
The EMBO Journal | 2001

Crystal structure of HIV-1 reverse transcriptase in complex with a polypurine tract RNA:DNA.

Stefan G. Sarafianos; Kalyan Das; Chris Tantillo; Arthur D. Clark; Jianping Ding; Jeannette M. Whitcomb; Paul L. Boyer; Stephen H. Hughes; Edward Arnold

We have determined the 3.0 Å resolution structure of wild‐type HIV‐1 reverse transcriptase in complex with an RNA:DNA oligonucleotide whose sequence includes a purine‐rich segment from the HIV‐1 genome called the polypurine tract (PPT). The PPT is resistant to ribonuclease H (RNase H) cleavage and is used as a primer for second DNA strand synthesis. The ‘RNase H primer grip’, consisting of amino acids that interact with the DNA primer strand, may contribute to RNase H catalysis and cleavage specificity. Cleavage specificity is also controlled by the width of the minor groove and the trajectory of the RNA:DNA, both of which are sequence dependent. An unusual ‘unzipping’ of 7 bp occurs in the adenine stretch of the PPT: an unpaired base on the template strand takes the base pairing out of register and then, following two offset base pairs, an unpaired base on the primer strand re‐establishes the normal register. The structural aberration extends to the RNase H active site and may play a role in the resistance of PPT to RNase H cleavage.

Journal of Virology | 2001

Molecular Modeling and Biochemical Characterization Reveal the Mechanism of Hepatitis B Virus Polymerase Resistance to Lamivudine (3TC) and Emtricitabine (FTC)

Kalyan Das; Xiaofeng Xiong; Huiling Yang; Christopher E. Westland; Craig S. Gibbs; Stefan G. Sarafianos; Edward Arnold

ABSTRACT Success in treating hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection with nucleoside analog drugs like lamivudine is limited by the emergence of drug-resistant viral strains upon prolonged therapy. The predominant lamivudine resistance mutations in HBV-infected patients are Met552IIe and Met552Val (Met552Ile/Val), frequently in association with a second mutation, Leu528Met. The effects of Leu528Met, Met552Ile, and Met552Val mutations on the binding of HBV polymerase inhibitors and the natural substrate dCTP were evaluated using an in vitro HBV polymerase assay. Susceptibility to lamivudine triphosphate (3TCTP), emtricitabine triphosphate (FTCTP), adefovir diphosphate, penciclovir triphosphate, and lobucavir triphosphate was assessed by determination of inhibition constants (Ki ). Recognition of the natural substrate, dCTP, was assessed by determination ofKm values. The results from the in vitro studies were as follows: (i) dCTP substrate binding was largely unaffected by the mutations, with Km changing moderately, only in a range of 0.6 to 2.6-fold; (ii)Ki s for 3TCTP and FTCTP against Met552Ile/Val mutant HBV polymerases were increased 8- to 30-fold; and (iii) the Leu528Met mutation had a modest effect on direct binding of these β-l-oxathiolane ring-containing nucleotide analogs. A three-dimensional homology model of the catalytic core of HBV polymerase was constructed via extrapolation from retroviral reverse transcriptase structures. Molecular modeling studies using the HBV polymerase homology model suggested that steric hindrance between the mutant amino acid side chain and lamivudine or emtricitabine could account for the resistance phenotype. Specifically, steric conflict between the Cγ2-methyl group of Ile or Val at position 552 in HBV polymerase and the sulfur atom in the oxathiolane ring (common to both β-l-nucleoside analogs lamivudine and emtricitabine) is proposed to account for the resistance observed upon Met552Ile/Val mutation. The effects of the Leu528Met mutation, which also occurs near the HBV polymerase active site, appeared to be less direct, potentially involving rearrangement of the deoxynucleoside triphosphate-binding pocket residues. These modeling results suggest that nucleotide analogs that are β-d-enantiomers, that have the sulfur replaced by a smaller atom, or that have modified or acyclic ring systems may retain activity against lamivudine-resistant mutants, consistent with the observed susceptibility of these mutants to adefovir, lobucavir, and penciclovir in vitro and adefovir in vivo.

Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters | 2001

Evolution of anti-HIV drug candidates. Part 3: diarylpyrimidine (DAPY) analogues

Donald William Ludovici; Bart De Corte; Michael Joseph Kukla; Hong Ye; Chih Y. Ho; Mark A. Lichtenstein; Robert W. Kavash; Koen Andries; Marie-Pierre de Béthune; Hilde Azijn; Rudi Pauwels; Paul J. Lewi; Jan Heeres; Lucien Maria Henricus Koymans; Marc René De Jonge; Koen Jeanne Alfons Van Aken; Frederik Frans Desire Daeyaert; Kalyan Das; Edward Arnold; Paul A. J. Janssen

The synthesis and anti-HIV-1 activity of a series of diarylpyrimidines (DAPYs) are described. Several members of this novel class of non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NNRTIs) are extremely potent against both wild-type and a panel of clinically significant single- and double-mutant strains of HIV-1.

