
Pesquisa Agropecuaria Brasileira | 2012

Crescimento e produtividade de nogueira-macadâmia em consórcio com cafeeiro arábica irrigado

Marcos José Perdoná; Adriana Novais Martins; Eduardo Suguino; Rogério Peres Soratto

The objective of this study was to evaluate the growth and yield of macadamia nut (Macadamia integrifolia) cultivars in an intercropped system with irrigated coffee (Coffea arabica). The experiment was carried out in a completely randomized design with ten replicates. Six macadamia cultivars, from which three Brazilian (IAC 4-12B, IAC 4-20, and IAC 9-20) and three Hawaiian (HAES 344, HAES 660, and HAES 816) ones were used. In the first four years of production, evaluations were done for: plant height, canopy and stem diameter, number of nuts per plant, nut average weight, almond medium weight, nut production per plant, recovery rate, and almond production per plant. The Brazilian cultivars, especially IAC 4-20, showed a lower height, but with a larger canopy diameter. The Brazilian cultivars are more productive, among which IAC 4-12B is outstanding.

Pesquisa Agropecuaria Brasileira | 2013

Nutrição e produtividade da nogueira-macadâmia em função de doses de nitrogênio

Marcos José Perdoná; Adriana Novais Martins; Eduardo Suguino; Rogério Peres Soratto

O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a influencia de doses de nitrogenio na nutricao mineral e na produtividade da nogueira-macadâmia (Macadamia integrifolia). O experimento foi conduzido durante tres anos agricolas, em Jaboticabal, SP. Utilizou-se o delineamento experimental de blocos ao acaso, com quatro repeticoes. Foram avaliadas cinco doses de N (0, 50, 100, 150 e 200 kg ha-1 por ano), aplicadas na forma de ureia. O aumento nas doses de N aumentou o teor do nutriente nas folhas e a produtividade de nozes e amendoas. Os teores de Ca, Mg e S diminuiram e os de Fe e Mg aumentaram linearmente com a adubacao nitrogenada. A produtividade de nozes e de amendoas correlacionou-se positivamente com o teor de N nas folhas, e a faixa de 14 a 18 g kg-1 foi a que possibilitou as maiores produtividades. A dose de 150 kg ha-1 de N por ano proporciona maior produtividade de noz, sem reduzir a taxa de recuperacao de amendoas.

Revista Brasileira de Plantas Medicinais | 2010

Biomass production and essential oil of rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) in function of the height and interval between the cuts

A May; Eduardo Suguino; Adriana Novais Martins; Lauro Euclides Soares Barata; M.Q Pinheiro

Rosemary is an exotic plant and the interest in its cultivation has been growing along the years, because it can be used for medicinal or aromatic ends, however the agricultural knowledge about the species is quite limited. The goal of this research was to evaluate the influence of the cutting height and of the interval of these cuts on the biomass production and on the yield of the rosemary essential oil. The experiment was conducted at the Agronomical Institute, in Campinas - SP, from January 2006 through July 2007. It was organized in a completely randomized design with 8 treatments in a 2 x 4 factorial system, with two cutting heights (20 and 40 cm) and four intervals between cuts (60, 80, 100, 120 days) and three replications. Characteristics such as plant height, dry mass of the aerial part, yield and quality of its essential oil were evaluated. It was observed that longer intervals among cuttings provided longer height of the plant and greater dried mass of the aerial part. The yield and the quality of the essential oil were not affected throughout the experimental period.

Revista Brasileira De Fruticultura | 2011

Irrigação e adubação potássica via fertirrigação em bananeira 'willians': produção e qualidade de frutos

Adriana Novais Martins; Luiz Antônio Junqueira Teixeira; Eduardo Suguino; Jorge Minoru Hashimoto; Nobuyoshi Narita

The application of nutrients through irrigation water increases their efficiency of utilization by plants. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of potassium fertilization and irrigation on the yield and fruit quality of banana cv. Willians, in the Medio Paranapanema Region, Sao Paulo. Four water regimes were evaluated: rainfed, 0.7 of the reference evapotranspiration (ETo), 1.4 ETo and 2.1 ETo, combined with four doses of potassium: 0, 300, 600 and 900 kg ha year-1 K2O, applied weekly by fertigation. Under rainfed, potassium fertilization was applied during the rainy season, split into four times. Potassium fertigation affects positively both the production and the quality of the fruits of banana cv. Willians. In addition, the fertigation increased nutrient use efficiency when compared to fertilization under rainfed conditions.

