Edmundo Gallo
Oswaldo Cruz Foundation
Cadernos De Saude Publica | 2014
Paulo Marchiori Buss; Danielly de Paiva Magalhães; Andréia Faraoni Freitas Setti; Edmundo Gallo; Francisco de Abreu Franco Netto; Jorge Mesquita Huet Machado; Daniel Forsin Buss
This paper evaluates health as a Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) in the context of the Post-2015 Development Agenda, between 2012 and 2014. Health was part of the debate since the Millennium Summit and the MDGs (2000), and it also appears in the documents discussing the Post-2015 Agenda, from the Rio+20 to the Open Working Group (OWG), whose report was submitted to the General Assembly of the United Nations (UNGA) 2014-2015, and in the Global Consultation on Health and the High-Level Panel of Eminent Persons reports. The Authors concluded that the treatment of health in all these documents is uniform. They point out that the scope of the health-related SDG is very comprehensive, but its targets are conceptually fragmented and reduced. They advocate their change as to include not only the idea of social determinants of health, but also targets in the field of public health, which were not included in the proposal of the OWG. They also warn that the global and national governance systems need to be reformed and advocate more participation of the civil society, which can influence diplomacy, which, in turn, will be responsible for the agreement signed at the UNGA in 2015.O artigo examina a presenca da saude como Ob-jetivo do Desenvolvimento Sustentavel (ODS) na Agenda do Desenvolvimento pos-2015, no processo transcorrido entre 2012 e 2014. Presente desde a Cupula do Milenio e os ODM (2000), a saude tambem aparece nos documentos que tratam da Agenda pos-2015, da Rio+20 ao documento do Grupo de Trabalho Aberto das Nacoes Unidas (OWG), submetido a Assembleia Geral das Nacoes Unidas (AGNU) 2014-2015, passando pela Con-sulta Global sobre Saude e o Painel de Alto Nivel de Pessoas Eminentes. Os autores concluem pela uniformidade com que a saude aparece nestes documentos. Identificam a amplitude do enunciado do ODS Saude, mas alertam para o fracionamento e reducao conceitual de suas metas. Propoem mudancas nas mesmas, acrescentando a questao dos determinantes sociais da saude e metas em saude publica, ausentes na proposta do OWG. Alertam para a necessidade de reformas na governanca global e nacional, bem como para a participacao da sociedade civil e da influencia que pode exercer sobre a diplomacia, responsavel pelo pacto que sera firmado na AGNU de 2015.
Ciencia & Saude Coletiva | 2014
Edmundo Gallo; Andréia Faraoni Freitas Setti
The post-2015 development agenda highlights the incorporation of sustainability in approaches developed and/or applied to distinct fields of knowledge and action and the demonstration of the effectiveness of experiences of sustainable and healthy territories. This process results from the confrontation of different viewpoints which seek to address social production vis-a-vis their project, with the possibility of updating the hegemonic mode of production and consumption or the emergence of counter-hegemonic rationales. Health, as one of the SDGs, has the challenge of imposing an intersectorial agenda that addresses its social determinants, in a process of participative governance able to build a hierarchy of priorities based on the needs of the territory and build techno-political solutions based on the ecology of knowledge, constituting a strategic-situational and communicative management process. The consistency in formulation of the agenda and potential challenges to its implementation are analyzed, considering its intersectoriality, its strategic governance and management, and especially an assessment of its effectiveness. Moreover, it tests the evaluative tools used and their ability to analyze the consistency in the formulation of the agenda.
Archive | 2016
Andréia Faraoni Freitas Setti; Helena Ribeiro; Edmundo Gallo; Fátima Alves; Ulisses Miranda Azeiteiro
This chapter addresses socio-environmental challenges, health and traditional communities in the context of climate change. The study regards a protected area, the so-called Mosaico Bocaina, in the municipalities of Angra dos Reis and Paraty, in the state of Rio de Janeiro, and Ubatuba, in the state of Sao Paulo, where traditional communities from three different ethnic groups live (indigenous, quilombolas and caicaras). The knowledge of nature and of the physics of climate change (including its causes, consequences and characteristics) isn’t always accompanied by the understanding and science of how climate change affects the well-being and health of populations. The analysis of the public policies and science production for the field concluded that the situation for the region in question is no different from that of other regions in Latin America: (1) public policies have not become effective interventions against climate change in general, and the interest in its implications over the health of populations is recent; (2) the science of climate change is insufficient, especially regarding its effects over the health of populations, whether in this specific region or more encompassing scales; (3) there is no information on how traditional communities perceive climate change, their impacts on health and well-being and tackling strategies. This chapter seeks to contribute to the knowledge of the impacts of climate change on the health and well-being of traditional communities, focusing on the governance tools required to address it. What strategies have traditional communities been using to deal with it? How does the official agenda of efforts reflect the socio-cultural perceptions and mitigation and survival strategies of traditional communities? Qualitative methods of participant observation that combined participation, observation, informal open interviews and analysis of documents were employed. The results generated territorialized knowledge in the social, economic, political and cultural dimensions of climate change and their implications on the health and well-being of traditional communities, as well as allowed the identification of governance mechanisms and socio-cultural strategies that can be used to mitigate, adapt to and help avoiding climate change.