Chemistry & Biology | 1999

Touching the heart of HIV-1 drug resistance: the fingers close down on the dNTP at the polymerase active site

Stefan G. Sarafianos; Kalyan Dasi; Jianping Dingi; Paul L. Boyer; Stephen H. Hughes; Edward Arnold

Comparison of the recently solved structure of HIV-1 reverse transcriptase (RT)-DNA-dNTP ternary complex with the previously solved structure of RT-DNA binary complex suggests mechanisms by which the HIV-1 RT becomes resistant to nucleoside-analog inhibitors, drugs currently used in the treatment of AIDS.

Perspectives in Drug Discovery and Design | 1993

Review of HIV-1 reverse transcriptase three-dimensional structure: Implications for drug design

Raymond G. Nanni; Jianping Ding; Alfredo Jacobo-Molina; Stephen H. Hughes; Edward Arnold

Two recent X-ray crystallographic studies have resulted in the three-dimensional structure determination of the reverse transcriptase (RT) enzyme from the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) [Kohlstaedt et al., Science, 256 (1992) 1783; Jacobo-Molina et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 90 (1993) 6320]. This report reviews the structure of the reverse transcriptase heterodimer and provides a detailed description of the folding and topology of the individual subdomains. The interactions of the enzyme with bound template- primer are highlighted. Structure-function relationships have been established and are discussed for several conserved sequence motifs located within the enzyme. Each of these motifs is found to interact significantly with template-primer during the polymerization process. This review integrates the findings of both structure determinations, in particular, to relate these structures to strategies for drug design and development. The structures of both the nucleoside and nonnucleoside inhibitor binding sites are described, and the spatial relationship between the two sites is discussed in light of some novel possibilities for drug development. The first indication of an HIV-1 RT drug-resistant mutation manifested in the p51 subunit is presented. This mutation is located in a region of p51 that is proximal to the nonnucleoside binding pocket. The mechanisms of HIV-1 RT inhibition by both nucleoside and nonnucleoside classes of inhibitors are discussed in relation to the structure of the enzyme. In addition, the implications of the structure for understanding and avoiding the development of resistance of HIV-1 reverse transcriptase to antiviral inhibitors are discussed.

Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters | 2001

Evolution of anti-HIV drug candidates. Part 2: Diaryltriazine (DATA) analogues.

Donald William Ludovici; Robert W. Kavash; Michael Joseph Kukla; Chih Y. Ho; Hong Ye; Bart De Corte; Koen Andries; Marie-Pierre de Béthune; Hilde Azijn; Rudi Pauwels; Henry E.L. Moereels; Jan Heeres; Lucien Maria Henricus Koymans; Marc René De Jonge; Koen Jeanne Alfons Van Aken; Frederik Frans Desire Daeyaert; Paul J. Lewi; Kalyan Das; Edward Arnold; Paul A. J. Janssen

A synthesis program directed toward improving the stability of imidoyl thiourea based non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NNRTIs) led to the discovery of diaryltriazines (DATAs), a new class of potent NNRTIs. The synthesis and anti-HIV structure-activity relationship (SAR) studies of a series of DATA derivatives are described.

Journal of Molecular Biology | 1990

Analysis of the structure of a common cold virus, human rhinovirus 14, refined at a resolution of 3.0 Å

