall modes without external momentum input.

Journal of Nuclear Materials | 1997

Experimental investigation of transport phenomena in the scrape-off layer and divertor

B. LaBombard; Jennifer Ann Goetz; Ian H. Hutchinson; D. Jablonski; J. Kesner; C. Kurz; B. Lipschultz; G. McCracken; A. Niemczewski; J. L. Terry; A. J. Allen; R. L. Boivin; F. Bombarda; P.T. Bonoli; C. Christensen; C. Fiore; D. Garnier; S. Golovato; R. Granetz; M. Greenwald; S. Horne; A. Hubbard; James H. Irby; D. Lo; D. Lumma; E. Marmar; M. May; A. Mazurenko; R. Nachtrieb; H. Ohkawa

Abstract Transport physics in the divertor and scrape-off layer of Alcator C-Mod is investigated for a wide range of plasma conditions. Parallel (∥) transport topics include: low recycling, high-recycling, and detached regimes, thermoelectric currents, asymmetric heat fluxes driven by thermoelectric currents, and reversed divertor flows. Perpendicular (⊥) transport topics include: expected and measured scalings of ⊥ gradients with local conditions, estimated χ⊥ profiles and scalings, divertor neutral retention effects, and L-mode/H-mode effects. Key results are: (i) classical ∥ transport is obeyed with ion-neutral momentum coupling effects, (ii) ⊥ heat transport is proportional to local gradients, (iii) χ⊥ αTe−0.6 n−0.6 L−0.7 in L-mode, insensitive to toroidal field, (iv) χ⊥ is dependent on divertor neutral retention, (v) H-mode transport barrier effects partially extend inside the SOL, (vi) inside/outside divertor asymmetries may be caused by a thermoelectric instability, and (vii) reversed ∥ flows depend on divertor asymmetries and their implicit ionization source imbalances.

Nuclear Fusion | 2010

I-mode: an H-mode energy confinement regime with L-mode particle transport in Alcator C-Mod

D.G. Whyte; A. Hubbard; J.W. Hughes; B. Lipschultz; J. E. Rice; E. Marmar; M. Greenwald; I. Cziegler; A. Dominguez; T. Golfinopoulos; N.T. Howard; L. Lin; R. M. Mcdermott; M. Porkolab; M.L. Reinke; J. L. Terry; N. Tsujii; Scot A. Wolfe; S.J. Wukitch; Y. Lin

An improved energy confinement regime, I-mode, is studied in Alcator C-Mod, a compact high-field divertor tokamak using ion cyclotron range of frequencies (ICRFs) auxiliary heating. I-mode features an edge energy transport barrier without an accompanying particle barrier, leading to several performance benefits. H-mode energy confinement is obtained without core impurity accumulation, resulting in reduced impurity radiation with a high-Z metal wall and ICRF heating. I-mode has a stationary temperature pedestal with edge localized modes typically absent, while plasma density is controlled using divertor cryopumping. I-mode is a confinement regime that appears distinct from both L-mode and H-mode, combining the most favourable elements of both. The I-mode regime is investigated predominately with ion ∇B drift away from the active X-point. The transition from L-mode to I-mode is primarily identified by the formation of a high temperature edge pedestal, while the edge density profile remains nearly identical to L-mode. Laser blowoff injection shows that I-mode core impurity confinement times are nearly identical with those in L-mode, despite the enhanced energy confinement. In addition, a weakly coherent edge MHD mode is apparent at high frequency ~100–300 kHz which appears to increase particle transport in the edge. The I-mode regime has been obtained over a wide parameter space (BT = 3–6 T, Ip = 0.7–1.3 MA, q95 = 2.5–5). In general, the I-mode exhibits the strongest edge temperature pedestal (Tped) and normalized energy confinement (H98 > 1) at low q95 ( 4 MW). I-mode significantly expands the operational space of edge localized mode (ELM)-free, stationary pedestals in C-Mod to Tped ~ 1 keV and low collisionality , as compared with EDA H-mode with Tped . The I-mode global energy confinement has a relatively weak degradation with heating power; leading to increasing H98 with heating power.