Archive | 2016
Leonardo Esteves de Freitas; João Crisóstomo Holzmeister Oswaldo-Cruz; Anna Cecília Cortines; Edmundo Gallo
The social practices of traditional communities have low environmental and health impacts. This is important to minimize climate changes and guarantee the health of communitarians. The sustainability of traditional communities has a direct connection with the knowledge about their territories and the constitutive social practices of their territoriality. Building a Spatial Database generates knowledge about their territories and enables carrying out a range of geospatial analyses to support communication and decision making. This paper describes the first step in building a Geodatabase to support the management, planning and communication actions within OTSS, a partnership between FIOCRUZ and the Traditional Communities Forum of the Municipalities of Angra dos Reis, Paraty and Ubatuba in Brazil. Three lines of work were developed: (1) Geodatabase Design—geodata was arranged in different scales, comprising basic and thematic secondary data, as well as primary data relevant for the management and the political action of the communities. The information contained in the system was selected together with representatives from the communities. (2) Geodatabase Analysis and Management—continuous data input from traditional populations and technical teams was made. Analysis of the geodata provided solutions to spatial questions posed by project members and by communities, especially about territorial disputes. (3) Geo-information Availability—preparation of maps, charts, spatial files and other media to support the management of the project, the traditional communities and the implementation of correlated projects.
Archive | 2016
Edmundo Gallo; Andréia Faraoni Freitas Setti; Tiago Ruprecht; Francisco Xavier Sobrinho; Patrícia Finamore; Tatsuo Shubo; Gustavo Carvalhaes Xavier Martins Pontual Machado
The area comprised of the so-called Mosaico Bocaina is highly environmentally vulnerable due to real estate speculation, large construction projects and conventional tourism, which put forth an unequal, predatory form of development. The current context of climate change and water crisis in Brazil (particularly in the Southeast) amplifies the vulnerability of traditional and coastal communities. Therefore, the development of participatory alternatives to promote equity is fundamental to address territorial needs, thus generating solutions that consider the local context and traditional knowledge and increasing the resilience of affected communities. Based on the fact that sanitation was considered a priority for Praia do Sono—and through an approach that not only combines permaculture, education and sanitary engineering, but also establishes a dialogue between academia, local community and public managers—the Observatory of Sustainable and Healthy Territories, a partnership between the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (FIOCRUZ), the National Health Foundation (FUNASA) and the Forum of Traditional Communities (FCT) has developed comprehensive social technologies. Raisin awareness in the community aims at the fully incorporating of the proposed solution in a future step. This chapter systemizes the process (from the prioritization to the establishment/implementation of the technological solutions adopted) and analyzes its potential for producing autonomy, equity and sustainability, providing social technologies with the potential to empower communities to provide solutions to mitigate environmental impacts and increase the resilience to climate change.
Cadernos De Saude Publica | 2014
Paulo Marchiori Buss; Danielly de Paiva Magalhães; Andréia Faraoni Freitas Setti; Edmundo Gallo; Francisco de Abreu Franco Netto; Jorge Mesquita Huet Machado; Daniel Forsin Buss
This paper evaluates health as a Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) in the context of the Post-2015 Development Agenda, between 2012 and 2014. Health was part of the debate since the Millennium Summit and the MDGs (2000), and it also appears in the documents discussing the Post-2015 Agenda, from the Rio+20 to the Open Working Group (OWG), whose report was submitted to the General Assembly of the United Nations (UNGA) 2014-2015, and in the Global Consultation on Health and the High-Level Panel of Eminent Persons reports. The Authors concluded that the treatment of health in all these documents is uniform. They point out that the scope of the health-related SDG is very comprehensive, but its targets are conceptually fragmented and reduced. They advocate their change as to include not only the idea of social determinants of health, but also targets in the field of public health, which were not included in the proposal of the OWG. They also warn that the global and national governance systems need to be reformed and advocate more participation of the civil society, which can influence diplomacy, which, in turn, will be responsible for the agreement signed at the UNGA in 2015.O artigo examina a presenca da saude como Ob-jetivo do Desenvolvimento Sustentavel (ODS) na Agenda do Desenvolvimento pos-2015, no processo transcorrido entre 2012 e 2014. Presente desde a Cupula do Milenio e os ODM (2000), a saude tambem aparece nos documentos que tratam da Agenda pos-2015, da Rio+20 ao documento do Grupo de Trabalho Aberto das Nacoes Unidas (OWG), submetido a Assembleia Geral das Nacoes Unidas (AGNU) 2014-2015, passando pela Con-sulta Global sobre Saude e o Painel de Alto Nivel de Pessoas Eminentes. Os autores concluem pela uniformidade com que a saude aparece nestes documentos. Identificam a amplitude do enunciado do ODS Saude, mas alertam para o fracionamento e reducao conceitual de suas metas. Propoem mudancas nas mesmas, acrescentando a questao dos determinantes sociais da saude e metas em saude publica, ausentes na proposta do OWG. Alertam para a necessidade de reformas na governanca global e nacional, bem como para a participacao da sociedade civil e da influencia que pode exercer sobre a diplomacia, responsavel pelo pacto que sera firmado na AGNU de 2015.