Edward Arnold; Michael G. Rossmann

Human rhinovirus 14 has a pseudo T = 3 icosahedral structure in which 60 copies of the three larger capsid proteins VP1, VP2 and VP3 are arranged in an icosahedral surface lattice, reminiscent of T = 3 viruses such as tomato bushy stunt virus and southern bean mosaic virus. The overall secondary and tertiary structures of VP1, VP2 and VP3 are very similar. The structure of human rhinovirus 14, which was refined at a resolution of 3.0 A [R = 0.16 for reflections with F greater than 3 sigma(F)], is here analyzed in detail. Quantitative analysis of the surface areas of contact (proportional to hydrophobic free energy of association) supports the previously assigned arrangement within the promoter, in which interactions between VP1 and VP3 predominate. Major contacts among VP1, VP2 and VP3 are between the beta-barrel moieties. VP4 is associated with the capsid interior by a distributed network of contacts with VP1, VP2 and VP3 within a promoter. As the virion assembly proceeds, the solvent-accessible surface area becomes increasingly hydrophilic in character. A mixed parallel and antiparallel seven-stranded sheet is composed of the beta C, beta H, beta E and beta F strands of VP3 in one pentamer and beta A1 and beta A2 of VP2 and the VP1 amino terminus in another pentamer. This association plays an essential role in holding pentamers together in the mature virion as this contact region includes more than half of the total short non-bonded contacts between pentamers. Contacts between protomers within pentamers are more extensive than the contacts between pentamers, accounting in part for the stability of pentamers. The previously identified immunogenic regions are correlated with high solvent accessibility, accessibility to large probes and also high thermal parameters. Surface residues in the canyon, the putative cellular receptor recognition site, have lower thermal parameters than other portions of the human rhinovirus 14 surface. Many of the water molecules in the ordered solvent model are located at subunit interfaces. A number of unusual crevices exist in the protein shell of human rhinovirus 14, including the hydrophobic pocket in VP1 which is the locus of binding for the WIN antiviral agents. These may be required for conformational flexibility during assembly and disassembly. The structures of the beta-barrels of human rhinovirus 14 VP1, VP2 and VP3 are compared with each other and with the southern bean mosaic virus coat protein.

Journal of Virology | 2000

A mutation in human immunodeficiency virus type 1 protease, N88S, that causes in vitro hypersensitivity to amprenavir.

Rainer Ziermann; Kay Limoli; Kalyan Das; Edward Arnold; Christos J. Petropoulos; Neil T. Parkin

ABSTRACT Amprenavir (Agenerase, 141-W94, VX-478) is a human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) protease inhibitor (PRI) recently approved for the treatment of HIV-1 infection in the United States. A major cause of treatment failure is the development of resistance to PRIs. One potential use for amprenavir is as salvage therapy for patients for whom treatment that includes one (or more) of the other four currently approved PRIs—saquinavir, indinavir, ritonavir, and nelfinavir—has failed. We evaluated the cross-resistance to amprenavir of viruses that evolved during treatment with the two most commonly prescribed PRIs, nelfinavir and indinavir. Unexpectedly, a dramatic increase in susceptibility (2.5- to 12.5-fold) was observed with 20 of 312 (6.4%) patient viruses analyzed. The most pronounced increases in susceptibility were strongly associated with an N88S mutation in protease. All viruses that carried the N88S mutation were hypersensitive to amprenavir. Site-directed mutagenesis studies confirmed the causal role of N88S in determining amprenavir hypersensitivity. The presence of the N88S mutation and associated amprenavir hypersensitivity may be useful in predicting an improved clinical response to amprenavir salvage therapy.

Acta Crystallographica Section A | 1988

The use of molecular-replacement phases for the refinement of the human rhinovirus 14 structure.

Edward Arnold; Michael G. Rossmann

The structure of human rhinovirus 14 has been refined, by the method of restrained least squares, to an R factor of 0.16 for various random samples between 6 and 3 A resolution with F greater than 3 sigma (F). As a first step the non-crystallographic symmetry parameters were optimized using the initial atomic model in a rigid-body refinement procedure. Phase determination by the molecular-replacement phase extension and refinement procedure was continued to 2.94 A resolution, employing the improved non-crystallographic symmetry operators. The resultant structure-factor phases and weights, together with the measured amplitudes, constituted the X-ray observations used in the restrained refinement. The Hendrickson-Konnert program system [Konnert & Hendrickson (1980). Acta Cryst. A36, 344-350] was modified to incorporate non-crystallographic symmetry constrains and structure-factor phases as observations. The non-bonded contacts between subunits related by non-crystallographic symmetry were also restrained.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | 2001

Nonnucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors are chemical enhancers of dimerization of the HIV type 1 reverse transcriptase

Gilda Tachedjian; Marianna Orlova; Stefan G. Sarafianos; Edward Arnold; Stephen P. Goff

Nonnucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NNRTIs) are allosteric inhibitors of the HIV type 1 (HIV-1) reverse transcriptase (RT). Yeast grown in the presence of many of these drugs exhibited dramatically increased association of the p66 and p51 subunits of the HIV-1 RT as reported by a yeast two-hybrid assay. The enhancement required drug binding by RT; introduction of a drug-resistance mutation into the p66 construct negated the enhancement effect. The drugs could also induce heterodimerization of dimerization defective mutants. Coimmunoprecipitation of RT subunits from yeast lysates confirmed the induction of heterodimer formation by the drugs. In vitro-binding studies indicate that NNRTIs can bind tightly to p66 but not p51 and then mediate subsequent heterodimerization. This study demonstrates an unexpected effect of NNRTIs on the assembly of RT subunits.

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