Edward J. Wollack
Goddard Space Flight Center
Featured researches published by Edward J. Wollack.
Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series | 2011
Eiichiro Komatsu; Kendrick M. Smith; Joanna Dunkley; C. L. Bennett; B. Gold; G. Hinshaw; N. Jarosik; D. Larson; M. R. Nolta; Lyman A. Page; David N. Spergel; M. Halpern; R. S. Hill; A. Kogut; M. Limon; S. S. Meyer; N. Odegard; Gregory S. Tucker; J. L. Weiland; Edward J. Wollack; E. L. Wright
The combination of seven-year data from WMAP and improved astrophysical data rigorously tests the standard cosmological model and places new constraints on its basic parameters and extensions. By combining the WMAP data with the latest distance measurements from the baryon acoustic oscillations (BAO) in the distribution of galaxies and the Hubble constant (H0) measurement, we determine the parameters of the simplest six-parameter ΛCDM model. The power-law index of the primordial power spectrum is ns = 0.968 ± 0.012 (68% CL) for this data combination, a measurement that excludes the Harrison–Zel’dovich–Peebles spectrum by 99.5% CL. The other parameters, including those beyond the minimal set, are also consistent with, and improved from, the five-year results. We find no convincing deviations from the minimal model. The seven-year temperature power spectrum gives a better determination of the third acoustic peak, which results in a better determination of the redshift of the matter-radiation equality epoch. Notable examples of improved parameters are the total mass of neutrinos, � mν < 0.58 eV (95% CL), and the effective number of neutrino species, Neff = 4.34 +0.86 −0.88 (68% CL), which benefit from better determinations of the third peak and H0. The limit on a constant dark energy equation of state parameter from WMAP+BAO+H0, without high-redshift Type Ia supernovae, is w =− 1.10 ± 0.14 (68% CL). We detect the effect of primordial helium on the temperature power spectrum and provide a new test of big bang nucleosynthesis by measuring Yp = 0.326 ± 0.075 (68% CL). We detect, and show on the map for the first time, the tangential and radial polarization patterns around hot and cold spots of temperature fluctuations, an important test of physical processes at z = 1090 and the dominance of adiabatic scalar fluctuations. The seven-year polarization data have significantly improved: we now detect the temperature–E-mode polarization cross power spectrum at 21σ , compared with 13σ from the five-year data. With the seven-year temperature–B-mode cross power spectrum, the limit on a rotation of the polarization plane due to potential parity-violating effects has improved by 38% to Δα =− 1. 1 ± 1. 4(statistical) ± 1. 5(systematic) (68% CL). We report significant detections of the Sunyaev–Zel’dovich (SZ) effect at the locations of known clusters of galaxies. The measured SZ signal agrees well with the expected signal from the X-ray data on a cluster-by-cluster basis. However, it is a factor of 0.5–0.7 times the predictions from “universal profile” of Arnaud et al., analytical models, and hydrodynamical simulations. We find, for the first time in the SZ effect, a significant difference between the cooling-flow and non-cooling-flow clusters (or relaxed and non-relaxed clusters), which can explain some of the discrepancy. This lower amplitude is consistent with the lower-than-theoretically expected SZ power spectrum recently measured by the South Pole Telescope Collaboration.
Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series | 2003
David N. Spergel; Licia Verde; H. V. Peiris; Eiichiro Komatsu; M. R. Nolta; C. L. Bennett; M. Halpern; G. Hinshaw; N. Jarosik; A. Kogut; M. Limon; S. S. Meyer; Lyman A. Page; G. S. Tucker; J. L. Weiland; Edward J. Wollack; E. L. Wright
WMAP precision data enable accurate testing of cosmological models. We find that the emerging standard model of cosmology, a flat � -dominated universe seeded by a nearly scale-invariant adiabatic Gaussian fluctuations, fits the WMAP data. For the WMAP data only, the best-fit parameters are h ¼ 0:72 � 0:05, � bh 2 ¼ 0:024 � 0:001, � mh 2 ¼ 0:14 � 0:02, � ¼ 0:166 þ0:076 � 0:071 , ns ¼ 0:99 � 0:04, and � 8 ¼ 0:9 � 0:1. With parameters fixed only by WMAP data, we can fit finer scale cosmic microwave background (CMB) measure- ments and measurements of large-scale structure (galaxy surveys and the Lyforest). This simple model is also consistent with a host of other astronomical measurements: its inferred age of the universe is consistent with stellar ages, the baryon/photon ratio is consistent with measurements of the (D/H) ratio, and the inferred Hubble constant is consistent with local observations of the expansion rate. We then fit the model parameters to a combination of WMAP data with other finer scale CMB experiments (ACBAR and CBI), 2dFGRS measurements, and Lyforest data to find the models best-fit cosmological parameters: h ¼ 0:71 þ0:04 � 0:03 , � bh 2 ¼ 0:0224 � 0:0009, � mh 2 ¼ 0:135 þ0:008 � 0:009 , � ¼ 0:17 � 0:06, ns(0.05 Mpc � 1 )=0 :93 � 0:03, and � 8 ¼ 0:84 � 0:04. WMAPs best determination of � ¼ 0:17 � 0:04 arises directly from the temperature- polarization (TE) data and not from this model fit, but they are consistent. These parameters imply that the age of the universe is 13:7 � 0:2 Gyr. With the Lyforest data, the model favors but does not require a slowly varying spectral index. The significance of this running index is sensitive to the uncertainties in the Ly� forest. By combining WMAP data with other astronomical data, we constrain the geometry of the universe, � tot ¼ 1:02 � 0:02, and the equation of state of the dark energy, w < � 0:78 (95% confidence limit assuming w �� 1). The combination of WMAP and 2dFGRS data constrains the energy density in stable neutrinos: � � h 2 < 0:0072 (95% confidence limit). For three degenerate neutrino species, this limit implies that their mass is less than 0.23 eV (95% confidence limit). The WMAP detection of early reionization rules out warm dark matter. Subject headings: cosmic microwave background — cosmological parameters — cosmology: observations — early universe On-line material: color figure
Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series | 2013
G. Hinshaw; D. Larson; Eiichiro Komatsu; David N. Spergel; C. L. Bennett; Joanna Dunkley; M. R. Nolta; M. Halpern; R. S. Hill; N. Odegard; Lyman A. Page; Kendrick M. Smith; Jan Weiland; B. Gold; N. Jarosik; A. Kogut; M. Limon; S. S. Meyer; Gregory S. Tucker; Edward J. Wollack; E. L. Wright
We present cosmological parameter constraints based on the final nine-year WMAP data, in conjunction with a number of additional cosmological data sets. The WMAP data alone, and in combination, continue to be remarkably well fit by a six-parameter CDM model. When WMAP data are combined with measurements of the high-l cosmic microwave background (CMB) anisotropy, the baryon acoustic oscillation (BAO) scale, and the Hubble constant, the matter and energy densities, bh 2 , ch 2 , and , are each determined to a precision of 1.5%. The amplitude of the primordial spectrum is measured to within 3%, and there is now evidence for a tilt in the primordial spectrum at the 5 level, confirming the first detection of tilt based on the five-year WMAP data. At the end of the WMAP mission, the nine-year data decrease the allowable volume of the six-dimensional CDM parameter space by a factor of 68,000 relative to pre-WMAP measurements. We investigate a number of data combinations and show that their CDM