Archive | 2018
Leonardo Esteves de Freitas; Cinthia Cristo; Cristiano Lafetá; Érica Mazzieri; Marcela Cananea; Pedro Chaltein; Vagner do Nascimento; Edmundo Gallo
Observatory for Sustainable and Healthy Territories (OTSS) operates through a partnership between FIOCRUZ and the Forum of Traditional Communities of the municipalities of Angra dos Reis, Paraty and Ubatuba, in Brazil. It aims at strengthening the traditional communities’ low-impact way of life as a strategy for climate change adaptation. OTSS’s management system consists of various centers including technical and community researchers to ensure knowledge is exchanged and aims at developing measures against climate change. However, the integration between these centers and the implementation and monitoring of the project proved difficult. A Strategic Integration Advisory Board was created to support all of OTSS’s actions, implement and monitor strategic planning measures focused on strengthening the way of life of traditional communities, support decision making and promote the integration between different centers and the coordination of the project. Initially comprised only of technicians, the Advisory Board played a significant role in management, providing advice regarding planning and integration. However, dialogue with community researchers was insufficient, hindering their participation in management processes and overloading the Community General Coordinator. The incorporation of a community researcher helped to consolidate this dialogue, increased community participation in the decision making and improved the quality of the management provided by OTSS, with results that strengthen the way of life of traditional ‘communities towards climate change adaptation.
Cadernos De Saude Publica | 2014
Paulo Marchiori Buss; Danielly de Paiva Magalhães; Andréia Faraoni Freitas Setti; Edmundo Gallo; Francisco de Abreu Franco Netto; Jorge Mesquita Huet Machado; Daniel Forsin Buss
This paper evaluates health as a Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) in the context of the Post-2015 Development Agenda, between 2012 and 2014. Health was part of the debate since the Millennium Summit and the MDGs (2000), and it also appears in the documents discussing the Post-2015 Agenda, from the Rio+20 to the Open Working Group (OWG), whose report was submitted to the General Assembly of the United Nations (UNGA) 2014-2015, and in the Global Consultation on Health and the High-Level Panel of Eminent Persons reports. The Authors concluded that the treatment of health in all these documents is uniform. They point out that the scope of the health-related SDG is very comprehensive, but its targets are conceptually fragmented and reduced. They advocate their change as to include not only the idea of social determinants of health, but also targets in the field of public health, which were not included in the proposal of the OWG. They also warn that the global and national governance systems need to be reformed and advocate more participation of the civil society, which can influence diplomacy, which, in turn, will be responsible for the agreement signed at the UNGA in 2015.O artigo examina a presenca da saude como Ob-jetivo do Desenvolvimento Sustentavel (ODS) na Agenda do Desenvolvimento pos-2015, no processo transcorrido entre 2012 e 2014. Presente desde a Cupula do Milenio e os ODM (2000), a saude tambem aparece nos documentos que tratam da Agenda pos-2015, da Rio+20 ao documento do Grupo de Trabalho Aberto das Nacoes Unidas (OWG), submetido a Assembleia Geral das Nacoes Unidas (AGNU) 2014-2015, passando pela Con-sulta Global sobre Saude e o Painel de Alto Nivel de Pessoas Eminentes. Os autores concluem pela uniformidade com que a saude aparece nestes documentos. Identificam a amplitude do enunciado do ODS Saude, mas alertam para o fracionamento e reducao conceitual de suas metas. Propoem mudancas nas mesmas, acrescentando a questao dos determinantes sociais da saude e metas em saude publica, ausentes na proposta do OWG. Alertam para a necessidade de reformas na governanca global e nacional, bem como para a participacao da sociedade civil e da influencia que pode exercer sobre a diplomacia, responsavel pelo pacto que sera firmado na AGNU de 2015.
Ciencia & Saude Coletiva | 2012
Paulo Marchiori Buss; Jorge Mesquita Huet Machado; Edmundo Gallo; Danielly de Paiva Magalhães; Andréia Faraoni Freitas Setti; Francisco de Abreu Franco Netto; Daniel Forsin Buss
Ciencia & Saude Coletiva | 2012
Edmundo Gallo; Andréia Faraoni Freitas Setti; Danielly de Paiva Magalhães; Jorge Mesquita Huet Machado; Daniel Forsin Buss; Francisco de Abreu Franco Netto; Paulo Marchiori Buss