Nuclear Fusion | 1998

Observations of central toroidal rotation in ICRF heated Alcator C-Mod plasmas

J. E. Rice; M. Greenwald; Ian H. Hutchinson; E. Marmar; Y. Takase; S.M. Wolfe; F. Bombarda

Impurity toroidal rotation has been observed in the centre of Alcator C-Mod ion cyclotron range of frequencies (ICRF) heated plasmas, from the Doppler shifts of argon X ray lines. Rotation velocities greater than 1.2 × 107 cm/s (ω = 200 krad/s) in the co-current direction have been observed in H mode discharges that had no direct momentum input. There is a correlation between the increase in the central impurity rotation velocity and the increase in the plasma stored energy (confinement enhancement), induced by ICRF heating, although other factors may be at play. The toroidal rotation velocity is highest near the magnetic axis, and decreases with increasing minor radius. A radial electric field of 300 V/cm at r/a = 0.3 has been inferred from the force balance equation. The direction of the rotation changes when the plasma current direction is reversed, remaining co-current. Impurity toroidal rotation in ICRF heated plasmas is in the direction opposite to the rotation in ohmic L mode plasmas; co-current rotation has also been observed during purely ohmic H modes. When the ICRF heating is turned off, the toroidal rotation decays with a characteristic time of order 50 ms, similar to the energy confinement time, and much shorter than the calculated neoclassical momentum damping time.

Physics of Plasmas | 1999

Characterization of enhanced Dα high-confinement modes in Alcator C-Mod

M. Greenwald; R. L. Boivin; P.T. Bonoli; R. Budny; C. Fiore; Jennifer Ann Goetz; R. Granetz; A. Hubbard; Ian H. Hutchinson; James H. Irby; B. LaBombard; Y. Lin; B. Lipschultz; E. Marmar; A. Mazurenko; D. A. Mossessian; T. Sunn Pedersen; C. S. Pitcher; M. Porkolab; J. E. Rice; W. Rowan; J. A. Snipes; G. Schilling; Y. Takase; J. L. Terry; Scot A. Wolfe; J. Weaver; B. Welch; Stephen James Wukitch

Regimes of high-confinement mode have been studied in the Alcator C-Mod tokamak [Hutchinson et al., Phys. Plasmas 1, 1511 (1994)]. Plasmas with no edge localized modes (ELM-free) have been compared in detail to a new regime, enhanced Dα (EDA). EDA discharges have only slightly lower energy confinement than comparable ELM-free ones, but show markedly reduced impurity confinement. Thus EDA discharges do not accumulate impurities and typically have a lower fraction of radiated power. The edge gradients in EDA seem to be relaxed by a continuous process rather than an intermittent one as is the case for standard ELMy discharges and thus do not present the first wall with large periodic heat loads. This process is probably related to fluctuations seen in the plasma edge. EDA plasmas are more likely at low plasma current (q>3.7), for moderate plasma shaping, (triangularity ∼0.35–0.55), and for high neutral pressures. As observed in soft x-ray emission, the pedestal width is found to scale with the same parameters that determine the EDA/ELM-free boundary.

Review of Scientific Instruments | 2008

Spatially resolved high resolution x-ray spectroscopy for magnetically confined fusion plasmas (invited)

A. Ince-Cushman; J. E. Rice; M. Bitter; M.L. Reinke; K. W. Hill; M. F. Gu; E. F. Eikenberry; Ch. Broennimann; S. Scott; Y. Podpaly; S. G. Lee; E. Marmar

