Efrain Rojas
Universidad Veracruzana
Classical and Quantum Gravity | 2013
Miguel Cruz; Efrain Rojas
We present a Born–Infeld-type theory to describe the evolution of p-branes propagating in an N = (p + 2)-dimensional Minkowski spacetime. The expansion of the BI-type volume element gives rise to the (p + 1) Lovelock brane invariants associated with the worldvolume swept out by the brane. Contrary to the Lovelock theory in gravity, the number of Lovelock brane Lagrangians differs in this case, depending on the dimension of the worldvolume as a consequence that we consider the embedding functions, instead of the metric, as the field variables. This model depends on the intrinsic and the extrinsic geometries of the worldvolume and in consequence is a second-order theory as shown in the main text. A classically equivalent action is discussed and we comment on its Weyl invariance in any dimension which naturally requires the introduction of some auxiliary fields.
Journal of High Energy Physics | 2010
Cuahutemoc Campuzano; Pablo Gonzalez; Efrain Rojas; Joel Saavedra
We study the greybody factors, the reflection and transmission coefficients for a non-minimally coupled massive scalar field in a d-dimensional topological massless black hole background in the zero-frequency limit. We show that there is a range of modes contributing to the absorption cross section, contrary to the current results where the only contribution comes from the mode with lowest angular momentum.
General Relativity and Gravitation | 2006
Riccardo Capovilla; Jemal Guven; Efrain Rojas
We consider the Frenet-Serret geometry of null curves in a three and a four-dimensional Minkowski background. We develop a theory of deformations adapted to the Frenet-Serret frame. We exploit it to provide a Lagrangian description of the dynamics of geometric models for null curves.
General Relativity and Gravitation | 2014
Ruben Cordero; Miguel Cruz; Alberto Molgado; Efrain Rojas
The canonical quantization of the modified geodetic brane cosmology which is implemented from the Regge–Teitelboim model and the trace of the extrinsic curvature of the brane trajectory,
Classical and Quantum Gravity | 2012
Ruben Cordero; Miguel Cruz; Alberto Molgado; Efrain Rojas
International Journal of Modern Physics D | 2011
Efrain Rojas
Journal of Physics A | 2005
Riccardo Capovilla; Jemal Guven; Efrain Rojas
Classical and Quantum Gravity | 2004
Ruben Cordero; Efrain Rojas
K, is developed. As a second-order derivative model, on the grounds of the Ostrogradski Hamiltonian method and the Dirac’s scheme for constrained systems, we find suitable first- and second-class constraints which allow for a proper quantization. We also find that the first-class constraints obey a sort of truncated Virasoro algebra. The effective quantum potential emerging in our approach is exhaustively studied where it shows that an embryonic epoch is still present. The quantum nucleation is sketched where we observe that it is driven by an effective cosmological constant.
Classical and Quantum Gravity | 2007
Ruben Cordero; Alberto Molgado; Efrain Rojas
We explore the cosmological implications provided by the geodetic brane gravity action corrected by an extrinsic curvature brane term, describing a codimension-1 brane embedded in a 5D fixed Minkowski spacetime. In the geodetic brane gravity action, we accommodate the correction term through a linear term in the extrinsic curvature swept out by the brane. We study the resulting geodetic-type equation of motion. Within a Friedmann?Robertson?Walker metric, we obtain a generalized Friedmann equation describing the associated cosmological evolution. We observe that, when the radiation-like energy contribution from the extra dimension is vanishing, this effective model leads to a self-(non-self)-accelerated expansion of the brane-like universe in dependence on the nature of the concomitant parameter ? associated with the correction, which resembles an analogous behaviour in the DGP brane cosmology. Several possibilities in the description for the cosmic evolution of this model are embodied and characterized by the involved density parameters related in turn to the cosmological constant, the geometry characterizing the model, the introduced ? parameter as well as the dark-like energy and the matter content on the brane.
Journal of Mathematical Physics | 2016
Miguel Cruz; Rosario Gomez-Cortes; Alberto Molgado; Efrain Rojas
The field equations associated to Born–Infeld type brane theories are studied by using auxiliary variables. This approach hinges on the fact, that the expressions defining the physical and geometrical quantities describing the worldvolume are varied independently. The general structure of the Born–Infeld type theories for branes contains the square root of a determinant of a combined matrix between the induced metric on the worldvolume swept out by the brane and a symmetric/antisymmetric tensor depending on gauge, matter or extrinsic curvature terms taking place on the worldvolume. The higher-order curvature terms appearing in the determinant form come to play in competition with other effective brane models. Additionally, we suggest a Born–Infeld–Einstein type action for branes where the higher-order curvature content is provided by the worldvolume Ricci tensor. This action provides an alternative description of the dynamics of braneworld scenarios.