parameter fits are consistent. New limits on deviations from the six-parameter model are presented, for example: the fractional contribution of tensor modes is limited to r < 0.13 (95% CL); the spatial curvature parameter is limited to k = 0.0027 +0.0039 0.0038 ; the summed mass of neutrinos is limited to P m < 0.44 eV (95% CL); and the number of relativistic species is found to lie within Ne = 3.84±0.40, when the full data are analyzed. The joint constraint on Ne and the primordial helium abundance, YHe, agrees with the prediction of standard Big Bang nucleosynthesis. We compare recent Planck measurements of the Sunyaev‐Zel’dovich eect with our seven-year measurements, and show their mutual agreement. Our analysis of the polarization pattern around temperature extrema is updated. This confirms a fundamental prediction of the standard cosmological model and provides a striking illustration of acoustic oscillations and adiabatic initial conditions in the early universe. Subject headings: cosmic microwave background, cosmology: observations, early universe, dark matter, space vehicles, space vehicles: instruments, instrumentation: detectors, telescopes
Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series | 2007
Lyman A. Page; G. Hinshaw; Eiichiro Komatsu; M. R. Nolta; David N. Spergel; C. L. Bennett; C. Barnes; Rachel Bean; Olivier Doré; Joanna Dunkley; M. Halpern; R. S. Hill; N. Jarosik; A. Kogut; M. Limon; S. S. Meyer; N. Odegard; H. V. Peiris; Gregory S. Tucker; L. Verde; J. L. Weiland; Edward J. Wollack; E. L. Wright
The Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) has mapped the entire sky in five frequency bands between 23 and 94 GHz with polarization sensitive radiometers. We present three-year full-sky maps of the polarization and analyze them for foreground emission and cosmological implications. These observations open up a new window for understanding how the universe began and help set a foundation for future observations. WMAP observes significant levels of polarized foreground emission due to both Galactic synchrotron radiation and thermal dust emission. Synchrotron radiation is the dominant signal at l < 50 and ν . 40 GHz, while thermal dust emission is evident at 94 GHz. The least contaminated channel is at 61 GHz. We present a model of polarized foreground emission that captures the large angular scale characteristics of the microwave sky. After applying a Galactic mask that cuts 25.7% of the sky, we show that the high Galactic latitude rms polarized foreground emission, averaged over l = 4 − 6, ranges from ≈ 5 μK at 22 GHz to . 0.6 μK at 61 GHz. By comparison, the levels of intrinsic CMB polarization for a ΛCDM model with an optical depth of τ = 0.09 and assumed tensor to scalar ratio r = 0.3 are ≈ 0.3 μK for E-mode polarization and ≈ 0.03 μK for B-mode polarization. To analyze the maps for CMB polarization at l < 16, we subtract a model of the foreground emission. In the foreground corrected maps, we detect l(l+ 1)CEE l=<2−6>/2π = 0.086±0.029 (μK)2. This is interpreted as the result of rescattering of the CMB by free electrons released during reionization at zr = 10.9+2.7 −2.3 for a model with instantaneous reionization. By computing the likelihood of just the EE data as a function of τ we find τ = 0.10±0.03. When the same EE data are used in the full six parameter fit to all WMAP data (TT, TE, EE), we find τ = 0.09±0.03. We see no evidence for B-modes, limiting them to l(l+ 1)CBB l=<2−6>/2π = −0.04± 0.03 (μK)2. We perform a template fit to the E-mode and B-mode data with an approximate model for the tensor scalar ratio. We find that the limit from the polarization signals alone is r < 2.2 (95% CL) where r is evaluated at k = 0.002 Mpc−1. This corresponds to a limit on the cosmic density of gravitational waves of ΩGW h2 < 5×10−12. From the full WMAP analysis, we find r < 0.55 (95% CL) corresponding to a limit of ΩGW h2 < 1× 10−12 (95% CL). The limit on r is approaching the upper bound of predictions for some of the simplest models of inflation, r ∼ 0.3.
Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series | 2009
Joanna Dunkley; Eiichiro Komatsu; M. R. Nolta; David N. Spergel; D. Larson; G. Hinshaw; Lyman A. Page; C. L. Bennett; B. Gold; N. Jarosik; J. L. Weiland; M. Halpern; R. S. Hill; A. Kogut; M. Limon; S. S. Meyer; Gregory S. Tucker; Edward J. Wollack; E. L. Wright
This paper focuses on cosmological constraints derived from analysis of WMAP data alone. A simple ?CDM cosmological model fits the five-year WMAP temperature and polarization data. The basic parameters of the model are consistent with the three-year data and now better constrained: ? b h 2 = 0.02273 ? 0.00062, ? c h 2 = 0.1099 ? 0.0062, ?? = 0.742 ? 0.030, ns = 0.963+0.014 ?0.015, ? = 0.087 ? 0.017, and ?8 = 0.796 ? 0.036, with h = 0.719+0.026 ?0.027. With five years of polarization data, we have measured the optical depth to reionization, ?>0, at 5? significance. The redshift of an instantaneous reionization is constrained to be z reion = 11.0 ? 1.4 with 68% confidence. The 2? lower limit is z reion > 8.2, and the 3? limit is z reion > 6.7. This excludes a sudden reionization of the universe at z = 6 at more than 3.5? significance, suggesting that reionization was an extended process. Using two methods for polarized foreground cleaning we get consistent estimates for the optical depth, indicating an error due to the foreground treatment of ? ~ 0.01. This cosmological model also fits small-scale cosmic microwave background (CMB) data, and a range of astronomical data measuring the expansion rate and clustering of matter in the universe. We find evidence for the first time in the CMB power spectrum for a nonzero cosmic neutrino background, or a background of relativistic species, with the standard three light neutrino species preferred over the best-fit ?CDM model with N eff = 0 at >99.5% confidence, and N eff > 2.3(95%confidence limit (CL)) when varied. The five-year WMAP data improve the upper limit on the tensor-to-scalar ratio, r < 0.43(95%CL), for power-law models, and halve the limit on r for models with a running index, r < 0.58(95%CL). With longer integration we find no evidence for a running spectral index, with dns /dln k = ?0.037 ? 0.028, and find improved limits on isocurvature fluctuations. The current WMAP-only limit on the sum of the neutrino masses is ?m ? < 1.3 eV(95%CL), which is robust, to within 10%, to a varying tensor amplitude, running spectral index, or dark energy equation of state.
Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series | 2009
G. Hinshaw; J. L. Weiland; R. S. Hill; N. Odegard; D. Larson; C. L. Bennett; Joanna Dunkley; B. Gold; Michael R. Greason; N. Jarosik; Eiichiro Komatsu; M. R. Nolta; Lyman A. Page; David N. Spergel; Edward J. Wollack; M. Halpern; A. Kogut; M. Limon; S. S. Meyer; Gregory S. Tucker; E. L. Wright
We present new full-sky temperature and polarization maps in five frequency bands from 23 to 94 GHz, based on data from the first five years of the WMAP sky survey. The new maps are consistent with previous maps and are more sensitive. The five-year maps incorporate several improvements in data processing made possible by the additional years of data and by a more complete analysis of the instrument calibration and in-flight beam response. We present several new tests for systematic errors in the polarization data and conclude that W band polarization data is not yet suitable for cosmological studies, but we suggest directions for further study. We do find that Ka band data is suitable for use; in conjunction with the additional years of data, the addition of Ka band to the previously used Q and V band channels significantly reduces the uncertainty in the optical depth parameter. Further scientific results from the five year data analysis are presented in six companion papers and are summarized in �7 of this paper.
Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series | 2011
D. Larson; Joanna Dunkley; G. Hinshaw; Eiichiro Komatsu; M. R. Nolta; C. L. Bennett; B. Gold; M. Halpern; R. S. Hill; N. Jarosik; A. Kogut; M. Limon; S. S. Meyer; N. Odegard; Lyman A. Page; Kendrick M. Smith; David N. Spergel; Gregory S. Tucker; J. L. Weiland; Edward J. Wollack; E. L. Wright
The WMAP mission has produced sky maps from seven years of observations at L2. We present the angular power spectra derived from the seven-year maps and discuss the cosmological conclusions that can be inferred from WMAP data alone. With the seven-year data, the temperature (TT) spectrum measurement has a signal-to-noise ratio per multipole that exceeds unity for l 2.7(95%CL). Also, using WMAP data alone, the primordial helium mass fraction is found to be Y He = 0.28+0.14 ?0.15, and with data from higher-resolution cosmic microwave background experiments included, we now establish the existence of pre-stellar helium at >3?. These new WMAP measurements provide important tests of big bang cosmology.
Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series | 2013
C. L. Bennett; D. Larson; Jan Weiland; N. Jarosik; G. Hinshaw; N. Odegard; Kendrick M. Smith; R. S. Hill; B. Gold; M. Halpern; Eiichiro Komatsu; M. R. Nolta; Lyman A. Page; David N. Spergel; Edward J. Wollack; Joanna Dunkley; A. Kogut; M. Limon; S. S. Meyer; Gregory S. Tucker; E. L. Wright
We present the final nine-year maps and basic results from the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) mission. The full nine-year analysis of the time-ordered data provides updated characterizations and calibrations of the experiment. We also provide new nine-year full sky temperature maps that were processed to reduce the asymmetry of the effective beams. Temperature and polarization sky maps are examined to separate cosmic microwave background (CMB) anisotropy from foreground emission, and both types of signals are analyzed in detail. We provide new point source catalogs as well as new diffuse and point source foreground masks. An updated template-removal process is used for cosmological analysis; new foreground fits are performed, and new foreground-reduced CMB maps are presented. We now implement an optimal C ?1 weighting to compute the temperature angular power spectrum. The WMAP mission has resulted in a highly constrained ?CDM cosmological model with precise and accurate parameters in agreement with a host of other cosmological measurements. When WMAP data are combined with finer scale CMB, baryon acoustic oscillation, and Hubble constant measurements, we find that big bang nucleosynthesis is well supported and there is no compelling evidence for a non-standard number of neutrino species (N eff = 3.84 ? 0.40). The model fit also implies that the age of the universe is t 0 = 13.772 ? 0.059 Gyr, and the fit Hubble constant is H 0 = 69.32 ? 0.80?km?s?1?Mpc?1. Inflation is also supported: the fluctuations are adiabatic, with Gaussian random phases; the detection of a deviation of the scalar spectral index from unity, reported earlier by the WMAP team, now has high statistical significance (ns = 0.9608 ? 0.0080); and the universe is close to flat/Euclidean (). Overall, the WMAP mission has resulted in a reduction of the cosmological parameter volume by a factor of 68,000 for the standard six-parameter ?CDM model, based on CMB data alone. For a model including tensors, the allowed seven-parameter volume has been reduced by a factor 117,000. Other cosmological observations are in accord with the CMB predictions, and the combined data reduces the cosmological parameter volume even further. With no significant anomalies and an adequate goodness of fit, the inflationary flat ?CDM model and its precise and accurate parameters rooted in WMAP data stands as the standard model of cosmology.
Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series | 2003
H. V. Peiris; Eiichiro Komatsu; Licia Verde; David N. Spergel; C. L. Bennett; M. Halpern; G. Hinshaw; N. Jarosik; A. Kogut; M. Limon; S. S. Meyer; Lyman A. Page; G. S. Tucker; Edward J. Wollack; E. L. Wright
We confront predictions of inflationary scenarios with the WMAP data, in combination with complementary small-scale CMB measurements and large-scale structure data. The WMAP detection of a large-angle anti-correlation in the temperature--polarization cross-power spectrum is the signature of adiabatic superhorizon fluctuations at the time of decoupling. The WMAP data are described by pure adiabatic fluctuations: we place an upper limit on a correlated CDM isocurvature component. Using WMAP constraints on the shape of the scalar power spectrum and the amplitude of gravity waves, we explore the parameter space of inflationary models that is consistent with the data. We place limits on inflationary models; for example, a minimally-coupled lambda phi^4 is disfavored at more than 3-sigma using WMAP data in combination with smaller scale CMB and large scale structure survey data. The limits on the primordial parameters using WMAP data alone are: n_s(k_0=0.002 Mpc^{-1})=1.20_{-0.11}^{+0.12}, dn/dlnk=-0.077^{+0.050}_{- 0.052}, A(k_0=0.002 Mpc}^{-1})=0.71^{+0.10}_{-0.11} (68% CL), and r(k_0=0.002 Mpc^{-1})<1.28 (95% CL).We confront predictions of inflationary scenarios with the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) data, in combination with complementary small-scale cosmic microwave