The use of high resolution x-ray crystal spectrometers to diagnose fusion plasmas has been limited by the poor spatial localization associated with chord integrated measurements. Taking advantage of a new x-ray imaging spectrometer concept [M. Bitter et al., Rev. Sci. Instrum. 75, 3660 (2004)], and improvements in x-ray detector technology [Ch. Broennimann et al., J. Synchrotron Radiat. 13, 120 (2006)], a spatially resolving high resolution x-ray spectrometer has been built and installed on the Alcator C-Mod tokamak. This instrument utilizes a spherically bent quartz crystal and a set of two dimensional x-ray detectors arranged in the Johann configuration [H. H. Johann, Z. Phys. 69, 185 (1931)] to image the entire plasma cross section with a spatial resolution of about 1 cm. The spectrometer was designed to measure line emission from H-like and He-like argon in the wavelength range 3.7 and 4.0 A with a resolving power of approximately 10,000 at frame rates up to 200 Hz. Using spectral tomographic techniques [I. Condrea, Phys. Plasmas 11, 2427 (2004)] the line integrated spectra can be inverted to infer profiles of impurity emissivity, velocity, and temperature. From these quantities it is then possible to calculate impurity density and electron temperature profiles. An overview of the instrument, analysis techniques, and example profiles are presented.

Physics of Plasmas | 2005

Transport-driven scrape-off layer flows and the x-point dependence of the L-H power threshold in Alcator C-Mod

B. LaBombard; J. E. Rice; A. Hubbard; J.W. Hughes; M. Greenwald; R. Granetz; James H. Irby; Y. Lin; B. Lipschultz; E. Marmar; K. Marr; D. A. Mossessian; R.R. Parker; W. Rowan; N. Smick; J. A. Snipes; J. L. Terry; S.M. Wolfe; S.J. Wukitch

Factor of ∼2 higher power thresholds for low- to high-confinement mode transitions (L-H) with unfavorable x-point topologies in Alcator C-Mod [Phys. Plasmas 1, 1511 (1994)] are linked to flow boundary conditions imposed by the scrape-off layer (SOL). Ballooning-like transport drives flow along magnetic field lines from low- to high-field regions with toroidal direction dependent on upper/lower x-point balance; the toroidal rotation of the confined plasma responds, exhibiting a strong counter-current rotation when B×∇B points away from the x point. Increased auxiliary heating power (rf, no momentum input) leads to an L-H transition at approximately twice the edge electron pressure gradient when B×∇B points away. As gradients rise prior to the transition, toroidal rotation ramps toward the co-current direction; the H mode is seen when the counter-current rotation imposed by the SOL flow becomes compensated. Remarkably, L-H thresholds in lower-limited discharges are identical to lower x-point discharges; SOL...

Physics of Plasmas | 1995

Scaling and transport analysis of divertor conditions on the Alcator C-Mod tokamak

B. LaBombard; Jennifer Ann Goetz; C. Kurz; D. Jablonski; B. Lipschultz; G. McCracken; A. Niemczewski; R. L. Boivin; F. Bombarda; C. Christensen; S. Fairfax; C. Fiore; D. Garnier; M. Graf; S. Golovato; R. Granetz; M. Greenwald; S. Horne; A. Hubbard; Ian H. Hutchinson; James H. Irby; J. Kesner; T. Luke; E. Marmar; M. May; P. O’Shea; M. Porkolab; J. Reardon; J. E. Rice; J. Schachter

Detailed measurements and transport analysis of divertor conditions in Alcator C‐Mod [Phys. Plasmas 1, 1511 (1994)] are presented for a range of line‐averaged densities, 0.7<ne<2.2×1020 m−3. Three parallel heat transport regimes are evident in the scrape‐off layer: sheath‐limited conduction, high‐recycling divertor, and detached divertor, which can coexist in the same discharge. Local cross‐field pressure gradients are found to scale simply with a local electron temperature. This scaling is consistent with classical electron parallel conduction being balanced by anomalous cross‐field transport (χ⊥∼0.2 m2 s−1) proportional to the local pressure gradient. A 60%–80% of divertor power is radiated in attached discharges, approaching 100% in detached discharges. Detachment occurs when the heat flux to the plate is low and the plasma pressure is high (Te∼5 eV). High neutral pressures in the divertor are nearly always present (1–20 mTorr), sufficient to remove parallel momentum via ion–neutral collisions.

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