Eduardo Casali
University of Cambridge
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Featured researches published by Eduardo Casali.
Journal of High Energy Physics | 2014
Tim Adamo; Eduardo Casali; David Skinner
A bstractAmbitwistor strings are chiral, infinite tension analogues of conventional string theory whose target space is the space of complex null geodesics and whose spectrum consists exclusively of massless states. At genus zero, these strings underpin the Cachazo-He-Yuan formulæ for tree level scattering of gravitons, gluons and scalars. In this paper we extend these formulæ in a number of directions. Firstly, we consider Ramond sector vertex operators and construct simple amplitudes involving space-time fermions. These agree with tree amplitudes in ten dimensional supergravity and super Yang-Mills. We then show that, after the usual GSO projections, the ambitwistor string partition function is modular invariant. We consider the scattering equations at genus one, and calculate one loop scattering amplitudes for NS-NS external states in the Type II ambitwistor string. We conjecture that these give new representations of (the integrand of) one loop supergravity amplitudes and we show that they have the expected behaviour under factorization of the worldsheet in both non-separating and separating degenerations.
Journal of High Energy Physics | 2014
Eduardo Casali
A bstractIn this short note I show that the soft limit for colour-ordered tree-level YangMills amplitudes contains a sub-leading divergent term. This term is analogous to those found recently by Cachazo and Strominger for tree-level gravity amplitudes.
Classical and Quantum Gravity | 2014
Tim Adamo; Eduardo Casali; David Skinner
We describe a theory that lives on the null conformal boundary of asymptotically flat space-time, and whose states encode the radiative modes of (super)gravity. We study the induced action of the BMS group, verifying that the Ward identity for certain BMS supertranslations is equivalent to Weinbergʼs soft graviton theorem in the bulk. The subleading behaviour of soft gravitons may also be obtained from a Ward identity for certain superrotation generators in the extended BMS algebra proposed by Barnich and Troessaert. We show that the theory computes the complete classical gravitational S-matrix, perturbatively around the Minkowski vacuum.
Journal of High Energy Physics | 2015
Eduardo Casali; Yvonne Geyer; Lionel Mason; Ricardo Monteiro; Kai A. Roehrig
A bstractWe describe new ambitwistor string theories that give rise to the recent amplitude formulae for Einstein-Yang-Mills, (Dirac)-Born-Infeld, Galileons and others introduced by Cachazo, He and Yuan. In the case of the Einstein-Yang-Mills amplitudes, an important role is played by a novel worldsheet conformal field theory that provides the appropriate colour factors precisely without the spurious multitrace terms of earlier models that had to be ignored by hand. This is needed to obtain the correct multitrace terms that arise when Yang-Mills is coupled to gravity.
Journal of High Energy Physics | 2016
Eduardo Casali; Piotr Tourkine
A bstractIn this paper we present the null string origin of the ambitwistor string. Classically, the null string is the tensionless limit of string theory, and so too is the ambitwistor string. Both have as constraint algebra the Galilean Conformal Algebra in two dimensions. But something interesting happens in the quantum theory since there is an ambiguity in quantizing the null string. We show that, given a particular choice of quantization scheme and a particular gauge, the null string coincides with the ambitwistor string both classically and quantum mechanically. We also show that the same holds for the spinning versions of the null string and ambitwistor string. With these results we clarify the relationship between the ambitwistor string, the null string, the usual string and the Hohm-Siegel-Zwiebach theory.
Journal of High Energy Physics | 2015
Tim Adamo; Eduardo Casali; David Skinner
A bstractWe present a worldsheet theory that describes maps into a curved target space equipped with a B-field and dilaton. The conditions for the theory to be consistent at the quantum level can be computed exactly, and are that the target space fields obey the nonlinear d = 10 supergravity equations of motion, with no higher curvature terms. The path integral is constrained to obey a generalization of the scattering equations to curved space. Remarkably, the supergravity field equations emerge as quantum corrections to these curved space scattering equations.
Journal of High Energy Physics | 2015
Eduardo Casali; Piotr Tourkine
A bstractThe recently introduced ambitwistor string led to a striking proposal for one-loop maximal supergravity amplitudes, localised on the solutions of the ambitwistor one-loop scattering equations. However, these amplitudes have not been explicitly analysed, due to the apparent complexity of the equations that determine the localisation. In this paper we propose an analytic solution to the four-point one-loop scattering equations in the infrared (IR) regime of the amplitude. Using this solution, we compute the ambitwistor integrand and demonstrate that it correctly reproduces the four-graviton integrand in the IR regime. This solution qualitatively extends to n points. To conclude, we explain that the ambitwistor one-loop scattering equations actually correspond to the standard Gross & Mende saddle point.
Journal of High Energy Physics | 2015
Tim Adamo; Eduardo Casali
A bstractThe tree-level S-matrix of type II supergravity can be computed in scattering equation form by correlators in a worldsheet theory analogous to a chiral, infinite tension limit of the pure spinor formalism. By defining a non-minimal version of this theory, we give a prescription for computing correlators on higher genus worldsheets which manifest spacetime supersymmetry. These correlators are conjectured to provide the loop integrands of supergravity scattering amplitudes, supported on the scattering equations. We give nontrivial evidence in support of this conjecture at genus one and two with four external states. Throughout, we find a close correspondence with the pure spinor formalism of superstring theory, particularly regarding regulators and zero-mode counting.
Journal of High Energy Physics | 2015
Tim Adamo; Eduardo Casali; Kai A. Roehrig; David Skinner
A bstractWe present a new formula for all single trace tree amplitudes in four dimensional super Yang-Mills coupled to Einstein supergravity. Like the Cachazo-He-Yuan formula, our expression is supported on solutions of the scattering equations, but with momenta written in terms of spinor helicity variables. Supersymmetry and parity are both manifest. In the pure gravity and pure Yang-Mills sectors, it reduces to the known twistor-string formulae. We show that the formula behaves correctly under factorization and sketch how these amplitudes may be obtained from a four-dimensional (ambi)twistor string.
Journal of High Energy Physics | 2017
Eduardo Casali; Yannick Herfray; Piotr Tourkine
A bstractThe scattering equation formalism for scattering amplitudes, and its stringy incarnation, the ambitwistor string, remains a mysterious construction. In this paper, we pursue the study a gauged-unfixed version of the ambitwistor string known as the null string. We explore the following three aspects in detail; its complexification, gauge fixing, and amplitudes. We first study the complexification of the string; the associated symmetries and moduli, and connection to the ambitwistor string. We then look in more details at the leftover symmetry algebra of the string, called Galilean conformal algebra; we study its local and global action and gauge-fixing. We finish by presenting an operator formalism, that we use to compute tree-level scattering amplitudes based on the scattering equations and a one-loop partition function. These results hopefully will open the way to understand conceptual questions related to the loop expansion in these twistor-like string models.