Bragantia | 2012

Irrigação e certificação da cafeicultura na Região Centro-Oeste de São Paulo

Marcos José Perdoná; Rogério Peres Soratto; Adriana Novais Martins; Eduardo Suguino; Mauricio Antonio Cuzato Mancuso

An unsatisfactory profitability has led to the gradual decline of the coffee plantations in Sao Paulo. Among the alternatives that arise for solving this problem, two stand out: the irrigation of crops and certification of properties. Even in areas considered suitable for cultivation of arabica coffee (Coffea arabica L.), the use of irrigation can promote an increase in grain yield. In addition, the product certification promotes their differentiation in the market and can improve the economic results of the activity. This study aimed to evaluate the development and productivity of coffee crops subjected to irrigation or not, comparing economic data in the marketing of coffee certified or not, under the conditions of the mid-west region of Sao Paulo state. The field experimental design was in randomized blocks with two treatments (with and without drip irrigation) and ten repetitions. The costs of production and profitability by selling the final product were calculated. The irrigation increased the development and productivity of coffee. The return on investment took place after the third harvest. Irrigation combined with the sale of certified coffee provided financial balance 1,192% higher than the coffee is not irrigated and non-certified.

Revista Brasileira De Fruticultura | 2011

Adição de torta de mamona em substratos na aclimatação de mudas micropropagadas de bananeira

Adriana Novais Martins; Eduardo Suguino; Naíssa Maria Silvestre Dias; Marcos José Perdoná

ABSTRACT: The use of micropropagated banana tree seedlings offer genetic and phytosanitary qualities, favoring the development, installation and uniformity of the yield and it is very important for the commercial exploration of banana fruits. The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of castor oil plant pie added to the substrate in the acclimatization of micropropagated banana plantlets cv. ‘Willians’. It was used a completely randomized design, with 10 treatments, being 2 substrates and 5 dosages of castor oil plant pie (0; 6; 12; 18 and 24 g for each recipient). The substrate Vivatto Slim Plus® showed the best development of the plants in the acclimatization processes. Dosages above 12 g of castor oil plant pie for each plant mixed to the substrate are not recommended in the acclimatization of banana tree seedlings.Index terms: Musa sp., micropropagation, banana. INTRODUCAO A instalacao de um bananal comercial a partir de mudas de boa qualidade e fundamental para al-tas produtividades, longevidade e lucratividade do empreendimento (FURLANETO et al., 2007). As mudas micropropagadas de bananeira necessitam de um periodo de aclimatizacao em viveiros, onde permanecem em recipientes com substratos ate atingirem o porte ideal para o transplantio no campo (NOMURA et al., 2009). Varios tipos de substratos podem ser utiliza-dos no processo de aclimatizacao das mudas, desde que apresentem caracteristicas fisicas, quimicas e biologicas que proporcionem o rapido crescimento vegetativo (YAMANISHI et al., 2004). De acordo com Silva et al. (2001), substra-tos compostos por palha ou casca de arroz carboniza-das, casca curtida de eucalipto ou pinus, vermiculita, areia e turfa sao indicados para a aclimatizacao de mudas. Atualmente, substratos comerciais, acresci-dos de fontes de nutrientes minerais ou orgânicas, sao amplamente utilizados. A torta de mamona e um residuo produzido durante o processo de extracao de oleo das sementes da planta. Estima-se que cada tonelada de semente de mamona processada produza cerca de 530 kg de torta de mamona (SEVERINO et al., 2005). Este subpro-duto da producao de biodiesel de mamona apresenta relacao C/N de 11:1 (KIEHL, 1985), com elevado teor de nitrogenio, podendo ser utilizado como fonte de nutrientes quando misturado ao substrato.

