
Featured researches published by Edivaldo Macedo de Brito.

Revista do Colégio Brasileiro de Cirurgiões | 2004

Gastroplastia vertical com bandagem em y-de-roux: análise de resultados

Antonio Carlos Valezi; Jorge Mali Junior; Edivaldo Macedo de Brito; Antônio César Marson

BACKGROUND: To analyze prospectively the results of patients submitted to vertical banded gastroplasty-Roux-en-Y gastric bypass at the Hospital Universitario, Universidade Estadual de Londrina. METHODS: We analized mortality, morbidity and weight loss of 250 consecutive patients with no previous bariatric surgery who were submitted to a combination of vertical banded gastroplasty and Roux-en-Y gastric bypass. Patients were followed up at least for one year. They had a mean body mass index of 46 Kg/M2. RESULTS: The incidence of complications that required reoperation was 2%. No deaths ocurred in the present study. After a follow up of one to three years we noticed an average decrease of 37.5% in the pre-operative weight. In addition to the weight loss we detected a great improvement in the comorbidities and in some cases total control of the desease related to the obesity.CONCLUSIONS: Vertical banded gastroplastic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass is effective in promoting weight loss in morbid obese, and had a low mortality and morbidity.

Revista do Colégio Brasileiro de Cirurgiões | 2011

Evolução ponderal oito anos após a derivação gástrica em Y-de-Roux

Antonio Carlos Valezi; Jorge Mali Junior; Mariano de Almeida Menezes; Edivaldo Macedo de Brito; José Carlos Lacerda de Souza

OBJECTIVE To evaluate the effectiveness of banded Roux-en-Y gastric bypass in promoting weight loss after an eight-year follow-up. METHODS Two hundred and eleven obese patients underwent Roux-en-Y gastric bypass with banding by the same surgical team. The study design was longitudinal, prospective and descriptive. The analysis of weight decrease in the postoperative period was based on the loss of excess weight in percentage and BMI. Failure was considered when patients lost <50% of excess weight. RESULTS The loss of follow-up was 36.5%, therefore, 134 patients were included in this study. The loss of excess weight in global average rate in the postoperative period was: 67.6 ± 14.9% in the first year, 72.6 ± 14.9% in the second year, 69.7 ± 15.1% in fifth year and 66.8 ± 7.6 in eight years. Surgical treatment failure occurred in 15 patients (7.1%) over the period. CONCLUSION Banded Roux-en-Y gastric bypass was effective in promoting and sustaining weight loss in the long term, with low failure rates.

Revista do Colégio Brasileiro de Cirurgiões | 2008

A importância do anel de silicone na derivação gástrica em Y-de-ROUX para o tratamento da obesidade

Antonio Carlos Valezi; Edivaldo Macedo de Brito; José Carlos Lacerda de Souza; Ana Luiza Mezzaroba Guariente; Fabiano Takaaki Emori; Vivian Cristina Holanda Lopes

BACKGROUND: The aim of the study is to state if the ring used in the Roux-en-Y gastric bypass is related to the weight loss after surgery. METHODS: The study has a 5 years follow up. After endoscopic examination the patientes were divided in two groups: internal diameter of the ring till 10mm (184 patients) and other group with internal diameter of the ring more than 10 mm (107 patients).The excess of weight loss were measured one, two and five years after surgery and compared one with each other. RESULTS: The excess of weight loss was higher for those patients with tighter ring. Statistc analysis was significant comparing the two groups one, two and five years after surgery, the excess of weight loss was higher in the tighter ring groups for each time after surgery. There were no difference related to sex, age and BMI. CONCLUSION: The restriction determined by ring increases the excess of weight loss in patients submitted to Roux-en-Y gastric bypass.

Revista do Colégio Brasileiro de Cirurgiões | 2008

Estudo do padrão alimentar tardio em obesos submetidos à derivação gástrica com bandagem em Y- de- Roux: comparação entre homens e mulheres

Antonio Carlos Valezi; Silvia Jamusse de Brito; Jorge Mali Junior; Edivaldo Macedo de Brito

BACKGROUND: To evaluate late meal patterns in patients after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery and to compare sex gender differences. METHODS: From July 2006 to July 2007, patients from the outpatient Londrina Hospital State University - Digestive Surgery Section were evaluated after at least 12 months post-operatively. The patients were studied through a questionnaire, including demographic items about eating behavior, meal pattern, and frequency of vomiting and dumping symptoms. Statistical analysis was performed using Chi-square or Fischer test with significance requiring p<0.05. RESULTS: Data were collected from 116 patients, 95(78.4%) were women and 25(21.5%) were men. There were small differences when comparing women and men in eating behavior, meal pattern, frequency of vomiting and dumping symptoms and no statistical significance was found. Only the variables of fruits intake and somnolence were significantly more frequent in women. CONCLUSION: Applying the proposed questionnaire it was possible to know the late eating behavior and meal pattern of our patients. The intake of fruits was the unique item with statistical differences between genders.

