Eduardo Shiguero Sakaguti
Universidade Estadual de Maringá
Featured researches published by Eduardo Shiguero Sakaguti.
Revista Brasileira De Zootecnia | 2006
Wilson Massamitu Furuya; Vivian Gomes dos Santos; Lilian Carolina Rosa da Silva; Valéria Rossetto Barriviera Furuya; Eduardo Shiguero Sakaguti
This trial was carried out to determine the digestible lysine requirements of Nile tilapia juveniles. Ninety- six reverted fishes averaging initial weight of 5.72 ± 0.10 g were fed four diets (29.51% of crude protein and 3,235 kcal/kg of digestible energy) containing increasing levels of L-lysine HCl (0.1, 0.3, 0.5, and 0.7%), during 42 days. The following treatments were evaluated: dietary lysine levels of 1.04; 1.27; 1.51 and 1.741%. Fishes were allotted to 1000-L 16 tanks, as a completely randomized design with four treatments, three replicates and eight fishes per experimental unit. No treatment effects on hepatosomatic index, visceral fat, survival rate and water ether extract in the carcass were observed. The Linear Response Plateau analysis of weight gain and feed:gain ratio versus digestible lysine level yielded an estimated digestible lysine requirement of 1.56 and 1.44% for Nile tilapia juveniles, respectively. Quadratic effect of treatments on carcass yield that increased up to 1.61% of digestible lysine was observed. Considering the performance, it is recommended diets containing up to 1.44% of digestible lysine (5.23% of protein) for Nile tilapia juveniles.
Revista Brasileira De Zootecnia | 2005
Sandra Mari Yamamoto; Francisco de Assis Fonseca de Macedo; Marilice Zundt; Alexandre Agostinho Mexia; Eduardo Shiguero Sakaguti; Guilherme Bareia Liberato Rocha; Kelly Cristina Telles Regaçoni; Rosa Maria Gomes de Macedo
Objetivou-se avaliar a ingestao de materia seca, o ganho de peso diario, a conversao alimentar, o peso vivo ao abate e o periodo de confinamento em cordeiros Santa Ines puros e ½Dorset ½Santa Ines, alimentados com dietas isoenergeticas (76,59% de NDT) e isoproteicas (17,48% de PB) contendo diferentes fontes de oleo vegetal (oleos de soja, canola e linhaca) e uma dieta controle (sem inclusao de oleo vegetal). A relacao volumoso:concentrado foi de 30:70 e utilizou-se feno de aveia como volumoso. Realizou-se tambem um ensaio de digestibilidade, utilizando quatro cordeiros nao-castrados, distribuidos em delineamento quadrado latino, avaliando-se ingestao, excrecao fecal e digestibilidade total dos nutrientes das racoes. A ingestao de materia seca, expressa em porcentagem do peso vivo, foi menor nos cordeiros que receberam dieta contendo oleo de canola que naqueles que receberam dieta controle. Porem, todas as racoes proporcionaram ganhos de peso e conversao alimentar satisfatorios. Os valores de digestibilidade total da materia seca (76,02%) e materia orgânica (76,82%) da dieta controle foram superiores aos da dieta contendo oleo de linhaca (72,11% e 72,97%, respectivamente), embora nao tenham diferido das dietas contendo oleos de soja (72,94 e 73,71%) e canola (73,45 e 74,25%). A digestibilidade do extrato etereo foi menor na dieta controle (84,02%), enquanto as demais dietas apresentaram valor medio de 91,98%. Os oleos vegetais reduziram a digestibilidade da materia seca e da materia orgânica, nao afetando a ingestao e digestao dos demais nutrientes.
