Edmond Préteceille
Centre national de la recherche scientifique
Environment and Planning A | 2007
Edmond Préteceille
The category of gentrification has only recently began to be used for the study of French cities. The process through which working-class neighbourhoods became areas of upper-middle-class residence was earlier discussed as embourgeoisement, largely referred to as state intervention and seen as the effect of the permanent preference for central locations of higher categories. The detailed empirical examination of the Paris metropolis shows that such changes have indeed been occurring steadily over the last decades, but that the largest number of neighbourhoods experiencing that change of social profile are to be found in the first ring of banlieues and not in the central city. The analysis of the social profile of gentrifiers shows that it differs substantially between areas. Three main types of processes are identified: the first is the expansion of upper-class areas into adjacent working-class neighbourhoods, with an influx mainly of private-sector professionals, managers, and engineers; the second is upward social mobility of working-class areas, spatially and socially distinct from upper-class ones; and the third, which is found in a minority of cases only, resembles more the dominant model of gentrification, with a substantial contribution of professionals in public, scientific, media, and artistic occupations.
Eure-revista Latinoamericana De Estudios Urbano Regionales | 1999
Edmond Préteceille; Luiz Cesar de Queiroz Ribeiro
Resumen es: La globalizacion ha sido ampliamente asociada con el crecimiento de las desigualdades, la pobreza y y la segreacion urbana. El modelo de ciudad global ...
Environment and Planning D-society & Space | 1986
Edmond Préteceille
Although collective consumption is recognized as a major issue for urban research, the specificity of the urban field should not be limited to it, thus reproducing theoretically the dominant separation enforced ideologically and practically between production and reproduction, Production, and more generally work relations and practices, should be considered as basic determinants of the urban, not only because of their direct spatial dimensions and implications, but also because of their relations to reproduction practices. These relations are not mechanistic determinations but complex, contradictory, mediated, and retroactive processes. Therefore social differentiations or cleavages related to consumption practices, like urban social segregation and unequal access to collective consumption, are not simple translations of class structure in the most general and abstract sense. They contribute both to the strengthening of class identities and social solidarities in certain situations, areas and conjunctures, and to class fragmentation and competition or conflict in others. Nevertheless, they are but another aspect of the complexity of class structures and not an independent mode of social cleavage. This can be seen in class differentiations of consumption practices as well as in the related stakes for urban social struggles.
Revista Brasileira de Ciências Sociais | 1999
Edmond Préteceille; Luiz Cesar de Queiroz Ribeiro
Globalization has been widely linked with an increase in urban inequality, poverty and segregation. The model of the global city in particular has spread the idea that the restructuring of the labor market resulting from the economic globalization process inevitably produces a new type of duality. The cases of Paris and Rio de Janeiro allow a comparison of two cities with deeply unequal labor markets and which have been affected in different ways by economic globalization. What are the trends in the evolution of the social structure of these two cities? To answer this question, changes in their occupational structure and the impact of these changes on urban segregation patterns were systematically compared through the use of recent census data. Several hypotheses are put forward for interpreting the similarities and differences observed between the two cities and the global city model, and for analysis of their relationship to specific forms of global economic restructuring, as well as to specific characteristics of labor relations, social policy, class structure and social stratification.
Mélanges de l'Ecole française de Rome. Italie et Méditerranée | 2008
Bruno Cousin; Edmond Préteceille
A partir d’une reelaboration des donnees censitaires individuelles de 1991 (les plus recentes actuellement disponibles), cet article propose une analyse de la repartition des differentes categories socioprofessionnelles dans la metropole milanaise, ainsi qu’une comparaison controlee avec les resultats etablis precedemment pour le cas parisien. Apres une harmonisation francoitalienne des aires geographiques et des categories en fonction desquelles la segregation est analysee, et la presentation des grandes lignes de division sociale de la ville, on procede a l’elaboration d’une typologie des espaces propre a la capitale lombarde, qui permet l’identification des differentes pieces caracteristiques de sa mosaique socio-spatiale, ainsi que l’analyse fine des contrastes et juxtapositions de celle-ci.