Horttechnology | 2016

Impact of Indole-3-Butyric Acid on Adventitious Root Development from Cuttings of Tea

Simone da Costa Mello; Jéssika Angelotti-Mendonça; Lucas Baiochi Riboldi; Luigi Tancredi Campo Dall’Orto; Eduardo Suguino

The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of the application of indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) at concentrations of 0, 30, 60, and 90 mg L, for 24 hours, on rooting of softwood and semihardwood cuttings of tea (Camellia sinensis var. sinensis ‘Yabukita’ and C. sinensis var. assamica ‘IAC-259’) collected in winter and summer. In the summer, IBA increased root percentage of softwood cuttings from ‘Yabukita’ compared with the control. However, the rooting of semihardwood cuttings was unaffected by this growth regulator. In winter, application of 90mg L IBA increased the rooting regardless of the type of ‘Yabukita’ cuttings. In addition, in ‘IAC-259’, there was an increase in dry weight, number of roots (NOR), and rooting percentage of softwood cuttings collected in summer with application of 90 mg L IBA compared with control. In contrast, during the same period of the year, the semihardwood cuttings of ‘IAC-259’ were unaffected by the IBA. Inwinter, the percentage of cutting survival, rooting, the number, and length of roots were unaffected by IBA in ‘IAC-259’.Overall, wewould recommend the use of exogenous IBA for rooting of cuttings collected in the summer or winter.

Revista Ceres | 2014

Abortamento de frutos da nogueira macadâmia sob influência da adubação mineral

Marcos José Perdoná; Eduardo Suguino; Adriana Novais Martins; Rogério Peres Soratto

A nogueira macadâmia (Macadamia integrifolia) apresenta elevada taxa de abortamento de frutos. A nutricao desequilibrada pode ser um dos fatores que contribui para isso. Objetivou-se, com esta pesquisa, avaliar a influencia de doses de N e do parcelamento da adubacao NPK, de cobertura, na reducao do abortamento de frutos da nogueira macadâmia. Foram desenvolvidos dois experimentos, durante tres anos agricolas, num Latossolo Vermelho, em Jaboticabal, Estado de Sao Paulo. O primeiro experimento foi constituido por cinco doses de N (0, 50, 100, 150 e 200 kg ha-1 ano-1) e quatro repeticoes. O segundo experimento foi constituido por quatro formas de parcelamento da adubacao NPK (T1: outubro T2: outubro + dezembro, T3: outubro + dezembro + fevereiro e T4: outubro+dezembro + fevereiro + abril) e cinco repeticoes. A maior parte dos frutos (77,7 %) foi abortada no inicio de seu desenvolvimento. A aplicacao de N, bem como o parcelamento da adubacao NPK de cobertura, pelo menos em duas vezes (outubro e dezembro), nao alteraram o numero de frutos abortados por planta de macadâmia, mas, por aumentarem o numero total de frutos emitidos e reduzirem a percentagem de abortamento, proporcionaram maior produtividade de nozes.

Revista Brasileira De Ciencia Do Solo | 2014

Nutrição e produtividade da nogueira-macadâmia em razão do parcelamento da adubação mineral

Marcos José Perdoná; Adriana Novais Martins; Eduardo Suguino; Sally Ferreira Blat; Rogério Peres Soratto

Nutrient availability during the year can affect the performance of macadamia (Macadamia integrifolia). However, there is no information about this crop responses to split application of fertilizer under Brazilian conditions. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of splitting the application of chemical fertilizers on the nutrition, yield, and quality of nuts of the macadamia nut tree. The experiment was conducted over three growing seasons on an Oxisol in Jaboticabal, State of Sao Paulo, Brazil. A randomized complete block design with five replications was used. The NPK fertilization treatments were T1 - a single application in October; T2 - two applications, in October and December; T3 - three applications in October, December, and February; and T4 - four applications, in October, December, February, and April. Split application of a chemical source of NPK fertilizer resulted in higher N concentration in the leaves than single application, but it did not affect the concentration of other nutrients. The nut yield was increased when NPK application was split into two, three, or four times from October to April, as compared to single application in October. The recovery rate of nut kernels was not affected by splitting the application of NPK fertilizer.

Coleopterists Bulletin | 2015

Cycloneda sanguinea (L.) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) is a Host for Homalotylus hemipterinus (De Stefani) (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) in Brazil

Terezinha Monteiro dos Santos-Cividanes; Sidnéia Terezinha Soares de Matos; Danilo Henrique da Matta; Francisco Jorge Cividanes; Alex Antonio Ribeiro; Eduardo Suguino

Agencia Paulista Tecnol Agronegocios, Reg Ctr Leste, BR-14030670 Ribeirao Preto, SP, Brazil

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