Ciencia Rural | 2004
Sandra Mari Yamamoto; Francisco de Assis Fonseca de Macedo; Alexandre Agostinho Mexia; Marilice Zundt; Eduardo Shiguero Sakaguti; Guilherme Bareia Liberato Rocha; Kelly Cristina Telles Regaçoni; Rosa Maria Gomes de Macedo
This work aimed to evaluate dressing of cuts and non-carcass components in Santa Ines and ½ Dorset ½ Santa Ines lambs fed with diets of different vegetal oil sources (soybean oil, canola oil and linseed oil) and a control diet (without vegetal oil). After slaughter there was the collection and weighing of the blood, skin, whole gastrointestinal tract (esophagus + stomachs + small and large intestines with their contents), empty gastrointestinal tract (esophagus + stomachs + small and large intestines previously emptied and cleaned), reproductive system + bladder, spleen, liver, heart, respiratory system with trachea, kidney with fat, head, feet and tail for determination of yield in relation of slaughter live weight. After 24 hours in cold chamber, chilled carcass was weighed and longitudinally ssplit, being the left side sectioned in seven anatomical parts: legs, chump, shoulder, fluctuant rips, real rips, bottoms and neck. The study of non-carcass components showed how the weights of skin (8.74%) and gastrointestinal tract (10.65%) are important in dressing determination. Cut percentages were not affected (p>0.05) by different diets and genetic groups evaluated in this study.
Revista Brasileira De Zootecnia | 2003
Eduardo Shiguero Sakaguti; Martinho de Almeida e Silva; R.L. Quaas; Elias Nunes Martins; Paulo Sávio Lopes; Luiz Otávio Campos da Silva
Restricted maximum likelihood (REML) estimates of additive and residual variances and covariances for birth weight and adjusted weights at 120, 205, 240, 365, 420 e 550 days of age were used to estimate growth covariance functions (CFs) of Tabapua beef calves. Data were observed on 41,415 animals born from 1975 to 1997 and raised under pasture conditions. Estimation of CFs is a very useful tool to analyze beef cattle growth. It was possible to estimate covariance between any pair of ages and the analyses of eigenfunctions associated with the eigenvalues of coefficients matrix of CFs showed that the growth curves of Tabapua calves could be easily changed by selection. Weaning stress, compensatory growth and selection of animals in the final period caused changes on (co)variance trajectories. Therefore only CFs of more complex order were able to estimate values near to REML estimates. However, high order Legendre polynomials drew sharp waves on variances trajectories at the period edges, witch does not have a coherently biological reason.
Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology | 2005
Wainer César Chiari; Vagner de Alencar Arnaut de Toledo; Maria Claudia Colla Ruvolo-Takasusuki; Arildo José Braz de Oliveira; Eduardo Shiguero Sakaguti; Valeria Maria Attencia; Fabiana Martins Costa; Marina Hitomi Mitsui
This experiment was carried out to evaluate the effect of the honeybee pollination in the production and quality of soybean seeds (Glycine max L. Merril). Seed production was higher (P=0.0001) in covered areas with honeybee colonies (50.64%) and uncovered areas (57.73%) than in covered areas without honeybee colonies. It could be concluded that honeybees were responsible for 95.5% of the pollination accomplished by insects. The pod number in covered treatment with honeybees was 61.38% higher (P=0.0002) than in the covered treatment without honeybees. The average weight of 100 seeds was larger (P=0.0001) in the area covered without honeybees, and reached 17.8 g. The medium content of crude protein in grains was 36.7% and the average oil content was 20.2%. The germination test did not show differences (P>0.05) among the seeds in different treatments. It was concluded that the honeybee pollination in the soybean increased the seeds production.
Revista Brasileira De Zootecnia | 2006
Graziela Aparecida Santello; Francisco de Assis Fonseca de Macedo; Alexandre Agostinho Mexia; Eduardo Shiguero Sakaguti; Fábio Jacobs Dias; Marcelo Farid Pereira
The objectives of this trial were to evaluate carcass characteristics and production costs of ½ Dorset Santa Ines lambs finished at two finishing systems. Forty-four weaned ½ Dorset Santa Ines lambs were distributed to one of the following two finishing systems: 1) feedlot lambs were fed concentrate (4% BW) containing 15.56% CP and 4.32 Mcal GE/kg DM or 2) lambs were on pasture and received a supplement (1.5% BW) containing 27.01% CP and 4.51 Mcal GE/kg DM. Concentrate and supplement costs were R
Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology | 2004
Marcelo Shizuo Torii; Julio Cesar Damasceno; Luciano da Rocha Ribeiro; Eduardo Shiguero Sakaguti; Geraldo Tadeu dos Santos; Makoto Matsushita; Nelson Massaru Fukumoto
0.39 and R
Revista Brasileira De Zootecnia | 2004
Alexandre Agostinho Mexia; Francisco de Assis Fonseca de Macedo; Claudete Regina Alcalde; Eduardo Shiguero Sakaguti; Elias Nunes Martins; Marilice Zundt; Sandra Mari Yamamoto; Rosa Maria Gomes de Macedo
0.54, respectively. Animals were slaughtered when they reached, on average, 30 kg of BW. Mean values for hot and cold carcass weights were 14.33 and 14.11 kg and 13.91 and 13.6 kg for animals on feedlot and pasture plus supplementation system, respectively. Carcass and commercial carcass yields were 55.81 and 55.61% and 46.39 and 46.04% for animals on feedlot and pasture plus supplementation system, respectively. It was also observed, in this order, the following mean values for body condition score, and carcass and hindlimb compactness indexes: 3.03 and 2.96; 0.21 and 0.20 kg/cm; 0.43 and 0.44 cm/cm for animals on feedlot and pasture plus supplementation system, respectively. Slaughter age, body condition score, hot and cold carcass weights, carcass and commercial carcass yields, carcass and hindlimb compactness indexes all did not differ between treatments indicating that lambs can be finished either at feedlot or at pasture plus supplementation. However, according to the economical analysis is recommended the pasture plus supplementation finishing system.