Revista do Colégio Brasileiro de Cirurgiões | 2004

Tratamento cirúrgico das estenoses da via biliar

Antônio César Marson; Jorge Mali Junior; Rodrigo Gomes de Oliveira; Antonio Carlos Valezi; Edivaldo Macedo de Brito; Farid Libos Júnior

BACKGROUND: Benign stricture of biliary tract (BSBT) are iatrogenic in about 95% of the cases. Although rare, its outcome is poor; therefore prevention is the best option. The objective of this study is to evaluate the surgical management and its results in BSBT. METHODS: We retrospectively analyzed 11 patients submitted to corrective surgery for BSBT at Hospital Universitario Regional do Norte do Parana, from July / 92 to December / 01. RESULTS: There were nine female patients and the mean age was 43.71 years old. Previous surgeries were classic cholecistectomies (81.8%) and videocholescistectomies (18.2%).The most frequent signs and symptoms were jaundice (64.3%), abdominal pain (64.3%) and fever (21.4). The diagnosis was confirmed by CPRE in 90.9% of the patients and CTP in 9.1%. According to Bismuth‘s classification, 18.2% of the patients were considered grade I, 45.4% grade II, 18.2% grade III and 18.2% grade IV. The corrective surgery for BSBT was choledochoduodenostomy in two cases of grade I, hepaticojejunostomy using a Roux-en-Y loop of jejunum in five cases of grade II, Hepp-Couinauds operations in two cases of grade III, hepaticojejunostomy with mucosal graft (Smiths technique) in two cases of grade IV. The postoperative complications were fistula (18.2%), death (18.2%), pneumonia (9.1%) and hemobilia (9.1%). CONCLUSION: Complexity of the surgical treatment requires prevention of injuries. Bile duct lesions repair should be considered as a specialists procedure and should be performed in a center with special interest in this disease.

Revista do Colégio Brasileiro de Cirurgiões | 2004

Tratamento do megaesôfago chagásico grau II por laparoscopia: experiência em 12 casos

Antonio Carlos Valezi; Jorge Mali Junior; Antônio César Marson; Edivaldo Macedo de Brito; José Carlos Lacerda de Souza

BACKGROUND: Various techniques have been used for the surgical treatment of esophageal achalasia, however, the best results for non - advanced esophageal achalasia has been achieved by miotomy. Laparoscopy for non advanced esophageal achalasia have been showing similar results than convencional surgery, with the benefits of a minimally invasive procedure. The aim of this study was to analyze the results of laparoscopy Heller miotomy and Dor fundoplication for non - advanced esophageal achalasia. METHODS: Twelve patients with non - advanced esophageal achalasia submitted to laparoscopic Heller miotomy and Dor fundoplication from Jan/99 to Dec/01 were prospectively analised. RESULTS: All surgeries were completed by laparoscopy with no conversion. Nine patients were assymptomatic and tree presented dysphagia, regurgitation and heartburn, respectively. These patients had a median follow-up of 13.2 months (9-39). There were two cases of gastric perfuration and one case of esophageal perfuration but no deaths occured in this series. CONCLUSION: Based in this study, we could conclude that the Heller miotomy associated to the Dor fundoplication by laparoscopy has a low complication rate. Its use was effective and safe for esophageal achalasia. The surgery is perfectively performed by laparoscopy, with results similar to those of laparotomy, added to the benefits of minimally invasive surgery.

Revista do Colégio Brasileiro de Cirurgiões | 2003

Laparoscopia no abdome agudo inflamatório de difícil diagnóstico

Antonio Carlos Valezi; Jorge Mali Junior; Rodrigo Gomes de Oliveira; Mario Liberatti; Antônio César Marson; Edivaldo Macedo de Brito

OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study is to analize the efficacy of laparoscopy in cases of acute inflamatory abdomen of difficult diagnosis, according to accuracy, sensitivity, specificity and negative and positive predictive values. METHODS: The authors studied, prospectively, 29 patients with clinical suspicion of inflamatory acute abdomen, that, after inconclusive clinical and complemental investigations were submitted to diagnostic and / or therapeutic laparoscopy. RESULTS: In 96,5 % of the patients the procedure confirmed the diagnosis; 58,6 % of the patients were treated by laparoscopy, 6,8% by laparotomy and 34,4% received clinical treatment. The complication rate was 10,3 %, with no mortality in this study. Patients treated by laparoscopy were discharged from hospital in 36 hours after the procedure. CONCLUSIONS: Laparoscopy proved to be a good diagnostic and therapeutic method in acute inflamatory diseases of the abdomen and is associated with lower hospitalization time and lower rate of complications.

Revista do Colégio Brasileiro de Cirurgiões | 2001

Necrose idiopática do epíploo

Antonio Carlos Valezi; Edivaldo Macedo de Brito; Eufânio Stefano Saquetti

The most common causes of acute abdominal pain are acute apendicites or cholecistites among several other causes, but uncommon ethiology should be remembered. The authors report a case of a 34 year-old man with necrosis of the epiploon that simulated an acute apendicites. The correct diagnosis and the treatment were done by laparoscopy.

Obesity Surgery | 2007

Weight Loss Outcome After Silastic Ring Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass: 8 Years of Follow-up

Antonio Carlos Valezi; Jorge Mali Junior; Mariano Almeida de Menezes; Edivaldo Macedo de Brito; Shirley Aparecida Fabris de Souza

Archive | 2008


Silvia Jamusse de Brito; Jorge Mali Junior; Edivaldo Macedo de Brito

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