background (CMB) measurements and large-scale structure data. The WMAP detection of a large-angle anticorrelation in the temperature-polarization cross-power spectrum is the signature of adiabatic superhorizon fluctuations at the time of decoupling. The WMAP data are described by pure adiabatic fluctuations: we place an upper limit on a correlated cold dark matter (CDM) isocurvature component. Using WMAP constraints on the shape of the scalar power spectrum and the amplitude of gravity waves, we explore the parameter space of inflationary models that is consistent with the data. We place limits on inflationary models; for example, a minimally coupled λ4 is disfavored at more than 3 σ using WMAP data in combination with smaller scale CMB and large-scale structure survey data. The limits on the primordial parameters using WMAP data alone are ns(k0 = 0.002 Mpc-1) = 1.20, dns/d ln k = -0.077, A(k0 = 0.002 Mpc-1) = 0.71 (68% CL), and r(k0 = 0.002 Mpc-1) < 1.28 (95% CL).
Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series | 2003
A. Kogut; David N. Spergel; C. Barnes; C. L. Bennett; M. Halpern; G. Hinshaw; N. Jarosik; M. Limon; S. S. Meyer; Lyman A. Page; G. S. Tucker; Edward J. Wollack; E. L. Wright
The Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) has mapped the full sky in Stokes I, Q, and U parameters at frequencies of 23, 33, 41, 61, and 94 GHz. We detect correlations between the temperature and polarization maps significant at more than 10 � . The correlations are inconsistent with instrument noise and are significantly larger than the upper limits established for potential systematic errors. The correlations are present in all WMAP frequency bands with similar amplitude from 23 to 94 GHz and are consistent with a superposition of a cosmic microwave background (CMB) signal with a weak foreground. The fitted CMB component is robust against different data combinations and fitting techniques. On small angular scales ( � 20 agree well with the signal predicted solely from the temperature power spectra, with no additional free parameters. We detect excess power on large angular scales ( �> 10 � ) compared to predictions based on the temperature power spectra alone. The excess power is well described by reionization at redshift 11 < zr < 30 at 95% confidence, depending on the ionization history. A model-independent fit to reionization optical depth yields results consistent with the best-fit � -dominated cold dark matter model, with best-fit value � ¼ 0:17 � 0:04 at 68% confidence, including systematic and foreground uncertainties. This value is larger than expected given the detection of a GunnPeterson trough in the absorption spectra of distant quasars and implies that the universe has a complex ionization history: WMAP has detected the signal from an early epoch of reionization. Subject headings: cosmic microwave background — cosmology: observations — instrumentation: polarimetersThe Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) has mapped the full sky in Stokes I, Q, and U parameters at frequencies 23, 33, 41, 61, and 94 GHz. We detect correlations between the temperature and polarization maps significant at more than 10 standard deviations. The correlations are present in all WMAP frequency bands with similar amplitude from 23 to 94 GHz, and are consistent with a superposition of a CMB signal with a weak foreground. The fitted CMB component is robust against different data combinations and fitting techniques. On small angular scales theta 20 agree well with the signal predicted solely from the temperature power spectra, with no additional free parameters. We detect excess power on large angular scales (theta > 10 deg) compared to predictions based on the temperature power spectra alone. The excess power is well described by reionization at redshift 11 < z_r < 30 at 95% confidence, depending on the ionization history. A model-independent fit to reionization optical depth yields results consistent with the best-fit LambdaCDM model, with best fit value tau = 0.17 +- 0.04 at 68% confidence, including systematic and foreground uncertainties. This value is larger than expected given the detection of a Gunn-Peterson trough in the absorption spectra of distant quasars, and implies that the universe has a complex ionization history: WMAP has detected the signal from an early epoch of reionization.