Ciencia Rural | 2004
Wilson Massamitu Furuya; Lilian Carolina Rosa da Silva; Patrícia Ribeiro Neves; Daniele Botaro; Carmino Hayashi; Eduardo Shiguero Sakaguti; Valéria Rossetto Barriviera Furuya
The objective of the present work was to evaluate the physical-chemical characteristics (density, pH, acidity, fat, protein, lactose and total of solids contents) and milk fatty acids composition (C: 4 to C: 20) in response to roughage sources (alfalfa hay T1; oat hay T2 and maize silage T3). Nine Saanen lactating goats were used, in a triple Youden square design (3 animals x 2 periods). There was no treatment effects in the physical-chemical variables in the univariate analyses; by multivariate analyses three distinct patterns of fatty acids could be defined: milk with greater quantity of short chain fatty acids and acids C17:1w7 e C18:2w6 (T1); milk with equivalent amounts of short, medium and long chain fatty acids (T2); and milk with greater amounts of acids C16:1w7, C17:0, C18:1w9 and C20:0 (T3). These results indicated that the roughage sources used in the diet of lactating dairy goats affected the fatty acids composition, without altering the milk physical-chemical characteristics. The acids more sensitive to the treatment effects were: C10:0, C12:0, C14:0, C16:0, C16:1w7, C18:0 and C18:3w6.
Revista Brasileira De Zootecnia | 2006
Alencariano José da Silva Falcão; Elias Nunes Martins; Claudio Napolis Costa; Eduardo Shiguero Sakaguti; Josmar Mazucheli
The reproductive and productive behaviour of Santa Ines ewes were evaluated as a function of supplementation in different stages of pregnancy, where NS = pasture during the day and cassava bagasse during the night over the breeding season and pregnancy, S46 = NS plus supplement (soybean hulls) from the 46th day after the beginning of the breeding season until the birth and S100 = NS plus supplement (soybean hulls) from the 100th day after the beginning of the breeding season until the birth. Ninety-Four Santa Ines ewes were utilized, mating by five Santa Ines and five Dorset ram. The treatment did not affect ewe weight on the 84 days after the beginning of the supplementation (EW 4), weight of the ewe at the weaning (WEW), pregnancy incidence (0 or 1) at the final third part of it (PREG), birth rate (BIRTH), natality rate (NR) and prolificity (PROLI), being the averages of 49.54 kg; 0.82; 0.71; 0.88 and 1.26 respectively. Ewes supplementation, sex and genetic group of the lamb did not influence the birth weight (LWB), by the age of 30 days (LW30) and by the 60 days (LW60). The averages were, respectively, 3.47 kg; 8.26 kg and 12.42 kg. The type of birth affected the LWB and the LW30. There was no difference for the total weight of the lambs at birth (TWB), total weight of the lambs after 30 days (TW30) and total weight of the lambs after 60 days (TW60) between the treatments, inside each type of birth and among the genetic groups. The supplementation stages of the ewe, the genetic group of the lamb and the type of birth did not influence the death rate, from the birth until the age of 30 and 60 days. The reproductive performance of the supplementeds ewes in the pregnancy period using 0.5% of live weight, with soybean hulls, was not modified.