Dados-revista De Ciencias Sociais | 2017
Adalberto Cardoso; Edmond Préteceille
The Brazilian Middle Classes: Who Are They? How Extensive Are They? How Have They Evolved? The following article aims to address the extent to which improvements in the quality of life in Brazil from 2002 to 2014 resulted from shifts in the structure of workers’ roles in the social division of labor, and whether or not Brazil became a country of middle classes in the process. To do so, national and international literature on middle classes is examined, as is the debate on the “new middle class”. An innovative sociological alternative for shaping the class structure based on the French socio-professional classification system is suggested, while an empirical study is used to demonstrate the evolution of this structure. The article concludes that the middle classes grew significantly during the period, however Brazil is far from constituting a “country of middle classes”. Abstract: middle classes; Brazil; France; class structures; social stratification middle classes; Brazil; France; class structures; social stratification 1022 DADOS – Revista de Ciências Sociais, Rio de Janeiro, vol. 60, n 4, 2017 Adalberto Cardoso e Edmond Préteceille
Dados-revista De Ciencias Sociais | 2017
Adalberto Cardoso; Edmond Préteceille
The Brazilian Middle Classes: Who Are They? How Extensive Are They? How Have They Evolved? The following article aims to address the extent to which improvements in the quality of life in Brazil from 2002 to 2014 resulted from shifts in the structure of workers’ roles in the social division of labor, and whether or not Brazil became a country of middle classes in the process. To do so, national and international literature on middle classes is examined, as is the debate on the “new middle class”. An innovative sociological alternative for shaping the class structure based on the French socio-professional classification system is suggested, while an empirical study is used to demonstrate the evolution of this structure. The article concludes that the middle classes grew significantly during the period, however Brazil is far from constituting a “country of middle classes”. Abstract: middle classes; Brazil; France; class structures; social stratification middle classes; Brazil; France; class structures; social stratification 1022 DADOS – Revista de Ciências Sociais, Rio de Janeiro, vol. 60, n 4, 2017 Adalberto Cardoso e Edmond Préteceille
Dados-revista De Ciencias Sociais | 2017
Adalberto Cardoso; Edmond Préteceille
The Brazilian Middle Classes: Who Are They? How Extensive Are They? How Have They Evolved? The following article aims to address the extent to which improvements in the quality of life in Brazil from 2002 to 2014 resulted from shifts in the structure of workers’ roles in the social division of labor, and whether or not Brazil became a country of middle classes in the process. To do so, national and international literature on middle classes is examined, as is the debate on the “new middle class”. An innovative sociological alternative for shaping the class structure based on the French socio-professional classification system is suggested, while an empirical study is used to demonstrate the evolution of this structure. The article concludes that the middle classes grew significantly during the period, however Brazil is far from constituting a “country of middle classes”. Abstract: middle classes; Brazil; France; class structures; social stratification middle classes; Brazil; France; class structures; social stratification 1022 DADOS – Revista de Ciências Sociais, Rio de Janeiro, vol. 60, n 4, 2017 Adalberto Cardoso e Edmond Préteceille
Dados-revista De Ciencias Sociais | 2012
Edmond Préteceille
Daily life, especially for youth, is closely related to place of residence, and urban segregation thus has important consequences for young people. However, their segregation is not identical to that of the general population, given the peculiar characteristics of families with children; youth segregation thus deserves to be analyzed. This article reports on a case study of youth in Paris. The first part examines socioeconomic segregation, which tends to exclude young people of more modest origins from access to urban resources, nearly always concentrated in the central areas of the metropolis; social housing compensates for the centrifugal trend for some of these youth, but this trend is increasingly accentuated in the middle classes. The second part discusses ethnic/racial segregation based on the national origins of their families; young peoples own segregation is more striking than that of immigrants themselves, and a significant minority of immigrant-descendant youth lives in neighborhoods where they are the majority within the young population as a whole.
Les Annales de la recherche urbaine | 1983
Edmond Préteceille
Equipamientos colectivos, ciencias sociales y planificacion. ; El Centro de sociologia urbana comenzo una gran investigacion sobre la distribucion social y espacial de los equipamientos colectivos en la region parisience. Se ha querido medir la distribucion social potencial de los equipamientos en el dominio del consumo colectivo, en un conjunto de una gran region urbana diversificada tanto por su estructura de poblacion que por los espacios. ; Para cada una de las 548 unidades urbanas se construyo un conjunto de indicadores que permitian apreciar la cantidad, la calidad, la diversidad, el modo de funcionamiento de los equipamientos facilmente accesibles a la poblacion residente. Se pudo construir una tipologia de los espacios, muy diferenciados, permitiendo nuevas interpretaciones de los espacios urbanos. Entre otras cosas, en este articulo, se discuten los problemas relativos a la demanda social de investigaciones, las relaciones entre las practicas de la planificacion urbana y los sistemas de informacion cientifica y el paradoxo de la inutilidad aparente de estos ultimos. Despues de haber examinado el alcance, los limites y las condiciones pertinentes de utilizacion de los indicadores de equipamientos colectivos como han sido concebidos, se avanzan proposiciones para el desarrollo del dialogo entre la investigacion y los «encargos sociales» ligados a las politicas urbanas locales.